Beispiel #1
        // CinemachineBrain callback used when this behaviour is on the Unity Camera
        internal void PostFXHandler(CinemachineBrain brain)
            ICinemachineCamera vcam = brain.ActiveVirtualCamera;

            if (enabled && mBrain != null && mPostProcessingBehaviour != null)
                // Look for the vcam's PostFX behaviour
                CinemachinePostFX postFX = GetEffectivePostFX(vcam);
                if (postFX == null)
                    postFX = this;  // vcam does not define a profile - apply the default
                if (postFX.m_Profile != null)
                    // Adjust the focus distance
                    CameraState state = brain.CurrentCameraState;
                    UnityEngine.PostProcessing.DepthOfFieldModel.Settings dof
                        = postFX.m_Profile.depthOfField.settings;
                    if (postFX.m_FocusTracksTarget && state.HasLookAt)
                        dof.focusDistance = (state.FinalPosition - state.ReferenceLookAt).magnitude
                                            + postFX.m_FocusOffset;
                    postFX.m_Profile.depthOfField.settings = dof;
                // Apply the profile
                if (mPostProcessingBehaviour.profile != postFX.m_Profile)
                    mPostProcessingBehaviour.profile = postFX.m_Profile;