Beispiel #1
        //POST /api/customermanagement/
        public IHttpActionResult CreateNewCustomerByModel([FromBody] UpperVendorDto model)
            if (_context.UpperVendors.Where(x => x.CustomerCode == model.CustomerCode).Count() != 0)
                throw new Exception("Customer Code " + model.CustomerCode + " has been taken. Please try another one.");

            var customer = new UpperVendor
                CustomerCode         = model.CustomerCode,
                DepartmentCode       = model.DepartmentCode,
                Name                 = model.Name,
                FirstAddressLine     = model.FirstAddressLine,
                SecondAddressLine    = model.SecondAddressLine,
                TelNumber            = model.TelNumber,
                EmailAddress         = model.EmailAddress,
                ContactPerson        = model.ContactPerson,
                Status               = Status.Active,
                WarningQuantityLevel = model.WarningQuantityLevel,
                InboundMinCharge     = model.InboundMinCharge,
                OutboundMinCharge    = model.OutboundMinCharge


            //var generator = new ChargingItemGenerator();
            //generator.GenerateChargingItems(_context, customer);


            var result = _context.UpperVendors.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First();

            return(Created(Request.RequestUri + "/" + result.Id, Mapper.Map <UpperVendor, UpperVendorDto>(result)));
        //POST /api/customermanagement/?name={name}&customerCode={customerCode}&departmentCode={departmentCode}
        public IHttpActionResult CreateNewCustomer([FromUri] string name, [FromUri] string customerCode, [FromUri] string departmentCode, [FromUri] string firstAddressLine, [FromUri] string secondAddressLine, [FromUri] string telNumber, [FromUri] string emailAddress, [FromUri] string contactPerson)
            if (_context.UpperVendors.Where(x => x.CustomerCode == customerCode).Count() != 0)
                throw new Exception("Customer Code " + customerCode + " has been taken. Please try another one.");

            var customer = new UpperVendor
                CustomerCode      = customerCode,
                DepartmentCode    = departmentCode,
                Name              = name,
                FirstAddressLine  = firstAddressLine,
                SecondAddressLine = secondAddressLine,
                TelNumber         = telNumber,
                EmailAddress      = emailAddress,
                ContactPerson     = contactPerson,
                Status            = Status.Active


            var generator = new ChargingItemGenerator();

            generator.GenerateChargingItems(_context, customer);


            var result = _context.UpperVendors.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First();

            return(Created(Request.RequestUri + "/" + result.Id, Mapper.Map <UpperVendor, UpperVendorDto>(result)));
Beispiel #3
        public void UpdateCustomerByModel([FromBody] UpperVendor model)
            var customerInDb = _context.UpperVendors.Find(model.Id);

            customerInDb.FirstAddressLine     = model.FirstAddressLine;
            customerInDb.SecondAddressLine    = model.SecondAddressLine;
            customerInDb.TelNumber            = model.TelNumber;
            customerInDb.EmailAddress         = model.EmailAddress;
            customerInDb.ContactPerson        = model.ContactPerson;
            customerInDb.WarningQuantityLevel = model.WarningQuantityLevel;
            customerInDb.InboundMinCharge     = model.InboundMinCharge;
            customerInDb.OutboundMinCharge    = model.OutboundMinCharge;
            customerInDb.Name         = model.Name;
            customerInDb.CustomerCode = model.CustomerCode;

        public UpperVendor GetCustomer(string reference, string invoiceType)
            UpperVendor customer = null;

            if (invoiceType == FBAInvoiceType.MasterOrder)
                customer = _context.FBAMasterOrders
                           .Include(x => x.Customer)
                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Container == reference)
            else if (invoiceType == FBAInvoiceType.ShipOrder)
                var customerCode = _context.FBAShipOrders.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ShipOrderNumber == reference).CustomerCode;

                customer = _context.UpperVendors.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustomerCode == customerCode);

        public IHttpActionResult CreateNewChargingItem([FromBody] ChargingItemJsonObj obj)
            UpperVendor vendorInDb = null;

            var newItem = new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = obj.ChargingType,
                Name         = obj.Name,
                Rate         = obj.Rate,
                Description  = obj.Description,
                Unit         = obj.Unit

            if (obj.CustomerId == 0)
                vendorInDb = _context.UpperVendors
                             .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == obj.Vendor && x.DepartmentCode == obj.DepartmentCode);

                var sameNameItem = _context.ChargingItems
                                   .Include(x => x.UpperVendor)
                                   .Where(x => x.UpperVendor.Name == obj.Vendor && x.UpperVendor.DepartmentCode == obj.DepartmentCode && x.Name == obj.Name);

                if (sameNameItem.Count() != 0)
                    throw new Exception("The name: " + obj.Name + " has already been taken. Please change it and try again.");

                newItem.UpperVendor = vendorInDb;
                vendorInDb = _context.UpperVendors.Find(obj.CustomerId);

                if (!obj.IsApplyToAll)
                    var sameNameItem = _context.ChargingItems
                                       .Include(x => x.UpperVendor)
                                       .Where(x => x.UpperVendor.Name == obj.Vendor && x.UpperVendor.DepartmentCode == obj.DepartmentCode && x.Name == obj.Name);

                    if (sameNameItem.Count() != 0)
                        throw new Exception("The name: " + obj.Name + " has already been taken. Please change it and try again.");

                    newItem.UpperVendor = vendorInDb;
                    var fbaCustomersInDb = _context.UpperVendors
                                           .Include(x => x.ChargingItems)
                                           .Where(x => x.DepartmentCode == "FBA");

                    var itemList = new List <ChargingItem>();

                    var customerList = fbaCustomersInDb.ToList();

                    var sameNameItem = _context.ChargingItems
                                       .Include(x => x.UpperVendor)
                                       .Where(x => x.Name == obj.Name)

                    foreach (var s in sameNameItem)
                        customerList.Remove(customerList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustomerCode == s.UpperVendor.CustomerCode));

                    foreach (var c in customerList)
                        var customerInDb = fbaCustomersInDb.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustomerCode == c.CustomerCode);
                        itemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                            ChargingType = obj.ChargingType,
                            Name         = obj.Name,
                            Rate         = obj.Rate,
                            Description  = obj.Description,
                            Unit         = obj.Unit,
                            UpperVendor  = customerInDb



            var sampleDto = Mapper.Map <ChargingItem, ChargingItemDto>(_context.ChargingItems.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First());

            return(Created(Request.RequestUri + "/" + sampleDto.Id, sampleDto));
        public JsonResponse ValidateSign(string appKey, UpperVendor customerInDb, string requestId, string version, string sign)
            // 参数验证加密验证
            var auth = _context.AuthAppInfos.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AppKey == appKey);

            if (auth == null)
                return(new JsonResponse {
                    Code = 500, ValidationStatus = "Validate failed", Message = "Unregistered app request."
            var vs = auth.SecretKey.ToUpper() + "&appKey=" + appKey + "&customerCode=" + customerInDb.CustomerCode + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&version=" + version;

            var md5sign = BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(vs))).Replace("-", "");

            //var md5sign = BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(vs))).Replace("-", "S");

            if (md5sign != sign)
                return(new JsonResponse {
                    Code = 501, ValidationStatus = "Validate failed", Message = "Invalid sign."

            // 检查customerCode是否存在,否则返回错误

            if (customerInDb == null)
                return(new JsonResponse {
                    Code = 501, ValidationStatus = "Validate failed", Message = "Invalid sign."

            if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[requestId] == null)
                // 如果没有requestId,则缓存10分钟
                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(requestId, requestId, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
                return(new JsonResponse {
                    Code = 504, ValidationStatus = "Validate failed", Message = "Duplicated request detectived. Request Id: " + requestId + " has already been processed. Please report this request Id: " + requestId + " to CSR of Grand Channel for more support."

            // 防止重放攻击的二道关卡,如重复则返回错误
            var logInDb = _context.OperationLogs.Where(x => x.RequestId == requestId);

            if (logInDb.Count() != 0)
                return(new JsonResponse {
                    Code = 504, ValidationStatus = "Validate failed", Message = "Duplicated request detectived. Request Id: " + requestId + " has already been processed. Please report this request Id: " + requestId + " to CSR of Grand Channel for more support."

            // 检查version是否支持,否则返回错误
            if (version != "V1")
                return(new JsonResponse {
                    Code = 505, ValidationStatus = "Validate failed", Message = "Invalid API version."

            return(new JsonResponse {
                Code = 200, ValidationStatus = "Validate success", Message = "Successful model validation."
        public async Task CreateInboundOrderByAgentRequestV1(UpperVendor customer, string customerCode, FBAInboundOrder order, string requestId)
            // 建立主单
            var newMasterOrder = new FBAMasterOrder();

            newMasterOrder.GrandNumber       = "N/A";
            newMasterOrder.Agency            = order.Agency;
            newMasterOrder.Container         = order.Container;
            newMasterOrder.CreatedBy         = order.Agency;
            newMasterOrder.SubCustomer       = order.Subcustomer;
            newMasterOrder.StorageType       = "SEE INSTRUCTION";
            newMasterOrder.Status            = FBAStatus.Draft;
            newMasterOrder.UnloadingType     = "DROP-OFF";
            newMasterOrder.InboundType       = "FCL";
            newMasterOrder.Palletizing       = "<=80";
            newMasterOrder.TotalCBM          = order.FBAJobs.Sum(x => x.CBM);
            newMasterOrder.TotalCtns         = order.FBAJobs.Sum(x => x.Quantity);
            newMasterOrder.OriginalPlts      = order.FBAJobs.Sum(x => x.PalletQuantity);
            newMasterOrder.CustomerCode      = customerCode;
            newMasterOrder.WarehouseLocation = order.WarehouseLocation == "" ? "W0" : order.WarehouseLocation;
            newMasterOrder.Customer          = customer;
            newMasterOrder.PortOfLoading     = order.PortOfLoading;
            newMasterOrder.ETAPort           = order.ETADate;
            newMasterOrder.ETA             = order.ETADate;
            newMasterOrder.PlaceOfDelivery = order.DeliveryPort;
            newMasterOrder.Vessel          = order.Vessel;
            newMasterOrder.Carrier         = order.Carrier;
            newMasterOrder.ContainerSize   = order.ContainerSize;
            newMasterOrder.SealNumber      = order.SealNumber;
            newMasterOrder.Comment         = "ETL DATE: " + order.ETLDate;
            newMasterOrder.UpdateLog       = "Created by agency via API";


            foreach (var j in order.FBAJobs)
                var orderDetail = new FBAOrderDetail();
                orderDetail.Container      = order.Container;
                orderDetail.GrandNumber    = "N/A";
                orderDetail.GrossWeight    = j.GrossWeight;
                orderDetail.CBM            = j.CBM;
                orderDetail.Quantity       = j.Quantity;
                orderDetail.ShipmentId     = j.ShipmentId;
                orderDetail.AmzRefId       = j.AmzRefId;
                orderDetail.WarehouseCode  = j.WarehouseCode;
                orderDetail.Remark         = "包装:" + j.PackageType + ";产品类型:" + j.ProductType + ";打托数量:" + j.PalletQuantity;
                orderDetail.FBAMasterOrder = newMasterOrder;

            var instruction = new ChargingItemDetail();

            instruction.Description         = "To CSR: This inbound order is created by an agency from api. If there is no further customer's instructions below, please contact customer to do a further confirmation.";
            instruction.HandlingStatus      = "N/A";
            instruction.Status              = FBAStatus.NoNeedForCharging;
            instruction.IsCharging          = false;
            instruction.IsInstruction       = true;
            instruction.IsOperation         = false;
            instruction.OriginalDescription = instruction.Description;
            instruction.FBAMasterOrder      = newMasterOrder;

            if (order.Instructions != null)
                foreach (var i in order.Instructions)
                    var customerInstruction = new ChargingItemDetail();

                    customerInstruction.Description         = i;
                    customerInstruction.HandlingStatus      = "N/A";
                    customerInstruction.Status              = FBAStatus.TBD;
                    customerInstruction.IsCharging          = false;
                    customerInstruction.IsInstruction       = true;
                    customerInstruction.IsOperation         = false;
                    customerInstruction.OriginalDescription = instruction.Description;
                    customerInstruction.FBAMasterOrder      = newMasterOrder;

            // 添加Request日志
            var logger = new Logger(_context, order.Agency);

            await logger.AddCreatedLogAsync <FBAMasterOrder>(null, Mapper.Map <FBAMasterOrder, FBAMasterOrderDto>(newMasterOrder), "Created by agency from api.", null, OperationLevel.Mediunm);

            var logInDb = _context.OperationLogs.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First();

            logInDb.RequestId = requestId;

        public async Task <IList <PickingStatus> > CreateShipOrderAsync(FBAOutboundOrder order, UpperVendor customerInDb, string requestId)
            var shipOrder = new FBAShipOrder
                OrderType         = order.OrderType,
                CustomerCode      = customerInDb.CustomerCode,
                Status            = FBAStatus.Draft,
                CreateBy          = "External API",
                ETS               = DateTime.ParseExact(order.ETS, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                ETSTimeRange      = order.EtsTimeRange,
                Destination       = order.Destionation,
                CreateDate        = DateTime.Now,
                Agency            = order.Agency,
                WarehouseLocation = order.WarehouseLocation == "" ? "W0" : order.WarehouseLocation,
                ShipOrderNumber   = GenerateShipOrderNumber(customerInDb.CustomerCode, order.ShipOrderNumber)

            var logger = new Logger(_context, order.Agency);

            await logger.AddCreatedLogAsync <FBAShipOrder>(null, Mapper.Map <FBAShipOrder, FBAShipOrderDto>(shipOrder), "Created by agency from api.", null, OperationLevel.Mediunm);

            var logInDb = _context.OperationLogs.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First();

            logInDb.RequestId = requestId;

            var pickingStatusList    = new List <PickingStatus>();
            var pickDetailCartonList = new List <FBAPickDetailCarton>();


            foreach (var p in order.PickingList)
                var pickingStatus = new PickingStatus(shipOrder.ShipOrderNumber, p.Container, p.ShipmentId, p.AmzRefId, p.WarehouseCode, p.Quantity, p.PalletQuantity);

                var inventoryList = _picker.SearchPalletInventory(customerInDb.CustomerCode, p.Container, p.ShipmentId, p.AmzRefId, p.WarehouseCode, order.WarehouseLocation);

                if (inventoryList.Count() == 0 || inventoryList.First().FBACartonLocations.Count() == 0)
                    pickingStatus.StatusCode = 3002;
                    pickingStatus.Status     = "Failed";
                    pickingStatus.Message    = "Picking failed. No target was found in inventory.";
                else if (inventoryList.Count() > 1)
                    // 执行FIFO

                    pickingStatus.StatusCode = 3001;
                    pickingStatus.Status     = "Failed";
                    pickingStatus.Message    = "Picking failed. More than one target found in inventory.";

                var pltTarget = inventoryList.First();
                var ctnTarget = pltTarget.FBACartonLocations.First();
                var quantity  = p.Quantity;

                if (ctnTarget.AvailableCtns < quantity)
                    pickingStatus.StatusCode = 3003;
                    pickingStatus.Status     = "Uncompleted";
                    pickingStatus.Message    = "Picking uncompeleted. Not enough quantity was found in inventory.";
                    pickingStatus.PickedCtns = ctnTarget.AvailableCtns;
                    quantity = ctnTarget.AvailableCtns;

                var palletLocationInDb = _context.FBAPalletLocations
                                         .Include(x => x.FBAPallet.FBACartonLocations)
                                         .Include(x => x.FBAMasterOrder)
                                         .Include(x => x.FBAPallet.FBAPalletLocations)
                                         .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == pltTarget.Id);

                var pickCartonDtoList = new List <PickCartonDto>();
                pickCartonDtoList.Add(new PickCartonDto {
                    Id = ctnTarget.Id, PickQuantity = quantity
                var pickDetail = _picker.CreateFBAPickDetailFromPalletLocation(palletLocationInDb, shipOrder, p.PalletQuantity, p.NewPallet, pickDetailCartonList, pickCartonDtoList, pickingStatus);

                pickDetail.PickableCtns = p.Quantity;

            if (!CheckStatus(pickingStatusList))


Beispiel #9
        public void GenerateChargingItems(ApplicationDbContext context, UpperVendor customer)
            var chargingItemList = new List <ChargingItem>();

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Receiving",
                Name         = "Uploading with plts FCL/FTL",
                Unit         = "PLT",
                Rate         = 10,
                Description  = "货物接收服务包括接收预报入库*的货物,不包括入库理货。每个托盘货物毛重不得大于660KGS (1455 lb);其他情况另议。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Receiving",
                Name         = "Unloading 20GP",
                Unit         = "CONTAINER",
                Rate         = 0,
                Description  = "货物接收服务包括接收预报入库*的货物,不包括入库理货。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Receiving",
                Name         = " Unloading 40GP",
                Unit         = "CONTAINER",
                Rate         = 350,
                Description  = "货物接收服务包括接收预报入库*的货物,不包括入库理货。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Receiving",
                Name         = " Unloading 40HC",
                Unit         = "CONTAINER",
                Rate         = 350,
                Description  = "货物接收服务包括接收预报入库*的货物,不包括入库理货。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Receiving",
                Name         = " Unloading 45GP",
                Unit         = "CONTAINER",
                Rate         = 0,
                Description  = "货物接收服务包括接收预报入库*的货物,不包括入库理货。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Receiving",
                Name         = "Receiving Doc",
                Unit         = "ORDER",
                Rate         = 0,
                Description  = "收货文件服务包括接收客人提供的装箱清单Packing List、入库单,准备收货单等相关收货文件。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = " Sorting Fee",
                Unit         = "CTN",
                Rate         = 0,
                Description  = "入仓理货服务包含按照分货标理货、按照装箱单/入库单清点、存储至库位或上架。适用于货柜/卡车到货的单SKU货品 或 带有分货标的多SKU货品。多SKU货品入仓,分货标必须符合仓库理货标准*,否则加收特殊理货附加费1。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = " Sorting Fee",
                Unit         = "CTN",
                Rate         = 0.5,
                Description  = "需要理货,但分货标*不符合仓库理货标准 或 无分货标的货品额外收取特殊理货附加费1。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = "Sorting Fee",
                Unit         = "CTN",
                Rate         = 0.3,
                Description  = "货品计划入库数量和实际到货数量不符,默认以仓库清点的实际到货数量为准。客户若要求仓库安排重新清点实际到货数量*,则加收特殊理货附加费2(费用计数按实际到货数量)。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = "Sorting Fee",
                Unit         = "CTN",
                Rate         = 0.3,
                Description  = "乱序摆放货物、不同的SKU或者FBA SHIPMENT ID混装在集装箱/车厢中不同的位置会造成卸货理货困难,按实际总数计算,加收特殊理货附加费3。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = " Sorting Fee OVER 1000",
                Unit         = "CTN",
                Rate         = 0.3,
                Description  = "箱数大于1000箱时,超出部分每箱加收箱数超标附加费。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = " Sorting Fee OVER 10 SKU",
                Unit         = "SKU",
                Rate         = 5,
                Description  = "同一票货物入仓有10个以上不同品种需要分货打托,从第10个品种起,每额外品种加收$5.00。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Operation",
                Name         = "Overweight",
                Unit         = "OTHER",
                Rate         = 0.5,
                Description  = "单箱重量大于30KG,超出部分以5KG为单位加收$0.50/5KG。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Storage",
                Name         = "Storage",
                Unit         = "STORAGE",
                Rate         = 0,
                Description  = "1.适用于到仓前已经向仓库下达发货指令的货物;2.货物必须用托盘装载储存。收货时未打托的货品必须打托才可进入转运货物临时仓储区;3.价格仅适用于标准托盘 *,特殊情况需要提前商议确认",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Shipping",
                Name         = " Palletizing + Loading ",
                Unit         = "PLT",
                Rate         = 14,
                Description  = "适用于已经打托的货物。服务包括从库位拉货和装车;不包括准备出库文件、打托和卡车运输*。",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Shipping",
                Name         = " Loading ",
                Unit         = "PLT",
                Rate         = 4,
                Description  = "适用于已经打托的货物。服务包括从库位拉货和装车;不包括准备出库文件、打托和卡车运输*。 该服务最低收费$20.00/单",
                UpperVendor  = customer

            chargingItemList.Add(new ChargingItem
                ChargingType = "Shipping",
                Name         = "Shipping Doc",
                Unit         = "ORDER",
                Rate         = 14,
                Description  = "发货文件服务包括接收客人发货指令/转运单/订单、出具拣货单、系统批量签出、制作提单和向客人发送交货证明POD等。第一单免费。如果客人出具BOL,此服务免费。",
                UpperVendor  = customer
