Beispiel #1
 public static void UploadFile(Stream postedStream, string fileName,
                               string uploadURL, string fileGroup, string fileType,
                               string specialPath, UploadMethod method)
     HttpUploader.UploadFile(postedStream, fileName, uploadURL, fileGroup,
                             fileType, specialPath, Environment.UserName, method);
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload File to Request Share
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// POST
        /// {
        /// "Method":"Method",
        /// "Raw": false,
        /// "FileName":"FileName"
        /// "FileLength": length
        /// }
        /// </example>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Prepares the links for uploading files to the target Share.
        /// This method returns an Upload Specification object. The fields are
        /// populated based on the upload method, provider, and resume parameters passed to the
        /// upload call.
        /// The Method determines how the URLs must be called.
        /// Standard uploads use a single HTTP POST message to the ChunkUri address provided in
        /// the response. All other fields will be empty. Standard uploads do not support Resume.
        /// Streamed uploads use multiple HTTP POST calls to the ChunkUri address. The client must
        /// append the parameters index, offset and hash to the end of the ChunkUri address. Index
        /// is a sequential number representing the data block (zero-based); Offset represents the
        /// byte offset for the block; and hash contains the MD5 hash of the block. The last HTTP
        /// POST must also contain finish=true parameter.
        /// Threaded uploads use multiple HTTP POST calls to ChunkUri, and can have a number of
        /// threads issuing blocks in parallel. Clients must append index, offset and hash to
        /// the end of ChunkUri, as explained in Streamed. After all chunks were sent, the client
        /// must call the FinishUri provided in this spec.
        /// For all uploaders, the contents of the POST Body can either be "raw", if the "Raw" parameter
        /// was provided to the Uploader, or use MIME multi-part form encoding otherwise. Raw uploads
        /// simply put the block content in the POST body - Content-Length specifies the size. Multi-part
        /// form encoding has to pass the File as a Form parameter named "File1".
        /// For streamed and threaded, if Resume options were provided to the Upload call, then the
        /// fields IsResume, ResumeIndex, ResumeOffset and ResumeFileHash MAY be populated. If they are,
        /// it indicates that the server has identified a partial upload with that specification, and is
        /// ready to resume on the provided parameters. The clients can then verify the ResumeFileHash to
        /// ensure the file has not been modified; and continue issuing ChunkUri calls from the ResumeIndex
        /// ResumeOffset parameters. If the client decides to restart, it should simply ignore the resume
        /// parameters and send the blocks from Index 0.
        /// For all uploaders: the result code for the HTTP POST calls to Chunk and Finish Uri can either
        /// be a 401 - indicating authentication is required; 4xx/5xx indicating some kind of error; or
        /// 200 with a Content Body of format 'ERROR:message'. Successful calls will return either a 200
        /// response with no Body, or with Body of format 'OK'.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        /// <param name="method"></param>
        /// <param name="raw"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="fileSize"></param>
        /// <param name="batchId"></param>
        /// <param name="batchLast"></param>
        /// <param name="canResume"></param>
        /// <param name="startOver"></param>
        /// <param name="unzip"></param>
        /// <param name="tool"></param>
        /// <param name="overwrite"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        /// <param name="isSend"></param>
        /// <param name="sendGuid"></param>
        /// <param name="opid"></param>
        /// <param name="threadCount"></param>
        /// <param name="responseFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="notify"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// an Upload Specification element, containing the links for uploading, and the parameters for resume.
        /// The caller must know the protocol for sending the prepare, chunk and finish URLs returned in the spec; as well as
        /// negotiate the resume upload.
        /// </returns>
        public IQuery <UploadSpecification> Upload(Uri url, UploadMethod method = UploadMethod.Standard, bool raw = false, string fileName = null, long fileSize = 0, string batchId = null, bool batchLast = false, bool canResume = false, bool startOver = false, bool unzip = false, string tool = "apiv3", bool overwrite = false, string title = null, string details = null, bool isSend = false, string sendGuid = null, string opid = null, int threadCount = 4, string responseFormat = "json", bool notify = false, DateTime?clientCreatedDateUTC = null, DateTime?clientModifiedDateUTC = null, int?expirationDays = null)
            var sfApiQuery = new ShareFile.Api.Client.Requests.Query <UploadSpecification>(Client);

            sfApiQuery.QueryString("method", method);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("raw", raw);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("fileName", fileName);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("fileSize", fileSize);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("batchId", batchId);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("batchLast", batchLast);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("canResume", canResume);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("startOver", startOver);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("unzip", unzip);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("tool", tool);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("overwrite", overwrite);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("title", title);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("details", details);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("isSend", isSend);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("sendGuid", sendGuid);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("opid", opid);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("threadCount", threadCount);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("responseFormat", responseFormat);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("notify", notify);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("clientCreatedDateUTC", clientCreatedDateUTC);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("clientModifiedDateUTC", clientModifiedDateUTC);
            sfApiQuery.QueryString("expirationDays", expirationDays);
            sfApiQuery.HttpMethod = "POST";
        public async void Upload(UploadMethod uploadMethod, int megabytes, bool useAsync, bool useNonAsciiFilename)
            var shareFileClient = GetShareFileClient();
            var rootFolder = shareFileClient.Items.Get().Execute();
            var testFolder = new Folder { Name = RandomString(30) + ".txt" };

            testFolder = shareFileClient.Items.CreateFolder(rootFolder.url, testFolder).Execute();
            var file = GetFileToUpload(1024 * 1024 * megabytes, useNonAsciiFilename);
            var uploadSpec = new UploadSpecificationRequest(file.Name, file.Length, testFolder.url, uploadMethod);

            UploaderBase uploader;

            if (useAsync)
                uploader = shareFileClient.GetAsyncFileUploader(uploadSpec, file);
                uploader = shareFileClient.GetFileUploader(uploadSpec, file);

            var progressInvocations = 0;
            var bytesTransferred = 0L;
            uploader.OnTransferProgress += (sender, args) =>
                bytesTransferred = args.Progress.BytesTransferred;

            UploadResponse uploadResponse;

            if (useAsync)
                uploadResponse = await ((AsyncUploaderBase)uploader).UploadAsync();
                uploadResponse = ((SyncUploaderBase)uploader).Upload();


            var expectedInvocations = Math.Ceiling((double)file.Length / UploaderBase.DefaultBufferLength) + 1;

            bytesTransferred.Should().Be(1024 * 1024 * megabytes);

            if (uploadMethod == UploadMethod.Standard)
                progressInvocations.Should().Be((int)expectedInvocations, "Standard should be predictable for number of progress callbacks");
            else if (uploadMethod == UploadMethod.Threaded)
                        "Threaded scales, therefore byte ranges vary and are less predictable.  We should see no more expectedInvoations");
Beispiel #4
        public static void UploadFile(Stream postedStream, string fileName,
                                      string uploadURL, string fileGroup, string fileType,
                                      string specialPath, string userName, UploadMethod method)
            string uploadType = GetUploadType(method);

            HttpUploader.UploadFile(postedStream, fileName, uploadURL, fileGroup,
                                    fileType, specialPath, userName, uploadType);
Beispiel #5
 public PrimaryKeyViewModel()
     ErrorList         = new List <Error>();
     VariableLableList = new List <ListViewItem>();
     PrimaryKeysList   = new List <ListViewItem>();
     PK_Id_List        = new List <long>();
     IsUnique          = false;
     UploadMethod      = UploadMethod.Update;
        public JsonResult SetUploadMethod(UploadMethod uploadMethod)
            TaskManager = (BExIS.Dcm.UploadWizard.TaskManager)Session["TaskManager"];

            if (TaskManager != null)
                TaskManager.AddToBus(TaskManager.UPLOAD_METHOD, uploadMethod);

Beispiel #7
        private static string GetUploadType(UploadMethod method)
            string type = "ADD";

            switch (method)
            case UploadMethod.Add:
                type = "ADD";

            case UploadMethod.Update:
                type = "UPDATE";
Beispiel #8
        public DataApiHelper(Dataset dataset, User user, DataApiModel data, string title, UploadMethod uploadMethod)
            datasetManager          = new DatasetManager();
            userManager             = new UserManager();
            entityPermissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager();
            dataStructureManager    = new DataStructureManager();
            uploadHelper            = new UploadHelper();

            _dataset      = dataset;
            _user         = user;
            _data         = data;
            _title        = title;
            _uploadMethod = uploadMethod;

            _dataStructure = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(_dataset.DataStructure.Id);
            reader         = new AsciiReader(_dataStructure, new AsciiFileReaderInfo());
Beispiel #9
        public static void UploadFile(string uploadURL, string fileGroup, string fileType,
                                      string filePath, string newFileName, string specialPath, string userName, UploadMethod method)
            string uploadType = GetUploadType(method);

            HttpUploader.UploadInternalNewFileName(uploadURL, fileGroup,
                                                   fileType, filePath, newFileName, specialPath, userName, uploadType);
Beispiel #10
 public static void UploadFile(string uploadURL, string fileGroup, string fileType,
                               string filePath, string specialPath, UploadMethod method)
     HttpUploader.UploadFile(uploadURL, fileGroup, fileType,
                             filePath, specialPath, Environment.UserName, method);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to upload videos to a specific user account in Azure Video Indexer.
        /// Once a video is successfully uploaded, VI automatically indexes it to extract insights.
        /// When uploading your video based on the URL (preferred) the endpoint must be secured with TLS 1.2 (or higher).
        /// The upload size with the URL option is limited to 30GB.
        /// The upload size with the byte array option is limited to 2GB.
        /// Video Indexer has a max duration limit of 4 hours for a single file.
        /// Docs:
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The video's name. A name of the video must be no greater than 80 characters.</param>
        /// <param name="ispublic">Set to true for public videos, false for private.</param>
        /// <param name="desc">Description of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="videoUrl">The location of the video file. For the public url upload method, the URL needs to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="method">Specifies which method to use. See enum comments for details on available options.</param>
        /// <returns>HTTP request result.</returns>
        public async Task <string> UploadVideoAsync(string name, bool ispublic, string desc, System.Uri videoUrl, UploadMethod method)
            // Validate parameters first
            if (name?.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(VideoIndexerErrorMessageEmptyVideoName);

            if (videoUrl != null && videoUrl.IsWellFormedOriginalString())
                throw new ArgumentException(VideoIndexerErrorMessageInvalidUrl);

            MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent();

            // The parameters of the video. This is only a partial list for now. For the full list, see:
            string queryParams = CreateQueryString(
                new Dictionary <string, string>()
                // Required. Should be given as parameter in URL query string or in Authorization header as Bearer token,
                // and match the authorization scope of the call (Account, with Write).
                // Note that Access tokens expire within 1 hour.
                { "accessToken", this.accountAccessToken },

                // The name of the video.
                { "name", name },

                // The video description.
                { "description", desc },

                // The video privacy mode. Allowed values: Private/Public.
                { "privacy", ispublic ? "public" : "private" },

                // A partition to partition videos by (used for searching a specific partition).
                // TODO: Allow parameter to set the partition. Fixed for now.
                { "partition", "partition" },

            switch (method)
            case UploadMethod.LocalFile:
                // TODO: Implement gradual multipart upload to allow for larger files than 2GB.
                // FileStream video = File.OpenRead(videoUrl.ToString());
                // byte[] buffer =new byte[video.Length];
                // video.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                // This is limited to 4.2GB files, but VI doesn't allow for byte array uploads bigger than 2GB.
                byte[] videodata = File.ReadAllBytes(videoUrl?.LocalPath);

                content.Add(new ByteArrayContent(videodata));

            case UploadMethod.PublicUrl:
                queryParams += $"&videoUrl={videoUrl}";

            case UploadMethod.SendToBlobStorage:


            Uri requestUri          = new Uri($"{VideoIndexerApiUrl}/{this.accountLocation}/Accounts/{this.accountId}/Videos?{queryParams}");
            var uploadRequestResult = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, content).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(await uploadRequestResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
 /// <summary>
 /// Upload File to Request Share
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 /// POST
 /// {
 /// "Method":"Method",
 /// "Raw": false,
 /// "FileName":"FileName"
 /// "FileLength": length
 /// }
 /// </example>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Prepares the links for uploading files to the target Share.
 /// This method returns an Upload Specification object. The fields are
 /// populated based on the upload method, provider, and resume parameters passed to the
 /// upload call.
 /// The Method determines how the URLs must be called.
 /// Standard uploads use a single HTTP POST message to the ChunkUri address provided in
 /// the response. All other fields will be empty. Standard uploads do not support Resume.
 /// Streamed uploads use multiple HTTP POST calls to the ChunkUri address. The client must
 /// append the parameters index, offset and hash to the end of the ChunkUri address. Index
 /// is a sequential number representing the data block (zero-based); Offset represents the
 /// byte offset for the block; and hash contains the MD5 hash of the block. The last HTTP
 /// POST must also contain finish=true parameter.
 /// Threaded uploads use multiple HTTP POST calls to ChunkUri, and can have a number of
 /// threads issuing blocks in parallel. Clients must append index, offset and hash to
 /// the end of ChunkUri, as explained in Streamed. After all chunks were sent, the client
 /// must call the FinishUri provided in this spec.
 /// For all uploaders, the contents of the POST Body can either be "raw", if the "Raw" parameter
 /// was provided to the Uploader, or use MIME multi-part form encoding otherwise. Raw uploads
 /// simply put the block content in the POST body - Content-Length specifies the size. Multi-part
 /// form encoding has to pass the File as a Form parameter named "File1".
 /// For streamed and threaded, if Resume options were provided to the Upload call, then the
 /// fields IsResume, ResumeIndex, ResumeOffset and ResumeFileHash MAY be populated. If they are,
 /// it indicates that the server has identified a partial upload with that specification, and is
 /// ready to resume on the provided parameters. The clients can then verify the ResumeFileHash to
 /// ensure the file has not been modified; and continue issuing ChunkUri calls from the ResumeIndex
 /// ResumeOffset parameters. If the client decides to restart, it should simply ignore the resume
 /// parameters and send the blocks from Index 0.
 /// For all uploaders: the result code for the HTTP POST calls to Chunk and Finish Uri can either
 /// be a 401 - indicating authentication is required; 4xx/5xx indicating some kind of error; or
 /// 200 with a Content Body of format 'ERROR:message'. Successful calls will return either a 200
 /// response with no Body, or with Body of format 'OK'.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="url"></param>
 /// <param name="method"></param>
 /// <param name="raw"></param>
 /// <param name="fileName"></param>
 /// <param name="fileSize"></param>
 /// <param name="batchId"></param>
 /// <param name="batchLast"></param>
 /// <param name="canResume"></param>
 /// <param name="startOver"></param>
 /// <param name="unzip"></param>
 /// <param name="tool"></param>
 /// <param name="overwrite"></param>
 /// <param name="title"></param>
 /// <param name="details"></param>
 /// <param name="isSend"></param>
 /// <param name="sendGuid"></param>
 /// <param name="opid"></param>
 /// <param name="threadCount"></param>
 /// <param name="responseFormat"></param>
 /// <param name="notify"></param>
 /// <returns>
 /// an Upload Specification element, containing the links for uploading, and the parameters for resume.
 /// The caller must know the protocol for sending the prepare, chunk and finish URLs returned in the spec; as well as
 /// negotiate the resume upload.
 /// </returns>
 public IQuery<UploadSpecification> Upload(Uri url, UploadMethod method = UploadMethod.Standard, bool raw = false, string fileName = null, long fileSize = 0, string batchId = null, bool batchLast = false, bool canResume = false, bool startOver = false, bool unzip = false, string tool = "apiv3", bool overwrite = false, string title = null, string details = null, bool isSend = false, string sendGuid = null, string opid = null, int threadCount = 4, string responseFormat = "json", bool notify = false, DateTime? clientCreatedDateUTC = null, DateTime? clientModifiedDateUTC = null, int? expirationDays = null)
     var sfApiQuery = new ShareFile.Api.Client.Requests.Query<UploadSpecification>(Client);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("method", method);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("raw", raw);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("fileName", fileName);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("fileSize", fileSize);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("batchId", batchId);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("batchLast", batchLast);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("canResume", canResume);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("startOver", startOver);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("unzip", unzip);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("tool", tool);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("overwrite", overwrite);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("title", title);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("details", details);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("isSend", isSend);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("sendGuid", sendGuid);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("opid", opid);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("threadCount", threadCount);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("responseFormat", responseFormat);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("notify", notify);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("clientCreatedDateUTC", clientCreatedDateUTC);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("clientModifiedDateUTC", clientModifiedDateUTC);
     sfApiQuery.QueryString("expirationDays", expirationDays);
     sfApiQuery.HttpMethod = "POST";
     return sfApiQuery;
Beispiel #13
 public UploadSpecificationRequest(string fileName, long fileSize, Uri parent, UploadMethod method)
     : this(fileName, fileSize, parent)
     Method = method;
 public UploadSpecificationRequest(string fileName, long fileSize, Uri parent, UploadMethod method)
     : this(fileName, fileSize, parent)
     Method = method;
        public async void Upload(UploadMethod uploadMethod, int megabytes, bool useAsync)
            var shareFileClient = GetShareFileClient();
            var rootFolder      = shareFileClient.Items.Get().Execute();
            var testFolder      = new Folder {
                Name = RandomString(30) + ".txt"

            testFolder = shareFileClient.Items.CreateFolder(rootFolder.url, testFolder).Execute();
            var file       = GetFileToUpload(1024 * 1024 * megabytes);
            var uploadSpec = new UploadSpecificationRequest(file.Name, file.Length, testFolder.url, uploadMethod);

            UploaderBase uploader;

            if (useAsync)
                uploader = shareFileClient.GetAsyncFileUploader(uploadSpec, file);
                uploader = shareFileClient.GetFileUploader(uploadSpec, file);

            var progressInvocations = 0;
            var bytesTransferred    = 0L;

            uploader.OnTransferProgress += (sender, args) =>
                bytesTransferred = args.Progress.BytesTransferred;

            UploadResponse uploadResponse;

            if (useAsync)
                uploadResponse = await((AsyncUploaderBase)uploader).UploadAsync();
                uploadResponse = ((SyncUploaderBase)uploader).Upload();


            var expectedInvocations = Math.Ceiling((double)file.Length / UploaderBase.DefaultBufferLength) + 1;

            bytesTransferred.Should().Be(1024 * 1024 * megabytes);

            if (uploadMethod == UploadMethod.Standard)
                progressInvocations.Should().Be((int)expectedInvocations, "Standard should be predictable for number of progress callbacks");
            else if (uploadMethod == UploadMethod.Threaded)
                    "Threaded scales, therefore byte ranges vary and are less predictable.  We should see no more expectedInvoations");