Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A new instance should be constructed for every issue.
        /// </summary>
        public YouTrackIssueSubmitter(string projectKey)
            _youTrackProjectKey = projectKey;
            // Note that the headers set here apply to all following calls using _client.
            // So this is the only place we need to set the authorization value and accept value.
            // (Authorization applies to all GET, POST, and DELETE requests.  Accept applies to
            // all GET requests, which are always JSON the way the REST API works in what we use.)
            var permission = $"Bearer perm:{TokenPiece1}";
            IEnumerable <string> authorizations;

            lock (_client)
                var hasAuthorization = _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryGetValues("Authorization", out authorizations);
                if (!hasAuthorization || !authorizations.Contains(permission))
                    _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", permission);
                var appJson = "application/json";
                IEnumerable <string> accepts;
                var hasAccept = _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryGetValues("Accept", out accepts);
                if (!hasAccept || !accepts.Contains(appJson))
                    _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", appJson);
            // Get the base website address for our YouTrack instance.
            _youTrackBaseSite = UrlLookup.LookupUrl(UrlType.IssueTrackingSystemBackend, null, false, true);
        public SearchParameterInfo GetSearchParameter(string definitionUri)
            if (UrlLookup.TryGetValue(definitionUri, out SearchParameterInfo value))

            throw new SearchParameterNotSupportedException(definitionUri);
Beispiel #3
        public void Show()
            // Ideally, we would load the page in our own window, but we need to deal with the popup and maybe cookie issues:
            //		* didn't work well with google-login
            //		* geckofx9 had various errors related to popup windows (e.g. login via google), and thos popup windows were yucky anyhow


            //So now, we just run your browser

            var url = UrlLookup.LookupUrl(UrlType.UserSuggestions);

Beispiel #4
        public ProblemReporterDialog(Control targetOfScreenshot)
            // Haven't tried https here, as we're not using it for live YouTrack. Someday we may want to.
            // If so, check Linux, as we had problems there with the old Jira reporting. Until
            // then we use the unsecured URL.
            YouTrackUrl = UrlLookup.LookupUrl(UrlType.IssueTrackingSystemBackend);
            Summary     = "User Problem Report {0}";


            // The GeckoFx-based _status control refuses to display the "Submitting to server..." message
            // on Linux, although it displays just fine on Windows.  Even moving the actual process of
            // submitting the information to another thread doesn't help -- the message still doesn't
            // display.  Substituting a normal Label control for that particular messages works just fine.
            // See for details.
            _submitMsg.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("ReportProblemDialog.Submitting", "Submitting to server...",
                                                            "This is shown while Bloom is sending the problem report to our server.");

            if (targetOfScreenshot != null)
                //important to do this early, before this dialog obstructs the application
                _includeScreenshot.Checked = _screenshot != null;                 // if for some reason we couldn't get a screenshot, this will be null
                _includeScreenshot.Visible = _screenshot != null;
                if (targetOfScreenshot is WorkspaceView)
                    _projectName = ((WorkspaceView)targetOfScreenshot).Text;
                _includeScreenshot.Visible = false;
                _includeScreenshot.Checked = false;

            _email.Text = SIL.Windows.Forms.Registration.Registration.Default.Email;
            _name.Text  = (SIL.Windows.Forms.Registration.Registration.Default.FirstName + " " +

            _screenshotHolder.Image = _screenshot;

        public void DeleteSearchParameter(ITypedElement searchParam)
            var searchParamWrapper = new SearchParameterWrapper(searchParam);
            SearchParameterInfo searchParameterInfo = null;

            if (!UrlLookup.TryRemove(new Uri(searchParamWrapper.Url), out searchParameterInfo))
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.CustomSearchParameterNotfound, searchParamWrapper.Url));

            var allResourceTypes = searchParameterInfo.TargetResourceTypes.Union(searchParameterInfo.BaseResourceTypes);

            foreach (var resourceType in allResourceTypes)
                TypeLookup[resourceType].TryRemove(searchParameterInfo.Code, out var removedParam);

        public void DeleteSearchParameter(string url, bool calculateHash = true)
            SearchParameterInfo searchParameterInfo = null;

            if (!UrlLookup.TryRemove(url, out searchParameterInfo))
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException(string.Format(Core.Resources.CustomSearchParameterNotfound, url));

            // for search parameters with a base resource type we need to delete the search parameter
            // from all derived types as well, so we iterate across all resources
            foreach (var resourceType in TypeLookup.Keys)
                TypeLookup[resourceType].TryRemove(searchParameterInfo.Code, out var removedParam);

            if (calculateHash)
        public void DeleteSearchParameter(string url, bool calculateHash = true)
            SearchParameterInfo searchParameterInfo = null;

            if (!UrlLookup.TryRemove(new Uri(url), out searchParameterInfo))
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException(string.Format(Resources.CustomSearchParameterNotfound, url));

            var allResourceTypes = searchParameterInfo.TargetResourceTypes.Union(searchParameterInfo.BaseResourceTypes);

            foreach (var resourceType in allResourceTypes)
                TypeLookup[resourceType].TryRemove(searchParameterInfo.Code, out var removedParam);

            if (calculateHash)
Beispiel #8
        public PageTestFixture(
            IMiruApp app,
            UrlLookup urlLookup,
            PageTestingConfig config,
            RemoteWebDriver driver,
            IStorage storage,
            PageBody browser,
            MiruNavigator navigator) : base(navigator)
            App = app;

            _urlLookup = urlLookup;
            _config    = config;
            _driver    = driver;
            _storage   = storage;
            _browser   = browser;

            _browser.BaseUrl = _config.BaseUrl;

            navigator.ConfigureExceptions(context =>
                var exceptionMessage = $@"{context.FailureMessage.Or(context.OriginalException.Message)}

The url was: 
A screenshot was taken on the moment of the failure: 

The Page's html has been saved to:

                throw new PageTestException(exceptionMessage, context.OriginalException);
 public bool TryGetSearchParameter(string definitionUri, out SearchParameterInfo value)
     return(UrlLookup.TryGetValue(definitionUri, out value));
        private void MakeAceByDaisyReport(ApiRequest request)
            // First check whether ace has been installed.
            var daisyDirectory = FindAceByDaisyOrTellUser(request);             // this method does the if needed

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(daisyDirectory))
            // As of version 1.0.2, the ace report has stylesheets on the internet.  See
            // To be specific, and
            if (!UrlLookup.CheckGeneralInternetAvailability(true))
                    "Sorry, you must have an internet connection in order to view the Ace by DAISY report.");

            var reportRootDirectory = Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "daisy-ace-reports");

            // Do our best at clearing out previous runs.
            // This call is ok if the directory does not exist at all.
            // This call is ok if the above failed and it still exists

            // was having a problem with some files from previous reports getting locked.
            // so give new folder names if needed
            var haveReportedError = false;
            var errorMessage      = "Unknown Error";

            var version = GetAceByDaisyVersion(daisyDirectory);

            if (version.old)
                    $"You appear to have an older version ({version.version}) of ACE by Daisy. This may cause problems.",
                    "We recommend you run \"npm install @daisy/ace -g\" from a command line to get the latest.",

            var started = DateTime.Now;

            var epubPath = MakeEpub(reportRootDirectory, _webSocketProgress);

            // Try 3 times. It could be that this is no longer needed, but working on a developer
            // machine isn't proof.
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var randomName      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var reportDirectory = Path.Combine(reportRootDirectory, randomName);

                var       arguments             = $"ace.js --verbose -o \"{reportDirectory}\" \"{epubPath}\"";
                const int kSecondsBeforeTimeout = 60;
                var       progress = new NullProgress();
                _webSocketProgress.MessageWithoutLocalizing("Running Ace by DAISY");

                ExecutionResult res    = null;
                string          ldpath = null;
                    // Without this variable switching on Linux, the chrome inside ace finds the
                    // wrong version of a library as part of our mozilla code.
                    ldpath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", null);
                    res = CommandLineRunner.Run("node", arguments, Encoding.UTF8, daisyDirectory, kSecondsBeforeTimeout,
                                                (dummy) => { });
                    // Restore the variable for our next geckofx browser to find.
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ldpath))
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ldpath);

                if (res.DidTimeOut)
                    errorMessage = $"Daisy Ace timed out after {kSecondsBeforeTimeout} seconds.";

                var answerPath = Path.Combine(reportDirectory, "report.html");
                if (!File.Exists(answerPath))
                    // This hasn't been effectively reproduced, but there was a case where this would fail at least
                    // half the time on a book, reproducable. That book had 2 pages pointing at placeholder.png,
                    // and we were getting an error related to it being locked. So we deduce that ace was trying
                    // to copy the file twice, at the same time (normal nodejs code is highly async).
                    // Now the problem is not reproducable, but I'm leaving in this code that tried to deal with it.
                    errorMessage = $"Exit code{res.ExitCode}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                   $"Standard Error{Environment.NewLine}{res.StandardError}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                   $"Standard Out{res.StandardOutput}";


                    continue;                     // something went wrong, try again

                // The html client is set to treat a text reply as a url of the report. Make sure it's valid for being a URL.
                // See
                request.ReplyWithText("/bloom/" + answerPath.EscapeFileNameForHttp());
                if (version.old)
                    // If we displayed an important message about updating ACE, make sure the user
                    // has SOME time to see it.
                    // Review: is this long enough? Should we look for some other way to show the
                    // problem? At present the problems caused by an old version (1.1 is the oldest
                    // contemporary with Bloom) is fairly minor.
                    while (DateTime.Now - started < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5))

            // If we get this far, we give up.
            ReportErrorAndFailTheRequest(request, errorMessage);
 private void _webSiteMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 public string GetRealUrl()
     return(UrlLookup.LookupUrl(UrlType.Parse, BookUpload.UseSandbox));
Beispiel #13
 public string GetRealUrl()
     return(UrlLookup.LookupUrl(UrlType.Parse, BookTransfer.UseSandbox));
Beispiel #14
 private void _askAQuestionMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Beispiel #15
 private void _requestAFeatureMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Beispiel #16
        private void FeedbackDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var url = UrlLookup.LookupUrl(UrlType.UserSuggestions);

            _browser.Navigate(url, false);