Beispiel #1
        public unsafe void QueueForDecRef(PyObject obj)
            byte[] buf = new byte[sizeof(ObjectToRelease)];
            fixed(byte *p = buf)
                var otr = (ObjectToRelease *)p;

                otr->pyObject = obj.Address;
                otr->next     = _objectsToRelease.Read();

            ulong otrPtr = _process.AllocateVirtualMemory(0, sizeof(ObjectToRelease), NativeMethods.MEM_COMMIT | NativeMethods.MEM_RESERVE, NativeMethods.PAGE_READWRITE);

            _process.WriteMemory(otrPtr, buf);
Beispiel #2
        public void Step(DkmStepper stepper, DkmStepArbitrationReason reason)
            var thread  = stepper.Thread;
            var process = thread.Process;

            if (stepper.StepKind == DkmStepKind.StepIntoSpecific)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (_stepper != null)
                _stepper = null;

            // Check if this was a step out (or step over/in that fell through) from native to Python.
            // If so, we consider the step done, since we can report the correct callstack at this point.
            if (reason == DkmStepArbitrationReason.TransitionModule)
                var beginState = stepper.GetDataItem <StepBeginState>();
                if (beginState != null)
                    thread.GetCurrentFrameInfo(out global::System.UInt64 retAddr, out global::System.UInt64 frameBase, out global::System.UInt64 vframe);
                    if (frameBase >= beginState.FrameBase)
                        stepper.OnStepComplete(thread, false);

            if (stepper.StepKind == DkmStepKind.Into)
                new LocalComponent.BeginStepInNotification
                    ThreadId = thread.UniqueId

            _stepper = stepper;
            _stepKind.Write((int)stepper.StepKind + 1);