Beispiel #1
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Sets the preview to the image record passed in
            ImageView.Image = ImageRecord.FullImage;

            // sets up font picker and picks a random font
            model            = new PickerViewModel(this);
            FontPicker.Model = model;
            var randomFont = (new Random()).Next() % UIFont.FamilyNames.Length;

            FontPicker.Select(randomFont, 0, false);

            // Sets up the label with random font
            ImageLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName(UIFont.FamilyNames [randomFont], 24);

            // sets delegates so enter dimsisses keyboard
            TagField.ShouldReturn   = TextFieldShouldReturn;
            HiddenText.ShouldReturn = TextFieldShouldReturn;

            // typing into the hiddent text field automatically updates the label on the image
            HiddenText.EditingChanged += OnDidEditField;

            // start editing the text field as soon as the view is done loading
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();
			var leftBtn = new UIBarButtonItem(Utils.Translate("cancel"), UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, CancelClicked);
			NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = leftBtn;
			var rightBtn = new UIBarButtonItem(Utils.Translate("done"), UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, DoneClicked);
			NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = rightBtn;
			pickerViewModel = new PickerViewModel(this);
			picker.Source = pickerViewModel;
			if(Value.Length == 1)
				Value = "00" + Value;
			if(Value.Length == 2)
				Value = "0" + Value;
			int cols = Value.Length;
			foreach(var c in Value.Reverse()){
				cols --;
				picker.Select(Int32.Parse(c.ToString()), cols, false); 
        private void BindClassRooms(List <RoomModel> roomsList)
            if (classRoomPicker == null)
                modelClassRooms = new ClassRoomPickerViewModel(roomsList);

                classRoomPicker = new UIPickerView()
                    Frame = new CGRect(50, 220, View.Bounds.Width - 100, 200),
                    ShowSelectionIndicator = true,
                    Model = modelClassRooms,
                classRoomPicker.AccessibilityNavigationStyle = UIAccessibilityNavigationStyle.Automatic;
                classRoomPicker.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.Center;
                var subViewTop    = new UIView(new CGRect(classRoomPicker.Bounds.X - 20, classRoomPicker.Bounds.Y + 85, classRoomPicker.Bounds.Width, 1));
                var subViewBottom = new UIView(new CGRect(classRoomPicker.Bounds.X - 20, classRoomPicker.Bounds.Y + 115, classRoomPicker.Bounds.Width, 1));
                subViewTop.BackgroundColor    = UIColor.White;
                subViewBottom.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;

                classRoomPicker.Select(0, 0, true);
            if (loadingOverlay != null)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the action sheet picker from the view that was set as the owner.
        /// </summary>
        public void Show(UIPickerViewModel model)
            // declare vars
            float      titleBarHeight   = 40;
            SizeF      doneButtonSize   = new SizeF(71, 30);
            SizeF      actionSheetSize  = new SizeF(owner.Frame.Width, Picker.Frame.Height + titleBarHeight);
            RectangleF actionSheetFrame = new RectangleF(0, owner.Frame.Height - actionSheetSize.Height
                                                         , actionSheetSize.Width, actionSheetSize.Height);

            // show the action sheet and add the controls to it

            // resize the action sheet to fit our other stuff
            actionSheet.Frame = actionSheetFrame;

            // move our picker to be at the bottom of the actionsheet (view coords are relative to the action sheet)
            Picker.Frame = new RectangleF
                               (Picker.Frame.X, titleBarHeight, Picker.Frame.Width, Picker.Frame.Height);

            Picker.Model = model;

            // move our label to the top of the action sheet
            titleLabel.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 4, owner.Frame.Width - 100, 35);

            // move our button
            doneButton.Frame = new RectangleF(actionSheetSize.Width - doneButtonSize.Width - 10, 7, doneButtonSize.Width, doneButtonSize.Height);
        protected override ModalEditViewController CreateModalEditViewController(UIViewController parent)
            var modalPicker = new ModalPickerViewController(HeaderText, parent);

            if (Components != null)
                _pickerViewModel = new BareUISimplePickerWithMultipleComponentsViewModel(modalPicker.PickerView)
                    Collections = Components
            else if (ItemToViewConverter != null || ItemsSource.OfType <UIView>().Any())
                _pickerViewModel = new BareUICustomPickerViewModel(modalPicker.PickerView)
                    ItemToViewConverter = ItemToViewConverter,
                    ItemsSource         = ItemsSource
                _pickerViewModel = new BareUISimplePickerViewModel(modalPicker.PickerView)
                    ItemsSource = ItemsSource
            modalPicker.PickerView.Model = _pickerViewModel;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            UIPickerViewModel pickerViewModel = new UIPickerViewModel();

            //SP::Assign the dictioanry keys to the picker

            foreach (String key in translateClass.dictionaries.Keys)
            UITapGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer = new UITapGestureRecognizer(() => translateClass.ChangeDirection());

            gestureRecognizer.NumberOfTapsRequired = 2;
            TextBoxOne.Changed += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                TextBoxTwo.Text = translateClass.TranslateString(TextBoxOne.ToString(), LangPicker.ToString());
Beispiel #7
        protected void SetupPicker(UITextField field, string type)
            // Setup the toolbar
            UIToolbar toolbar = new UIToolbar();

            toolbar.BarStyle    = UIBarStyle.Black;
            toolbar.Translucent = true;

            // Create a 'done' button for the toolbar and add it to the toolbar
            UIBarButtonItem doneButton = new UIBarButtonItem("Done", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, (s, e) =>

            toolbar.SetItems(new UIBarButtonItem[] { doneButton }, true);

            UIPickerViewModel picker_model = new UIPickerViewModel();

            if (type == "time")
                picker_model = new TimePickerViewModel(field);
            else if (type == "ranking")
                picker_model = new RankingPickerViewModel(field);
            else if (type == "hr")
                picker_model = new HRPickerViewModel(field);
            else if (type == "pace")
                picker_model = new PacePickerViewModel(field);
            else if (type == "type")
                picker_model = new PTypePickerViewModel(field);

            UIPickerView picker = new UIPickerView();

            picker.BackgroundColor        = UIColor.White;
            picker.Model                  = picker_model;
            picker.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;

            field.InputView          = picker;
            field.InputAccessoryView = toolbar;

            field.ShouldChangeCharacters = new UITextFieldChange(delegate(UITextField textField, NSRange range, string replacementString)
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			// Sets the preview to the image record passed in
			ImageView.Image = ImageRecord.FullImage;

			// sets up font picker and picks a random font
			model = new PickerViewModel (this);
			FontPicker.Model = model;
			var randomFont = (new Random ()).Next () % UIFont.FamilyNames.Length;
			FontPicker.Select (randomFont, 0, false);

			// Sets up the label with random font
			ImageLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName (UIFont.FamilyNames [randomFont], 24);

			// sets delegates so enter dimsisses keyboard
			TagField.ShouldReturn = TextFieldShouldReturn;
			HiddenText.ShouldReturn = TextFieldShouldReturn;

			// typing into the hiddent text field automatically updates the label on the image
			HiddenText.EditingChanged += OnDidEditField;

			// start editing the text field as soon as the view is done loading
			HiddenText.BecomeFirstResponder ();