Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes lists in the passed site for modern compatibility
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cc">ClientContext object of the site to scan</param>
        /// <param name="ListResults">Collection of ListResult objects</param>
        public int Analyze(ClientContext cc, ref ConcurrentDictionary <string, ListResult> ListResults, ref ConcurrentStack <UIExperienceScanError> UIExpScanErrors)
            Console.WriteLine("List compatability... " + this.url);
            var baseUri   = new Uri(url);
            var webAppUrl = baseUri.Scheme + "://" + baseUri.Host;

            var lists = cc.Web.GetListsToScan();

            foreach (var list in lists)
                ListResult listResult;
                if (list.DefaultViewUrl.ToLower().Contains(".aspx"))
                    File file = cc.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(list.DefaultViewUrl);
                    listResult = file.ModernCompatability(list, ref UIExpScanErrors);
                    listResult = new ListResult()
                        BlockedByNotBeingAbleToLoadPage = true

                if (listResult != null && !listResult.WorksInModern)
                    if (excludeListsOnlyBlockedByOobReasons && listResult.OnlyBlockedByOOBReasons)

                    listResult.SiteUrl    = this.url;
                    listResult.Url        = $"{webAppUrl}{list.DefaultViewUrl}";
                    listResult.SiteColUrl = this.siteColUrl;
                    listResult.ListTitle  = list.Title;
                    if (!ListResults.TryAdd(Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + listResult.Url, listResult))
                        UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                            Error      = $"Could not add list scan result for {listResult.Url}",
                            SiteURL    = this.url,
                            SiteColUrl = this.siteColUrl
                        Console.WriteLine($"Could not add list scan result for {listResult.Url}");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes lists in the passed site for modern compatibility
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cc">ClientContext object of the site to scan</param>
        /// <param name="ListResults">Collection of ListResult objects</param>
        public void Analyze(ClientContext cc, ref ConcurrentDictionary <string, ListResult> ListResults, ref ConcurrentStack <UIExperienceScanError> UIExpScanErrors)
            Console.WriteLine("List compatability... " + url);

            var lists = cc.Web.GetListsToScan();

            foreach (var list in lists)
                ListResult listResult;
                if (list.DefaultViewUrl.ToLower().Contains(".aspx"))
                    File file = cc.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(list.DefaultViewUrl);
                    listResult = file.ModernCompatability(list, ref UIExpScanErrors);
                    listResult = new ListResult();
                    listResult.BlockedByNotBeingAbleToLoadPage = true;

                if (listResult != null && !listResult.WorksInModern)
                    listResult.SiteUrl   = url;
                    listResult.Url       = $"{url}{list.DefaultViewUrl}";
                    listResult.ListTitle = list.Title;
                    if (!ListResults.TryAdd(listResult.Url, listResult))
                        UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                            Error   = $"Could not add list scan result for {listResult.Url}",
                            SiteURL = url,
                        Console.WriteLine($"Could not add list scan result for {listResult.Url}");
        private void AddCustomActionsToResult(UserCustomActionCollection coll, ref ConcurrentStack <CustomActionsResult> customActions, ref ConcurrentDictionary <string, CustomizationResult> customizationResults, ref ConcurrentStack <UIExperienceScanError> UIExpScanErrors, string listUrl = "", string listTitle = "")
            var baseUri   = new Uri(this.url);
            var webAppUrl = baseUri.Scheme + "://" + baseUri.Host;

            foreach (UserCustomAction uca in coll)
                    bool add = false;
                    CustomActionsResult result = new CustomActionsResult()
                        SiteUrl          = this.url,
                        Url              = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(listUrl) ? $"{webAppUrl}{listUrl}" : this.url,
                        SiteColUrl       = this.siteColUrl,
                        ListTitle        = listUrl,
                        Title            = uca.Title,
                        Name             = uca.Name,
                        Location         = uca.Location,
                        RegistrationType = uca.RegistrationType,
                        RegistrationId   = uca.RegistrationId,
                        CommandActions   = "",
                        //ImageMaps = "",
                        ScriptBlock = "",
                        ScriptSrc   = "",

                    if (!(uca.Location.Equals("EditControlBlock", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                          uca.Location.StartsWith("ClientSideExtension.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                          uca.Location.Equals("CommandUI.Ribbon", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        add = true;
                        result.ScriptBlock = uca.ScriptBlock != null ? uca.ScriptBlock : "";
                        result.ScriptSrc   = uca.ScriptSrc != null ? uca.ScriptSrc : "";
                        result.Problem     = "Invalid location";

                    // List scoped custom actions registered to a specific listid do work in "modern"
                    //Guid registrationIDGuid;
                    //if (Guid.TryParse(uca.RegistrationId, out registrationIDGuid))
                    //    result.Problem = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Problem) ? $"{result.Problem}, Specific list registration" : "Specific list registration";
                    //    add = true;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uca.CommandUIExtension))
                        XmlDocument doc       = new XmlDocument();
                        string      xmlString = uca.CommandUIExtension;
                        xmlString = xmlString.Replace("", "");

                        XmlNodeList handlers = doc.SelectNodes("/CommandUIExtension/CommandUIHandlers/CommandUIHandler");
                        foreach (XmlNode handler in handlers)
                            if (handler.Attributes["CommandAction"] != null && handler.Attributes["CommandAction"].Value.ToLower().Contains("javascript"))
                                result.CommandActions = "JS Found";
                                result.Problem        = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Problem) ? $"{result.Problem}, JavaScript embedded" : "JavaScript embedded";
                                add = true;

                        // Skipping image maps as these UCA do show, but without image
                        //XmlNodeList imageButtons = doc.SelectNodes("//Button");
                        //foreach (XmlNode btn in imageButtons)
                        //    //Image16by16Left, Image16by16Top, Image32by32Left, Image32by32Top
                        //    if (btn.Attributes["Image16by16"] != null || btn.Attributes["Image32by32"] != null)
                        //    {
                        //        result.ImageMaps = "Found";
                        //        result.Problem = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Problem) ? $"{result.Problem}, ImageMap used" : "ImageMap used";
                        //        add = true;
                        //        break;
                        //    }

                    if (add)

                        if (customizationResults.ContainsKey(result.Url))
                            var customizationResult = customizationResults[result.Url];
                            customizationResult.IgnoredCustomAction = true;
                            if (!customizationResults.TryUpdate(result.Url, customizationResult, customizationResult))
                                UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                                    Error      = $"Could not update custom action scan result for {customizationResult.Url}",
                                    SiteURL    = this.url,
                                    SiteColUrl = this.siteColUrl
                                Console.WriteLine($"Could not update custom action scan result for {customizationResult.Url}");
                            var customizationResult = new CustomizationResult()
                                SiteUrl             = result.SiteUrl,
                                Url                 = result.Url,
                                SiteColUrl          = this.siteColUrl,
                                IgnoredCustomAction = true

                            if (!customizationResults.TryAdd(customizationResult.Url, customizationResult))
                                UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                                    Error      = $"Could not add custom action scan result for {customizationResult.Url}",
                                    SiteURL    = url,
                                    SiteColUrl = siteColUrl
                                Console.WriteLine($"Could not add custom action scan result for {customizationResult.Url}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                        Error      = ex.Message,
                        SiteURL    = this.url,
                        SiteColUrl = this.siteColUrl
                    Console.WriteLine("Error for site {1}: {0}", ex.Message, this.url);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans a list for "modern" compatibility
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">List form page to start the scan from</param>
        /// <param name="list">List linked to the form page</param>
        /// <returns>Object describing modern compatiblity</returns>
        public static ListResult ModernCompatability(this File file, List list, ref ConcurrentStack <UIExperienceScanError> UIExpScanErrors)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");

            if (list == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("list");

            ClientContext cc = file.Context as ClientContext;

            ListResult result = new ListResult();

            // Load properties
            file.EnsureProperties(p => p.PageRenderType);

            // If it works in modern, we're good
            if (file.PageRenderType == ListPageRenderType.Modern)
                // let's return since we know it will work
                result.PageRenderType = file.PageRenderType;

            //'s not working, so let's list *all* reasons why it's not working in modern

            // Step 1: load the tenant / site / web / list level blocking options
            // Tenant
            // Currently we've no API to detect tenant setting...but since we anyhow should scan all lists this does not matter that much

            // Site
            Site site = cc.Site;

            site.EnsureProperties(p => p.Features, p => p.Url);
            result.BlockedAtSiteLevel = site.Features.Where(f => f.DefinitionId == FeatureId_Site_Modern).Count() > 0;
            // Web
            cc.Web.EnsureProperties(p => p.Features, p => p.Url);
            result.BlockedAtWebLevel = cc.Web.Features.Where(f => f.DefinitionId == FeatureId_Web_Modern).Count() > 0;
            // List
            list.EnsureProperties(p => p.ListExperienceOptions, p => p.UserCustomActions, p => p.BaseTemplate);
            result.ListExperience = list.ListExperienceOptions;
            if (list.ListExperienceOptions == ListExperience.ClassicExperience)
                result.BlockedAtListLevel = true;

            // Step 2: verify we can load a web part manager and ensure there's only one web part of the page
            LimitedWebPartManager wpm;

                wpm = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);
                file.Context.Load(wpm.WebParts, wps => wps.Include(wp => wp.WebPart.Title, wp => wp.WebPart.Properties));
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.BlockedByNotBeingAbleToLoadPage          = true;
                result.BlockedByNotBeingAbleToLoadPageException = ex.ToString();

            if (wpm.WebParts.Count != 1)
                result.BlockedByZeroOrMultipleWebParts = true;

            var webPart = wpm.WebParts[0].WebPart;

            // Step 3: Inspect the web part used to render the list
            // Step 3.1: JSLink web part check
            if (webPart.Properties.FieldValues.Keys.Contains("JSLink"))
                if (webPart.Properties["JSLink"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.Properties["JSLink"].ToString()) && webPart.Properties["JSLink"].ToString().ToLower() != "clienttemplates.js")
                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByJSLink = true;
                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.JSLink          = webPart.Properties["JSLink"].ToString();

            // Step 3.2: XslLink web part check
            if (webPart.Properties.FieldValues.Keys.Contains("XslLink"))
                if (webPart.Properties["XslLink"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.Properties["XslLink"].ToString()) && webPart.Properties["XslLink"].ToString().ToLower() != "main.xsl")
                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByXslLink = true;
                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.XslLink          = webPart.Properties["XslLink"].ToString();

            // Step 3.3: Xsl web part check
            if (webPart.Properties.FieldValues.Keys.Contains("Xsl"))
                if (webPart.Properties["Xsl"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.Properties["Xsl"].ToString()))
                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByXsl = true;

            // Step 3.4: Process fields in view
            if (webPart.Properties.FieldValues.Keys.Contains("XmlDefinition"))
                if (webPart.Properties["XmlDefinition"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.Properties["XmlDefinition"].ToString()))
                        // Get the fields in this view
                        var viewFields = GetViewFields(webPart.Properties["XmlDefinition"].ToString());

                        // Load fields in one go
                        List <Field> fieldsToProcess = new List <Field>(viewFields.Count);
                            foreach (var viewField in viewFields)
                                Field field = list.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(viewField);
                                cc.Load(field, p => p.JSLink, p => p.TypeAsString, p => p.FieldTypeKind, p => p.InternalName);
                            // try to load the fields again, but now individually so we can collect the needed errors + evaulate the fields that do load
                            foreach (var viewField in viewFields)
                                    Field field = list.Fields.GetByInternalNameOrTitle(viewField);
                                    cc.Load(field, p => p.JSLink, p => p.TypeAsString, p => p.FieldTypeKind);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                                        Error      = ex.Message,
                                        SiteURL    = cc.Web.Url,
                                        SiteColUrl = site.Url
                                    Console.WriteLine("Error for site {1}: {0}", ex.Message, cc.Web.Url);

                        // Verify the fields
                        foreach (var field in fieldsToProcess)
                                // JSLink on field
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.JSLink) && field.JSLink != "clienttemplates.js" &&
                                    field.JSLink != "sp.ui.reputation.js" && !field.IsTaxField())
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByJSLinkField = true;
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.JSLinkFields         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.JSLinkFields) ? $"{field.InternalName}" : $"{result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.JSLinkFields},{field.InternalName}";

                                //Business data field
                                if (field.IsBusinessDataField())
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByBusinessDataField = true;
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BusinessDataFields         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BusinessDataFields) ? $"{field.InternalName}" : $"{result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BusinessDataFields},{field.InternalName}";

                                // Geolocation field
                                if (field.FieldTypeKind == FieldType.Geolocation)
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByGeoLocationField = true;
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.GeoLocationFields         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.GeoLocationFields) ? $"{field.InternalName}" : $"{result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.GeoLocationFields},{field.InternalName}";

                                // TaskOutcome field
                                if (field.IsTaskOutcomeField())
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByTaskOutcomeField = true;
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.TaskOutcomeFields         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.TaskOutcomeFields) ? $"{field.InternalName}" : $"{result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.TaskOutcomeFields},{field.InternalName}";

                                // Publishing field
                                if (field.IsPublishingField())
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByPublishingField = true;
                                    result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.PublishingFields         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.PublishingFields) ? $"{field.InternalName}" : $"{result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.PublishingFields},{field.InternalName}";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                                    Error      = ex.Message,
                                    SiteURL    = cc.Web.Url,
                                    SiteColUrl = site.Url,
                                Console.WriteLine("Error for site {1}: {0}", ex.Message, cc.Web.Url);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        UIExperienceScanError error = new UIExperienceScanError()
                            Error      = ex.Message,
                            SiteURL    = cc.Web.Url,
                            SiteColUrl = site.Url
                        Console.WriteLine("Error for site {1}: {0}", ex.Message, cc.Web.Url);

            // Step 3.5: Process list custom actions
            if (list.UserCustomActions.Count > 0)
                foreach (var customAction in list.UserCustomActions)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customAction.Location) && customAction.Location.Equals("scriptlink", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customAction.ScriptSrc))
                            result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByListCustomAction = true;
                            result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ListCustomActions         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ListCustomActions) ? $"{customAction.Name}" : $"{result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ListCustomActions},{customAction.Name}";

            // Step 3.6: Check for managed metadata navigation feature
            cc.Web.EnsureProperties(p => p.Features);
            result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByManagedMetadataNavFeature = cc.Web.Features.Where(f => f.DefinitionId == FeatureId_Web_MetaDataNav).Count() > 0;

            // Step 4: check the view
            if (webPart.Properties.FieldValues.Keys.Contains("ViewFlags") && webPart.Properties["ViewFlags"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.Properties["ViewFlags"].ToString()))
                uint flags;
                if (uint.TryParse(webPart.Properties["ViewFlags"].ToString(), out flags))
                    if ((flags & ViewFlag_Gantt) != 0 || (flags & ViewFlag_Calendar) != 0 || (flags & ViewFlag_Grid) != 0)
                        result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByViewType = true;
                        if ((flags & ViewFlag_Gantt) != 0)
                            result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ViewType = "Gantt";
                        else if ((flags & ViewFlag_Calendar) != 0)
                            result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ViewType = "Calendar";
                        else if ((flags & ViewFlag_Grid) != 0)
                            result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ViewType = "Grid";

            // Step 5: check the list
            // Step 5.1: check the base template
            if (!list.CanRenderNewExperience())
                result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.BlockedByListBaseTemplate = true;
                result.XsltViewWebPartCompatibility.ListBaseTemplate          = list.BaseTemplate;
