Beispiel #1
        public void TestMethod2()
            //Give fully formed URL(Web Page address) of which you intend to extract elements
            //example- instead of
            var url = "";

            //pass on the Url defined in previous step to Extract the elements.
            //By default it will create UFHtmlExtractor Folder in the project file path and relevant json file inside that(based on the URL passed)
            //** UnifiedFramework will automatically add the newly created file to the solution, so that you could refer within IDE itself.
Beispiel #2
        public void testMethodTwo()
            ////Initiates the Unified Code Engine, Should be first line.

            ////Namespace under which c# files will be generated
            //string nameSpace = "MyProjectNamespace";

            ////Primary config file of the project( probably will be inherited by other implmentators, hence is good candidate to act as base class)
            //string baseType = "Config";

            ////Determine the current projects root file, dynamically. Can be replaced with absolute path but not recommended.
            //string filePath = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName;

            ////In this Section we will create Config File(which handles test intialisation, cleanup, assembly cleanups, Logginh, report generation etc.)
            ////Invoke Unified Code Engine:Dynamic code creation fragment, using Namespace and Config file Name defined above.
            //UCodeGenController codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, baseType);
            ////Invoke Unified Code Config Generator:writing generated code to IOStream(here its c# file), using file path and classnme
            ////Eg. here we intend to create file named as Config, so baseType is passed as second parameter.
            //codeEngine.UCodeConfigGen(filePath, baseType);

            ////In this section we will create a single file inside a folder.
            ////Invoke Unified Code Engine, using Namespace, folder name, and baseclass
            //codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "SampleFileOne", baseType);
            ////Invoke Unified Code Generator, apart from creation of config file. this way should be followed to create c# files
            ////Here we need to passs file path, folder name, class name.
            //codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "FolderOne", "SampleFileOne");

            ////In this Section we will be creating two file under single folder
            //codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "SampleFileTwo", baseType);
            //codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "FolderTwo", "SampleFileTwo");
            //codeEngine = new UCodeGenController(nameSpace, "SampleFileThree", baseType);
            //codeEngine.UCodeBuilder(filePath, "FolderTwo", "SampleFileThree");


            //Give fully formed URL(Web Page address) of which you intend to extract elements
            //example- instead of
            var url = "";

            //pass on the Url defined in previous step to Extract the elements.
            //By default it will create UFHtmlExtractor Folder in the project file path and relevant json file inside that(based on the URL passed)
            //** UnifiedFramework will automatically add the newly created file to the solution, so that you could refer within IDE itself.