Beispiel #1
 public Settings(Controller contobj1, MainPage pointer, int priv)
     contobj = contobj1; //taking the previous's form controller
     p       = pointer;  //taking an object from the previous form
     privi   = priv;
     if (privi != 1)
         User.Enabled    = false;
         UP.Enabled      = false;
         UCP.Enabled     = false;
         UT.Enabled      = false;
         button1.Enabled = false;
         UUT.Enabled     = false;
     string[] PrivNames = new string[3] {
         "Admin", "Accountant", "Cash Collecter"
     };                                                                           //filling the commbobox
     string[] PrivNames1 = new string[3] {
         "Admin", "Accountant", "Cash Collecter"
     };                           //filling the commbobox
     UT.DataSource  = PrivNames;  //filling the commbobox
     UUT.DataSource = PrivNames1; //filling the commbobox
     UT.Refresh();                //refreshinng the combobox
     UUT.Refresh();               //refreshinng the combobox