Beispiel #1
        public override MemoryHandle Pin(int byteOffset = 0)
                Retain(); // this checks IsDisposed

                    if ((IntPtr.Size == 4 && (uint)byteOffset > (uint)_array.Length * (uint)Unsafe.SizeOf <T>()) ||
                        (IntPtr.Size != 4 && (ulong)byteOffset > (uint)_array.Length * (ulong)Unsafe.SizeOf <T>()))
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(byteOffset));

                    var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(_array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    return(new MemoryHandle(this, Unsafe.Add <byte>((void *)handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), _offset + byteOffset), handle));
Beispiel #2
        string Ctor(char[] value, int startIndex, int length)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

            if (startIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(startIndex), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_StartIndex);

            if (length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NegativeLength);

            if (startIndex > value.Length - length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(startIndex), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Index);

            if (length == 0)

            string result = FastAllocateString(length);

                elementCount: (uint)result.Length, // derefing Length now allows JIT to prove 'result' not null below
                destination: ref result._firstChar,
                source: ref Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(value), startIndex));

Beispiel #3
        private static int CompareOrdinalHelper(string strA, int indexA, int countA, string strB, int indexB, int countB)
            Debug.Assert(strA != null);
            Debug.Assert(strB != null);
            Debug.Assert(indexA >= 0 && indexB >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(countA >= 0 && countB >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(indexA + countA <= strA.Length && indexB + countB <= strB.Length);

            return(SpanHelpers.SequenceCompareTo(ref Unsafe.Add(ref strA.GetRawStringData(), indexA), countA, ref Unsafe.Add(ref strB.GetRawStringData(), indexB), countB));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a 64-hash using the Marvin algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public static long ComputeHash(ref byte data, int count, ulong seed)
            uint ucount = (uint)count;
            uint p0     = (uint)seed;
            uint p1     = (uint)(seed >> 32);

            int byteOffset = 0;  // declared as signed int so we don't have to cast everywhere (it's passed to Unsafe.Add() and used for nothing else.)

            while (ucount >= 8)
                p0 += Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset));
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);

                p0 += Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset + 4));
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);

                byteOffset += 8;
                ucount     -= 8;

            switch (ucount)
            case 4:
                p0 += Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset));
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);
                goto case 0;

            case 0:
                p0 += 0x80u;

            case 5:
                p0         += Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset));
                byteOffset += 4;
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);
                goto case 1;

            case 1:
                p0 += 0x8000u | Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset);

            case 6:
                p0         += Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset));
                byteOffset += 4;
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);
                goto case 2;

            case 2:
                p0 += 0x800000u | Unsafe.As <byte, ushort>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset));

            case 7:
                p0         += Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset));
                byteOffset += 4;
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);
                goto case 3;

            case 3:
                p0 += 0x80000000u | (((uint)(Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset + 2))) << 16) | (uint)(Unsafe.As <byte, ushort>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref data, byteOffset)));

                Debug.Fail("Should not get here.");

            Block(ref p0, ref p1);
            Block(ref p0, ref p1);

            return((((long)p1) << 32) | p0);
Beispiel #5
        private static int GetIndexOfFirstInvalidUtf8Sequence(ref byte inputBuffer, int inputLength, out int scalarCount, out int surrogatePairCount)
            // The fields below control where we read from the buffer.

            IntPtr inputBufferCurrentOffset = IntPtr.Zero;
            int    tempScalarCount          = inputLength;
            int    tempSurrogatePairCount   = 0;

            // If the sequence is long enough, try running vectorized "is this sequence ASCII?"
            // logic. We perform a small test of the first few bytes to make sure they're all
            // ASCII before we incur the cost of invoking the vectorized code path.

            if (Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated)
                if (IntPtr.Size >= 8)
                    // Test first 16 bytes and check for all-ASCII.
                    if ((inputLength >= 2 * sizeof(ulong) + 3 * Vector <byte> .Count) && QWordAllBytesAreAscii(ReadAndFoldTwoQWordsUnaligned(ref inputBuffer)))
                        inputBufferCurrentOffset = ConsumeAsciiBytesVectorized(ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, 2 * sizeof(ulong)), inputLength - 2 * sizeof(ulong)) + 2 * sizeof(ulong);
                    // Test first 8 bytes and check for all-ASCII.
                    if ((inputLength >= 2 * sizeof(uint) + 3 * Vector <byte> .Count) && DWordAllBytesAreAscii(ReadAndFoldTwoDWordsUnaligned(ref inputBuffer)))
                        inputBufferCurrentOffset = ConsumeAsciiBytesVectorized(ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, 2 * sizeof(uint)), inputLength - 2 * sizeof(uint)) + 2 * sizeof(uint);

            int inputBufferRemainingBytes = inputLength - ConvertIntPtrToInt32WithoutOverflowCheck(inputBufferCurrentOffset);

            // Begin the main loop.

            long lastOffsetProcessed = -1; // used for invariant checking in debug builds

            while (inputBufferRemainingBytes >= sizeof(uint))
                // Read 32 bits at a time. This is enough to hold any possible UTF8-encoded scalar.

                Debug.Assert(inputLength - (int)inputBufferCurrentOffset >= sizeof(uint));
                uint thisDWord = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, inputBufferCurrentOffset));


                Debug.Assert(lastOffsetProcessed < (long)inputBufferCurrentOffset, "Algorithm should've made forward progress since last read.");
                lastOffsetProcessed = (long)inputBufferCurrentOffset;

                // First, check for the common case of all-ASCII bytes.

                if (DWordAllBytesAreAscii(thisDWord))
                    // We read an all-ASCII sequence.

                    inputBufferCurrentOffset  += 4;
                    inputBufferRemainingBytes -= 4;

                    // If we saw a sequence of all ASCII, there's a good chance a significant amount of following data is also ASCII.
                    // Below is basically unrolled loops with poor man's vectorization.

                    if (inputBufferRemainingBytes >= 5 * sizeof(uint))
                        // The JIT produces better codegen for aligned reads than it does for
                        // unaligned reads, and we want the processor to operate at maximum
                        // efficiency in the loop that follows, so we'll align the references
                        // now. It's OK to do this without pinning because the GC will never
                        // move a heap-allocated object in a manner that messes with its
                        // alignment.

                            ref byte refToCurrentDWord = ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, inputBufferCurrentOffset);
                            thisDWord = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(ref refToCurrentDWord);
                            if (!DWordAllBytesAreAscii(thisDWord))
                                goto AfterReadDWordSkipAllBytesAsciiCheck;

                            int adjustment = GetNumberOfBytesToNextDWordAlignment(ref refToCurrentDWord);
                            inputBufferCurrentOffset += adjustment;
                            // will adjust 'bytes remaining' value after below loop

                        // At this point, the input buffer offset points to an aligned DWORD.
                        // We also know that there's enough room to read at least four DWORDs from the stream.

                        IntPtr inputBufferFinalOffsetAtWhichCanSafelyLoop = (IntPtr)(inputLength - 4 * sizeof(uint));
                            ref uint currentReadPosition = ref Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, inputBufferCurrentOffset));

                            if (!DWordAllBytesAreAscii(currentReadPosition | Unsafe.Add(ref currentReadPosition, 1)))
                                goto LoopTerminatedEarlyDueToNonAsciiData;

                            if (!DWordAllBytesAreAscii(Unsafe.Add(ref currentReadPosition, 2) | Unsafe.Add(ref currentReadPosition, 3)))
                                inputBufferCurrentOffset += 2 * sizeof(uint);
                                goto LoopTerminatedEarlyDueToNonAsciiData;

                            inputBufferCurrentOffset += 4 * sizeof(uint);
                        } while (IntPtrIsLessThanOrEqualTo(inputBufferCurrentOffset, inputBufferFinalOffsetAtWhichCanSafelyLoop));

                        inputBufferRemainingBytes = inputLength - ConvertIntPtrToInt32WithoutOverflowCheck(inputBufferCurrentOffset);
                        continue; // need to perform a bounds check because we might be running out of data


                        // We know that there's *at least* two DWORDs of data remaining in the buffer.
                        // We also know that one of them (or both of them) contains non-ASCII data somewhere.
                        // Let's perform a quick check here to bypass the logic at the beginning of the main loop.

                        thisDWord = Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, inputBufferCurrentOffset));
                        if (DWordAllBytesAreAscii(thisDWord))
                            inputBufferCurrentOffset += 4;
                            thisDWord = Unsafe.As <byte, uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref inputBuffer, inputBufferCurrentOffset));

                        inputBufferRemainingBytes = inputLength - ConvertIntPtrToInt32WithoutOverflowCheck(inputBufferCurrentOffset);
                        goto AfterReadDWordSkipAllBytesAsciiCheck;

Beispiel #6
        public static unsafe void ClearWithReferences(ref IntPtr ip, nuint pointerSizeLength)
            Debug.Assert((int)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref ip) % sizeof(IntPtr) == 0, "Should've been aligned on natural word boundary.");

            // First write backward 8 natural words at a time.
            // Writing backward allows us to get away with only simple modifications to the
            // mov instruction's base and index registers between loop iterations.

            for (; pointerSizeLength >= 8; pointerSizeLength -= 8)
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -1) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -2) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -3) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -4) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -5) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -6) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -7) = default(IntPtr);
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -8) = default(IntPtr);

            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength <= 7);

            // The logic below works by trying to minimize the number of branches taken for any
            // given range of lengths. For example, the lengths [ 4 .. 7 ] are handled by a single
            // branch, [ 2 .. 3 ] are handled by a single branch, and [ 1 ] is handled by a single
            // branch.
            // We can write both forward and backward as a perf improvement. For example,
            // the lengths [ 4 .. 7 ] can be handled by zeroing out the first four natural
            // words and the last 3 natural words. In the best case (length = 7), there are
            // no overlapping writes. In the worst case (length = 4), there are three
            // overlapping writes near the middle of the buffer. In perf testing, the
            // penalty for performing duplicate writes is less expensive than the penalty
            // for complex branching.

            if (pointerSizeLength >= 4)
                goto Write4To7;
            else if (pointerSizeLength >= 2)
                goto Write2To3;
            else if (pointerSizeLength > 0)
                goto Write1;
                return; // nothing to write

            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength >= 4);

            // Write first four and last three.
            Unsafe.Add(ref ip, 2) = default(IntPtr);
            Unsafe.Add(ref ip, 3) = default(IntPtr);
            Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -3) = default(IntPtr);
            Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -2) = default(IntPtr);

            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength >= 2);

            // Write first two and last one.
            Unsafe.Add(ref ip, 1) = default(IntPtr);
            Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (IntPtr)pointerSizeLength), -1) = default(IntPtr);

            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength >= 1);

            // Write only element.
            ip = default(IntPtr);
Beispiel #7
        public static int ComputeHash32(ref byte data, uint count, uint p0, uint p1)
            // Control flow of this method generally flows top-to-bottom, trying to
            // minimize the number of branches taken for large (>= 8 bytes, 4 chars) inputs.
            // If small inputs (< 8 bytes, 4 chars) are given, this jumps to a "small inputs"
            // handler at the end of the method.

            if (count < 8)
                // We can't run the main loop, but we might still have 4 or more bytes available to us.
                // If so, jump to the 4 .. 7 bytes logic immediately after the main loop.

                if (count >= 4)
                    goto Between4And7BytesRemain;
                    goto InputTooSmallToEnterMainLoop;

            // Main loop - read 8 bytes at a time.
            // The block function is unrolled 2x in this loop.

            uint loopCount = count / 8;

            Debug.Assert(loopCount > 0, "Shouldn't reach this code path for small inputs.");

                // Most x86 processors have two dispatch ports for reads, so we can read 2x 32-bit
                // values in parallel. We opt for this instead of a single 64-bit read since the
                // typical use case for Marvin32 is computing String hash codes, and the particular
                // layout of String instances means the starting data is never 8-byte aligned when
                // running in a 64-bit process.

                p0 += Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(ref data);
                uint nextUInt32 = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset(ref data, 4));

                // One block round for each of the 32-bit integers we just read, 2x rounds total.

                Block(ref p0, ref p1);
                p0 += nextUInt32;
                Block(ref p0, ref p1);

                // Bump the data reference pointer and decrement the loop count.

                // Decrementing by 1 every time and comparing against zero allows the JIT to produce
                // better codegen compared to a standard 'for' loop with an incrementing counter.
                // Requires to be addressed first
                // before we can realize the full benefits of this.

                data = ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset(ref data, 8);
            } while (--loopCount > 0);

            // n.b. We've not been updating the original 'count' parameter, so its actual value is
            // still the original data length. However, we can still rely on its least significant
            // 3 bits to tell us how much data remains (0 .. 7 bytes) after the loop above is
            // completed.

            if ((count & 0b_0100) == 0)
                goto DoFinalPartialRead;


            // If after finishing the main loop we still have 4 or more leftover bytes, or if we had
            // 4 .. 7 bytes to begin with and couldn't enter the loop in the first place, we need to
            // consume 4 bytes immediately and send them through one round of the block function.

            Debug.Assert(count >= 4, "Only should've gotten here if the original count was >= 4.");

            p0 += Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(ref data);
            Block(ref p0, ref p1);


            // Finally, we have 0 .. 3 bytes leftover. Since we know the original data length was at
            // least 4 bytes (smaller lengths are handled at the end of this routine), we can safely
            // read the 4 bytes at the end of the buffer without reading past the beginning of the
            // original buffer. This necessarily means the data we're about to read will overlap with
            // some data we've already processed, but we can handle that below.

            Debug.Assert(count >= 4, "Only should've gotten here if the original count was >= 4.");

            // Read the last 4 bytes of the buffer.

            uint partialResult = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(ref Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset(ref data, (nuint)count & 7), -4));

            // The 'partialResult' local above contains any data we have yet to read, plus some number
            // of bytes which we've already read from the buffer. An example of this is given below
            // for little-endian architectures. In this table, AA BB CC are the bytes which we still
            // need to consume, and ## are bytes which we want to throw away since we've already
            // consumed them as part of a previous read.
            //                                                    (partialResult contains)   (we want it to contain)
            // count mod 4 = 0 -> [ ## ## ## ## |             ] -> 0x####_####             -> 0x0000_0080
            // count mod 4 = 1 -> [ ## ## ## ## | AA          ] -> 0xAA##_####             -> 0x0000_80AA
            // count mod 4 = 2 -> [ ## ## ## ## | AA BB       ] -> 0xBBAA_####             -> 0x0080_BBAA
            // count mod 4 = 3 -> [ ## ## ## ## | AA BB CC    ] -> 0xCCBB_AA##             -> 0x80CC_BBAA

            count = ~count << 3;

            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                partialResult >>= 8;                 // make some room for the 0x80 byte
                partialResult  |= 0x8000_0000u;      // put the 0x80 byte at the beginning
                partialResult >>= (int)count & 0x1F; // shift out all previously consumed bytes
                partialResult <<= 8;                 // make some room for the 0x80 byte
                partialResult  |= 0x80u;             // put the 0x80 byte at the end
                partialResult <<= (int)count & 0x1F; // shift out all previously consumed bytes


            // Now that we've computed the final partial result, merge it in and run two rounds of
            // the block function to finish out the Marvin algorithm.

            p0 += partialResult;
            Block(ref p0, ref p1);
            Block(ref p0, ref p1);

            return((int)(p1 ^ p0));


            // We had only 0 .. 3 bytes to begin with, so we can't perform any 32-bit reads.
            // This means that we're going to be building up the final result right away and
            // will only ever run two rounds total of the block function. Let's initialize
            // the partial result to "no data".

            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                partialResult = 0x80u;
                partialResult = 0x80000000u;

            if ((count & 0b_0001) != 0)
                // If the buffer is 1 or 3 bytes in length, let's read a single byte now
                // and merge it into our partial result. This will result in partialResult
                // having one of the two values below, where AA BB CC are the buffer bytes.
                //                  (little-endian / big-endian)
                // [ AA          ]  -> 0x0000_80AA / 0xAA80_0000
                // [ AA BB CC    ]  -> 0x0000_80CC / 0xCC80_0000

                partialResult = Unsafe.AddByteOffset(ref data, (nuint)count & 2);

                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                    partialResult |= 0x8000;
                    partialResult <<= 24;
                    partialResult  |= 0x800000u;

            if ((count & 0b_0010) != 0)
                // If the buffer is 2 or 3 bytes in length, let's read a single ushort now
                // and merge it into the partial result. This will result in partialResult
                // having one of the two values below, where AA BB CC are the buffer bytes.
                //                  (little-endian / big-endian)
                // [ AA BB       ]  -> 0x0080_BBAA / 0xAABB_8000
                // [ AA BB CC    ]  -> 0x80CC_BBAA / 0xAABB_CC80 (carried over from above)

                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                    partialResult <<= 16;
                    partialResult  |= (uint)Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <ushort>(ref data);
                    partialResult |= (uint)Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <ushort>(ref data);
                    partialResult  = BitOperations.RotateLeft(partialResult, 16);

            // Everything is consumed! Go perform the final rounds and return.

            goto DoFinalRoundsAndReturn;
 public static void WriteHexByte(byte value, ref char buffer, int index)
     Unsafe.Add(ref buffer, index)     = HexTable[value >> 4];
     Unsafe.Add(ref buffer, index + 1) = HexTable[value & 0xF];
Beispiel #9
            public void IndexWithUnsafeReferenceArithmeticsOnArray0Impl(int x, int y, Vector4 v)
                int elementOffset = (y * this.width) + x;

                Unsafe.Add(ref this.array[0], elementOffset) = v;
Beispiel #10
 public unsafe char this[int index] {
     get {
         return(Unsafe.Add(ref _firstChar, index));
 private static void WriteThreeBytes(ref byte destBytes, int i0)
     destBytes = (byte)(i0 >> 16);
     Unsafe.Add(ref destBytes, 1) = (byte)(i0 >> 8);
     Unsafe.Add(ref destBytes, 2) = (byte)i0;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void OnFrameApply(ImageFrame <TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle, Configuration configuration)
            DenseMatrix <float>[] kernels = { this.North, this.NorthWest, this.West, this.SouthWest, this.South, this.SouthEast, this.East, this.NorthEast };

            int startY = sourceRectangle.Y;
            int endY   = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
            int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
            int endX   = sourceRectangle.Right;

            // Align start/end positions.
            int minX = Math.Max(0, startX);
            int maxX = Math.Min(source.Width, endX);
            int minY = Math.Max(0, startY);
            int maxY = Math.Min(source.Height, endY);

            // we need a clean copy for each pass to start from
            using (ImageFrame <TPixel> cleanCopy = source.Clone())
                new ConvolutionProcessor <TPixel>(kernels[0]).Apply(source, sourceRectangle, configuration);

                if (kernels.Length == 1)

                int shiftY = startY;
                int shiftX = startX;

                // Reset offset if necessary.
                if (minX > 0)
                    shiftX = 0;

                if (minY > 0)
                    shiftY = 0;

                // Additional runs.
                // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
                for (int i = 1; i < kernels.Length; i++)
                    using (ImageFrame <TPixel> pass = cleanCopy.Clone())
                        new ConvolutionProcessor <TPixel>(kernels[i]).Apply(pass, sourceRectangle, configuration);

                        Buffer2D <TPixel> passPixels   = pass.PixelBuffer;
                        Buffer2D <TPixel> targetPixels = source.PixelBuffer;

                            y =>
                            int offsetY = y - shiftY;

                            ref TPixel passPixelsBase   = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(passPixels.GetRowSpan(offsetY));
                            ref TPixel targetPixelsBase = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(targetPixels.GetRowSpan(offsetY));

                            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++)
                                int offsetX = x - shiftX;

                                // Grab the max components of the two pixels
                                ref TPixel currentPassPixel   = ref Unsafe.Add(ref passPixelsBase, offsetX);
                                ref TPixel currentTargetPixel = ref Unsafe.Add(ref targetPixelsBase, offsetX);

                                var pixelValue = Vector4.Max(

Beispiel #13
 private static void Test <T>(ref T first, int i)
     Consume(Unsafe.Add(ref first, i));
 internal static bool EndsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(this ReadOnlySpan <char> span, ReadOnlySpan <char> value)
 => value.Length <= span.Length &&
     ref Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span), span.Length - value.Length),
     ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(value),
 public override ref byte GetPinnableMemoryAddress() => ref Unsafe.Add(ref this.Unwrap().GetPinnableMemoryAddress(), this.adjustment);
Beispiel #16
 public byte GetPart(int i)
 => Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.As <BitBlock4, byte>(ref this), i);
Beispiel #17
 public void SetPart(int i, byte value)
 => Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.As <BitBlock4, byte>(ref this), i) = value;
Beispiel #18
            public Vector4 GetReferencesImpl(int x, int y)
                int elementOffset = (y * this.width) + x;

                return(Unsafe.Add(ref this.pinnable.Data, elementOffset));
Beispiel #19
        public static int Compare(string?strA, int indexA, string?strB, int indexB, int length, StringComparison comparisonType)

            if (strA == null || strB == null)
                if (object.ReferenceEquals(strA, strB))
                    // They're both null

                return(strA == null ? -1 : 1);

            if (length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NegativeLength);

            if (indexA < 0 || indexB < 0)
                string paramName = indexA < 0 ? nameof(indexA) : nameof(indexB);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Index);

            if (strA.Length - indexA < 0 || strB.Length - indexB < 0)
                string paramName = strA.Length - indexA < 0 ? nameof(indexA) : nameof(indexB);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Index);

            if (length == 0 || (object.ReferenceEquals(strA, strB) && indexA == indexB))

            int lengthA = Math.Min(length, strA.Length - indexA);
            int lengthB = Math.Min(length, strB.Length - indexB);

            switch (comparisonType)
            case StringComparison.CurrentCulture:
            case StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase:
                return(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo.Compare(strA, indexA, lengthA, strB, indexB, lengthB, GetCaseCompareOfComparisonCulture(comparisonType)));

            case StringComparison.InvariantCulture:
            case StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase:
                return(CompareInfo.Invariant.Compare(strA, indexA, lengthA, strB, indexB, lengthB, GetCaseCompareOfComparisonCulture(comparisonType)));

            case StringComparison.Ordinal:
                return(CompareOrdinalHelper(strA, indexA, lengthA, strB, indexB, lengthB));

                Debug.Assert(comparisonType == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);     // CheckStringComparison validated these earlier
                return(Ordinal.CompareStringIgnoreCase(ref Unsafe.Add(ref strA.GetRawStringData(), indexA), lengthA, ref Unsafe.Add(ref strB.GetRawStringData(), indexB), lengthB));
Beispiel #20
        public static unsafe RetainedVec Create <T>(RetainableMemory <T> memorySource, int start, int length, bool externallyOwned = false)
            if (!memorySource.IsBlittableOffheap)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException("Memory source must have IsBlittableOffheap = true to be used in RetainedVec.");

            RetainedVec vs;

            if (TypeHelper <T> .IsReferenceOrContainsReferences)
                ThrowHelper.DebugAssert(memorySource.Pointer == default && memorySource._array != default);
                // RM's offset goes to _pointerOrOffset
                vs = new RetainedVec(externallyOwned ? null : memorySource,
                                     VecTypeHelper <T> .RuntimeTypeId);
                ThrowHelper.DebugAssert(memorySource.Pointer != default && memorySource._array == default);
                // RM's offset added to _pointerOrOffset
                vs = new RetainedVec(externallyOwned ? null : memorySource, array: null, (IntPtr)Unsafe.Add <T>(memorySource.Pointer, memorySource._offset), memorySource.Length,
                                     VecTypeHelper <T> .RuntimeTypeId);

            return(vs.Clone(start, length, externallyOwned));
Beispiel #21
        public static unsafe void ClearWithoutReferences(ref byte b, nuint byteLength)
            if (byteLength == 0)

#if CORECLR && (AMD64 || ARM64)
            if (byteLength > 4096)
                goto PInvoke;
            Unsafe.InitBlockUnaligned(ref b, 0, (uint)byteLength);
            // TODO: Optimize other platforms to be on par with AMD64 CoreCLR
            // Note: It's important that this switch handles lengths at least up to 22.
            // See notes below near the main loop for why.

            // The switch will be very fast since it can be implemented using a jump
            // table in assembly. See for more info.

            switch (byteLength)
            case 1:
                b = 0;

            case 2:
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref b) = 0;

            case 3:
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 2)    = 0;

            case 4:
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;

            case 5:
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)  = 0;

            case 6:
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;

            case 7:
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 6) = 0;

            case 8:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;

            case 9:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8) = 0;

            case 10:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;

            case 11:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 10) = 0;

            case 12:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;

            case 13:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12) = 0;

            case 14:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))    = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;

            case 15:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))    = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 14) = 0;

            case 16:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;

            case 17:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 16) = 0;

            case 18:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 16)) = 0;

            case 19:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 16)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 18) = 0;

            case 20:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 16)) = 0;

            case 21:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 16)) = 0;
                Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 20) = 0;

            case 22:
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 12)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 16))   = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref b, 20)) = 0;

            // P/Invoke into the native version for large lengths
            if (byteLength >= 512)
                goto PInvoke;

            nuint i = 0; // byte offset at which we're copying

            if ((Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) & 3) != 0)
                if ((Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) & 1) != 0)
                    Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i) = 0;
                    i += 1;
                    if ((Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) & 2) != 0)
                        goto IntAligned;
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i)) = 0;
                i += 2;


            // On 64-bit IntPtr.Size == 8, so we want to advance to the next 8-aligned address. If
            // (int)b % 8 is 0, 5, 6, or 7, we will already have advanced by 0, 3, 2, or 1
            // bytes to the next aligned address (respectively), so do nothing. On the other hand,
            // if it is 1, 2, 3, or 4 we will want to copy-and-advance another 4 bytes until
            // we're aligned.
            // The thing 1, 2, 3, and 4 have in common that the others don't is that if you
            // subtract one from them, their 3rd lsb will not be set. Hence, the below check.

            if (((Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref b) - 1) & 4) == 0)
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i)) = 0;
                i += 4;

            nuint end = byteLength - 16;
            byteLength -= i; // lower 4 bits of byteLength represent how many bytes are left *after* the unrolled loop

            // We know due to the above switch-case that this loop will always run 1 iteration; max
            // bytes we clear before checking is 23 (7 to align the pointers, 16 for 1 iteration) so
            // the switch handles lengths 0-22.
            Debug.Assert(end >= 7 && i <= end);

            // This is separated out into a different variable, so the i + 16 addition can be
            // performed at the start of the pipeline and the loop condition does not have
            // a dependency on the writes.
            nuint counter;

                counter = i + 16;

                // This loop looks very costly since there appear to be a bunch of temporary values
                // being created with the adds, but the jit (for x86 anyways) will convert each of
                // these to use memory addressing operands.

                // So the only cost is a bit of code size, which is made up for by the fact that
                // we save on writes to b.

#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i))     = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i + 8)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i))      = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i + 4))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i + 8))  = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i + 12)) = 0;

                i = counter;

                // See notes above for why this wasn't used instead
                // i += 16;
            }while (counter <= end);

            if ((byteLength & 8) != 0)
#if BIT64
                Unsafe.As <byte, long>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i)) = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i))     = 0;
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i + 4)) = 0;
                i += 8;
            if ((byteLength & 4) != 0)
                Unsafe.As <byte, int>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i)) = 0;
                i += 4;
            if ((byteLength & 2) != 0)
                Unsafe.As <byte, short>(ref Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i)) = 0;
                i += 2;
            if ((byteLength & 1) != 0)
                Unsafe.AddByteOffset <byte>(ref b, i) = 0;
                // We're not using i after this, so not needed
                // i += 1;


            RuntimeImports.RhZeroMemory(ref b, byteLength);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void OnFrameApply(ImageFrame <TPixel> source)
            DenseMatrix <float>[] kernels = this.Kernels.Flatten();

            int startY = this.SourceRectangle.Y;
            int endY   = this.SourceRectangle.Bottom;
            int startX = this.SourceRectangle.X;
            int endX   = this.SourceRectangle.Right;

            // Align start/end positions.
            int minX = Math.Max(0, startX);
            int maxX = Math.Min(source.Width, endX);
            int minY = Math.Max(0, startY);
            int maxY = Math.Min(source.Height, endY);

            // we need a clean copy for each pass to start from
            using (ImageFrame <TPixel> cleanCopy = source.Clone())
                using (var processor = new ConvolutionProcessor <TPixel>(this.Configuration, kernels[0], true, this.Source, this.SourceRectangle))

                if (kernels.Length == 1)

                int shiftY = startY;
                int shiftX = startX;

                // Reset offset if necessary.
                if (minX > 0)
                    shiftX = 0;

                if (minY > 0)
                    shiftY = 0;

                var workingRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);

                // Additional runs.
                // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
                for (int i = 1; i < kernels.Length; i++)
                    using (ImageFrame <TPixel> pass = cleanCopy.Clone())
                        using (var processor = new ConvolutionProcessor <TPixel>(this.Configuration, kernels[i], true, this.Source, this.SourceRectangle))

                        Buffer2D <TPixel> passPixels   = pass.PixelBuffer;
                        Buffer2D <TPixel> targetPixels = source.PixelBuffer;

                            rows =>
                            for (int y = rows.Min; y < rows.Max; y++)
                                int offsetY = y - shiftY;

                                ref TPixel passPixelsBase   = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(passPixels.GetRowSpan(offsetY));
                                ref TPixel targetPixelsBase = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(targetPixels.GetRowSpan(offsetY));

                                for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++)
                                    int offsetX = x - shiftX;

                                    // Grab the max components of the two pixels
                                    ref TPixel currentPassPixel   = ref Unsafe.Add(ref passPixelsBase, offsetX);
                                    ref TPixel currentTargetPixel = ref Unsafe.Add(ref targetPixelsBase, offsetX);

                                    var pixelValue = Vector4.Max(

 public PointerBasedEnumerator(void *origin, int offset, int length)
     _ptr       = Unsafe.Add <T>(origin, offset);
     _remaining = length;
Beispiel #24
 private static void CopyContactData(int contactCount, ref NonconvexConstraintContactData sourceContacts, ref NonconvexPrestepData targetContacts)
     for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; ++i)
         ref var sourceContact = ref Unsafe.Add(ref sourceContacts, i);
         ref var targetContact = ref Unsafe.Add(ref targetContacts, i);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnFrameApply(
            ImageFrame <TPixel> source,
            ImageFrame <TPixel> destination,
            Rectangle sourceRectangle,
            Configuration configuration)
            int height = this.TargetDimensions.Height;
            int width  = this.TargetDimensions.Width;

            Rectangle sourceBounds = source.Bounds();
            var       targetBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);

            // Since could potentially be resizing the canvas we might need to re-calculate the matrix
            Matrix3x2 matrix = this.GetProcessingMatrix(sourceBounds, targetBounds);

            // Convert from screen to world space.
            Matrix3x2.Invert(matrix, out matrix);

            if (this.Sampler is NearestNeighborResampler)
                    rows =>
                    for (int y = rows.Min; y < rows.Max; y++)
                        Span <TPixel> destRow = destination.GetPixelRowSpan(y);

                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            var point = Point.Transform(new Point(x, y), matrix);
                            if (sourceBounds.Contains(point.X, point.Y))
                                destRow[x] = source[point.X, point.Y];


            int maxSourceX = source.Width - 1;
            int maxSourceY = source.Height - 1;

            (float radius, float scale, float ratio)xRadiusScale = this.GetSamplingRadius(source.Width, destination.Width);
            (float radius, float scale, float ratio)yRadiusScale = this.GetSamplingRadius(source.Height, destination.Height);
            float      xScale    = xRadiusScale.scale;
            float      yScale    = yRadiusScale.scale;
            var        radius    = new Vector2(xRadiusScale.radius, yRadiusScale.radius);
            IResampler sampler   = this.Sampler;
            var        maxSource = new Vector4(maxSourceX, maxSourceY, maxSourceX, maxSourceY);
            int        xLength   = (int)MathF.Ceiling((radius.X * 2) + 2);
            int        yLength   = (int)MathF.Ceiling((radius.Y * 2) + 2);

            MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator = configuration.MemoryAllocator;

            using (Buffer2D <float> yBuffer = memoryAllocator.Allocate2D <float>(yLength, height))
                using (Buffer2D <float> xBuffer = memoryAllocator.Allocate2D <float>(xLength, height))
                        rows =>
                        for (int y = rows.Min; y < rows.Max; y++)
                            ref TPixel destRowRef = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(destination.GetPixelRowSpan(y));
                            ref float ySpanRef    = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(yBuffer.GetRowSpan(y));
                            ref float xSpanRef    = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(xBuffer.GetRowSpan(y));

                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                // Use the single precision position to calculate correct bounding pixels
                                // otherwise we get rogue pixels outside of the bounds.
                                var point = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(x, y), matrix);

                                // Clamp sampling pixel radial extents to the source image edges
                                Vector2 maxXY = point + radius;
                                Vector2 minXY = point - radius;

                                // max, maxY, minX, minY
                                var extents = new Vector4(
                                    MathF.Floor(maxXY.X + .5F),
                                    MathF.Floor(maxXY.Y + .5F),
                                    MathF.Ceiling(minXY.X - .5F),
                                    MathF.Ceiling(minXY.Y - .5F));

                                int right  = (int)extents.X;
                                int bottom = (int)extents.Y;
                                int left   = (int)extents.Z;
                                int top    = (int)extents.W;

                                extents = Vector4.Clamp(extents, Vector4.Zero, maxSource);

                                int maxX = (int)extents.X;
                                int maxY = (int)extents.Y;
                                int minX = (int)extents.Z;
                                int minY = (int)extents.W;

                                if (minX == maxX || minY == maxY)

                                // It appears these have to be calculated on-the-fly.
                                // Precalculating transformed weights would require prior knowledge of every transformed pixel location
                                // since they can be at sub-pixel positions on both axis.
                                // I've optimized where I can but am always open to suggestions.
                                if (yScale > 1 && xScale > 1)
                                        ref ySpanRef,

                                        ref xSpanRef,
                                    CalculateWeightsScaleUp(minY, maxY, point.Y, sampler, ref ySpanRef);
                                    CalculateWeightsScaleUp(minX, maxX, point.X, sampler, ref xSpanRef);

                                // Now multiply the results against the offsets
                                Vector4 sum = Vector4.Zero;
                                for (int yy = 0, j = minY; j <= maxY; j++, yy++)
                                    float yWeight = Unsafe.Add(ref ySpanRef, yy);

                                    for (int xx = 0, i = minX; i <= maxX; i++, xx++)
                                        float xWeight = Unsafe.Add(ref xSpanRef, xx);

                                        // Values are first premultiplied to prevent darkening of edge pixels
                                        var current = source[i, j].ToVector4();
                                        Vector4Utils.Premultiply(ref current);
                                        sum += current * xWeight * yWeight;

                                ref TPixel dest = ref Unsafe.Add(ref destRowRef, x);

                                // Reverse the premultiplication
                                Vector4Utils.UnPremultiply(ref sum);
Beispiel #26
        public static void StoreValueTypeFieldValueIntoValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset, object fieldValue, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldTypeHandle)

            RuntimeImports.RhUnbox(fieldValue, ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset), fieldTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr());
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnFrameApply(ImageFrame <TPixel> source)
            int sourceWidth     = source.Width;
            int sourceHeight    = source.Height;
            int tileWidth       = (int)MathF.Ceiling(sourceWidth / (float)this.Tiles);
            int tileHeight      = (int)MathF.Ceiling(sourceHeight / (float)this.Tiles);
            int tileCount       = this.Tiles;
            int halfTileWidth   = tileWidth / 2;
            int halfTileHeight  = tileHeight / 2;
            int luminanceLevels = this.LuminanceLevels;

            // The image is split up into tiles. For each tile the cumulative distribution function will be calculated.
            using (var cdfData = new CdfTileData(this.Configuration, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, this.Tiles, this.Tiles, tileWidth, tileHeight, luminanceLevels))
                cdfData.CalculateLookupTables(source, this);

                var tileYStartPositions = new List <(int y, int cdfY)>();
                int cdfY   = 0;
                int yStart = halfTileHeight;
                for (int tile = 0; tile < tileCount - 1; tile++)
                    tileYStartPositions.Add((yStart, cdfY));
                    yStart += tileHeight;

                    new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = this.Configuration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism
                    index =>
                    int y     = tileYStartPositions[index].y;
                    int cdfYY = tileYStartPositions[index].cdfY;

                    // It's unfortunate that we have to do this per iteration.
                    ref TPixel sourceBase = ref source.GetPixelReference(0, 0);

                    int cdfX = 0;
                    int x    = halfTileWidth;
                    for (int tile = 0; tile < tileCount - 1; tile++)
                        int tileY = 0;
                        int yEnd  = Math.Min(y + tileHeight, sourceHeight);
                        int xEnd  = Math.Min(x + tileWidth, sourceWidth);
                        for (int dy = y; dy < yEnd; dy++)
                            int dyOffSet = dy * sourceWidth;
                            int tileX    = 0;
                            for (int dx = x; dx < xEnd; dx++)
                                ref TPixel pixel         = ref Unsafe.Add(ref sourceBase, dyOffSet + dx);
                                float luminanceEqualized = InterpolateBetweenFourTiles(

                                pixel.FromVector4(new Vector4(luminanceEqualized, luminanceEqualized, luminanceEqualized, pixel.ToVector4().W));


                        x += tileWidth;
Beispiel #28
        public static void StoreReferenceTypeFieldValueIntoValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset, object fieldValue)

            Unsafe.As <byte, object>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset)) = fieldValue;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the assignments with the lowest global assignment cost.
        /// See for an explanation of the algorithm used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assignmentCostsDoubles">The assignment costs.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Int32[].</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">assignmentCosts</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">This algorithm implementation does not support cost matrices with fewer columns than rows - assignmentCosts</exception>
        public static int[] FindAssignments([NotNull] Matrix <double> assignmentCostsDoubles)
            if (assignmentCostsDoubles == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assignmentCostsDoubles));

            var rows    = assignmentCostsDoubles.RowCount;
            var columns = assignmentCostsDoubles.ColumnCount;

            if (rows > columns)
                throw new ArgumentException("This algorithm implementation does not support cost matrices with fewer columns than rows", nameof(assignmentCostsDoubles));

            var costs = new Storage <float>(rows, columns);

            for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                var min = float.MaxValue;

                for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++)
                    var cost = (float)assignmentCostsDoubles[row, column];

                    if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(cost))
                        costs[row, column] = cost = float.MinValue;
                    else if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(cost) || float.IsNaN(cost))
                        costs[row, column] = cost = float.MaxValue;
                        costs[row, column] = cost;

                    min = Math.Min(min, cost);

                if (float.IsInfinity(min))
                    min = float.MinValue;

                for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++)
                    costs[row, column] -= min;

            var masks       = new Storage <byte>(rows, columns);
            var rowsCovered = new bool[rows];
            var colsCovered = new bool[columns];

            for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++)
                    if (Math.Abs(costs[row, column]) <= 0 && !rowsCovered[row] && !colsCovered[column])
                        masks[row, column] = 1;
                        rowsCovered[row]   = colsCovered[column] = true;


            var path      = new Location[columns * rows];
            var pathStart = default(Location);
            var step      = 1;

            while (step != -1)
                switch (step)
                case 1:
                    step = RunStep1();

                case 2:
                    step = RunStep2();

                case 3:
                    step = RunStep3();

                case 4:
                    step = RunStep4();

                    throw new Exception($"Unknown step number {step}");

            var agentsTasks = new int[rows];

            for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++)
                    if (masks[row, column] == 1)
                        agentsTasks[row] = column;


            int RunStep1()
                // The covered flags have are reset before this step

                var coveredColsCount = 0;

                if (Avx2.IsSupported && rows >= Vector256 <byte> .Count)
                    var maxVectorOffset = rows - rows % Vector256 <byte> .Count;

                    if (maxVectorOffset > 0)
                        var onesVector = Vector256.Create((byte)1);
                        for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++)
                            var     currentColCovered = false;
                            ref var rowRef            = ref masks.ColumnMajorBackingStore[column * rows];
                            for (var row = 0; row < maxVectorOffset; row += Vector256 <byte> .Count)
                                var masksRowVector = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <Vector256 <byte> >(ref Unsafe.Add(ref rowRef, row));
                                var comparison     = Avx2.CompareEqual(masksRowVector, onesVector);
                                var comparisonMask = Avx2.MoveMask(comparison);

                                if (comparisonMask != 0)
                                    colsCovered[column] = true;
                                    currentColCovered   = true;

                            if (!currentColCovered && maxVectorOffset < rows)
                                for (var row = maxVectorOffset; row < rows; row++)
                                    if (Unsafe.Add(ref rowRef, row) == 1)
                                        colsCovered[column] = true;
Beispiel #30
        public static object LoadReferenceTypeFieldValueFromValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset)

            return(Unsafe.As <byte, object>(ref Unsafe.Add <byte>(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset)));