// Display a set of cards on screen
    public IEnumerator ShowCards(string[] card_names)
        foreach (string c in card_names)
            Button card = Instantiate(Resources.Load <Button>(card_folder_path + c));
            if (card != null)
                card.transform.SetParent(card_display.transform, false);
        EnableCards(false); // Don't allow a player to click on a card while the effect occurs
        yield return(StartCoroutine(ui_effect_manager.FadeImage(card_display.transform, fade_duration, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), Color.white, false)));

        RecordCardNames(card_names); // Needed for the back button --> otherwise we don't know what cards we presented last time.
    // Show the intro
    public IEnumerator ShowTransitionScreen()
        yield return(StartCoroutine(ui_effect_manager.FadeImage(transition_background, transition_duration, original_color, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), false)));

        transition_background.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Need to disable this object or else we can't interact with the cards