Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads update headers for each NST frame update in the incoming bitstream, and passes the bitstream to that NST to read out its
        /// update information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mirror">True if this is the server, and this is the incoming bitstream. Tells the server that the outstream
        /// needs to be populated for retransmission to all clients. Also false if this is the server running its own outgoing update.</param>
        public static void ReceiveUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream, bool mirror, int senderId)
            // Create a new bitstream to ensure ptr is at 0. Same data as master though.
            bitstream.ptr = 0;

            int frameid = bitstream.ReadInt(6);

            if (mirror)
                outstream.WriteInt(frameid, 6);

            bool isOfftick = frameid == FRAME_COUNT;

            int  sceneIndex     = NSTSceneManager.Deserialize(ref bitstream, ref outstream, mirror);
            bool sceneOutOfSync = HeaderSettings.single.includeSceneIndex && sceneIndex != NSTSceneManager.CurrentSceneIndex;

            if (sceneOutOfSync)
                Debug.LogWarning(frameid + " Out of sync " + sceneIndex + " " + NSTSceneManager.CurrentSceneIndex);

            // remove this safety once working
            int        safety = 0;
            UpdateType updateType;

                BandwidthUsage.Start(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.UpdateRcv);

                //stop looking when header is EOS
                bool notEOS = bitstream.ReadBool();
                int  mirrorUpdateStartPtr = outstream.ptr;
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NotEOS");

                if (mirror)

                if (!notEOS)

                // First three bits are the msgtype
                //TODO this might only need to be two
                updateType = (UpdateType)bitstream.ReadInt(3);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "UpdateType");

                int updateBitstreamPos = outstream.ptr;
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt((int)updateType, 3);

                // Next variable is the NstId - get it to know where to send the rest of the bitstream
                uint nstid = bitstream.ReadUInt(HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NstId");

                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteUInt(nstid, HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);

                lastNST = NSTTools.GetNstFromId(nstid);

                int updatelength = bitstream.ReadInt(UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt(updatelength, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "DataLength");

                //Note the starting pos in stream
                int bodyPtr = bitstream.ptr;
                // The start pos for modifying update lenght for mirror
                int mirrorBodyPtr = outstream.ptr;

                XDebug.LogWarning(!XDebug.logWarnings ? null :
                                  ("Incoming Update for nstid: " + nstid + " was from a different scene. Ignoring update to avoid data corruption due to different compression settings."), sceneOutOfSync);

                XDebug.Log(!XDebug.logInfo ? null :
                           ("Message for an NST Object " + nstid + " arrived but that object does not exist. (yet/anymore?) This is normal during startup and shutdown."), lastNST == null);

                /// Skip reading if the target NST doesn't exist, or if this we compressed with a different scene (codec mismatch likely)
                if (lastNST == null || sceneOutOfSync)
                    if (sceneOutOfSync)
                        Debug.LogWarning(frameid + " skipped entirely due to sceneID mismatch");
                    // Forward to the next update start in the incoming stream.
                    bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);
                    // rewind to the EOS marker and pretend this arrival never occured for the outgoing mirror stream.
                    if (mirror)
                        /// TODO : Rather than jump ahead, Server should bulk copy the ignored data to outstream in case other clients can use it.
                        outstream.ptr = mirrorUpdateStartPtr;

                // Tell this nst to read its mail. updateType may get modified by server receive for things like teleport.
                Frame frame = lastNST.ReadUpdate(ref bitstream, ref outstream, frameid, isOfftick, updateType, updatelength, sceneIndex, sceneOutOfSync, mirror);
                updateType = frame.updateType;

                // overwrite the updateType of the server outgoing in case it has changed.
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteIntAtPos((int)updateType, 3, updateBitstreamPos);

                //Advance ptr to next update in stream by force, in case the last update wasn't read for any reason (such as the NST leaving the game)
                bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);

                // write the update byte length for the mirror (not the same value as the incoming due to server side adjustments)
                if (mirror)
                    int holdPos = outstream.ptr;
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr - UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE;
                    // get the bytesused rounded up.
                    int bytes = ((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) >> 3) + (((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) % 8 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    outstream.WriteInt(bytes, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr + (bytes << 3);
            } while (safety < 100);

            /// NST updates are finished - any data to append to the master update can go here
            IntegrityCheck.ReadCheck(ref bitstream, ref outstream, "End of All Update Reads", mirror);

            if (!isOfftick)
                MasterRTT.Rcv(ref bitstream, ref outstream, mirror, senderId);
            BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "RTT checks");

            // Very last thing... report the bits that were used. This is conditional to the editor only
            BandwidthUsage.ReportMasterBits(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.MasterIn);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads update headers for each NST frame update in the incoming bitstream, and passes the bitstream to that NST to read out its
        /// update information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mirror">True if this is the server, and this is the incoming bitstream. Tells the server that the outstream
        /// needs to be populated for retransmission to all clients. Also false if this is the server running its own outgoing update.</param>
        public static void ReceiveUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream, bool mirror, int senderId)
            // Create a new bitstream to ensure ptr is at 0. Same data as master though.
            bitstream.ptr = 0;

            int frameid = bitstream.ReadInt(6);

            if (mirror)
                outstream.WriteInt(frameid, 6);

            bool isOfftick = frameid == 60;

            // remove this safety once working
            int        safety = 0;
            UpdateType updateType;

                BandwidthUsage.Start(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.UpdateRcv);

                //stop looking when header is EOS
                bool notEOS = bitstream.ReadBool();
                int  mirrorUpdateStartPtr = outstream.ptr;
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NotEOS");

                if (mirror)

                if (!notEOS)

                // First three bits are the msgtype
                //TODO this might only need to be two
                updateType = (UpdateType)bitstream.ReadInt(3);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "UpdateType");

                int updateBitstreamPos = outstream.ptr;
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt((int)updateType, 3);

                // Next variable is the NstId - get it to know where to send the rest of the bitstream
                uint nstid = bitstream.ReadUInt(HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NstId");

                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteUInt(nstid, HeaderSettings.single.BitsForNstId);

                lastNST = NSTTools.GetNstFromId(nstid);

                int updatelength = bitstream.ReadInt(UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt(updatelength, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "DataLength");

                //Note the starting pos in stream
                int bodyPtr = bitstream.ptr;
                // The start pos for modifying update lenght for mirror
                int mirrorBodyPtr = outstream.ptr;

                // This mising NST handler is NOT FULLY TESTED. Uses the updatelength value to jump ahead in the bitstream if the NST it is
                // addressed to doesn't exist for some reason.
                if (lastNST == null)
                    //DebugX.LogWarning(!DebugX.logWarnings ? null :
                        ("Message for an NST Object " + nstid + " arrived but that object does not exist. (yet/anymore?) This is normal during startup and shutdown."));
                    // Forward to the next update start in the incoming stream.
                    bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);
                    // rewind to the EOS marker and pretend this arrival never occured for the outgoing mirror stream.
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorUpdateStartPtr;

                // Tell this nst to read its mail. updateType may get modified by server receive for things like teleport.
                Frame frame = lastNST.ReadUpdate(ref bitstream, ref outstream, frameid, isOfftick, updateType, updatelength, mirror);
                updateType = frame.updateType;

                // overwrite the updateType of the server outgoing in case it has changed.
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteIntAtPos((int)updateType, 3, updateBitstreamPos);

                //Advance ptr to next update in stream by force, in case the last update wasn't read for any reason (such as the NST leaving the game)
                bitstream.ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);

                // write the update byte length for the mirror (not the same value as the incoming due to server side adjustments)
                if (mirror)
                    int holdPos = outstream.ptr;
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr - UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE;
                    // get the bytesused rounded up.
                    int bytes = ((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) >> 3) + (((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) % 8 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    outstream.WriteInt(bytes, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                    outstream.ptr = mirrorBodyPtr + (bytes << 3);
            } while (safety < 100);

            /// NST updates are finished - any data to append to the master update can go here
            IntegrityCheck.ReadCheck(ref bitstream, ref outstream, "End of All Update Reads", mirror);

            MasterRTT.Rcv(ref bitstream, ref outstream, mirror, senderId);
            BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "RTT checks");

            // Very last thing... report the bits that were used. This is conditional to the editor only
            BandwidthUsage.ReportMasterBits(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.MasterIn);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads update headers for each NST frame update in the incoming bitstream, and passes the bitstream to that NST to read out its
        /// update information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mirror">True if this is the server, and this is the incoming bitstream. Tells the server that the outstream
        /// needs to be populated for retransmission to all clients. Also false if this is the server running its own outgoing update.</param>
        public static void ReceiveUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream, bool mirror)
            // Create a new bitstream to ensure ptr is at 0. Same data as master though.
            bitstream.Ptr = 0;

            // remove this safety once working
            int        safety = 0;
            UpdateType updateType;

                BandwidthUsage.Start(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.UpdateRcv);

                //stop looking when header is EOS
                bool notEOS = bitstream.ReadBool();
                int  mirrorUpdateStartPtr = outstream.Ptr;
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NotEOS");

                if (mirror)

                if (!notEOS)

                // First three bits are the msgtype
                //TODO this might only need to be two
                updateType = (UpdateType)bitstream.ReadInt(3);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "UpdateType");

                int updateBitstreamPos = outstream.Ptr;
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt((int)updateType, 3);

                // Next variable is the NstId - get it to know where to send the rest of the bitstream
                uint nstid = bitstream.ReadUInt(NSTSettings.single.bitsForNstId);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "NstId");

                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteUInt(nstid, NSTSettings.single.bitsForNstId);

                NetworkSyncTransform nst = NetworkSyncTransform.GetNstFromId(nstid);

                int updatelength = bitstream.ReadInt(UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteInt(updatelength, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                BandwidthUsage.AddUsage(ref bitstream, "DataLength");

                //Note the starting pos in stream
                int bodyPtr = bitstream.Ptr;
                // The start pos for modifying update lenght for mirror
                int mirrorBodyPtr = outstream.Ptr;

                // This mising NST handler is NOT FULLY TESTED. Uses the updatelength value to jump ahead in the bitstream if the NST it is
                // addressed to doesn't exist for some reason.
                if (nst == null)
                    DebugX.LogWarning(!DebugX.logWarnings ? "" : ("Message for an NST Object arrived but that object does not exist."));
                    // Forward to the next update start in the incoming stream.
                    bitstream.Ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);
                    // rewind to the EOS marker and pretend this arrival never occured for the outgoing mirror stream.
                    outstream.Ptr = mirrorUpdateStartPtr;

                // Tell this nst to read its mail. updateType may get modified by server receive for things like teleport.
                updateType = nst.ReceieveGeneric(ref bitstream, ref outstream, updateType, updatelength, mirror);

                // overwrite the updateType of the server outgoing in case it has changed.
                if (mirror)
                    outstream.WriteIntAtPos((int)updateType, 3, updateBitstreamPos);

                //Advance ptr to next update in stream by force, in case the last update wasn't read for any reason (such as the NST leaving the game)
                bitstream.Ptr = bodyPtr + (updatelength << 3);

                // write the update byte length for the mirror (not the same value as the incoming due to server side adjustments)
                if (mirror)
                    int holdPos = outstream.Ptr;
                    outstream.Ptr = mirrorBodyPtr - UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE;
                    // get the bytesused rounded up.
                    int bytes = ((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) >> 3) + (((holdPos - mirrorBodyPtr) % 8 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                    outstream.WriteInt(bytes, UPDATELENGTH_BYTE_COUNT_SIZE);
                    outstream.Ptr = mirrorBodyPtr + (bytes << 3);
            } while (safety < 100);