Beispiel #1
        // Unmanaged DLL calls back on this to notify a UIAccess client of an event.
        internal void OnEvent(IntPtr argsAddr, object[,] requestedData, string treeStructure)
            AutomationEventArgs e = UiaCoreApi.GetUiaEventArgs(argsAddr);

            if (e.EventId == AutomationElement.AutomationFocusChangedEvent)
                uint eventTime = SafeNativeMethods.GetTickCount();
                if (eventTime == 0) // 0 is used as a marker value, so bump up to 1 if we get it.
                    eventTime = 1;

                // There's no FocusChangedEventArgs in core, but clients expect one, so substitute if needed...
                // (otherwise the cast in InvokeHandlers will fail...)
                e = new InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs(0, 0, eventTime);
            UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheResponse cacheResponse = new UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheResponse(requestedData, treeStructure, _eventListener.CacheRequest);
            // Invoke the listener's callback but not on this thread.  Queuing this onto a worker thread allows
            // OnEvent to return (which allows the call on the server-side to complete) and avoids a deadlock
            // situation when the client accesses properties on the source element.
            ClientEventManager.CBQ.PostWorkItem(new CalloutQueueItem(_clientCallback, cacheResponse, e, _eventListener.CacheRequest));