Beispiel #1
    private void Awake()//Ran once the program starts
        instance = this;

        GameObject player2 = GameObject.Find("Lumberjack2");

        GameObject player3 = GameObject.Find("Lumberjack3");


        fNodeDiameter = fNodeRadius * 2;                                    //Double the radius to get diameter
        iGridSizeX    = Mathf.RoundToInt(vGridWorldSize.x / fNodeDiameter); //Divide the grids world co-ordinates by the diameter to get the size of the graph in array units.
        iGridSizeY    = Mathf.RoundToInt(vGridWorldSize.y / fNodeDiameter); //Divide the grids world co-ordinates by the diameter to get the size of the graph in array units.
        CreateGrid();                                                       //Draw the grid

        if (scenario == Scenario.Known && algorithm == Algorithm.AStar)
            print("Scenario : " + scenario + ", Algorithm = " + algorithm);
            PathfindingA PAscript   = this.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(PathfindingA)) as PathfindingA;
            GameObject   player     = GameObject.Find("Agent");
            Unit         unitScript = player.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Unit)) as Unit;
            unitScript.enabled = true;
            PAscript.enabled   = true;
        else if (scenario == Scenario.Known && algorithm == Algorithm.Dijkstra)
            print("Scenario : " + scenario + ", Algorithm = " + algorithm);
            Dijkstra     DIJscript          = this.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Dijkstra)) as Dijkstra;
            GameObject   player             = GameObject.Find("Agent");
            UnitDijkstra unitDijkstraScript = player.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UnitDijkstra)) as UnitDijkstra;
            unitDijkstraScript.enabled = true;
            DIJscript.enabled          = true;
        else if (scenario == Scenario.Unknown && searchMode == SearchMode.CellByCell)
            print("Scenario : " + scenario + ", Search Mode : " + searchMode + " , Algorithm = " + algorithm);
            GameObject        player           = GameObject.Find("Agent");
            UnitSearchUnkCell UnitSearchscript = player.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UnitSearchUnkCell)) as UnitSearchUnkCell;
            UnitSearchscript.enabled = true;
        else if (scenario == Scenario.Unknown && searchMode == SearchMode.Randomly)
            print("Scenario : " + scenario + ", Search Mode : " + searchMode + " , Algorithm = " + algorithm);

            GameObject player           = GameObject.Find("Agent");
            UnitRandom UnitRandomscript = player.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UnitRandom)) as UnitRandom;
            UnitRandomscript.enabled = true;
        else if (scenario == Scenario.ThreeAgents)

            print("Scenario : " + scenario + ", Algorithm = " + algorithm);
            ThreeAgents CompThreeAgents = this.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(ThreeAgents)) as ThreeAgents;
            CompThreeAgents.enabled = true;
Beispiel #2
    void Start()
        playerMeet = new List <GameObject>();
        nbTrees    = GridWorld.instance.nbTrees;
        UnitRandom UnitRandomscript2 = player2.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UnitRandom)) as UnitRandom;

        UnitRandomscript2.enabled = true;
        LostForest CompLostForest2 = player2.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(LostForest)) as LostForest;

        CompLostForest2.enabled = true;

        UnitRandom UnitRandomscript3 = player3.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UnitRandom)) as UnitRandom;

        UnitRandomscript3.enabled = true;
        LostForest CompLostForest3 = player3.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(LostForest)) as LostForest;

        CompLostForest3.enabled = true;

        UnitSearchUnkCell UnitSearchscript = player.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(UnitSearchUnkCell)) as UnitSearchUnkCell;

        UnitSearchscript.enabled = true;
        LostForest CompLostForest = player.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(LostForest)) as LostForest;

        CompLostForest.enabled = true;

        Vector3 positionSawmill = new Vector3(Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f), 0, Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f));

        if (checkIfPosEmpty(positionSawmill))
            GameObject sawmill = GameObject.Find("Sawmill");
            sawmill.transform.position = positionSawmill;

        for (int i = 0; i < nbTrees; i++)
            Vector3 positionTree = new Vector3(Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f), 0, Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f));
            if (checkIfPosEmpty(positionTree))
                GameObject trees = GameObject.Find("Tree");
                Instantiate(trees, positionTree, Quaternion.identity);