Beispiel #1
        private EXPRMULTI BindNonliftedIncOp(ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags, EXPR arg, UnaOpFullSig uofs)
            Debug.Assert(ek == ExpressionKind.EK_ADD || ek == ExpressionKind.EK_SUB);

            Debug.Assert(arg != null);
            EXPR exprVal;
#if ! CSEE
            EXPRMULTIGET exprGet = GetExprFactory().CreateMultiGet(EXPRFLAG.EXF_ASSGOP, arg.type, null);
            exprVal = exprGet;
            exprVal = arg;

            CType type = uofs.GetType();

            // These used to be converts, but we're making them casts now - this is because
            // we need to remove the ability to call inc(sbyte) etc for all types smaller than int. 
            // Note however, that this will give us different error messages on compile time versus runtime
            // for checked increments.
            // Also, we changed it so that we now generate the cast to and from enum for enum increments.
            exprVal = mustCast(exprVal, type);
            exprVal = BindIncOpCore(ek, flags, exprVal, type);
            EXPR op = mustCast(exprVal, arg.type, CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC);

            EXPRMULTI exprMulti = GetExprFactory().CreateMulti(EXPRFLAG.EXF_ASSGOP | flags, arg.type, arg, op);

#if ! CSEE
            return exprMulti;
Beispiel #2
        private EXPRMULTI BindLiftedIncOp(ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags, EXPR arg, UnaOpFullSig uofs)
            Debug.Assert(ek == ExpressionKind.EK_ADD || ek == ExpressionKind.EK_SUB);

            NullableType type = uofs.GetType().AsNullableType();
            Debug.Assert(arg != null);
            EXPR exprVal;

#if ! CSEE
            EXPRMULTIGET exprGet = GetExprFactory().CreateMultiGet(EXPRFLAG.EXF_ASSGOP, arg.type, null);
            exprVal = exprGet;
            exprVal = arg;

            EXPR nonLiftedResult = null;
            EXPR nonLiftedArg = exprVal;

            // We want to give the lifted argument as the binop, but use the non-lifted argument as the 
            // argument of the call.
            //Debug.Assert(uofs.LiftArg() || type.IsValType());
            nonLiftedArg = mustCast(nonLiftedArg, type.GetUnderlyingType());
            nonLiftedResult = BindIncOpCore(ek, flags, nonLiftedArg, type.GetUnderlyingType());
            exprVal = mustCast(exprVal, type);
            EXPRUNARYOP exprRes = GetExprFactory().CreateUnaryOp((ek == ExpressionKind.EK_ADD) ? ExpressionKind.EK_INC : ExpressionKind.EK_DEC, arg.type/* type */, exprVal);
            mustCast(mustCast(nonLiftedResult, type), arg.type);
            exprRes.flags |= flags;

            EXPRMULTI exprMulti = GetExprFactory().CreateMulti(EXPRFLAG.EXF_ASSGOP | flags, arg.type, arg, exprRes);

#if ! CSEE
            return exprMulti;
Beispiel #3
            Handles standard increment and decrement operators.
        private EXPR BindIncOp(ExpressionKind ek, EXPRFLAG flags, EXPR arg, UnaOpFullSig uofs)
            Debug.Assert(ek == ExpressionKind.EK_ADD || ek == ExpressionKind.EK_SUB);
            if (!checkLvalue(arg, CheckLvalueKind.Increment))
                EXPR rval = GetExprFactory().CreateBinop(ek, arg.type, arg, null);
                return rval;

            CType typeRaw = uofs.GetType().StripNubs();

            FUNDTYPE ft = typeRaw.fundType();
            if (ft == FUNDTYPE.FT_R8 || ft == FUNDTYPE.FT_R4)
                flags = ~EXPRFLAG.EXF_CHECKOVERFLOW;

            if (uofs.isLifted())
                return BindLiftedIncOp(ek, flags, arg, uofs);
                return BindNonliftedIncOp(ek, flags, arg, uofs);