Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Push socks5 Udp代理
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controlClient"></param>
        /// <param name="clientPort"></param>
        /// <param name="localIpe"></param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Net.TunnelStateMissingException"></exception>
        private void PushUdpClient(TcpClient controlClient, int clientPort, out IPEndPoint serverIpe)
            Contract.Requires(_runType != null && controlClient.Connected);

            var localIpe    = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)controlClient.Client.LocalEndPoint).Address, clientPort);
            var proxyClient = xHttpHandler.CreateUdpClient();

            serverIpe = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)controlClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address, ((IPEndPoint)proxyClient.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port);
            var state = new UdpClientState()
                LocalEndPoint = localIpe,
                Client        = proxyClient

            if (!_udpClients.TryAdd(controlClient, state))
                throw new TunnelStateMissingException("Udp ProxySock handle invalid")
                          Client = controlClient.Client
            this.PushTcpClient(controlClient, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.None, IPEndPoint.MinPort));
            controlClient.Client.BeginReceive(xHttpHandler.EmptyBuffer, 0, 0, SocketFlags.None, this.DisconnectCallbak, controlClient);
            TaskHelper.Factory.StartNew(this.UdpDirectSend, controlClient);
            TaskHelper.Factory.StartNew(this.UdpDirectReceive, controlClient);
Beispiel #2
        public static byte[] ReceiveEx(this UdpClient client, ManualResetEvent cancelEvent)
            AutoResetEvent connectEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var            state        = new UdpClientState()
                Client       = client,
                ConnectEvent = connectEvent

            client.BeginReceive(ReceiveCallback, state);

            if (WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { connectEvent, cancelEvent }) == 1)
                return(new byte[0]);

    private void StopListenForServer()
        // close the listener
        // this is needed to start a new search
        if (m_AdvertisingListeningClientLAN != null)
            m_AdvertisingListeningClientLAN = null;

        Debug.Log("Finder advertising listener closed");
 private void StopFindServer()
     if (m_BroadcastClientLAN != null)
         m_BroadcastClientLAN = null;
    private void ListenForServer(int _ListenPort)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_AdvertisingListeningClientLAN == null);

        // open a listening port on a random port
        // to receive a response back from server
        // using 0 doesn't seem to work reliably
        // so we'll just do it ourselves

        IPEndPoint ep1 = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, _ListenPort);
        UdpClient uc1 = new UdpClient(ep1);
        UdpClientState ucs1 = new UdpClientState(ep1, uc1);
        uc1.BeginReceive(new System.AsyncCallback(ListenForServerCallback), ucs1);

        m_AdvertisingListeningClientLAN = ucs1;

        Debug.Log("Finder advertising listener opened on port " + _ListenPort);
    private void FindServer(int _ListenPort, int _BroadcastPort)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_BroadcastClientLAN == null);

        // open a broadcast on known port and
        // send own broadcast listener port to the LAN

        IPEndPoint ep2 = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, _BroadcastPort);
        UdpClient uc2 = new UdpClient();
        // Important!
        // this is disabled by default
        // so we have to enable it
        uc2.EnableBroadcast = true;

        UdpClientState ucs2 = new UdpClientState(ep2, uc2);

        byte[] sendBytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(_ListenPort);
        uc2.BeginSend(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length, ep2, new System.AsyncCallback(FindServerCallback), ucs2);

        m_BroadcastClientLAN = ucs2;

        Debug.Log("Find server message sent on broadcast port " + _BroadcastPort);
 private void StopRespondClient()
     if (m_AdvertisingClientLAN != null)
         m_AdvertisingClientLAN = null;
    private void StopListenForClients()
        if (m_BroadcastListeningClientLAN != null)
            m_BroadcastListeningClientLAN = null;

        Debug.Log("Server listening for clients stopped.");
    private void RespondClient(IPAddress _ClientAddress, int _ClientPort, byte[] _DataToSend)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_AdvertisingClientLAN == null);

        IPEndPoint ep2 = new IPEndPoint(_ClientAddress, _ClientPort);
        UdpClient uc2 = new UdpClient();	//@FIXME: doesn't need to pass EndPoint in constructor?
        UdpClientState ucs2 = new UdpClientState(ep2, uc2);
        uc2.BeginSend(_DataToSend, _DataToSend.Length, ep2, new System.AsyncCallback(RespondClientCallback), ucs2);

        m_AdvertisingClientLAN = ucs2;
    //specific to LAN
    private void ListenForClients(int _ListenPort)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_BroadcastListeningClientLAN == null);

        // open a listening port on known port
        // to listen for any clients

        IPEndPoint ep1 = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, _ListenPort);
        UdpClient uc1 = new UdpClient(ep1);
        UdpClientState ucs1 = new UdpClientState(ep1, uc1);

        uc1.BeginReceive(new System.AsyncCallback(ListenForClientsCallback), ucs1);

        m_BroadcastListeningClientLAN = ucs1;

        Debug.Log("Server listening for clients on port: " + _ListenPort);