internal void StartLoadDeviceInfo()
            lock (LockDeviceInfo)
                if (!DeviceInfoLoaded)
                        PhoneInfo Info = CurrentModel.ReadPhoneInfo();

                        if (Info.FlashAppProtocolVersionMajor < 2)
                            UefiSecurityStatusResponse SecurityStatus = CurrentModel.ReadSecurityStatus();

                            if (SecurityStatus != null)
                                EffectiveBootloaderSecurityStatus = SecurityStatus.SecureFfuEfuseStatus && !SecurityStatus.AuthenticationStatus && !SecurityStatus.RdcStatus;
                            EffectiveBootloaderSecurityStatus = Info.UefiSecureBootEnabled;

                        LogFile.Log("Effective Bootloader Security Status: " + EffectiveBootloaderSecurityStatus.ToString());
                        LogFile.Log("Reading status from Flash interface was aborted.");
                    DeviceInfoLoaded = true;
        private void StartLoadDeviceInfo()
            lock (LockDeviceInfo)
                if (!DeviceInfoLoaded)
                        //byte[] Imsi = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadImsi", "Imsi"); // 9 bytes: 08 29 40 40 ...
                        //string BatteryLevel = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadBatteryLevel", "BatteryLevel");
                        //string SystemAsicVersion = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadSystemAsicVersion", "SystemAsicVersion"); // 8960 -> Chip SOC version
                        //string OperatorName = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadOperatorName", "OperatorName"); // 000-DK
                        //string ManufacturerModelName = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadManufacturerModelName", "ManufacturerModelName"); // RM-821_eu_denmark_251
                        //string AkVersion = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadAkVersion", "AkVersion"); // 9200.10521
                        //string BspVersion = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadBspVersion", "BspVersion"); // 3051.40000
                        //string ProductCode = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadProductCode", "ProductCode"); // 059Q9D7
                        //string SecurityMode = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("GetSecurityMode", "SecMode"); // Restricted
                        //string SerialNumber = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadSerialNumber", "SerialNumber"); // 356355051883955 = IMEI
                        //string SwVersion = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadSwVersion", "SwVersion"); // 3051.40000.1349.0007
                        //string ModuleCode = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadModuleCode", "ModuleCode"); // 0205137
                        //byte[] PublicId = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadPublicId", "PublicId"); // 0x14 bytes: a5 e5 ...
                        //string Psn = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadPsn", "Psn"); // CEP737370
                        //string HwVersion = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadHwVersion", "HWVersion"); // 6504 =
                        //byte[] BtId = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadBtId", "BtId"); // 6 bytes: bc c6 ...
                        //byte[] WlanMacAddress1 = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadWlanMacAddress", "WlanMacAddress1"); // 6 bytes
                        //byte[] WlanMacAddress2 = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadWlanMacAddress", "WlanMacAddress2"); // same
                        //byte[] WlanMacAddress3 = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadWlanMacAddress", "WlanMacAddress3"); // same
                        //bool SimlockActive = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBoolean("ReadSimlockActive", "SimLockActive"); // false
                        //string ServiceTag = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadServiceTag", "ServiceTag"); // error
                        //byte[] RfChipsetVersion = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadRfChipsetVersion", "RfChipsetVersion"); // error
                        //byte[] Meid = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsBytes("ReadMeid", "Meid"); // error
                        //string Test = CurrentModel.ExecuteJsonMethodAsString("ReadManufacturingData", ""); -> This method is only possible in Label-mode.

                        UefiSecurityStatusResponse SecurityStatus = CurrentModel.ReadSecurityStatus();

                        UInt32?FlagsResult   = CurrentModel.ReadSecurityFlags();
                        UInt32 SecurityFlags = 0;
                        if (FlagsResult != null)
                            SecurityFlags = (UInt32)CurrentModel.ReadSecurityFlags();
                            LogFile.Log("Security flags: 0x" + SecurityFlags.ToString("X8"));
                            LogFile.Log("Security flags could not be read");

                        PlatformName = CurrentModel.ReadStringParam("DPI");
                        LogFile.Log("Platform Name: " + PlatformName);

                        // Some phones do not support the Terminal interface! (928 verizon)
                        // Instead read param RRKH to get the RKH.
                        PublicID = null;
                        byte[] RawPublicID = CurrentModel.ReadParam("PID");
                        if ((RawPublicID != null) && (RawPublicID.Length > 4))
                            PublicID = new byte[RawPublicID.Length - 4];
                            Array.Copy(RawPublicID, 4, PublicID, 0, RawPublicID.Length - 4);
                            LogFile.Log("Public ID: " + Converter.ConvertHexToString(PublicID, " "));
                        RootKeyHash = CurrentModel.ReadParam("RRKH");
                        if (RootKeyHash != null)
                            LogFile.Log("Root Key Hash: " + Converter.ConvertHexToString(RootKeyHash, " "));

                        if (SecurityStatus != null)
                            PlatformSecureBootStatus = SecurityStatus.PlatformSecureBootStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Platform Secure Boot Status: " + PlatformSecureBootStatus.ToString());
                            UefiSecureBootStatus = SecurityStatus.UefiSecureBootStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Uefi Secure Boot Status: " + UefiSecureBootStatus.ToString());
                            EffectiveSecureBootStatus = SecurityStatus.PlatformSecureBootStatus && SecurityStatus.UefiSecureBootStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Effective Secure Boot Status: " + EffectiveSecureBootStatus.ToString());

                            BootloaderSecurityQfuseStatus = SecurityStatus.SecureFfuEfuseStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Bootloader Security Qfuse Status: " + BootloaderSecurityQfuseStatus.ToString());
                            BootloaderSecurityAuthenticationStatus = SecurityStatus.AuthenticationStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Bootloader Security Authentication Status: " + BootloaderSecurityAuthenticationStatus.ToString());
                            BootloaderSecurityRdcStatus = SecurityStatus.RdcStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Bootloader Security Rdc Status: " + BootloaderSecurityRdcStatus.ToString());
                            EffectiveBootloaderSecurityStatus = SecurityStatus.SecureFfuEfuseStatus && !SecurityStatus.AuthenticationStatus && !SecurityStatus.RdcStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Effective Bootloader Security Status: " + EffectiveBootloaderSecurityStatus.ToString());

                            NativeDebugStatus = !SecurityStatus.DebugStatus;
                            LogFile.Log("Native Debug Status: " + NativeDebugStatus.ToString());

                        byte[] CID           = CurrentModel.ReadParam("CID");
                        byte[] EMS           = CurrentModel.ReadParam("EMS");
                        UInt16 MID           = (UInt16)(((UInt16)CID[0] << 8) + CID[1]);
                        UInt64 MemSize       = (UInt64)(((UInt32)EMS[0] << 24) + ((UInt32)EMS[1] << 16) + ((UInt32)EMS[2] << 8) + EMS[3]) * 0x200;
                        double MemSizeDouble = (double)MemSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
                        MemSizeDouble = (double)(int)(MemSizeDouble * 10) / 10;
                        string Manufacturer = null;
                        switch (MID)
                        case 0x0002:
                        case 0x0045:
                            Manufacturer = "SanDisk";

                        case 0x0011:
                            Manufacturer = "Toshiba";

                        case 0x0013:
                            Manufacturer = "Micron";

                        case 0x0015:
                            Manufacturer = "Samsung";

                        case 0x0090:
                            Manufacturer = "Hynix";

                        case 0x0070:
                            Manufacturer = "Kingston";

                        case 0x00EC:
                            Manufacturer = "GigaDevice";
                        if (Manufacturer == null)
                            eMMC = MemSizeDouble.ToString() + " GB";
                            eMMC = Manufacturer + " " + MemSizeDouble.ToString() + " GB";
                        SamsungWarningVisible = (MID == 0x0015);

                        PhoneInfo Info = CurrentModel.ReadPhoneInfo(true);
                        if (Info.FlashAppProtocolVersionMajor < 2)
                            BootloaderDescription = "Lumia Bootloader Spec A";
                            BootloaderDescription = "Lumia Bootloader Spec B";
                        LogFile.Log("Bootloader: " + BootloaderDescription);

                        ProductCode = Info.ProductCode;
                        LogFile.Log("ProductCode: " + ProductCode);

                        ProductType = Info.Type;
                        LogFile.Log("ProductType: " + ProductType);
                        LogFile.Log("Reading status from Flash interface was aborted.");
                    DeviceInfoLoaded = true;
        // Potentially blocking UI. Threadsafe.
        internal override void EvaluateViewState()
            if (!IsActive)

            if (State == MachineState.LumiaUnlockBoot)

            lock (EvaluateViewStateLockObject)
                switch (PhoneNotifier.CurrentInterface)
                case PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Normal:
                case PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Label:
                    IsSwitchingInterface = false;
                    if (DoUnlock)
                        // Display View to switch to Flash mode
                        LogFile.Log("Start unlock. Phone needs to switch to Flash-mode");
                        ActivateSubContext(new MessageViewModel("In order to start unlocking the bootloader, the phone needs to be switched to Flash-mode.", SwitchToFlashMode, Exit));
                        // Display View to switch to Flash mode
                        LogFile.Log("Start boot restore. Phone needs to switch to Flash-mode");
                        ActivateSubContext(new MessageViewModel("In order to start restoring the bootloader, the phone needs to be switched to Flash-mode.", SwitchToFlashMode, Exit));

                case PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Flash:
                    // Display View with device info and request for resources
                    // Click on "Continue" will start processing all resources
                    // Processing may fail with error message
                    // Or processing will succeed and user will again be asked to continue with Bricking-procedure (to switch to emergency mode)

                    // This code is not always invoked by OnArrival event.
                    // So this is not always in a thread from the threadpool.
                    // So we need to avoid UI blocking code here.

                    IsSwitchingInterface = false;

                    int TestPos = 0;

                    try     // In case phone reboots during the time that status is being read
                        // Some phones, like Lumia 928 verizon, do not support the Terminal interface!
                        // To read the RootKeyHash we use ReadParam("RRKH"), instead of GetTerminalResponse().RootKeyHash.
                        RootKeyHash = ((NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel).ReadParam("RRKH");

                        TestPos = 1;

                        UefiSecurityStatusResponse SecurityStatus = ((NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel).ReadSecurityStatus();
                        if (SecurityStatus != null)
                            IsBootLoaderUnlocked = (SecurityStatus.AuthenticationStatus || SecurityStatus.RdcStatus || !SecurityStatus.SecureFfuEfuseStatus);

                        TestPos = 2;

                        PhoneInfo Info = ((NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel).ReadPhoneInfo();
                        if (SecurityStatus == null)
                            IsBootLoaderUnlocked = !Info.IsBootloaderSecure;

                        if (RootKeyHash == null)
                            RootKeyHash = Info.RKH;

                            if (RootKeyHash == null)
                                RootKeyHash = new byte[32];

                        TestPos = 3;

                        if (Info.FlashAppProtocolVersionMajor < 2)
                            // This action is executed after the resources are selected by the user.
                            Action <string, string, string, string, string, string, bool> ReturnFunction = (FFUPath, LoadersPath, SBL3Path, ProfileFFUPath, EDEPath, SupportedFFUPath, DoFixBoot) =>
                                // Stop responding to device arrival here, because all connections are handled by subfunctions, not here.
                                IsSwitchingInterface = true;
                                State = MachineState.LumiaUnlockBoot;

                                // This is a callback on the UI thread
                                // Resources are confirmed by user
                                this.FFUPath          = FFUPath;
                                this.LoadersPath      = LoadersPath;
                                this.SBL3Path         = SBL3Path;
                                this.SupportedFFUPath = SupportedFFUPath;

                                LogFile.Log("Processing resources:");
                                LogFile.Log("FFU: " + FFUPath);
                                LogFile.Log("Loaders: " + LoadersPath);
                                if (SBL3Path == null)
                                    LogFile.Log("No SBL3 specified");
                                    LogFile.Log("SBL3: " + SBL3Path);

                                ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("Processing resources..."));

                                if (DoUnlock)
                                    Task.Run(async() =>
                                        await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV1UnlockFirmware(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, LoadersPath, SBL3Path, SupportedFFUPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);
                                    Task.Run(async() =>
                                        await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV1RelockFirmware(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, LoadersPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);

                            if (DoUnlock)
                                ActivateSubContext(new BootUnlockResourcesViewModel("Lumia Flash mode", RootKeyHash, SwitchToFlashRom, SwitchToUndoRoot, SwitchToDownload, ReturnFunction, Abort, IsBootLoaderUnlocked, false));
                                ActivateSubContext(new BootRestoreResourcesViewModel("Lumia Flash mode", RootKeyHash, SwitchToFlashRom, SwitchToUndoRoot, SwitchToDownload, ReturnFunction, Abort, IsBootLoaderUnlocked, false));
                            bool AlreadyUnlocked = false;
                            if (DoUnlock)
                                NokiaFlashModel FlashModel = (NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel;
                                GPT             GPT        = FlashModel.ReadGPT();
                                if ((GPT.GetPartition("IS_UNLOCKED") != null) || (GPT.GetPartition("BACKUP_EFIESP") != null))
                                    ExitMessage("Phone is already unlocked", null);
                                    //AlreadyUnlocked = true;

                            TestPos = 4;

                            // Stop responding to device arrival here, because all connections are handled by subfunctions, not here.
                            IsSwitchingInterface = true;

                            // This action is executed after the resources are selected by the user.
                            Action <string, string, string, string, string, string, bool> ReturnFunction = (FFUPath, LoadersPath, SBL3Path, ProfileFFUPath, EDEPath, SupportedFFUPath, DoFixBoot) =>
                                IsSwitchingInterface = true;
                                State = MachineState.LumiaUnlockBoot;
                                if (DoUnlock)
                                    // This is a callback on the UI thread
                                    // Resources are confirmed by user
                                    this.ProfileFFUPath   = ProfileFFUPath;
                                    this.EDEPath          = EDEPath;
                                    this.SupportedFFUPath = SupportedFFUPath;

                                    if (DoFixBoot)
                                        LogFile.Log("Fix Boot");
                                        LogFile.Log("Unlock Bootloader");

                                    LogFile.Log("Processing resources:");
                                    LogFile.Log("Profile FFU: " + ProfileFFUPath);
                                    LogFile.Log("EDE file: " + EDEPath);
                                    if (SupportedFFUPath != null)
                                        LogFile.Log("Donor-FFU with supported OS version: " + SupportedFFUPath);

                                    Task.Run(async() =>
                                        if (DoFixBoot)
                                            await LumiaV2UnlockBootViewModel.LumiaV2FixBoot(PhoneNotifier, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);
                                        else if (!AlreadyUnlocked)
                                            await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV2UnlockUEFI(PhoneNotifier, ProfileFFUPath, EDEPath, SupportedFFUPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);
                                            await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV2UnlockUEFI(PhoneNotifier, ProfileFFUPath, EDEPath, SupportedFFUPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage, true);
                                    Task.Run(async() =>
                                        FFU ProfileFFU = null;

                                        List <FFUEntry> FFUs = App.Config.FFURepository.Where(e => (Info.PlatformID.StartsWith(e.PlatformID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && e.Exists())).ToList();
                                        if (FFUs.Count() > 0)
                                            ProfileFFU = new FFU(FFUs[0].Path);
                                            throw new WPinternalsException("Profile FFU missing", "No profile FFU has been found in the repository for your device. You can add a profile FFU within the download section of the tool or by using the command line.");

                                        LogFile.Log("Profile FFU: " + ProfileFFU.Path);

                                        await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV2RelockUEFI(PhoneNotifier, ProfileFFU.Path, true, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);

                            TestPos = 5;

                            if (DoUnlock)
                                ActivateSubContext(new BootUnlockResourcesViewModel("Lumia Flash mode", RootKeyHash, SwitchToFlashRom, SwitchToUndoRoot, SwitchToDownload, ReturnFunction, Abort, IsBootLoaderUnlocked, true, Info.PlatformID, Info.Type));
                                ActivateSubContext(new BootRestoreResourcesViewModel("Lumia Flash mode", RootKeyHash, SwitchToFlashRom, SwitchToUndoRoot, SwitchToDownload, ReturnFunction, Abort, IsBootLoaderUnlocked, true, Info.PlatformID, Info.Type));
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        LogFile.LogException(Ex, LogType.FileAndConsole, TestPos.ToString());

                case PhoneInterfaces.Qualcomm_Download:
                    IsSwitchingInterface = false;

                    // If resources are not confirmed yet, then display view with device info and request for resources.
                    QualcommDownload Download = new QualcommDownload((QualcommSerial)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel);
                    byte[]           QualcommRootKeyHash;

                        QualcommRootKeyHash = Download.GetRKH();
                    catch (BadConnectionException)
                        // This is a Spec B device

                    if (RootKeyHash == null)
                        RootKeyHash = QualcommRootKeyHash;
                    else if (!StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals(RootKeyHash, QualcommRootKeyHash))
                        LogFile.Log("Error: Root Key Hash in Qualcomm Emergency mode does not match!");
                        ActivateSubContext(new MessageViewModel("Error: Root Key Hash in Qualcomm Emergency mode does not match!", Callback));

                    // This action is executed after the user selected the resources.
                    Action <string, string, string, string, string, string, bool> ReturnFunctionD = (FFUPath, LoadersPath, SBL3Path, ProfileFFUPath, EDEPath, SupportedFFUPath, DoFixBoot) =>
                        IsSwitchingInterface = true;
                        State = MachineState.LumiaUnlockBoot;
                        // This is a callback on the UI thread
                        // Resources are confirmed by user
                        this.FFUPath     = FFUPath;
                        this.LoadersPath = LoadersPath;
                        this.SBL3Path    = SBL3Path;

                        LogFile.Log("Processing resources:");
                        LogFile.Log("FFU: " + FFUPath);
                        LogFile.Log("Loaders: " + LoadersPath);
                        if (SBL3Path == null)
                            LogFile.Log("No SBL3 specified");
                            LogFile.Log("SBL3: " + SBL3Path);

                        ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("Processing resources..."));

                        if (DoUnlock)
                            Task.Run(async() =>
                                await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV1UnlockFirmware(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, LoadersPath, SBL3Path, SupportedFFUPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);
                            Task.Run(async() =>
                                await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV1RelockFirmware(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, LoadersPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);

                    if (DoUnlock)
                        ActivateSubContext(new BootUnlockResourcesViewModel("Qualcomm Emergency Download mode", RootKeyHash, SwitchToFlashRom, SwitchToUndoRoot, SwitchToDownload, ReturnFunctionD, Abort, IsBootLoaderUnlocked, false));
                        ActivateSubContext(new BootRestoreResourcesViewModel("Qualcomm Emergency Download mode", RootKeyHash, SwitchToFlashRom, SwitchToUndoRoot, SwitchToDownload, ReturnFunctionD, Abort, IsBootLoaderUnlocked, false));


                case PhoneInterfaces.Qualcomm_Flash:
                    IsSwitchingInterface = true;
                    State = MachineState.LumiaUnlockBoot;
                    ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("Recovering resources..."));

                    LogFile.Log("Phone was unexpectedly detected in this mode while resources were not loaded yet.");
                    LogFile.Log("WPInternals tool probably crashed in previous session.");
                    LogFile.Log("Trying to recover resources from the registry.");

                    FFUPath          = (string)Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPInternals", "FFUPath", null);
                    SupportedFFUPath = (string)Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPInternals", "SupportedFFUPath", null);
                    LoadersPath      = (string)Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPInternals", "LoadersPath", null);
                    if (DoUnlock)
                        SBL3Path = (string)Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPInternals", "SBL3Path", null);
                        SBL3Path = null;

                    if (DoUnlock)
                        Task.Run(async() =>
                                await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV1UnlockFirmware(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, LoadersPath, SBL3Path, SupportedFFUPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);
                        Task.Run(async() =>
                                await LumiaUnlockBootloaderViewModel.LumiaV1RelockFirmware(PhoneNotifier, FFUPath, LoadersPath, SetWorkingStatus, UpdateWorkingStatus, ExitMessage, ExitMessage);

                    // Show View "Waiting for connection"
                    IsSwitchingInterface = false;