public void EqualsAndHashCode()
            UniqueConstraint cst = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn [] {
                _table.Columns[0], _table.Columns[1]
            UniqueConstraint cst2 = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn [] {
                _table.Columns[1], _table.Columns[0]

            UniqueConstraint cst3 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns [0]);
            UniqueConstraint cst4 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns [2]);

            Assert.That(cst.Equals(cst2), Is.True, "A0");

            Assert.That(cst.Equals(23), Is.False, "A1");
            Assert.That(cst.Equals(cst3), Is.False, "A2");
            Assert.That(cst3.Equals(cst), Is.False, "A3");
            Assert.That(cst.Equals(cst4), Is.False, "A4");

            //false... but it should be true (FXDG violation)
            //Assert.That (cst.GetHashCode (), Is.Not.EqualTo (cst2.GetHashCode ()), "HashEquals");

            Assert.That(cst.GetHashCode(), Is.Not.EqualTo(cst3.GetHashCode()), "Hash Not Equals");
        //Activate This Construntor to log All To Standard output
        //public TestClass():base(true){}

        //Activate this constructor to log Failures to a log file
        //public TestClass(System.IO.TextWriter tw):base(tw, false){}

        //Activate this constructor to log All to a log file
        //public TestClass(System.IO.TextWriter tw):base(tw, true){}


        public void run()
            Exception exp      = null;
            DataSet   ds       = new DataSet();
            DataTable dtParent = GHTUtils.DataProvider.CreateParentDataTable();


            UniqueConstraint uc1, uc2;

            uc1 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[0]);

            uc2 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[1]);
                BeginCase("different columnn");
                Compare(uc1.Equals(uc2), false);
            catch (Exception ex)     { exp = ex; }
            finally { EndCase(exp); exp = null; }

            //Two System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint are equal if they constrain the same columns.
                BeginCase("same column");
                uc2 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[0]);
                Compare(uc1.Equals(uc2), true);
            catch (Exception ex)     { exp = ex; }
            finally { EndCase(exp); exp = null; }
Beispiel #3
        public void EqualsAndHashCode()
            UniqueConstraint cst = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn [] {
                _table.Columns[0], _table.Columns[1]
            UniqueConstraint cst2 = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn [] {
                _table.Columns[1], _table.Columns[0]

            UniqueConstraint cst3 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns[0]);
            UniqueConstraint cst4 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns[2]);

            Assert(cst.Equals(cst2) == true);

            Assert("A1", cst.Equals(23) == false);
            Assert("A2", cst.Equals(cst3) == false);
            Assert("A3", cst3.Equals(cst) == false);
            Assert("A4", cst.Equals(cst4) == false);

            Assert("HashEquals", cst.GetHashCode() == cst2.GetHashCode());

            Assert("Hash Not Equals", (cst.GetHashCode() == cst3.GetHashCode()) == false);
Beispiel #4
        public void Equals_O()
            var ds = new DataSet();
            DataTable dtParent = DataProvider.CreateParentDataTable();

            UniqueConstraint uc1, uc2;
            uc1 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[0]);

            uc2 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[1]);
            // different columnn
            Assert.Equal(false, uc1.Equals(uc2));

            //Two System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint are equal if they constrain the same columns.
            // same column
            uc2 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[0]);
            Assert.Equal(true, uc1.Equals(uc2));
Beispiel #5
        [Test] public void Equals_O()
            DataSet   ds       = new DataSet();
            DataTable dtParent = DataProvider.CreateParentDataTable();


            UniqueConstraint uc1, uc2;

            uc1 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[0]);

            uc2 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[1]);
            // different columnn
            Assert.AreEqual(false, uc1.Equals(uc2), "UC3");

            //Two System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint are equal if they constrain the same columns.
            // same column
            uc2 = new UniqueConstraint(dtParent.Columns[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, uc1.Equals(uc2), "UC4");
Beispiel #6
        public void EqualsAndHashCode()
            UniqueConstraint cst = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn[] {
                _table.Columns[0], _table.Columns[1]
            UniqueConstraint cst2 = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn[] {
                _table.Columns[1], _table.Columns[0]

            UniqueConstraint cst3 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns[0]);
            UniqueConstraint cst4 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns[2]);



            Assert.NotEqual(cst3.GetHashCode(), cst.GetHashCode());
Beispiel #7
        private object[] SetupSchemaWithKeyInfo(MissingMappingAction mappingAction, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction, bool gettingData, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, object chapterValue)
            // must sort rows from schema table by ordinal because Jet is sorted by coumn name
            DbSchemaRow[] schemaRows = DbSchemaRow.GetSortedSchemaRows(_schemaTable, _dataReader.ReturnProviderSpecificTypes);
            Debug.Assert(null != schemaRows, "SchemaSetup - null DbSchemaRow[]");
            Debug.Assert(_dataReader.FieldCount <= schemaRows.Length, "unexpected fewer rows in Schema than FieldCount");

            if (0 == schemaRows.Length)
                _dataTable = null;
                return null;

            // Everett behavior, always add a primary key if a primary key didn't exist before
            // Whidbey behavior, same as Everett unless using LoadOption then add primary key only if no columns previously existed
            bool addPrimaryKeys = (((0 == _dataTable.PrimaryKey.Length) && ((4 <= (int)_loadOption) || (0 == _dataTable.Rows.Count)))
                                    || (0 == _dataTable.Columns.Count));

            DataColumn[] keys = null;
            int keyCount = 0;
            bool isPrimary = true; // assume key info (if any) is about a primary key

            string keyBaseTable = null;
            string commonBaseTable = null;

            bool keyFromMultiTable = false;
            bool commonFromMultiTable = false;

            int[] columnIndexMap = null;
            bool[] chapterIndexMap = null;

            int mappingCount = 0;

            object[] dataValues = null;
            List<object> addedItems = null;
            DataColumnCollection columnCollection = _dataTable.Columns;
                for (int sortedIndex = 0; sortedIndex < schemaRows.Length; ++sortedIndex)
                    DbSchemaRow schemaRow = schemaRows[sortedIndex];

                    int unsortedIndex = schemaRow.UnsortedIndex;

                    bool ischapter = false;
                    Type fieldType = schemaRow.DataType;
                    if (null == fieldType)
                        fieldType = _dataReader.GetFieldType(sortedIndex);
                    if (null == fieldType)
                        throw ADP.MissingDataReaderFieldType(sortedIndex);

                    // if IDataReader, hierarchy exists and we will use an Int32,AutoIncrementColumn in this table
                    if (typeof(IDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(fieldType))
                        if (null == chapterIndexMap)
                            chapterIndexMap = new bool[schemaRows.Length];
                        chapterIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = ischapter = true;
                        fieldType = typeof(int);
                    else if (typeof(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml).IsAssignableFrom(fieldType))
                        if (null == _xmlMap)
                            _xmlMap = new int[schemaRows.Length];
                        _xmlMap[sortedIndex] = SqlXml;
                    else if (typeof(System.Xml.XmlReader).IsAssignableFrom(fieldType))
                        fieldType = typeof(string);
                        if (null == _xmlMap)
                            _xmlMap = new int[schemaRows.Length];
                        _xmlMap[sortedIndex] = XmlDocument;

                    DataColumn dataColumn = null;
                    if (!schemaRow.IsHidden)
                        dataColumn = _tableMapping.GetDataColumn(_fieldNames[sortedIndex], fieldType, _dataTable, mappingAction, schemaAction);

                    string basetable = /*schemaRow.BaseServerName+schemaRow.BaseCatalogName+schemaRow.BaseSchemaName+*/ schemaRow.BaseTableName;
                    if (null == dataColumn)
                        if (null == columnIndexMap)
                            columnIndexMap = CreateIndexMap(schemaRows.Length, unsortedIndex);
                        columnIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = -1;

                        // if the column is not mapped and it is a key, then don't add any key information
                        if (schemaRow.IsKey)
                            if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: partial primary key detected");
                            // if the hidden key comes from a different table - don't throw away the primary key
                            // example SELECT [T2].[ID], [T2].[ProdID], [T2].[VendorName] FROM [Vendor] AS [T2], [Prod] AS [T1] WHERE (([T1].[ProdID] = [T2].[ProdID]))
                            if (keyFromMultiTable || (schemaRow.BaseTableName == keyBaseTable))
                                addPrimaryKeys = false; // don't add any future keys now
                                keys = null; // get rid of any keys we've seen
                        continue; // null means ignore (mapped to nothing)
                    else if ((null != _xmlMap) && (0 != _xmlMap[sortedIndex]))
                        if (typeof(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml) == dataColumn.DataType)
                            _xmlMap[sortedIndex] = SqlXml;
                        else if (typeof(System.Xml.XmlDocument) == dataColumn.DataType)
                            _xmlMap[sortedIndex] = XmlDocument;
                            _xmlMap[sortedIndex] = 0; // datacolumn is not a specific Xml dataType, i.e. string

                            int total = 0;
                            for (int x = 0; x < _xmlMap.Length; ++x)
                                total += _xmlMap[x];
                            if (0 == total)
                            { // not mapping to a specific Xml datatype, get rid of the map
                                _xmlMap = null;

                    if (schemaRow.IsKey)
                        if (basetable != keyBaseTable)
                            if (null == keyBaseTable)
                                keyBaseTable = basetable;
                            else keyFromMultiTable = true;

                    if (ischapter)
                        if (null == dataColumn.Table)
                            dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;
                            dataColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
                            dataColumn.ReadOnly = true;
                        else if (!dataColumn.AutoIncrement)
                            throw ADP.FillChapterAutoIncrement();
                        if (!commonFromMultiTable)
                            if ((basetable != commonBaseTable) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basetable)))
                                if (null == commonBaseTable)
                                    commonBaseTable = basetable;
                                    commonFromMultiTable = true;
                        if (4 <= (int)_loadOption)
                            if (schemaRow.IsAutoIncrement && DataColumn.IsAutoIncrementType(fieldType))
                                // CONSIDER: use T-SQL "IDENT_INCR('table_or_view')" and "IDENT_SEED('table_or_view')"
                                //           functions to obtain the actual increment and seed values
                                dataColumn.AutoIncrement = true;

                                if (!schemaRow.AllowDBNull)
                                    dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

                            // setup maxLength, only for string columns since this is all the DataSet supports
                            if (fieldType == typeof(string))
                                // schemaRow.Size is count of characters for string columns, count of bytes otherwise
                                dataColumn.MaxLength = schemaRow.Size > 0 ? schemaRow.Size : -1;

                            if (schemaRow.IsReadOnly)
                                dataColumn.ReadOnly = true;
                            if (!schemaRow.AllowDBNull && (!schemaRow.IsReadOnly || schemaRow.IsKey))
                                dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

                            if (schemaRow.IsUnique && !schemaRow.IsKey && !fieldType.IsArray)
                                // note, arrays are not comparable so only mark non-arrays as unique, ie timestamp columns
                                // are unique, but not comparable
                                dataColumn.Unique = true;

                                if (!schemaRow.AllowDBNull)
                                    dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;
                        else if (null == dataColumn.Table)
                            dataColumn.AutoIncrement = schemaRow.IsAutoIncrement;
                            dataColumn.AllowDBNull = schemaRow.AllowDBNull;
                            dataColumn.ReadOnly = schemaRow.IsReadOnly;
                            dataColumn.Unique = schemaRow.IsUnique;

                            if (fieldType == typeof(string) || (fieldType == typeof(SqlTypes.SqlString)))
                                // schemaRow.Size is count of characters for string columns, count of bytes otherwise
                                dataColumn.MaxLength = schemaRow.Size;
                    if (null == dataColumn.Table)
                        if (4 > (int)_loadOption)
                            AddAdditionalProperties(dataColumn, schemaRow.DataRow);
                        AddItemToAllowRollback(ref addedItems, dataColumn);

                    // The server sends us one key per table according to these rules.
                    // 1. If the table has a primary key, the server sends us this key.
                    // 2. If the table has a primary key and a unique key, it sends us the primary key
                    // 3. if the table has no primary key but has a unique key, it sends us the unique key
                    // In case 3, we will promote a unique key to a primary key IFF all the columns that compose
                    // that key are not nullable since no columns in a primary key can be null.  If one or more
                    // of the keys is nullable, then we will add a unique constraint.
                    if (addPrimaryKeys && schemaRow.IsKey)
                        if (keys == null)
                            keys = new DataColumn[schemaRows.Length];
                        keys[keyCount++] = dataColumn;
                        if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                            Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: building list of " + ((isPrimary) ? "PrimaryKey" : "UniqueConstraint"));
                        // see case 3 above, we do want dataColumn.AllowDBNull not schemaRow.AllowDBNull
                        // otherwise adding PrimaryKey will change AllowDBNull to false
                        if (isPrimary && dataColumn.AllowDBNull)
                            if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: changing PrimaryKey into UniqueContraint");
                            isPrimary = false;

                    if (null != columnIndexMap)
                        columnIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = dataColumn.Ordinal;
                    else if (unsortedIndex != dataColumn.Ordinal)
                        columnIndexMap = CreateIndexMap(schemaRows.Length, unsortedIndex);
                        columnIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = dataColumn.Ordinal;

                bool addDataRelation = false;
                DataColumn chapterColumn = null;
                if (null != chapterValue)
                { // add the extra column in the child table
                    Type fieldType = chapterValue.GetType();
                    chapterColumn = _tableMapping.GetDataColumn(_tableMapping.SourceTable, fieldType, _dataTable, mappingAction, schemaAction);
                    if (null != chapterColumn)
                        if (null == chapterColumn.Table)
                            chapterColumn.ReadOnly = true;
                            chapterColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

                            AddItemToAllowRollback(ref addedItems, chapterColumn);
                            addDataRelation = (null != parentChapterColumn);

                if (0 < mappingCount)
                    if ((null != _dataSet) && null == _dataTable.DataSet)
                        AddItemToAllowRollback(ref addedItems, _dataTable);
                    // setup the key
                    if (addPrimaryKeys && (null != keys))
                        if (keyCount < keys.Length)
                            keys = ResizeColumnArray(keys, keyCount);

                        if (isPrimary)
                            if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: set_PrimaryKey");
                            _dataTable.PrimaryKey = keys;
                            UniqueConstraint unique = new UniqueConstraint("", keys);
                            ConstraintCollection constraints = _dataTable.Constraints;
                            int constraintCount = constraints.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; ++i)
                                if (unique.Equals(constraints[i]))
                                    if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                        Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: duplicate Contraint detected");
                                    unique = null;
                            if (null != unique)
                                if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                    Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: adding new UniqueConstraint");
                    if (!commonFromMultiTable && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(commonBaseTable) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dataTable.TableName))
                        _dataTable.TableName = commonBaseTable;
                    if (gettingData)
                        _indexMap = columnIndexMap;
                        _chapterMap = chapterIndexMap;
                        dataValues = SetupMapping(schemaRows.Length, columnCollection, chapterColumn, chapterValue);
                        // debug only, but for retail debug ability
                        _mappedMode = -1;
                    _dataTable = null;
                if (addDataRelation)
                    AddRelation(parentChapterColumn, chapterColumn);
            catch (Exception e) when (ADP.IsCatchableOrSecurityExceptionType(e))
            return dataValues;
        private object[] SetupSchemaWithKeyInfo(MissingMappingAction mappingAction, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction, bool gettingData, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, object chapterValue)
            DbSchemaRow[] sortedSchemaRows = DbSchemaRow.GetSortedSchemaRows(this._schemaTable, this._dataReader.ReturnProviderSpecificTypes);
            if (sortedSchemaRows.Length == 0)
                this._dataTable = null;
            bool flag3 = ((this._dataTable.PrimaryKey.Length == 0) && ((((LoadOption)4) <= this._loadOption) || (this._dataTable.Rows.Count == 0))) || (0 == this._dataTable.Columns.Count);

            DataColumn[] rgcol = null;
            int          len   = 0;
            bool         flag2 = true;
            string       str3  = null;
            string       str2  = null;
            bool         flag6 = false;
            bool         flag  = false;

            int[]  numArray  = null;
            bool[] flagArray = null;
            int    num3      = 0;

            object[]             objArray         = null;
            List <object>        items            = null;
            DataColumnCollection columnCollection = this._dataTable.Columns;

                for (int i = 0; i < sortedSchemaRows.Length; i++)
                    DbSchemaRow row           = sortedSchemaRows[i];
                    int         unsortedIndex = row.UnsortedIndex;
                    bool        flag5         = false;
                    Type        dataType      = row.DataType;
                    if (null == dataType)
                        dataType = this._dataReader.GetFieldType(i);
                    if (null == dataType)
                        throw ADP.MissingDataReaderFieldType(i);
                    if (typeof(IDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(dataType))
                        if (flagArray == null)
                            flagArray = new bool[sortedSchemaRows.Length];
                        flagArray[unsortedIndex] = flag5 = true;
                        dataType = typeof(int);
                    else if (typeof(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml).IsAssignableFrom(dataType))
                        if (this._xmlMap == null)
                            this._xmlMap = new int[sortedSchemaRows.Length];
                        this._xmlMap[i] = 1;
                    else if (typeof(XmlReader).IsAssignableFrom(dataType))
                        dataType = typeof(string);
                        if (this._xmlMap == null)
                            this._xmlMap = new int[sortedSchemaRows.Length];
                        this._xmlMap[i] = 2;
                    DataColumn targetColumn = null;
                    if (!row.IsHidden)
                        targetColumn = this._tableMapping.GetDataColumn(this._fieldNames[i], dataType, this._dataTable, mappingAction, schemaAction);
                    string baseTableName = row.BaseTableName;
                    if (targetColumn == null)
                        if (numArray == null)
                            numArray = this.CreateIndexMap(sortedSchemaRows.Length, unsortedIndex);
                        numArray[unsortedIndex] = -1;
                        if (row.IsKey && (flag6 || (row.BaseTableName == str3)))
                            flag3 = false;
                            rgcol = null;
                        if ((this._xmlMap != null) && (this._xmlMap[i] != 0))
                            if (typeof(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml) == targetColumn.DataType)
                                this._xmlMap[i] = 1;
                            else if (typeof(System.Xml.XmlDocument) == targetColumn.DataType)
                                this._xmlMap[i] = 2;
                                this._xmlMap[i] = 0;
                                int num7 = 0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < this._xmlMap.Length; j++)
                                    num7 += this._xmlMap[j];
                                if (num7 == 0)
                                    this._xmlMap = null;
                        if (row.IsKey && (baseTableName != str3))
                            if (str3 == null)
                                str3 = baseTableName;
                                flag6 = true;
                        if (flag5)
                            if (targetColumn.Table != null)
                                if (!targetColumn.AutoIncrement)
                                    throw ADP.FillChapterAutoIncrement();
                                targetColumn.AllowDBNull   = false;
                                targetColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
                                targetColumn.ReadOnly      = true;
                            if ((!flag && (baseTableName != str2)) && !ADP.IsEmpty(baseTableName))
                                if (str2 == null)
                                    str2 = baseTableName;
                                    flag = true;
                            if (((LoadOption)4) <= this._loadOption)
                                if (row.IsAutoIncrement && DataColumn.IsAutoIncrementType(dataType))
                                    targetColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
                                    if (!row.AllowDBNull)
                                        targetColumn.AllowDBNull = false;
                                if (dataType == typeof(string))
                                    targetColumn.MaxLength = (row.Size > 0) ? row.Size : -1;
                                if (row.IsReadOnly)
                                    targetColumn.ReadOnly = true;
                                if (!row.AllowDBNull && (!row.IsReadOnly || row.IsKey))
                                    targetColumn.AllowDBNull = false;
                                if ((row.IsUnique && !row.IsKey) && !dataType.IsArray)
                                    targetColumn.Unique = true;
                                    if (!row.AllowDBNull)
                                        targetColumn.AllowDBNull = false;
                            else if (targetColumn.Table == null)
                                targetColumn.AutoIncrement = row.IsAutoIncrement;
                                targetColumn.AllowDBNull   = row.AllowDBNull;
                                targetColumn.ReadOnly      = row.IsReadOnly;
                                targetColumn.Unique        = row.IsUnique;
                                if ((dataType == typeof(string)) || (dataType == typeof(SqlString)))
                                    targetColumn.MaxLength = row.Size;
                        if (targetColumn.Table == null)
                            if (((LoadOption)4) > this._loadOption)
                                this.AddAdditionalProperties(targetColumn, row.DataRow);
                            this.AddItemToAllowRollback(ref items, targetColumn);
                        if (flag3 && row.IsKey)
                            if (rgcol == null)
                                rgcol = new DataColumn[sortedSchemaRows.Length];
                            rgcol[len++] = targetColumn;
                            if (flag2 && targetColumn.AllowDBNull)
                                flag2 = false;
                        if (numArray != null)
                            numArray[unsortedIndex] = targetColumn.Ordinal;
                        else if (unsortedIndex != targetColumn.Ordinal)
                            numArray = this.CreateIndexMap(sortedSchemaRows.Length, unsortedIndex);
                            numArray[unsortedIndex] = targetColumn.Ordinal;
                bool       flag4   = false;
                DataColumn column2 = null;
                if (chapterValue != null)
                    Type type = chapterValue.GetType();
                    column2 = this._tableMapping.GetDataColumn(this._tableMapping.SourceTable, type, this._dataTable, mappingAction, schemaAction);
                    if (column2 != null)
                        if (column2.Table == null)
                            column2.ReadOnly    = true;
                            column2.AllowDBNull = false;
                            this.AddItemToAllowRollback(ref items, column2);
                            flag4 = null != parentChapterColumn;
                if (0 < num3)
                    if ((this._dataSet != null) && (this._dataTable.DataSet == null))
                        this.AddItemToAllowRollback(ref items, this._dataTable);
                    if (flag3 && (rgcol != null))
                        if (len < rgcol.Length)
                            rgcol = this.ResizeColumnArray(rgcol, len);
                        if (flag2)
                            this._dataTable.PrimaryKey = rgcol;
                            UniqueConstraint     constraint  = new UniqueConstraint("", rgcol);
                            ConstraintCollection constraints = this._dataTable.Constraints;
                            int count = constraints.Count;
                            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                                if (constraint.Equals(constraints[k]))
                                    constraint = null;
                            if (constraint != null)
                    if ((!flag && !ADP.IsEmpty(str2)) && ADP.IsEmpty(this._dataTable.TableName))
                        this._dataTable.TableName = str2;
                    if (gettingData)
                        this._indexMap   = numArray;
                        this._chapterMap = flagArray;
                        objArray         = this.SetupMapping(sortedSchemaRows.Length, columnCollection, column2, chapterValue);
                        this._mappedMode = -1;
                    this._dataTable = null;
                if (flag4)
                    this.AddRelation(parentChapterColumn, column2);
            catch (Exception exception)
                if (ADP.IsCatchableOrSecurityExceptionType(exception))
Beispiel #9
        public void EqualsAndHashCode()
            UniqueConstraint cst = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn[] {
                    _table.Columns[0], _table.Columns[1]});
            UniqueConstraint cst2 = new UniqueConstraint(new DataColumn[] {
                     _table.Columns[1], _table.Columns[0]});

            UniqueConstraint cst3 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns[0]);
            UniqueConstraint cst4 = new UniqueConstraint(_table.Columns[2]);



            Assert.NotEqual(cst3.GetHashCode(), cst.GetHashCode());
        private void SetupSchemaWithKeyInfo(MissingMappingAction mappingAction, MissingSchemaAction schemaAction, bool gettingData, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, object chapterValue)
            Debug.Assert(null != schemaTable, "null schematable");
            if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                ADP.TraceDataTable("SetupSchema", schemaTable);
            DBSchemaRow[] schemaRows = DBSchemaRow.GetSortedSchemaRows(schemaTable); // MDAC 60609
            Debug.Assert(null != schemaRows, "SchemaSetup - null DBSchemaRow[]");

            int count = schemaRows.Length;
            if (0 == count)
                this.dataTable = null;

            bool         addPrimaryKeys = (0 == this.dataTable.PrimaryKey.Length); // MDAC 67033
            DataColumn[] keys           = null;
            int          keyCount       = 0;
            bool         isPrimary      = true; // assume key info (if any) is about a primary key

            int[]  columnIndexMap  = null;
            bool[] chapterIndexMap = null;

            int mappingCount = 0;

            DataColumnCollection columnCollection = null;
            for (int sortedIndex = 0; sortedIndex < count; ++sortedIndex)
                DBSchemaRow schemaRow = schemaRows[sortedIndex];

                int unsortedIndex = schemaRow.UnsortedIndex; // MDAC 67050

                DataColumnMapping columnMapping = null;
                Type       fieldType            = schemaRow.DataType;
                DataColumn dataColumn           = null;

                if (!schemaRow.IsHidden)
                    columnMapping = tableMapping.GetColumnMappingBySchemaAction(fieldNames[sortedIndex], mappingAction);

                bool ischapter = false;
                if ((null != columnMapping) && typeof(IDataReader).IsAssignableFrom(fieldType))
                    if (null == chapterIndexMap)
                        chapterIndexMap = new bool[count];
                    chapterIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = ischapter = true;

                    fieldType = typeof(Int32);

                if (columnMapping != null)
                    dataColumn = columnMapping.GetDataColumnBySchemaAction(this.dataTable, fieldType, schemaAction);

                if (null == dataColumn)
                    if (null == columnIndexMap)
                        columnIndexMap = CreateIndexMap(count, unsortedIndex);
                    columnIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = -1;

                    // if the column is not mapped and it is a key, then don't add any key information
                    if (schemaRow.IsKey)
                        if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                            Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: partial primary key detected");
                        addPrimaryKeys = false; // don't add any future keys now
                        keys           = null;  // get rid of any keys we've seen
                    continue;                   // null means ignore (mapped to nothing)

                if (ischapter)
                    if (null == dataColumn.Table)
                        dataColumn.AllowDBNull   = false;
                        dataColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
                        dataColumn.ReadOnly      = true;
                    else if (!dataColumn.AutoIncrement)
                        throw ADP.FillChapterAutoIncrement();
                else  // MDAC 67033
                    if (schemaRow.IsAutoIncrement && IsAutoIncrementType(fieldType))
                        // CONSIDER: use T-SQL "IDENT_INCR('table_or_view')" and "IDENT_SEED('table_or_view')"
                        //           functions to obtain the actual increment and seed values
                        dataColumn.AutoIncrement = true;

                        if (!schemaRow.AllowDBNull)   // MDAC 71060
                            dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

                    // setup maxLength, only for string columns since this is all the DataSet supports
                    if (fieldType == typeof(string))
                        //@devnote:  schemaRow.Size is count of characters for string columns, count of bytes otherwise
                        dataColumn.MaxLength = schemaRow.Size;

                    if (schemaRow.IsReadOnly)
                        dataColumn.ReadOnly = true;
                    if (!schemaRow.AllowDBNull && (!schemaRow.IsReadOnly || schemaRow.IsKey))   // MDAC 71060, 72252
                        dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

                    if (schemaRow.IsUnique && !schemaRow.IsKey && !fieldType.IsArray)
                        // note, arrays are not comparable so only mark non-arrays as unique, ie timestamp columns
                        // are unique, but not comparable
                        dataColumn.Unique = true;

                        if (!schemaRow.AllowDBNull)   // MDAC 71060
                            dataColumn.AllowDBNull = false;
                if (null == dataColumn.Table)
                    if (null == columnCollection)
                        columnCollection = dataTable.Columns;

                // The server sends us one key per table according to these rules.
                // 1. If the table has a primary key, the server sends us this key.
                // 2. If the table has a primary key and a unique key, it sends us the primary key
                // 3. if the table has no primary key but has a unique key, it sends us the unique key
                // In case 3, we will promote a unique key to a primary key IFF all the columns that compose
                // that key are not nullable since no columns in a primary key can be null.  If one or more
                // of the keys is nullable, then we will add a unique constraint.
                if (addPrimaryKeys && schemaRow.IsKey)   // MDAC 67033
                    if (keys == null)
                        keys = new DataColumn[count];
                    keys[keyCount++] = dataColumn;
                    if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                        Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: building list of " + ((isPrimary) ? "PrimaryKey" : "UniqueConstraint"));
                    // see case 3 above, we do want dataColumn.AllowDBNull not schemaRow.AllowDBNull
                    // otherwise adding PrimaryKey will change AllowDBNull to false
                    if (isPrimary && dataColumn.AllowDBNull)   // MDAC 72241
                        if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                            Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: changing PrimaryKey into UniqueContraint");
                        isPrimary = false;

                if (null != columnIndexMap)
                    columnIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = dataColumn.Ordinal;
                else if (unsortedIndex != dataColumn.Ordinal)
                    columnIndexMap = CreateIndexMap(count, unsortedIndex);
                    columnIndexMap[unsortedIndex] = dataColumn.Ordinal;

            bool       addDataRelation = false;
            DataColumn chapterColumn   = null;
            if (null != chapterValue)   // add the extra column in the child table
                DataColumnMapping columnMapping = tableMapping.GetColumnMappingBySchemaAction(tableMapping.SourceTable, mappingAction);
                if (null != columnMapping)
                    Type fieldType = chapterValue.GetType();
                    chapterColumn = columnMapping.GetDataColumnBySchemaAction(this.dataTable, fieldType, schemaAction);
                    if (null != chapterColumn)
                        if (null == chapterColumn.Table)
                            chapterColumn.ReadOnly    = true; // MDAC 71878
                            chapterColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

                            if (null == columnCollection)
                                columnCollection = dataTable.Columns;
                            addDataRelation = (null != parentChapterColumn);

            object[] dataValues = null;
            if (0 < mappingCount)
                if ((null != this.dataSet) && null == this.dataTable.DataSet)
                // setup the key
                if (addPrimaryKeys && (null != keys))   // MDAC 67033
                    if (keyCount < keys.Length)
                        keys = ResizeColumnArray(keys, keyCount);

                    // MDAC 66188
                    if (isPrimary)
                        if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                            Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: set_PrimaryKey");
                        this.dataTable.PrimaryKey = keys;
                        UniqueConstraint     unique      = new UniqueConstraint("", keys);
                        ConstraintCollection constraints = this.dataTable.Constraints;
                        int constraintCount = constraints.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; ++i)
                            if (unique.Equals(constraints[i]))
                                if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                    Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: duplicate Contraint detected");
                                unique = null;
                        if (null != unique)
                            if (AdapterSwitches.DataSchema.TraceVerbose)
                                Debug.WriteLine("SetupSchema: adding new UniqueConstraint");
                if (gettingData)
                    if (null == columnCollection)
                        columnCollection = dataTable.Columns;
                    _indexMap   = columnIndexMap;
                    _chapterMap = chapterIndexMap;
                    dataValues  = SetupMapping(count, columnCollection, chapterColumn, chapterValue);
                    this.mappedMode = -1;
                this.dataTable = null;
            if (addDataRelation)
                AddRelation(parentChapterColumn, chapterColumn);
            _readerDataValues = dataValues;