public UrlValidationResult Validate(UrlModel urlModel) { var url = urlModel.Url; if (url is null) { return(UrlValidationResult.Malformed); } var isValid = Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri) && (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps); if (!isValid) { return(UrlValidationResult.Malformed); } var hasDuplicate = databaseContext.Urls.Any(i => i.Value == url); if (hasDuplicate) { return(UrlValidationResult.Duplicate); } return(UrlValidationResult.Ok); }
public static List <UrlModel> GetHaveContentUrls(string rootUrl) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootUrl)) { return(null); } List <UrlModel> urls = new List <UrlModel>(); RedisUtils.CollectionInstance.Exec(AppConfigManager.COLLECTION_HREFS_DB, db => { HashEntry[] items = db.HashGetAll(GetBeforeUrlKey(rootUrl)); UrlModel model = null; Tuple <int, string> value = null; foreach (HashEntry item in items) { value = ParseHashValue(item.Value.ToString()); model = new UrlModel() { Url = item.Name.ToString(), Level = value.Item1, localFileName = value.Item2 }; if (model.IsLocalization()) { urls.Add(model); } } }); return(urls); }
/// <summary> /// 获取基础数据地址 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> private SyncResponse GetUrlStr(SyncRequest request) { UrlModel submitData = JsonHelper.DecodeJson <UrlModel>(request.Data); string url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[submitData.Type].ToString(); return(SyncResponse.GetResponse(request, url)); }
// GET: Url/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int id) { UrlModel urlModel = new UrlModel(); DataTable dtblUrl = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { sqlCon.Open(); string query = "SELECT* FROM URL WHERE Id = @Id"; SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(query, sqlCon); sqlDa.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", id); sqlDa.Fill(dtblUrl); } if (dtblUrl.Rows.Count == 1) { urlModel.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dtblUrl.Rows[0][0].ToString()); urlModel.Surl = Convert.ToString(dtblUrl.Rows[0][1].ToString()); urlModel.Url = Convert.ToString(dtblUrl.Rows[0][2].ToString()); urlModel.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(dtblUrl.Rows[0][3].ToString()); urlModel.Count = Convert.ToInt32(dtblUrl.Rows[0][4].ToString()); return(View(urlModel)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
/// <summary> /// Создаёт и заполняет экземпляр "DateRates" данными из DOM исходника /// </summary> /// <param name="document"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DateRates GetDateRates(IDocument document, UrlModel url) { var blocks = GetParseElements(in document, "tr", "js-rt-block-row "); // получаем блоки с категориями номеров и ценами DateRates result = new DateRates(url.ParentLink, url.Date); if (blocks.Count() == 0) { result.WithoutAnyRate(); return(result); } foreach (var item in blocks) { var priceLine = new Rate(); // парсим названия категорий var category = GetParseElements(in item, "span", "hprt-roomtype-icon-link "); foreach (var _item in category) { priceLine.Category = _item.TextContent.Trim(); } // парсим цены var price = GetParseElements(in item, "div", "bui-price-display__value prco-inline-block-maker-helper prco-f-font-heading "); foreach (var _item in price) { priceLine.Price = _item.TextContent.Trim(); } var meal = GetParseElements(in item, "li", "jq_tooltip rt_clean_up_options"); foreach (var _item in meal) { priceLine.Meal = _item.TextContent.Trim(); } result.Rates.Add(priceLine); } return(result); }
public static UrlModel ToWellFormattedObject(this UrlModel model) { var serviceBase = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ServiceBase"); model.ShortUrl = $"{serviceBase}/st/{model.ShortUrl}"; return(model); }
public UrlModel Add(UrlModel urlModel) { urlModel.Time = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.Add(urlModel); _context.SaveChanges(); return(urlModel); }
public static iAFWebHost.Entities.Url Map(UrlModel model) { iAFWebHost.Entities.Url entity = new iAFWebHost.Entities.Url(); entity.Id = model.Id; entity.Href = model.Href; entity.HrefActual = model.HrefActual; entity.Flag = model.Flag; entity.Title = model.Title; entity.Summary = model.Summary; entity.UtcDate = model.UtcDate; entity.HttpTimeStamp = model.HttpTimeStamp; entity.HttpContentLength = model.HttpContentLength; entity.HttpContentType = model.HttpContentType; entity.HttpResponseCode = model.HttpResponseCode; entity.HttpResponseIP = model.HttpResponseIP; if (model.Users != null) { entity.Users = model.Users; } if (model.Tags != null) { entity.Tags = model.Tags; } return(entity); }
public static UrlModel Map(iAFWebHost.Entities.Url entity) { UrlModel model = new UrlModel(); model.Id = entity.Id; model.Href = entity.Href; model.HrefActual = entity.HrefActual; model.Flag = entity.Flag; model.Title = entity.Title; model.Summary = entity.Summary; model.UtcDate = entity.UtcDate; model.HttpResponseCode = entity.HttpResponseCode; model.HttpTimeStamp = entity.HttpTimeStamp; model.HttpContentLength = entity.HttpContentLength; model.HttpContentType = entity.HttpContentType; model.HttpResponseIP = entity.HttpResponseIP; if (entity.Users != null) { model.Users = entity.Users; } if (entity.Tags != null) { model.Tags = entity.Tags; } return(model); }
// POST api/url public void Post([FromBody] string value) { string urlReal = ""; string urlShort = "pd"; MapallDBContext db = new MapallDBContext(); UrlModel urlshortener = new UrlModel(); urlshortener = db.Urls.Where(x => x.Urlshortener == urlReal).FirstOrDefault(); try { if (urlshortener.Urlshortener == "") { urlshortener.Url = urlReal; urlshortener.CreateShortenerURL(urlShort); db.Urls.Add(urlshortener); db.SaveChanges(); } else { throw new Exception("304 - URL já existe"); } } catch (Exception ex) { BadRequest(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(UrlInfo model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } using (UrlModel entity = new UrlModel()) { if (entity.UrlInfo.Any(a => a.ShortName == model.ShortName && a.Id != model.Id)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShortName", "Short name already in used."); return(View(model)); } if (model.Id != 0) { var urlInfo = entity.UrlInfo.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == model.Id); if (urlInfo != null) { urlInfo.ShortName = model.ShortName; urlInfo.Url = model.Url; } } else { entity.UrlInfo.Add(model); } await entity.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Redirect("/")); } }
//// GET api/url //public IEnumerable<string> Get() //{ // return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }; //} // GET api/url/5 public string Get(string url) { MapallDBContext db = new MapallDBContext(); string urlReturn = ""; UrlModel urlshortener = new UrlModel(); try { urlshortener = db.Urls.Where(x => x.Urlshortener == url).FirstOrDefault(); if (urlshortener.Urlshortener == "") { throw new Exception("404 - URL Not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { BadRequest(ex.Message); urlReturn = ex.Message; } if (urlshortener.Urlshortener != "") { urlReturn = urlshortener.Urlshortener; } return(urlReturn); }
public ActionResult ModalDetailsPrintable(String id, String urlBack, String redirectUrl) { DataController controllerData = new DataController(); = id; if (id != null) { = id; } UrlModel mode = new UrlModel(); if (id != null) { mode.EmpId = id; } mode.URLBack = urlBack; mode.RedirectUrl = redirectUrl; mode.employeeProgress = controllerData.GetEmployeeDetails(id); var emplo = entities.EmployeeDCR_Vw.Where(emp => emp.Employee_ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (emplo != null) { mode.employeeProgress.Medal = emplo.Medal; } return(View(mode)); }
public ActionResult Index() { var model = new UrlModel(new UrlContext()); var longUrl = Request.Form["Url.LongUrl"]; var tinyUrl = Request.Form["TinyUrlLookup"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tinyUrl)) { model.Retrieve(FromTinyUrl(tinyUrl)); if (model.Url != null) { model.TinyUrl = ""; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(longUrl)) { if (!IsUrlValid(longUrl)) { model.Message = "Please provide valid Url"; return(View(model)); } model.Retrieve(longUrl); if (model.Url != null) { model.TinyUrl = $"{Request.Url}{ToTinyUrl(model.Url.Id)}"; } model.Url = new Url(); } return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// Shortens the URL. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected UrlModel ShortenUrl(UrlModel model) { Url entity = Mapper.Map(model); entity = urlService.ShortenUrl(entity); return(Mapper.Map(entity)); }
/** * This probably should be in the TweetStatModel. * */ public TweetStatModel GetStats() { var Now = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); var PreviousMinute = 60; var PreviousHour = (60 * 60); TwitterAPIDAO dao = new TwitterAPIDAO(); string command = "SELECT Count(*) AS total"; command += ", (SELECT SUM(`LIKE`) FROM tweets) AS 'totalLikes'"; command += ", (SELECT SUM(`reTweet`) FROM tweets) AS 'totalRetweets'"; command += ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE hasEmoji = 1) AS 'totalEmojis'"; command += ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE hasImage = 1) AS 'totalImages'"; command += ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE hasUrl = 1) AS 'totalUrls'"; command += ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE `date` >= (SELECT MAX(`date`) FROM tweets) - 1) AS 'lastSecond'"; command += ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE `date` >= (SELECT MAX(`date`) FROM tweets) - " + PreviousMinute + ") AS 'lastMinute'"; command += ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE `date` >= (SELECT MAX(`date`) FROM tweets) - " + PreviousHour + ") AS 'lastHour'"; command += "FROM tweets"; TweetStatModel tweetStats = dao.GetSingleObject(command); tweetStats.Emojis = EmojiModel.GetEmojis(); tweetStats.Hashtags = HashtagModel.GetHashtags(); tweetStats.Languages = LanguageModel.GetLanguages(); tweetStats.Mentions = MentionModel.GetMentions(); tweetStats.Urls = UrlModel.GetUrls(); return(tweetStats); }
public async Task <Response> CreateUrl(UrlModel model) { if (!await IsShortUrlPathTaken(model.ShortUrlPath)) { return(ResponseFactory.InitializeResponseFailed($"ShortUrlPath {model.ShortUrlPath} already taken", model)); } var path = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ShortUrlPath) ? Utilities.GenerateRandomPath( Convert.ToInt32(_configuration["Path:Length"]), _configuration["Path:Characters"] ) : model.ShortUrlPath; var hashedIpAddress = Utilities.HashIpAddress( "", _configuration["Hashing:Pepper"], Convert.ToInt32(_configuration["Hashing:Iterations"]) ); var newUrl = UrlFactory.InitializeUrl( model.OriginalUrl, path, hashedIpAddress ); await _repository.CreateUrl(newUrl); return(ResponseFactory.InitializeResponseSuccess($"New Short Url {newUrl.ShortUrlPath}", newUrl)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UrlConverter(string url) { if (url == null) { return(Content("Указанный URL невалиден!")); } Regex regex = new Regex(@"^http(s)?://([\w-]+.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=])?$"); if (!regex.IsMatch(url)) { return(Content("Указанный URL невалиден!")); } if (!ContainsUrl(url)) { string shorten = Crc32.Compute(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(url)).ToString("X"); UrlModel model = new UrlModel() { OriginalURL = url, ShortURL = shorten, Created = DateTime.Now, Counter = 0 }; db.URLs.Add(model); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } else { return(Content("Указанный URL уже существует в базе!")); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(UrlModel urlModel) { if (urlModel.ProvidedUrl == null) { return(View(_viewModel)); } this._apiFactory = new MercuryApiFactory(ApiUris.MercuryApiUri + urlModel.ProvidedUrl, ContentTypes.Json, ApiNames.MercuryApiName, AuthorizationTypes.xKey); this._httpRequestController = new HttpRequestController(_apiFactory.GetApi()); this._httpRequestController.AddContentTypeHeader(); this._httpRequestController.AddAutorizationHeader(_parser.GetObject(ApiNames.MercuryApiName)); var result = await _httpRequestController.Send(); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponseModel>(result); if (response.content == null) { TempData["Error"] = "Site is not available or doesn't exist"; return(View(_viewModel)); } if (_viewModel.ResponseModels.Count == 5) { _viewModel.ResponseModels.RemoveAt(0); } _viewModel.ResponseModels.Insert(0, response); HtmlCounter counter = new HtmlCounter(_viewModel.ResponseModels.Last().content); _viewModel.ResponseModels.Last().TagsOccurrences = counter.CountOccurrence(); return(View(_viewModel)); }
public ActionResult Stats(string id) { if (id.IsShortCode()) { // display individual url stats UrlModel urlModel = ExpandUrl(id); if (urlModel != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(urlModel.Href)) { UrlPageModel model = new UrlPageModel(); model.UrlModel = urlModel; model.HourlyDataPoints = GetLast24HourStats(id); model.DailyDataPoints = GetLast30DaysStats(id); model.MonthlyDataPoints = GetLast12MonthStats(id); return(View(model)); } } else { //display global system stats UrlPageModel model = new UrlPageModel(); model.HourlyDataPoints = GetLast24HourSystemStats(); model.DailyDataPoints = GetLast30DaysSystemStats(); model.MonthlyDataPoints = GetLast12MonthSystemStats(); return(View("SystemStats", model)); } return(RedirectPermanent("/")); }
public string ShortUrl(string Url) { if (Url.Trim() != "") { string shortUrl = GetRandomUrl(); using (UrlContext dbContext = new UrlContext()) { try { while (dbContext.Urls.Any(ur => ur.Surl == shortUrl)) { shortUrl = GetRandomUrl(); } UrlModel data = new UrlModel(); data.Surl = shortUrl; data.Url = Url; dbContext.Urls.Add(data); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch { } return(shortUrl); } } return(""); }
private async void IconFromUrl(object param) { UrlModel urlModel = Controller.GetUrlFromUser(); if (urlModel == null || urlModel.DialogResult == false) { return; } string url = urlModel.Url; const string errorMessage = "There was an issue connecting to the internet. Please try again"; try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { Stream stream = await client.GetStreamAsync(url); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.StreamSource = stream; bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; bitmap.EndInit(); Icon = bitmap; } } catch (WebException) { Controller.ShowError(errorMessage); } catch (HttpRequestException) { Controller.ShowError(errorMessage); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Cloud(UrlModel model) { try { var wordList = _wordService.Get(model.Url); var sortedWordDictionary = _wordService.CalculateAndSortToDictionary(wordList); foreach (var w in sortedWordDictionary) { var word = new Word { Value = w.Key, Count = w.Value }; var existing = await _repository.Get(word.Value); if (existing != null) { existing.Count += word.Count; _repository.Update(existing); } else { word.Id = _hashService.Hash(word.Value); _repository.Add(word); } } ViewBag.Words = sortedWordDictionary.ToDictionary(w => w.Key, w => w.Value);; } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Error")); } return(View("Index")); }
void client_UploadStringCompleted(object sender, UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { UrlModel deserializedUrlModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UrlModel>(e.Result); // MessageBox.Show( + deserializedUrlModel.kind + deserializedUrlModel.longUrl); ShortUrl =; ShortUrlChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
public static void CreateNew(UrlModel model) { model.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); var taskmodel = new TaskModel(model); taskmodel.client = new WebClient(); DownloaderManager.TryAdd(model.ID, taskmodel); }
public async Task <bool> UpdateBanner([FromBody] UrlModel urlm) { var user = await userHandler.GetUserByEmail(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); var url = urlm.Url; return(await userHandler.UpdateProfileBannerPictureAsync(user, url)); }
public static bool IsCurrentRoute(this RequestContext context, string areaName, string controllerName, string actionName) { var url = new UrlModel { ActionName = actionName, ControllerName = controllerName, AreaName = areaName }; return(context.IsCurrentRoute(url)); }
private async Task <CheckModel> CheckAsync(UrlModel model) { return(new CheckModel() { Identifier = model, Information = await CheckAsync(model.Url) }); }
public ActionResult ModalMessage(String message, String urlBack) { ViewBag.message = message; UrlModel mode = new UrlModel(); mode.URLBack = urlBack; return(View(mode)); }
public string Redirect(string code, string serie) {//serie=ABC123456789 ProductModel p = _productBusiness.GetBySerie(code, serie); BrandModel b = _brandBusiness.GetByBrand(p.Brand); CountryModel c = _countryBusiness.GetByAlpha2(p.SapClientAlpha_2Code); UrlModel u = _urlBusiness.GetByCompany(p.Company); return(_urlBusiness.Arrange(p, b, c, u)); }
public static UrlModel CreateModel(string url, string desc) { UrlModel model = new UrlModel(); model.Url = url; model.Desc = desc; return model; }
public UrlModelCreateOrUpdateCommand(UrlModel ent) { this.ent = ent; }