Beispiel #1
 public void InitializeSquareCluster(int x, int y, int z)
     for (int s = 0; s < Length; ++s)
         nodes_ids[s] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x * RootLength + s % RootLength, y * RootLength + s / RootLength, z);
Beispiel #2
    // Propagate the last node in _nodes_to_propagate. This means applying all the constraints in its clusters. Returns false if we get a conflict from this propagation
    private bool Propagate()
        int node_idx_to_propagate = UTL.ExtractBack(ref _nodes_to_propagate);

        if (_nodes[node_idx_to_propagate].is_propagated)
            return(true);                                              // the node has already been propagated. Shouldn't happen
        bool legal_propagation = true;

        if (_nodes[node_idx_to_propagate].is_true)
            foreach (int neighbour_idx in _nodes[node_idx_to_propagate].neighbour_ids)
                if (!GiveValueToNode(neighbour_idx, false))
                    legal_propagation = false;
        foreach (int cluster_idx in _nodes[node_idx_to_propagate].cluster_ids)
            if (!GiveNodeValueToCluster(ref _clusters[cluster_idx], _nodes[node_idx_to_propagate].is_true))
                legal_propagation = false;
        _nodes[node_idx_to_propagate].is_propagated = true;
Beispiel #3
 public void InitializeYCluster(int x, int z)
     for (int y = 0; y < Length; ++y)
         nodes_ids[y] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, y, z);
Beispiel #4
 public void InitializeZCluster(int x, int y)
     for (int z = 0; z < Length; ++z)
         nodes_ids[z] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, y, z);
Beispiel #5
 public void InitializeXCluster(int y, int z)
     for (int x = 0; x < Length; ++x)
         nodes_ids[x] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, y, z);
Beispiel #6
        private TileButton _tile_button;              // the button that need to be modified

        public Node(int x, int y, int z, TileButton tile_button_)
            _tile_button  = tile_button_;
            is_fixed      = false;
            is_true       = false;
            is_propagated = false;
            time          = InvalidInt;
            coord         = new UTL.Coord3(x, y, z);
            neighbour_ids = new int[NumNeighbours];
            cluster_ids   = new int[4];
            int idx = 0;

            for (int xi = 0; xi < Length; ++xi)
                if (xi == x)
                neighbour_ids[idx] = UTL.CoordToIdx(xi, y, z);
            for (int yi = 0; yi < Length; ++yi)
                if (yi == y)
                neighbour_ids[idx] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, yi, z);
            for (int zi = 0; zi < Length; ++zi)
                if (zi == z)
                neighbour_ids[idx] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, y, zi);
            for (int yi = (y / RootLength) * RootLength; yi < (y / RootLength + 1) * RootLength; ++yi)
                if (yi == y)
                for (int xi = (x / RootLength) * RootLength; xi < (x / RootLength + 1) * RootLength; ++xi)
                    if (xi == x)
                    neighbour_ids[idx] = UTL.CoordToIdx(xi, yi, z);
            cluster_ids[0] = UTL.CoordToIdx(y, z);
            cluster_ids[1] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, z) + Area;
            cluster_ids[2] = UTL.CoordToIdx(x, y) + Area * 2;
            cluster_ids[3] = UTL.CoordToIdx((x / RootLength) + RootLength * (y / RootLength), z) + Area * 3;
Beispiel #7
 // create and initialize _tile_buttons
 private void CreateTileButtons()
     _tile_buttons = new Button[_GridArea];
     for (int tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < _GridArea; tile_idx++)
         _tile_buttons[tile_idx] = Instantiate(tileButtonPrefab, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as Button;
         _tile_buttons[tile_idx].transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, false);
         _tile_buttons[tile_idx].GetComponent <TileButton>().Initialize(UTL.GetX(tile_idx), UTL.GetY(tile_idx));
Beispiel #8
 // initialize _nodes and _clusters
 public void InitializeGraph()
     _nodes    = new Node[Volume];
     _clusters = new Cluster[Area * 4];
     for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < Volume; ++node_idx)
         _nodes[node_idx] = new Node(UTL.GetX(node_idx), UTL.GetY(node_idx), UTL.GetZ(node_idx), GameManager.Instance.GetTileButtons()[node_idx % Area].GetComponent <TileButton>());
     for (int cl_idx = 0; cl_idx < Area * 4; ++cl_idx)
         _clusters[cl_idx] = new Cluster();
     for (int cl_idx = 0; cl_idx < Area; ++cl_idx)
         _clusters[cl_idx].InitializeXCluster(cl_idx % Length, cl_idx / Length);
         _clusters[cl_idx + Area].InitializeYCluster(cl_idx % Length, cl_idx / Length);
         _clusters[cl_idx + Area * 2].InitializeZCluster(cl_idx % Length, cl_idx / Length);
         _clusters[cl_idx + Area * 3].InitializeSquareCluster(cl_idx % RootLength, (cl_idx % Length) / RootLength, cl_idx / Length);
Beispiel #9
    // removes the last Guess, since it proved to be wrong
    private void RemoveLastGuess()
        if (_guess_list.Count == 0)
            return;                          // this should never happen
        for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < Volume; ++node_idx)
            if (_nodes[node_idx].time == NumGuesses())
        int last_guessed_node = UTL.ExtractBack(ref _guess_list);

        GiveValueToNode(last_guessed_node, false);
        _nodes_to_propagate = new List <int> {