void Start()
        if (this.container == null)
            this.container = this.GetComponent <UIWidget>();

        if (this.table == null)
            this.table = this.GetComponent <UITableExtended>();
    public void OnSizeChange()
        if (this.widget != null && this.widget.height < this.minimumHeight)
            this.widget.height = this.minimumHeight;

        // We need to update the parent container anchors before updating the table
        if (this.widget != null)

        // As we know where the table is, we could try to get it right here
        if (this.table == null)
            this.table = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <UITableExtended>();

        // Update the table layout
        if (this.table != null)

        // After the table update we need to update the scroll view
        UIPanel panel = NGUITools.FindInParents <UIPanel>(this.transform);

        if (panel != null)
            UIScrollView sv = panel.GetComponent <UIScrollView>();

            if (sv != null)
                // Not sure why but it seems immidiate update doesnt work,
                // so we'll do one with a 100 ms delay
                // and cancel any coroutines that within the 100 ms timeframe
                if (svUpdateCoroutine != null)

                svUpdateCoroutine = new UIWindow.UICoroutine(sv as MonoBehaviour, UpdateScrollView(sv));
Beispiel #3
    private void _Show()
        // Cleanup any attributes left, if any at all

        // Bring the tooltip forward

        // Save the position where the tooltip should appear
        this.targetPosition = uiCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

        // Prepare the attributes
        if (this.mAttributes.Count > 0 && this.attributesRowPrefab != null)
            bool isLeft = true;
            RnMUI_Tooltip_AttributeRow lastAttrRow = null;
            int lastDepth = this.title.depth;

            // Loop the attributes
            foreach (AttributeInfo info in this.mAttributes)
                // Force left column in case it's a signle column row
                if (info.singleColumnRow)
                    isLeft = true;

                if (isLeft)
                    // Instantiate a prefab
                    GameObject obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(this.attributesRowPrefab);

                    // Apply parent
                    obj.transform.parent = this.container.transform;

                    // Fix position and scale
                    obj.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
                    obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                    // Increase the depth
                    lastDepth = lastDepth + 1;

                    // Apply the new depth
                    UIWidget wgt = obj.GetComponent <UIWidget>();

                    if (wgt != null)
                        wgt.depth = lastDepth;

                    // Get the attribute row script referrence
                    lastAttrRow = obj.GetComponent <RnMUI_Tooltip_AttributeRow>();

                    // Make some changes if it's a single column row
                    if (info.singleColumnRow)
                        // Destroy the right column

                        // Double the size of the label
                        lastAttrRow.leftLabel.width *= 2;

                    // Check if we can set margin to the row
                    UITable_ItemMargin margins = obj.GetComponent <UITable_ItemMargin>();

                    // If the row does not have the component add it
                    if (margins == null)
                        margins = obj.AddComponent <UITable_ItemMargin>();

                    if (margins != null)
                        margins.left   = info.margin.left;
                        margins.right  = info.margin.right;
                        margins.top    = info.margin.top;
                        margins.bottom = info.margin.bottom;

                        // If this is the first or last row, apply the global attr margins
                        if (this.mInstancedAttributesRows.Count == 0)
                            margins.top += this.attributesMarginTop;
                        else if (this.mInstancedAttributesRows.Count == (Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mAttributes.Count / 2f) - 1))
                            margins.bottom += this.attributesMarginBottom;

                    // Add it to the instanced objects list

                // Check if we have a row object to work with
                if (lastAttrRow != null)
                    UILabel label = (isLeft) ? lastAttrRow.leftLabel : lastAttrRow.rightLabel;

                    // Check if we have the label
                    if (label != null)
                        // Set the label alpha
                        label.alpha = 0f;

                        // Set the label text
                        label.text = info.value + info.text;

                        // Flip is left
                        if (!info.singleColumnRow)
                            isLeft = !isLeft;

                    // Update the row size and depth

            // Clear the attributes list, we no longer need it

            // Apply greater depth to the description
            if (this.description != null)
                this.description.depth = (lastDepth + 1);

        // Update the tooltip table
        if (this.container != null)
            UITableExtended contTable = this.container.GetComponent <UITableExtended>();
            if (contTable != null)

        // Fade In