Beispiel #1
        public static UndertaleChunk Unserialize(UndertaleReader reader)
            string name = "(unknown)";

                name = new string(reader.ReadChars(4));
                uint length = reader.ReadUInt32();

                // TODO: I can't think of a cleaner way to do this...
                Type type = Type.GetType(typeof(UndertaleChunk).FullName + name);
                if (type == null)
                    throw new IOException("Unknown chunk " + name + "!!!");

                    /*Debug.WriteLine("Unknown chunk " + name + "!!!");
                     * reader.Position = reader.Position + length;
                     * return null;*/

                UndertaleChunk chunk = (UndertaleChunk)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                Debug.Assert(chunk.Name == name);
                chunk.Length = length;

                Debug.WriteLine("Reading chunk " + chunk.Name);
                var lenReader = reader.EnsureLengthFromHere(chunk.Length);

                if (name != "FORM" && name != "AUDO") // TODO: needs a better way to detect last chunk
                    UndertaleGeneralInfo generalInfo = name == "GEN8" ? ((UndertaleChunkGEN8)chunk).Object : reader.undertaleData.GeneralInfo;
                    // These versions introduced new padding
                    // all chunks now start on 16-byte boundaries
                    // (but the padding is included with length of previous chunk)
                    if (generalInfo.Major >= 2 || (generalInfo.Major == 1 && generalInfo.Build >= 9999))
                        while (reader.Position % 16 != 0)
                            if (reader.ReadByte() != 0)
                                throw new Exception("Chunk padding error");


            catch (UndertaleSerializationException e)
                throw new UndertaleSerializationException(e.Message + " in chunk " + name);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new UndertaleSerializationException(e.Message + "\nat " + reader.Position.ToString("X8") + " while reading chunk " + name, e);
Beispiel #2
        public void Serialize(UndertaleWriter writer)
                Debug.Assert(Name != null);
                var lenWriter = writer.WriteLengthHere();

                Debug.WriteLine("Writing chunk " + Name);

                if (Name != "FORM" && Name != writer.LastChunkName)
                    UndertaleGeneralInfo generalInfo = Name == "GEN8" ? ((UndertaleChunkGEN8)this).Object : writer.undertaleData?.GeneralInfo;
                    // These versions introduced new padding
                    // all chunks now start on 16-byte boundaries
                    // (but the padding is included with length of previous chunk)
                    // TODO: what about the debug data??
                    if (generalInfo != null && (generalInfo.Major >= 2 || (generalInfo.Major == 1 && generalInfo.Build >= 9999)))
                        int  e   = writer.undertaleData.PaddingAlignException;
                        uint pad = (e == -1 ? 16 : (uint)e);
                        while (writer.Position % pad != 0)

                Length = lenWriter.ToHere();
            catch (UndertaleSerializationException e)
                throw new UndertaleSerializationException(e.Message + " in chunk " + Name, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new UndertaleSerializationException(e.Message + "\nat " + writer.Position.ToString("X8") + " while reading chunk " + Name, e);
 public GeneralInfoEditor(UndertaleGeneralInfo generalInfo, UndertaleOptions options, UndertaleLanguage language)
     this.GeneralInfo = generalInfo;
     this.Options     = options;
     this.Language    = language;