protected void TimerListBox_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     TimerListBox.Enabled = false;
    void firstPlot(DataRow dr, int map, DataTable mapState)
        string lat, lng;

        lat = dr["latitude"].ToString();
        lng = dr["longitude"].ToString();
        string address = dr["address"].ToString();
        string PlateNo = dr["carrierName"].ToString();
        string Speed   = dr["speed"].ToString();
        string D1      = dr["Din1"].ToString();
        string Date    = dr["time"].ToString();
        string angle   = dr["angle"].ToString();
        String Info    = "Plate No : " + PlateNo + "</br>" + "Speed : " + "" + Speed
                         + "</br>" + "Digital Ignition : " + (D1 == "" ? "NA" : (D1 == "0" ? "OFF" : "ON")) + "</br>" + "Date & Time : " + Date + "</br>" + "Address : " + ((address != "") ? address : "Not Availabe");
        string desc       = "<strong><font color=\"red\">" + PlateNo + "</font></strong><font color=\"blue\">" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Time : " + "</font>" + Date + "<font color=\"blue\">" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Speed : " + "</font>" + Speed + "<font color=\"blue\">" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ignition : " + "</font>" + (D1 == "" ? "NA" : (D1 == "0" ? "OFF" : "ON")) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=\"blue\">Address : " + "</font>" + ((address != "") ? address : "Not Availabe");
        string basePath   = dr["carrierTypeFId"].ToString();
        string parameters = map + "','" + Info + "','" + PlateNo + "','" + lat + "','" + lng + "','" + desc + "','" + angle + "','" + Speed + "','" + basePath;

        System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(UpdatePanelCarListBox, UpdatePanelCarListBox.GetType(), "placeMarker", "placeMarker('" + parameters + "');", true);
        showMap(map, PlateNo);
        parameters = map + "','" + 17;
        System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(UpdatePanelCarListBox, UpdatePanelCarListBox.GetType(), "setZoom", "setZoom('" + parameters + "');", true);
        mapState.Rows[map - 1]["date"] = Date;
        mapState.Rows[map - 1]["lat"]  = lat;
        mapState.Rows[map - 1]["long"] = lng;
 protected void upUpdatePanel_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (IsPostBack)
         if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"] == UpdatePanelCarListBox.ClientID && Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"] == "aaaa")
 void callScript(String funName, String para)
     System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(UpdatePanelCarListBox, UpdatePanelCarListBox.GetType(), "drop", "drop('" + 1 + "');", true);
 void plotMaps(DataTable dt)
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 4)
         System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(UpdatePanelCarListBox, UpdatePanelCarListBox.GetType(), "showAlert", "showAlert('Maximum of 4 vehicles can be selected!!!');", true);
         DataTable mapState = (DataTable)ViewState["mapState"];
         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
             int       ID = int.Parse(mapState.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
             DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("CarrierId=" + ID);
             if (dr.Length <= 0 && ID != -1)
                 hideMap(i + 1);
                 mapState.Rows[i]["ID"] = -1;
         for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
             int       carrierID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["CarrierId"].ToString());
             DataRow[] dr        = mapState.Select("ID=" + carrierID);
             if (dr.Length <= 0)
                 dr = mapState.Select("ID=-1");
                 int map = int.Parse(dr[0]["Map"].ToString());
                 mapState.Rows[map - 1]["ID"] = carrierID;
                 firstPlot(dt.Rows[i], map, mapState);