Beispiel #1
        public Task Navigate(Uri iUri, object iViewModel, JavascriptBindingMode iMode = JavascriptBindingMode.TwoWay)
            if (iUri == null)
                throw ExceptionHelper.GetArgument(string.Format("ViewModel not registered: {0}", iViewModel.GetType()));

            _Navigating = true;

            INavigable oldvm = (Binding != null) ? Binding.Root as INavigable : null;

            if (_UseINavigable && (oldvm != null))
                oldvm.Navigation = null;

            var wh = new WindowHelper(new HTMLLogicWindow());

            if (_CurrentWebControl != null)
                _CurrentWebControl.Crashed -= Crashed;

            Task closetask = (_CurrentWebControl != null) ? _Window.CloseAsync() : TaskHelper.Ended();

            _NextWebControl = _IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Create();
            _NextWebControl.ConsoleMessage += ConsoleMessage;

            TaskCompletionSource <IAwesomeBinding> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <IAwesomeBinding>();

            UrlEventHandler sourceupdate = null;

            sourceupdate = (o, e) =>
                _NextWebControl.AddressChanged -= sourceupdate;
                _IAwesomiumBindingFactory.Bind(_NextWebControl, iViewModel, wh, iMode).WaitWith(closetask,
                                                                                                t => Switch(t, wh.__window__, tcs));

            _NextWebControl.AddressChanged += sourceupdate;

            if (_NextWebControl.Source == iUri)
                _NextWebControl.Source = iUri;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new visual to render.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WebControl CreateRenderable()
            // Get the web control.
            var pControl = new WebControl();

            // Create a web-session with our settings.
            if (pWebSession == null)
                pWebSession = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()
                    EnableGPUAcceleration = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableGPUAcceleration,
                    Databases = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebDatabases,
                    WebGL = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebGL,
                    WebSecurity = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebSecurity,
                    FileAccessFromFileURL = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebFileAccessFromFileURL,
                    Plugins = true,
            pControl.WebSession = pWebSession;

            // Set the render dimensions.
            pControl.Width = this.RenderResolution.X;
            pControl.Height = this.RenderResolution.Y;

            // Hide the surface while we load.
            if (ActiveSurface != null)
                ActiveSurface.ContentOpacity = 0.01;

            // When the process has been createad, bind the global JS objects.
            pControl.ProcessCreated += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here has no effect.

                // Bind all the Authority.request and methods.
                Log.Write("Display Process Created (1)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError);

            UrlEventHandler p = null;
            p = new UrlEventHandler((object senderOuter, UrlEventArgs eOuter) =>
                    // Unbind this handler.
                    pControl.DocumentReady -= p;

                    // Force a re-load so the $(document).ready will have access to our Authority.request etc.

                    // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here has no effect.
                    Log.Write("Display DocReady (1)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError);

                    // Bind the other events.
                    #region Events
                    // Handle navigating away from the URL in the load instruction.
                    pControl.AddressChanged += (object sender, UrlEventArgs e) =>
                        // Rebind the API methods?
                        Log.Write("Display has changed web address. " + e.Url, this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayInfo);

                    // Handle console messages.
                    pControl.TitleChanged += (object sender, TitleChangedEventArgs e) =>
                        this.Title = e.Title;

                    // Document ready.. do we beat JQuery?
                    pControl.DocumentReady += (object sender, UrlEventArgs e) =>
                        // Show the surface now we are loaded.
                        if (ActiveSurface != null)
                            ActiveSurface.ContentOpacity = 1.0;

                        // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here does not work quick enough.
                        Log.Write("Display DocReady (2)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError);

                        // EXPERIMENTAL - this sort of works.. depends on how the page detects touch events..
                        // SEE: Nice example:
                        // SEE: Nicer example: Bing maps!
                        // Try to inject multi-touch into the page.
                        if (ActiveSurface.AttemptMultiTouchInject)

                    // Handle changes in responsiveness.
                    pControl.ResponsiveChanged += (object sender, ResponsiveChangedEventArgs e) =>
                        // If it is not responsive, log the problem.
                        if (!e.IsResponsive)
                            Log.Write("Display is not responsive.  Try reloading.", this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayError);
                            //this.Reload(false, true);
                            Log.Write("Ready", this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayError);

                    // Handle crashes by reloading.
                    pControl.Crashed += (object sender, CrashedEventArgs e) =>
                        // Log the crash.
                        Log.Write("Display crashed - forcing reload. Termination Status = " + e.Status.ToString(), this.LoadInstruction, Log.Type.DisplayError);

                        // Force a hard-reload.  This will remove then re-create the entire web control.
                    // Handle javascript updates.
                    pControl.JSConsoleMessageAdded += (object sender, Awesomium.Core.JSConsoleMessageEventArgs e) =>
                        Log.Write("JS line " + e.LineNumber + ": " + e.Message, pActiveDisplay.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayInfo);
                    // Handle pop-up messages (like alert).
                    pControl.ShowPopupMenu += (object sender, PopupMenuEventArgs e) =>
            pControl.DocumentReady += p;

            // Set the load instruction.
            //   n.b. we have to then re-load it later to get access to our value
            pControl.Source = new Uri(this.LoadInstruction);

            // Return the created control.
            return pControl;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new visual to render.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private WebControl CreateRenderable()
            // Get the web control.
            var pControl = new WebControl();

            // Create a web-session with our settings.
            if (pWebSession == null)
                pWebSession = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences()
                    EnableGPUAcceleration = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableGPUAcceleration,
                    Databases             = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebDatabases,
                    WebGL                 = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebGL,
                    WebSecurity           = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebSecurity,
                    FileAccessFromFileURL = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableWebFileAccessFromFileURL,
                    Plugins               = true,
            pControl.WebSession = pWebSession;

            // Set the render dimensions.
            pControl.Width  = this.RenderResolution.X;
            pControl.Height = this.RenderResolution.Y;

            // Hide the surface while we load.
            if (ActiveSurface != null)
                ActiveSurface.ContentOpacity = 0.01;

            // When the process has been createad, bind the global JS objects.
            pControl.ProcessCreated += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here has no effect.

                // Bind all the Authority.request and methods.
                Log.Write("Display Process Created (1)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError);

            UrlEventHandler p = null;

            p = new UrlEventHandler((object senderOuter, UrlEventArgs eOuter) =>
                // Unbind this handler.
                pControl.DocumentReady -= p;

                // Force a re-load so the $(document).ready will have access to our Authority.request etc.

                // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here has no effect.
                Log.Write("Display DocReady (1)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError);

                // Bind the other events.
                #region Events
                // Handle navigating away from the URL in the load instruction.
                pControl.AddressChanged += (object sender, UrlEventArgs e) =>
                    // Rebind the API methods?
                    Log.Write("Display has changed web address. " + e.Url, this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayInfo);

                // Handle console messages.
                pControl.TitleChanged += (object sender, TitleChangedEventArgs e) =>
                    this.Title = e.Title;

                // Document ready.. do we beat JQuery?
                pControl.DocumentReady += (object sender, UrlEventArgs e) =>
                    // Show the surface now we are loaded.
                    if (ActiveSurface != null)
                        ActiveSurface.ContentOpacity = 1.0;

                    // CALLING window.Surface = {} in JS here does not work quick enough.
                    Log.Write("Display DocReady (2)", this.ToString(), Log.Type.AppError);

                    // EXPERIMENTAL - this sort of works.. depends on how the page detects touch events..
                    // SEE: Nice example:
                    // SEE: Nicer example: Bing maps!
                    // Try to inject multi-touch into the page.
                    if (ActiveSurface.AttemptMultiTouchInject)

                // Handle changes in responsiveness.
                pControl.ResponsiveChanged += (object sender, ResponsiveChangedEventArgs e) =>
                    // If it is not responsive, log the problem.
                    if (!e.IsResponsive)
                        Log.Write("Display is not responsive.  Try reloading.", this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayError);
                        //this.Reload(false, true);
                        Log.Write("Ready", this.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayError);

                // Handle crashes by reloading.
                pControl.Crashed += (object sender, CrashedEventArgs e) =>
                    // Log the crash.
                    Log.Write("Display crashed - forcing reload. Termination Status = " + e.Status.ToString(), this.LoadInstruction, Log.Type.DisplayError);

                    // Force a hard-reload.  This will remove then re-create the entire web control.

                 * // Handle javascript updates.
                 * pControl.JSConsoleMessageAdded += (object sender, Awesomium.Core.JSConsoleMessageEventArgs e) =>
                 * {
                 *  Log.Write("JS line " + e.LineNumber + ": " + e.Message, pActiveDisplay.ToString(), Log.Type.DisplayInfo);
                 * };
                 * // Handle pop-up messages (like alert).
                 * pControl.ShowPopupMenu += (object sender, PopupMenuEventArgs e) =>
                 * {
                 * };
            pControl.DocumentReady += p;

            // Set the load instruction.
            //   n.b. we have to then re-load it later to get access to our value
            pControl.Source = new Uri(this.LoadInstruction);

            // Return the created control.