Beispiel #1
        public override async Task <UVCoord[]> GetUVsAsync()
            if (CachedUVs != null)

            var uArr = await Stream.GetAttributeArray(VertexAttribute.U);

            var vArr = await Stream.GetAttributeArray(VertexAttribute.V);

            var uvArr = new UVCoord[Stream.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < uvArr.Length; i++)
                var u = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(uArr[i]);
                var v = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(vArr[i]);

                uvArr[i] = new UVCoord(i, u, 1 - v);

            CachedUVs = uvArr;

Beispiel #2
        private void ParseData()
            BinaryDataReader dataReader = new BinaryDataReader(new MemoryStream(data));

            dataReader.ByteOrder = order;
            dataReader.Position  = 0x54 - 8;
            ColorTopLeft         = dataReader.ReadColorRGBA();
            ColorTopRight        = dataReader.ReadColorRGBA();
            ColorBottomLeft      = dataReader.ReadColorRGBA();
            ColorBottomRight     = dataReader.ReadColorRGBA();
            MaterialIndex        = dataReader.ReadUInt16();
            byte UVCount = dataReader.ReadByte();

            dataReader.ReadByte();             //padding
            UVCoords = new UVCoord[UVCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < UVCount; i++)
                UVCoords[i] = new UVCoord()
                    TopLeft     = dataReader.ReadVector2(),
                    TopRight    = dataReader.ReadVector2(),
                    BottomLeft  = dataReader.ReadVector2(),
                    BottomRight = dataReader.ReadVector2()
Beispiel #3
 public BSLightingShaderProperty()
     this.shaderType              = 0U;
     this.shaderFlags1            = 2185233152U;
     this.shaderFlags2            = 32801U;
     this.uvOffset                = new UVCoord(0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.uvScale                 = new UVCoord(1f, 1f);
     this.textureSet              = -1;
     this.emissiveColor           = new Color3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.emissiveMultiple        = 1f;
     this.wetMaterialIdx          = -1;
     this.wetMaterialName         = "";
     this.textureClampMode        = 3U;
     this.alpha                   = 1f;
     this.refractionStrength      = 0.0f;
     this.glossiness              = 80f;
     this.specularColor           = new Color3(1f, 1f, 1f);
     this.specularStrength        = 1f;
     this.lightingEffect1         = 0.3f;
     this.lightingEffect2         = 2f;
     this.subsurfaceRolloff       = 0.0f;
     this.unkownFloat1            = float.MaxValue;
     this.backlightPower          = 0.0f;
     this.grayscaleToPaletteScale = 1.0f;;
     this.fresnelPower            = 5.0f;
     this.wetnessSpecScale        = -1.0f;
     this.wetnessSpecPower        = -1.0f;
     this.wetnessMinVar           = -1.0f;
     this.wetnessEnvMapScale      = -1.0f;
     this.wetnessFresnelPower     = -1.0f;
     this.wetnessMetalness        = -1.0f;
 public override void Read(NiHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
     base.Read(header, reader);
     this.shaderFlags1        = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.shaderFlags2        = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.uvOffset            = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.uvScale             = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.sourceTexture       = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
     this.textureClampMode    = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.falloffStartAngle   = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.falloffStopAngle    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.falloffStartOpacity = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.falloffStopOpacity  = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.emissiveColor       = Utils.ReadColor4(reader);
     this.emissiveMultiple    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.softFalloffDepth    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.greyscaleTexture    = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
     if (header.GetVersion() == 335675399U && header.GetUserVersion2() == 130)
         this.envMapTexture      = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
         this.normalTexture      = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
         this.envMaskTexture     = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
         this.enviromentMapScale = reader.ReadSingle();
Beispiel #5
 public override void Read(NiHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
     this.shaderType = reader.ReadUInt32();
     base.Read(header, reader);
     this.shaderFlags1       = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.shaderFlags2       = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.uvOffset           = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.uvScale            = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.textureSet         = reader.ReadInt32();
     this.emissiveColor      = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     this.emissiveMultiplier = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.textureClampMode   = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.alpha            = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.unknownFloat2    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.glossiness       = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.specularColor    = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     this.specularStrength = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.lightingEffect1  = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.lightingEffect2  = reader.ReadSingle();
     if ((int)this.shaderType == 1)
         this.environmentMapScale = reader.ReadSingle();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 5)
         this.skinTintColor = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 6)
         this.hairTintColor = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 7)
         this.maxPasses = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.scale     = reader.ReadSingle();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 11)
         this.parallaxInnerLayerThickness    = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.parallaxRefractionScale        = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.parallaxInnerLayerTextureScale = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
         this.parallaxEnvmapStrength         = reader.ReadSingle();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 14)
         this.sparkleParameters = Utils.ReadVector4(reader);
         if ((int)this.shaderType != 16)
         this.eyeCubemapScale          = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.leftEyeReflectionCenter  = Utils.ReadVector3(reader);
         this.rightEyeReflectionCenter = Utils.ReadVector3(reader);
 public BSWaterShaderProperty()
     this.shaderFlags1     = 0;
     this.shaderFlags2     = 0;
     this.uvOffset         = new UVCoord(0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.uvScale          = new UVCoord(1f, 1f);
     this.waterShaderFlags = 0;
     this.waterDirection   = 0;
     this.unknown          = 0;
 public override void Read(NiHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
     base.Read(header, reader);
     this.shaderFlags1     = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.shaderFlags2     = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.uvOffset         = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.uvScale          = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.waterShaderFlags = reader.ReadByte();
     this.waterDirection   = reader.ReadByte();
     this.unknown          = reader.ReadUInt16();
Beispiel #8
 public BSEffectShaderProperty()
     this.shaderFlags1        = 0U;
     this.shaderFlags2        = 0U;
     this.uvOffset            = new UVCoord(0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.uvScale             = new UVCoord(1f, 1f);
     this.sourceTexture       = "";
     this.textureClampMode    = 0U;
     this.falloffStartAngle   = 0.0f;
     this.falloffStopAngle    = 0.0f;
     this.falloffStartOpacity = 1f;
     this.falloffStopOpacity  = 1f;
     this.emissiveColor       = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.emissiveMultiple    = 1f;
     this.softFalloffDepth    = 0.0f;
     this.greyscaleTexture    = "";
Beispiel #9
 public override void Read(NiHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
     base.Read(header, reader);
     this.shaderFlags1        = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.shaderFlags2        = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.uvOffset            = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.uvScale             = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.sourceTexture       = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
     this.textureClampMode    = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.falloffStartAngle   = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.falloffStopAngle    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.falloffStartOpacity = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.falloffStopOpacity  = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.emissiveColor       = Utils.ReadColor4(reader);
     this.emissiveMultiple    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.softFalloffDepth    = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.greyscaleTexture    = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader);
Beispiel #10
 public BSLightingShaderProperty()
     this.shaderType         = 0U;
     this.shaderFlags1       = 2185233152U;
     this.shaderFlags2       = 32801U;
     this.uvOffset           = new UVCoord(0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.uvScale            = new UVCoord(1f, 1f);
     this.textureSet         = -1;
     this.emissiveColor      = new Color3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     this.emissiveMultiplier = 1f;
     this.textureClampMode   = 3U;
     this.alpha            = 1f;
     this.unknownFloat2    = 0.0f;
     this.glossiness       = 80f;
     this.specularColor    = new Color3(1f, 1f, 1f);
     this.specularStrength = 1f;
     this.lightingEffect1  = 0.3f;
     this.lightingEffect2  = 2f;
Beispiel #11
        // ... more

        public BGSMFile()
            this.headerString      = "BGSM";
            this.version           = 3U;
            this.textureClampMode  = 0U;
            this.uvOffset          = new UVCoord(0.0f, 0.0f);
            this.uvScale           = new UVCoord(1f, 1f);
            this.alpha             = 1f;
            this.alphamode0        = 0;
            this.alphamode1        = 0;
            this.alphamode2        = 0;
            this.alphaThreshold    = 0;
            this.alphaFlag         = 0;
            this.zBufferWrite      = 0;
            this.zBufferTest       = 0;
            this.reflections       = 0;
            this.wetreflections    = 0;
            this.decal             = 0;
            this.doubleSided       = 0;
            this.decalnofade       = 0;
            this.noocclude         = 0;
            this.refraction        = 0;
            this.refractionfalloff = 0;
            this.refractionpower   = 0;
            this.envmap            = 0;
            this.envmapscale       = 0;
            this.graytocolor       = 0;
            this.textures          = new string[9];
            this.textures[0]       = "";
            this.textures[1]       = "";
            this.textures[2]       = "";
            this.textures[3]       = "";
            this.textures[4]       = "";
            this.textures[5]       = "";
            this.textures[6]       = "";
            this.textures[7]       = "";
            this.textures[8]       = "";
            this.enablealpha       = 0;
            this.rimlighting       = 0;
            this.rimPower          = 0;
            this.backlightPower    = 0;
 public ViewerVertex(Coord coord, Coord normal, UVCoord uv)
     this.v  = coord;
     this.n  = normal;
     this.uv = uv;
Beispiel #13
        public void Read(string gameDir, string fileName, LogFile logFile)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

                if (File.Exists(gameDir + fileName))
                        FileStream fileStream = (FileStream)null;
                        while (fileStream == null)
                            fileStream = Utils.GetFileStream(new FileInfo(gameDir + fileName), logFile);
                        BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader((Stream)fileStream);
                        long         length       = binaryReader.BaseStream.Length;
                        memoryStream.Write(binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)length), 0, (int)length);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logFile.WriteLog("Error reading " + fileName + " " + ex.Message);
                else if (BSAArchive.FileExists(fileName))
                        byte[] newfile = BSAArchive.GetFile(fileName);
                        int    length  = newfile.Length;
                        memoryStream.Write(newfile, 0, length);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logFile.WriteLog("Error reading " + fileName + " from BSA/BA2 " + ex.Message);
                    logFile.WriteLog(fileName + " not found!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                logFile.WriteLog("Error accessing " + gameDir + fileName + " " + ex.Message);
                logFile.WriteLog("In case Mod Organizer is used, set output path outside of game and MO virtual file system directory");
            memoryStream.Position = 0L;
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader((Stream)memoryStream);

                this.headerString = "";
                byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(4);
                for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
                    this.headerString += (object)(char)data[index];
                this.version           = reader.ReadUInt32();
                this.textureClampMode  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                this.uvOffset          = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
                this.uvScale           = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
                this.alpha             = reader.ReadSingle();
                this.alphamode0        = reader.ReadByte();
                this.alphamode1        = reader.ReadUInt32();
                this.alphamode2        = reader.ReadUInt32();
                this.alphaThreshold    = reader.ReadByte();
                this.alphaFlag         = reader.ReadByte();
                this.zBufferWrite      = reader.ReadByte();
                this.zBufferTest       = reader.ReadByte();
                this.reflections       = reader.ReadByte();
                this.wetreflections    = reader.ReadByte();
                this.decal             = reader.ReadByte();
                this.doubleSided       = reader.ReadByte();
                this.decalnofade       = reader.ReadByte();
                this.noocclude         = reader.ReadByte();
                this.refraction        = reader.ReadByte();
                this.refractionfalloff = reader.ReadByte();
                this.refractionpower   = reader.ReadSingle();
                this.envmap            = reader.ReadByte();
                this.envmapscale       = reader.ReadSingle();
                this.graytocolor       = reader.ReadByte();
                for (int index = 0; index < 9; index++)
                    this.textures[index] = Utils.ReadSizedString(reader).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace("/", "\\").Replace("\0", string.Empty);
                this.enablealpha    = reader.ReadByte();
                this.rimlighting    = reader.ReadByte();
                this.rimPower       = reader.ReadSingle();
                this.backlightPower = reader.ReadSingle();
                // do no care what comes after this
            catch (Exception ex)
                logFile.WriteLog("Error BGSM " + fileName + " " + ex.Message);
Beispiel #14
    public static void ReadOBJFile(string InputFile)
        string[] OBJFile = File.ReadAllLines(InputFile);

        int CurrentMaterial = -1;

        foreach (string j in OBJFile)
            if (j.Length > 2)
                if (j.Substring(0, 2) == "v ")
                    if (j.Substring(2, 1) == " ")
                        string[] SubStrings = j.Split(' ');
                        Vertex   TempVertex = new Vertex();
                        TempVertex.PositionX = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[2]);
                        TempVertex.PositionY = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[3]);
                        TempVertex.PositionZ = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[4]);

                        string[] SubStrings = j.Split(' ');
                        Vertex   TempVertex = new Vertex();
                        TempVertex.PositionX = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[1]);
                        TempVertex.PositionY = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[2]);
                        TempVertex.PositionZ = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[3]);

                else if (j.Substring(0, 3) == "vt ")
                    string[] SubStrings = j.Split(' ');
                    UVCoord  TempUV     = new UVCoord();
                    TempUV.PositionU = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[1]);
                    TempUV.PositionV = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[2]);
                else if (j.StartsWith("f "))
                    string[] SubStrings   = j.Split(' ');
                    Triangle TempTriangle = new Triangle();

                    TempTriangle.MaterialIndex = CurrentMaterial;

                    TempTriangle.Vertex1  = Convert.ToInt32(SubStrings[1].Split('/')[0]) - 1;
                    TempTriangle.UVCoord1 = Convert.ToInt32(SubStrings[1].Split('/')[1]) - 1;
                    TempTriangle.Vertex2  = Convert.ToInt32(SubStrings[2].Split('/')[0]) - 1;
                    TempTriangle.UVCoord2 = Convert.ToInt32(SubStrings[2].Split('/')[1]) - 1;
                    TempTriangle.Vertex3  = Convert.ToInt32(SubStrings[3].Split('/')[0]) - 1;
                    TempTriangle.UVCoord3 = Convert.ToInt32(SubStrings[3].Split('/')[1]) - 1;

                else if (j.Length > 7)
                    if (j.Substring(0, 7) == "usemtl ")
                        CurrentMaterial += 1;
                    else if (j.Substring(0, 7) == "mtllib ")
                        MTLLib = j.Substring(7);

        try { ReplaceMaterialNames(); }
        catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to load material lib. Will use material names as texture names."); }

Beispiel #15
 public override void Read(NiHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
     this.shaderType = reader.ReadUInt32();
     base.Read(header, reader);
     this.shaderFlags1     = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.shaderFlags2     = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.uvOffset         = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.uvScale          = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
     this.textureSet       = reader.ReadInt32();
     this.emissiveColor    = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     this.emissiveMultiple = reader.ReadSingle();
     if (header.GetVersion() == 335675399U && header.GetUserVersion2() == 130)
         this.wetMaterialIdx = reader.ReadInt32();
         if (this.wetMaterialIdx != -1)
             this.wetMaterialName = header.GetString((uint)this.wetMaterialIdx);
     this.textureClampMode   = reader.ReadUInt32();
     this.alpha              = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.refractionStrength = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.glossiness         = reader.ReadSingle();
     this.specularColor      = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     this.specularStrength   = reader.ReadSingle();
     if (header.GetVersion() == 335675399U && header.GetUserVersion2() == 130)
         this.subsurfaceRolloff       = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.unkownFloat1            = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.backlightPower          = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.grayscaleToPaletteScale = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.fresnelPower            = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.wetnessSpecScale        = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.wetnessSpecPower        = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.wetnessMinVar           = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.wetnessEnvMapScale      = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.wetnessFresnelPower     = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.wetnessMetalness        = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.lightingEffect1 = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.lightingEffect2 = reader.ReadSingle();
     if ((int)this.shaderType == 1)
         this.environmentMapScale = reader.ReadSingle();
         if (header.GetVersion() == 335675399U && header.GetUserVersion2() == 130)
             this.unkownEnvMapInt = reader.ReadUInt16();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 5)
         this.skinTintColor = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
         if (header.GetVersion() == 335675399U && header.GetUserVersion2() == 130)
             this.unkownSkinTintInt = reader.ReadUInt32();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 6)
         this.hairTintColor = Utils.ReadColor3(reader);
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 7)
         this.maxPasses = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.scale     = reader.ReadSingle();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 11)
         this.parallaxInnerLayerThickness    = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.parallaxRefractionScale        = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.parallaxInnerLayerTextureScale = Utils.ReadUVCoord(reader);
         this.parallaxEnvmapStrength         = reader.ReadSingle();
     else if ((int)this.shaderType == 14)
         this.sparkleParameters = Utils.ReadVector4(reader);
         if ((int)this.shaderType != 16)
         this.eyeCubemapScale          = reader.ReadSingle();
         this.leftEyeReflectionCenter  = Utils.ReadVector3(reader);
         this.rightEyeReflectionCenter = Utils.ReadVector3(reader);
Beispiel #16
        internal static MeshLOD SculptMeshToMesh(this Bitmap bitmap, ObjectPart.PrimitiveShape.Decoded shape, bool generate_uv = false)
            bool mirror                    = shape.IsSculptMirrored;
            var  mesh                      = new MeshLOD();
            bool reverse_horizontal        = shape.IsSculptInverted ? !mirror : mirror;
            PrimitiveSculptType sculptType = shape.SculptType;

            int sculptSizeS;
            int sculptSizeT;
            int sculptVerts = bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height / 4;

            if (sculptVerts > 32 * 32)
                sculptVerts = 32 * 32;
            double ratio = (double)bitmap.Width / bitmap.Height;

            sculptSizeS = (int)Math.Sqrt(sculptVerts / ratio);

            sculptSizeS = Math.Max(sculptSizeS, 4);
            sculptSizeT = sculptVerts / sculptSizeS;

            sculptSizeT = Math.Max(sculptSizeT, 4);
            sculptSizeS = sculptVerts / sculptSizeT;

            /* generate vertex map */
            for (int s = 0; s < sculptSizeS; ++s)
                for (int t = 0; t < sculptSizeT; ++t)
                    int reversed_t = t;
                    if (reverse_horizontal)
                        reversed_t = sculptSizeT - t - 1;
                    var x = (int)((double)reversed_t / (sculptSizeT - 1) * bitmap.Width);
                    var y = (int)((double)s / (sculptSizeS - 1) * bitmap.Height);

                    if (y == 0)
                        if (sculptType == PrimitiveSculptType.Sphere)
                            x = bitmap.Width / 2;
                    else if (y == bitmap.Height)
                        y = (sculptType == PrimitiveSculptType.Torus) ?
                            0 :
                            bitmap.Height - 1;

                        if (sculptType == PrimitiveSculptType.Sphere)
                            x = bitmap.Width / 2;

                    if (x == bitmap.Width)
                        switch (sculptType)
                        case PrimitiveSculptType.Sphere:
                        case PrimitiveSculptType.Torus:
                        case PrimitiveSculptType.Cylinder:
                            x = 0;

                            x = bitmap.Width - 1;

                    Vector3 v = bitmap.GetVertex(x, y, mirror);
                    if (generate_uv)
                        var uv = new UVCoord
                            U = (float)reversed_t / (sculptSizeS - t),
                            V = (float)s / (sculptSizeS - 1)

            /* generate triangles */
            for (int row = 0; row < sculptSizeS - 1; ++row)
                int rowIndex  = row * sculptSizeT;
                int row2Index = rowIndex + sculptSizeT;
                for (int col = 0; col < sculptSizeT - 1; ++col)
                    var tri = new Triangle
                        Vertex1 = rowIndex + col,
                        Vertex2 = row2Index + col + 1,
                        Vertex3 = rowIndex + col + 1

                    tri = new Triangle
                        Vertex1 = rowIndex + col,
                        Vertex2 = row2Index + col,
                        Vertex3 = row2Index + col + 1

Beispiel #17
 public void SetUVOffset(UVCoord value)
     this.uvOffset = value;
Beispiel #18
 public void SetUVScale(UVCoord value)
     this.uvScale = value;