Beispiel #1
 public MySqlCommand()
     this.cmdType          = (CommandType)1;
     this.parameterMap     = new ArrayList();
     this.parameters       = new MySqlParameterCollection();
     this.updatedRowSource = (UpdateRowSource)3;
Beispiel #2
        private IDbCommand GetDbCommandForUpdate(SqlStatement sql, UpdateRowSource updateRowSource)
            var c = GetDbCommand(sql);

            c.UpdatedRowSource = updateRowSource;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a command with the given SQL, connection and transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandText">The SQL command text</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection to associate with the command</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The transaction the command should be associated with</param>
        public SQLiteCommand(string commandText, SQLiteConnection connection, SQLiteTransaction transaction)
            _commandTimeout      = 30;
            _parameterCollection = new SQLiteParameterCollection(this);
            _designTimeVisible   = true;
            _updateRowSource     = UpdateRowSource.None;

            if (commandText != null)
                CommandText = commandText;

            if (connection != null)
                DbConnection    = connection;
                _commandTimeout = connection.DefaultTimeout;

            if (transaction != null)
                Transaction = transaction;

            SQLiteConnection.OnChanged(connection, new ConnectionEventArgs(
                                           SQLiteConnectionEventType.NewCommand, null, transaction, this,
                                           null, null, null, null));
        public int InsertDataTable(DataTable dt, string sql, UpdateRowSource updateRowSource)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sql", "A SQL query or stored procedure name is required");

            if (dt == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dt", "DataTable cannot be null.");

            DbDataAdapter adapter = null;

                adapter = _dbProviderFactory.CreateDataAdapter();

                adapter.InsertCommand             = Command;
                adapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = sql;

                adapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = updateRowSource;

                if (adapter.InsertCommand != null)

 public OleDbCommand()
     this._commandTimeout   = 30;
     this._updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     this.ObjectID          = Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
 public OleDbCommand()
     this._commandTimeout = 30;
     this._updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     this.ObjectID = Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
 public H2Command(string commandText, H2Connection connection, H2Transaction transaction)
     this.commandText      = commandText;
     this.connection       = connection;
     this.collection       = new H2ParameterCollection();
     this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;
Beispiel #8
 /// <include file='docs/mysqlcommand.xml' path='docs/ctor1/*'/>
 public MySqlCommand()
     cmdType          = CommandType.Text;
     parameterMap     = new ArrayList();
     parameters       = new MySqlParameterCollection();
     updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #9
        /// <include file='Doc/en_EN/FbCommand.xml'	path='doc/class[@name="FbCommand"]/constructor[@name="ctor(System.String,FbConnection,Transaction)"]/*'/>
        public FbCommand(string cmdText, FbConnection connection, FbTransaction transaction)
            : base()
            this.parameters        = new FbParameterCollection();
            this.namedParameters   = new StringCollection();
            this.updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            this.commandType       = CommandType.Text;
            this.designTimeVisible = true;
            this.designTimeVisible = true;
            this.commandTimeout    = 30;
            this.fetchSize         = 200;
            this.commandText       = "";

            if (connection != null)
                this.fetchSize = connection.ConnectionOptions.FetchSize;

            if (cmdText != null)
                this.CommandText = cmdText;

            this.Connection  = connection;
            this.transaction = transaction;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a command with the given SQL, connection and transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandText">The SQL command text</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection to associate with the command</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The transaction the command should be associated with</param>
        public SqliteCommand(string commandText, SqliteConnection connection, SqliteTransaction transaction)
            _statementList       = null;
            _activeReader        = null;
            _commandTimeout      = 30;
            _parameterCollection = new SqliteParameterCollection(this);
            _designTimeVisible   = true;
            _updateRowSource     = UpdateRowSource.None;
            _transaction         = null;

            if (commandText != null)
                CommandText = commandText;

            if (connection != null)
                DbConnection    = connection;
                _commandTimeout = connection.DefaultTimeout;

            if (transaction != null)
                Transaction = transaction;
		/// <include file='docs/mysqlcommand.xml' path='docs/ctor1/*'/>
		public MySqlCommand()
			designTimeVisible = true;
			cmdType = CommandType.Text;
			parameters = new MySqlParameterCollection(this);
			updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
			cmdText = String.Empty;
Beispiel #12
 public OdbcCommand()
     timeout           = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
     commandType       = CommandType.Text;
     _parameters       = new OdbcParameterCollection();
     designTimeVisible = true;
     updateRowSource   = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #13
 /// <include file='docs/mysqlcommand.xml' path='docs/ctor1/*'/>
 public MySqlCommand()
     designTimeVisible = true;
     cmdType           = CommandType.Text;
     parameters        = new MySqlParameterCollection(this);
     updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     cmdText           = String.Empty;
Beispiel #14
		protected DbCommandBase (DbCommandBase from)
			_commandText = from._commandText;
			_commandTimeout = from._commandTimeout;
			_commandType = from._commandType;
			_updatedRowSource = from._updatedRowSource;
			_designTimeVisible = from._designTimeVisible;
Beispiel #15
 protected DbCommandBase()
     _commandText       = String.Empty;
     _commandTimeout    = 30;
     _commandType       = CommandType.Text;
     _designTimeVisible = true;
     _updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #16
 protected DbCommandBase(DbCommandBase from)
     _commandText       = from._commandText;
     _commandTimeout    = from._commandTimeout;
     _commandType       = from._commandType;
     _updatedRowSource  = from._updatedRowSource;
     _designTimeVisible = from._designTimeVisible;
Beispiel #17
		public OdbcCommand ()
			commandType = CommandType.Text;
			_parameters = new OdbcParameterCollection ();
			designTimeVisible = true;
			updateRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #18
		protected DbCommandBase ()
			_commandText = String.Empty;
			_commandTimeout = 30;
			_commandType = CommandType.Text;
			_designTimeVisible = true;
			_updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #19
 public DbProxyCommand(string cmdText, DbProxyConnection connection)
     commandText      = cmdText;
     this.connection  = connection;
     commandType      = CommandType.Text;
     updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     parameters       = new DbProxyParameterCollection(this);
     behavior         = CommandBehavior.Default;
Beispiel #20
		public MySqlCommand() {
			this.designTimeVisible = true;
			this.cmdType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
			this.parameters = new MySqlParameterCollection(this);
			this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
			this.cursorPageSize = 0;
			this.cmdText = string.Empty;
			this.timedOut = false;
Beispiel #21
		public OleDbCommand ()
			commandType = CommandType.Text;
			parameters = new OleDbParameterCollection ();
			behavior = CommandBehavior.Default;
			gdaCommand = IntPtr.Zero;
			designTimeVisible = true;
			this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #22
        public void ShouldSetUpdatedRowSourceToInnerCommand()
            UpdateRowSource    testUpdatedRowSource = fixture.Create <UpdateRowSource>();
            Mock <DbCommand>   dbCommandMock        = new Mock <DbCommand>();
            Mock <ISyncPolicy> retryPolicyMock      = new Mock <ISyncPolicy>();
            var commandWrapper = new ReliableDbCommandWrapper(dbCommandMock.Object, retryPolicyMock.Object);

            commandWrapper.UpdatedRowSource = testUpdatedRowSource;
            dbCommandMock.VerifySet(x => x.UpdatedRowSource = testUpdatedRowSource);
Beispiel #23
 public MySqlCommand()
     this.designTimeVisible = true;
     this.cmdType           = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
     this.parameters        = new MySqlParameterCollection(this);
     this.updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     this.cursorPageSize    = 0;
     this.cmdText           = string.Empty;
     this.timedOut          = false;
Beispiel #24
 private SQLiteCommand(SQLiteCommand source) : this(source.CommandText, source.Connection, source.Transaction)
     this.CommandTimeout    = source.CommandTimeout;
     this.DesignTimeVisible = source.DesignTimeVisible;
     this.UpdatedRowSource  = source.UpdatedRowSource;
     foreach (SQLiteParameter sQLiteParameter in source._parameterCollection)
Beispiel #25
 public OleDbCommand()
     timeout               = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
     commandType           = CommandType.Text;
     parameters            = new OleDbParameterCollection();
     behavior              = CommandBehavior.Default;
     gdaCommand            = IntPtr.Zero;
     designTimeVisible     = true;
     this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
Beispiel #26
        public void ShouldReadUpdatedRowSourceFromInnerCommand()
            UpdateRowSource    testUpdatedRowSource = fixture.Create <UpdateRowSource>();
            Mock <DbCommand>   dbCommandMock        = new Mock <DbCommand>();
            Mock <ISyncPolicy> retryPolicyMock      = new Mock <ISyncPolicy>();

            dbCommandMock.Setup(x => x.UpdatedRowSource).Returns(testUpdatedRowSource);
            var commandWrapper = new ReliableDbCommandWrapper(dbCommandMock.Object, retryPolicyMock.Object);

            Assert.Equal(testUpdatedRowSource, commandWrapper.UpdatedRowSource);
Beispiel #27
        public SQLiteCommand()
            _CommandText = String.Empty;
            _UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            _Timeout = 30;
            _ServingDataReader = false;
            _Transaction = null;

            _Parameters = new SQLiteParameterCollection();
            _Statements = new SQLiteStatementCollection();
Beispiel #28
        public SQLiteCommand()
            _CommandText       = String.Empty;
            _UpdatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            _Timeout           = 30;
            _ServingDataReader = false;
            _Transaction       = null;

            _Parameters = new SQLiteParameterCollection();
            _Statements = new SQLiteStatementCollection();
Beispiel #29
 /// <include file='docs/mysqlcommand.xml' path='docs/ctor1/*'/>
 public MySqlCommand()
     designTimeVisible = true;
     cmdType           = CommandType.Text;
     parameters        = new MySqlParameterCollection(this);
     updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     cursorPageSize    = 0;
     cmdText           = String.Empty;
     commandTimeout    = 30;
     timedOut          = false;
Beispiel #30
        public TdsCommand(string commandText, TdsConnection connection, TdsTransaction transaction)
            this.commandText      = commandText;
            this.connection       = connection;
            this.transaction      = transaction;
            this.commandType      = CommandType.Text;
            this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;

            this.designTimeVisible = false;
            this.commandTimeout    = 30;
            parameters             = new TdsParameterCollection(this);
Beispiel #31
 internal EntityCommand(
     DbInterceptionContext interceptionContext,
     EntityCommand.EntityDataReaderFactory factory)
     this._designTimeVisible       = true;
     this._commandType             = CommandType.Text;
     this._updatedRowSource        = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     this._parameters              = new EntityParameterCollection();
     this._interceptionContext     = interceptionContext;
     this._enableQueryPlanCaching  = true;
     this._entityDataReaderFactory = factory ?? new EntityCommand.EntityDataReaderFactory();
Beispiel #32
        public virtual void UpdatedRowSource()
            using (HsqlConnection connection = NewConnection())
                using (HsqlCommand testSubject = connection.CreateCommand())
                    UpdateRowSource expected = UpdateRowSource.Both;
                    UpdateRowSource actual   = testSubject.UpdatedRowSource;

                    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Beispiel #33
        public SqlCommand(string cmdText, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction)
            this.commandText      = cmdText;
            this.connection       = connection;
            this.transaction      = transaction;
            this.commandType      = CommandType.Text;
            this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;

            this.commandTimeout    = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
            notificationAutoEnlist = true;
            designTimeVisible      = true;
            parameters             = new SqlParameterCollection(this);
Beispiel #34
 /// <include file='docs/mysqlcommand.xml' path='docs/ctor1/*'/>
 public MySqlCommand()
     designTimeVisible = true;
     cmdType           = CommandType.Text;
     parameterMap      = new ArrayList();
     parameters        = new MySqlParameterCollection();
     updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     cursorPageSize    = 0;
     cmdText           = String.Empty;
     commandTimeout    = 30;
     canCancel         = false;
     timedOut          = false;
     querySent         = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Beispiel #35
        internal EntityCommand(EntityDataReaderFactory factory)
            // Initalize the member field with proper default values
            _designTimeVisible = true;
            _commandType       = CommandType.Text;
            _updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            _parameters        = new EntityParameterCollection();

            // Future Enhancement: (See SQLPT #300004256) At some point it would be
            // really nice to read defaults from a global configuration, but we're not
            // doing that today.
            _enableQueryPlanCaching = true;

            _entityDataReaderFactory = factory ?? new EntityDataReaderFactory();
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the EntityCommand object not yet associated to a connection object
        /// </summary>
        public EntityCommand()

            // Initalize the member field with proper default values
            this._designTimeVisible = true;
            this._commandType       = CommandType.Text;
            this._updatedRowSource  = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            this._parameters        = new EntityParameterCollection();

            // Future Enhancement: (See SQLPT #300004256) At some point it would be
            // really nice to read defaults from a global configuration, but we're not
            // doing that today.
            this._enableQueryPlanCaching = true;
Beispiel #37
 private SqlCommand(string commandText, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, UpdateRowSource updatedRowSource, bool designTimeVisible, int commandTimeout, SqlParameterCollection parameters)
     this.commandText       = commandText;
     this.connection        = connection;
     this.transaction       = transaction;
     this.commandType       = commandType;
     this.updatedRowSource  = updatedRowSource;
     this.designTimeVisible = designTimeVisible;
     this.commandTimeout    = commandTimeout;
     this.parameters        = new SqlParameterCollection(this);
     for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
Beispiel #38
        // IDbCommand.UpdateRowSource
        internal static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidUpdateRowSource(UpdateRowSource value)
            switch (value)
            case UpdateRowSource.None:
            case UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters:
            case UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord:
            case UpdateRowSource.Both:
                Debug.Fail("valid UpdateRowSource " + value.ToString());
            return(InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(UpdateRowSource), (int)value));
        internal EntityCommand(EntityDataReaderFactory factory)
            // Initalize the member field with proper default values
            _designTimeVisible = true;
            _commandType = CommandType.Text;
            _updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            _parameters = new EntityParameterCollection();

            // Future Enhancement: (See SQLPT #300004256) At some point it would be  
            // really nice to read defaults from a global configuration, but we're not 
            // doing that today.  
            _enableQueryPlanCaching = true;

            _entityDataReaderFactory = factory ?? new EntityDataReaderFactory();
Beispiel #40
        public FbCommand(string cmdText, FbConnection connection, FbTransaction transaction)
            : base()
            this.namedParameters = new List<string>();
            this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
            this.commandType = CommandType.Text;
            this.designTimeVisible = true;
            this.commandTimeout = 30;
            this.fetchSize = 200;
            this.commandText = string.Empty;

            if (connection != null)
                this.fetchSize = connection.ConnectionOptions.FetchSize;

            if (cmdText != null)
                this.CommandText = cmdText;

            this.Connection = connection;
            this.transaction = transaction;
 public SqlCommand()
     this.ObjectID = Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
     this._commandTimeout = 30;
     this._updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
     this._prepareHandle = -1;
     this._rowsAffected = -1;
     this._notificationAutoEnlist = true;
 public OracleCommand()
     this._objectID = Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
     this._updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;
 internal static ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidUpdateRowSource(UpdateRowSource value)
     return InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(UpdateRowSource), (int) value);
Beispiel #44
	    public int UpdateDataset(SqlStatement selectSql, DataSet ds, int updateBatchSize, UpdateRowSource updateRowSource)
            int ret = 0;
                () =>
                    var c = GetDbCommand(selectSql);
                    c.UpdatedRowSource = updateRowSource;
                    var d = (DbDataAdapter)InnerDriver.GetDbAdapter(c);
                    var cb = InnerDriver.GetCommandBuilder();
                    cb.QuotePrefix = Dialect.OpenQuote.ToString();
                    cb.QuoteSuffix = Dialect.CloseQuote.ToString();
                    cb.DataAdapter = d;
                    d.UpdateBatchSize = updateBatchSize;
                    ret = d.Update(ds);
            return ret;
Beispiel #45
 private int UpdateDataset(SqlStatement insertSql, SqlStatement updateSql, SqlStatement deleteSql, DataSet ds, int updateBatchSize, UpdateRowSource updateRowSource, bool throwException)
     int ret = 0;
         IDbDataAdapter d = InnerDriver.GetDbAdapter();
         if(insertSql != null)
             d.InsertCommand = GetDbCommandForUpdate(insertSql, updateRowSource);
         if(updateSql != null)
             d.UpdateCommand = GetDbCommandForUpdate(updateSql, updateRowSource);
         if(deleteSql != null)
             d.DeleteCommand = GetDbCommandForUpdate(deleteSql, updateRowSource);
         var adapter = d as DbDataAdapter;
         if (adapter != null)
             adapter.UpdateBatchSize = updateBatchSize;
         else if(throwException)
             throw new DataException("The DbDataAdapter doesn't support UpdateBatchSize feature.");
         ret = d.Update(ds);
     return ret;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a command with the given SQL, connection and transaction
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="commandText">The SQL command text</param>
    /// <param name="connection">The connection to associate with the command</param>
    /// <param name="transaction">The transaction the command should be associated with</param>
    public SQLiteCommand(string commandText, SQLiteConnection connection, SQLiteTransaction transaction)
      _statementList = null;
      _activeReader = null;
      _commandTimeout = 30;
      _parameterCollection = new SQLiteParameterCollection(this);
      _designTimeVisible = true;
      _updateRowSource = UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord;
      _transaction = null;

      if (commandText != null)
        CommandText = commandText;

      if (connection != null)
        DbConnection = connection;

      if (transaction != null)
        Transaction = transaction;
Beispiel #47
		private SqlCommand(string commandText, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, UpdateRowSource updatedRowSource, bool designTimeVisible, int commandTimeout, SqlParameterCollection parameters)
			this.commandText = commandText;
			this.connection = connection;
			this.transaction = transaction;
			this.commandType = commandType;
			this.updatedRowSource = updatedRowSource;
			this.designTimeVisible = designTimeVisible;
			this.commandTimeout = commandTimeout;
			this.parameters = new SqlParameterCollection(this);
			for (int i = 0;i < parameters.Count;i++)
Beispiel #48
        // IDbCommand.UpdateRowSource
        static internal ArgumentOutOfRangeException InvalidUpdateRowSource(UpdateRowSource value)
            switch (value)
                case UpdateRowSource.None:
                case UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters:
                case UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord:
                case UpdateRowSource.Both:
                    Debug.Assert(false, "valid UpdateRowSource " + value.ToString());
            return InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(UpdateRowSource), (int)value);
Beispiel #49
 public H2Command(string commandText, H2Connection connection, H2Transaction transaction)
     this.commandText = commandText;
     this.connection = connection;
     this.collection = new H2ParameterCollection();
     this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a command with the given SQL, connection and transaction
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="commandText">The SQL command text</param>
    /// <param name="connection">The connection to associate with the command</param>
    /// <param name="transaction">The transaction the command should be associated with</param>
    public SQLiteCommand(string commandText, SQLiteConnection connection, SQLiteTransaction transaction)
      _commandTimeout = 30;
      _parameterCollection = new SQLiteParameterCollection(this);
      _designTimeVisible = true;
      _updateRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;

      if (commandText != null)
        CommandText = commandText;

      if (connection != null)
        DbConnection = connection;
        _commandTimeout = connection.DefaultTimeout;

      if (transaction != null)
        Transaction = transaction;

      SQLiteConnection.OnChanged(connection, new ConnectionEventArgs(
          SQLiteConnectionEventType.NewCommand, null, transaction, this,
          null, null, null, null));
		public TdsCommand (string commandText, TdsConnection connection, TdsTransaction transaction) 
			this.commandText = commandText;
			this.connection = connection;
			this.transaction = transaction;
			this.commandType = CommandType.Text;
			this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;

			this.designTimeVisible = false;
			this.commandTimeout = 30;
			parameters = new TdsParameterCollection (this);
Beispiel #52
		public SqlCommand (string cmdText, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction) 
			this.commandText = cmdText;
			this.connection = connection;
			this.transaction = transaction;
			this.commandType = CommandType.Text;
			this.updatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.Both;

			this.commandTimeout = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
#if NET_2_0
			notificationAutoEnlist = true;
			designTimeVisible = true;
			parameters = new SqlParameterCollection (this);
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a command with the given SQL, connection and transaction
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="commandText">The SQL command text</param>
    /// <param name="connection">The connection to associate with the command</param>
    /// <param name="transaction">The transaction the command should be associated with</param>
    public SqliteCommand(string commandText, SqliteConnection connection, SqliteTransaction transaction)
      _statementList = null;
      _activeReader = null;
      _commandTimeout = 30;
      _parameterCollection = new SqliteParameterCollection(this);
      _designTimeVisible = true;
      _updateRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;
      _transaction = null;

      if (commandText != null)
        CommandText = commandText;

      if (connection != null)
        DbConnection = connection;
        _commandTimeout = connection.DefaultTimeout;

      if (transaction != null)
        Transaction = transaction;
Beispiel #54
 public void DeleteParametersAdd(String parameterName, MySqlDbType dbType, int size, String sourceColumn, UpdateRowSource urs)
     _MySql_Delete_Command.Parameters.Add(parameterName, dbType, size, sourceColumn);
     //_MySql_Delete_Command.UpdatedRowSource = urs;
Beispiel #55
 private IDbCommand GetDbCommandForUpdate(SqlStatement sql, UpdateRowSource updateRowSource)
     var c = GetDbCommand(sql);
     c.UpdatedRowSource = updateRowSource;
     return c;