Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void
Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Render NumberBox control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r.Canvas">Parent r.Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="r.MasterScale">Master Scale Factor</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        /// <returns>Success = false, Failure = true</returns>
        public static void RenderNumberBox(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl)
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_NumberBox));
            UIInfo_NumberBox info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_NumberBox;

            FreeNumberBox box = new FreeNumberBox()
                Value                    = info.Value,
                FontSize                 = CalcFontPointScale(),
                Minimum                  = info.Min,
                Maximum                  = info.Max,
                DecimalPlaces            = 0,
                IncrementUnit            = info.Interval,
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

            box.ValueChanged += (object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <decimal> e) =>
                info.Value = (int)e.NewValue;

            SetToolTip(box, info.ToolTip);
            DrawToCanvas(r, box, uiCtrl.Rect);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Render RadioGroup control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r.Canvas">Parent r.Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        /// <returns>Success = false, Failure = true</returns>
        public static void RenderRadioButton(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl, UIControl[] radioButtons)
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_RadioButton));
            UIInfo_RadioButton info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_RadioButton;

            double fontSize = CalcFontPointScale();

            RadioButton radio = new RadioButton()
                GroupName = r.Script.FullPath,
                Content   = uiCtrl.Text,
                FontSize  = fontSize,
                IsChecked = info.Selected,
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

            if (info.SectionName != null)
                radio.Click += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                    if (r.Script.Sections.ContainsKey(info.SectionName)) // Only if section exists
                        SectionAddress addr = new SectionAddress(r.Script, r.Script.Sections[info.SectionName]);
                        UIRenderer.RunOneSection(addr, $"{r.Script.Title} - RadioButton [{uiCtrl.Key}]", info.HideProgress);
                        Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                            MainWindow w = Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow;
                            w.Logger.System_Write(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Section [{info.SectionName}] does not exists"));

            radio.Checked += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                RadioButton btn = sender as RadioButton;
                info.Selected = true;

                // Uncheck the other RadioButtons
                List <UIControl> updateList = radioButtons.Where(x => !x.Key.Equals(uiCtrl.Key, StringComparison.Ordinal)).ToList();
                foreach (UIControl uncheck in updateList)
                    Debug.Assert(uncheck.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_RadioButton));
                    UIInfo_RadioButton unInfo = uncheck.Info as UIInfo_RadioButton;

                    unInfo.Selected = false;


            SetToolTip(radio, info.ToolTip);
            DrawToCanvas(r, radio, uiCtrl.Rect);
Beispiel #3
        public static List <LogInfo> Visible(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
            List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>(1);

            Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_Visible));
            CodeInfo_Visible info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_Visible;

            string visibilityStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Visibility);
            bool   visibility    = false;

            if (visibilityStr.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                visibility = true;
            else if (visibilityStr.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false)
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Invalid boolean value [{visibilityStr}]"));

            Script        p     = cmd.Addr.Script;
            ScriptSection iface = p.GetInterface(out string ifaceSecName);

            if (iface == null)
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Script [{cmd.Addr.Script.ShortPath}] does not have section [{ifaceSecName}]"));

            List <UIControl> uiCtrls = iface.GetUICtrls(true);
            UIControl        uiCtrl  = uiCtrls.Find(x => x.Key.Equals(info.InterfaceKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (uiCtrl == null)
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Cannot find interface control [{info.InterfaceKey}] in section [{ifaceSecName}]"));

            if (uiCtrl.Visibility != visibility)
                uiCtrl.Visibility = visibility;

                // Re-render Script
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    MainWindow w = (Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow);
                    if (w.CurMainTree.Script == cmd.Addr.Script)

            logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Interface control [{info.InterfaceKey}]'s visibility set to [{visibility}]"));

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Render CheckBox control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r.Canvas">Parent r.Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        /// <returns>Success = false, Failure = true</returns>
        public static void RenderCheckBox(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl)
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_CheckBox));
            UIInfo_CheckBox info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_CheckBox;

            CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox()
                Content   = uiCtrl.Text,
                IsChecked = info.Value,
                FontSize  = CalcFontPointScale(),
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

            if (info.SectionName != null)
                checkBox.Click += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                    if (r.Script.Sections.ContainsKey(info.SectionName)) // Only if section exists
                        SectionAddress addr = new SectionAddress(r.Script, r.Script.Sections[info.SectionName]);
                        UIRenderer.RunOneSection(addr, $"{r.Script.Title} - CheckBox [{uiCtrl.Key}]", info.HideProgress);
                        r.Logger.System_Write(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Section [{info.SectionName}] does not exists"));

            checkBox.Checked += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                CheckBox box = sender as CheckBox;
                info.Value = true;
            checkBox.Unchecked += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                CheckBox box = sender as CheckBox;
                info.Value = false;

            SetToolTip(checkBox, info.ToolTip);
            DrawToCanvas(r, checkBox, uiCtrl.Rect);
Beispiel #5
    public void LateUpdate()
        // 处理绘制
        for (int i = 0; i < m_Controls.Count; ++i)
            UIControl control = (UIControl)m_Controls[i];
            if (control.Visible)

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Render ComboBox control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r.Canvas">Parent r.Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        /// <returns>Success = false, Failure = true</returns>
        public static void RenderComboBox(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl)
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_ComboBox));
            UIInfo_ComboBox info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_ComboBox;

            ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox()
                FontSize                 = CalcFontPointScale(),
                ItemsSource              = info.Items,
                SelectedIndex            = info.Index,
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

            comboBox.LostFocus += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                ComboBox box = sender as ComboBox;
                if (info.Index != box.SelectedIndex)
                    info.Index  = box.SelectedIndex;
                    uiCtrl.Text = info.Items[box.SelectedIndex];

            if (info.SectionName != null)
                comboBox.SelectionChanged += (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) =>
                    if (r.Script.Sections.ContainsKey(info.SectionName)) // Only if section exists
                        SectionAddress addr = new SectionAddress(r.Script, r.Script.Sections[info.SectionName]);
                        UIRenderer.RunOneSection(addr, $"{r.Script.Title} - CheckBox [{uiCtrl.Key}]", info.HideProgress);
                        r.Logger.System_Write(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Section [{info.SectionName}] does not exists"));

            SetToolTip(comboBox, info.ToolTip);
            DrawToCanvas(r, comboBox, uiCtrl.Rect);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Render TextBox control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="canvas">Parent canvas</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        /// <returns>Success = false, Failure = true</returns>
        public static void RenderTextBox(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl)
            // WB082 textbox control's y coord is of textbox's, not textlabel's.
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_TextBox));
            UIInfo_TextBox info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_TextBox;

            TextBox box = new TextBox()
                Text     = info.Value,
                FontSize = CalcFontPointScale(),
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

            box.LostFocus += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                TextBox tBox = sender as TextBox;
                info.Value = tBox.Text;
            SetToolTip(box, info.ToolTip);
            DrawToCanvas(r, box, uiCtrl.Rect);

            if (uiCtrl.Text.Equals(string.Empty, StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
                TextBlock block = new TextBlock()
                    Text = uiCtrl.Text,
                    LineStackingStrategy = LineStackingStrategy.BlockLineHeight,
                    LineHeight           = CalcFontPointScale(),
                    FontSize             = CalcFontPointScale(),
                SetToolTip(block, info.ToolTip);
                double margin    = PointToDeviceIndependentPixel * DefaultFontPoint * 1.2;
                Rect   blockRect = new Rect(uiCtrl.Rect.Left, uiCtrl.Rect.Top - margin, uiCtrl.Rect.Width, uiCtrl.Rect.Height);
                DrawToCanvas(r, block, blockRect);
Beispiel #8
        public static List <LogInfo> Set(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
            CodeInfo_Set info = cmd.Info.Cast <CodeInfo_Set>();

            Variables.VarKeyType varType = Variables.DetectType(info.VarKey);
            if (varType == Variables.VarKeyType.None)
                // Check Macro
                if (Regex.Match(info.VarKey, Macro.MacroNameRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant).Success) // Macro Name Validation
                    string macroCommand = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.VarValue);

                    if (macroCommand.Equals("NIL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        macroCommand = null;

                    LogInfo log = s.Macro.SetMacro(info.VarKey, macroCommand, cmd.Section, info.Permanent, false);
                    return(new List <LogInfo>(1)

            // [WB082 Behavior] -> Enabled if s.CompatAllowSetModifyInterface == true
            // If PERMANENT was used but the key exists in interface command, the value will not be written to script.project but in interface.
            // Need to investigate where the logs are saved in this case.
            switch (info.Permanent)
            case true:
            {         // Check if interface contains VarKey
                List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>();

                if (Variables.DetectType(info.VarKey) != Variables.VarKeyType.Variable)
                    goto case false;

                #region Set interface control's value (Compat)
                if (s.CompatAllowSetModifyInterface)
                    string varKey     = Variables.TrimPercentMark(info.VarKey);
                    string finalValue = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.VarValue);

                    Script        sc    = cmd.Section.Script;
                    ScriptSection iface = sc.GetInterfaceSection(out _);
                    if (iface == null)
                        goto case false;

                    (List <UIControl> uiCtrls, _) = UIParser.ParseStatements(iface.Lines, iface);
                    UIControl uiCtrl = uiCtrls.Find(x => x.Key.Equals(varKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    if (uiCtrl == null)
                        goto case false;

                    bool valid = uiCtrl.SetValue(finalValue, false, out List <LogInfo> varLogs);

                    if (valid)

                        // Also update variables
                        logs.AddRange(Variables.SetVariable(s, info.VarKey, info.VarValue, false, false));

                goto case false;

            case false:
                return(Variables.SetVariable(s, info.VarKey, info.VarValue, info.Global, info.Permanent));
Beispiel #9
        public static List <LogInfo> Set(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
            Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_Set));
            CodeInfo_Set info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_Set;

            Variables.VarKeyType varType = Variables.DetermineType(info.VarKey);
            if (varType == Variables.VarKeyType.None)
                // Check Macro
                if (Regex.Match(info.VarKey, Macro.MacroNameRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant).Success) // Macro Name Validation
                    string macroCommand = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.VarValue);

                    if (macroCommand.Equals("NIL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        macroCommand = null;

                    LogInfo log = s.Macro.SetMacro(info.VarKey, macroCommand, cmd.Addr, info.Permanent, false);
                    return(new List <LogInfo>(1)

            // [WB082 Behavior]
            // If PERMANENT was used but the key exists in interface command, the value will not be written to script.project but in interface.
            // Need to investigate where the logs are saved in this case.
            switch (info.Permanent)
            case true:
            {         // Check if interface contains VarKey
                List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>();

                if (Variables.DetermineType(info.VarKey) != Variables.VarKeyType.Variable)
                    goto case false;

                string varKey     = Variables.TrimPercentMark(info.VarKey);
                string finalValue = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.VarValue);

                #region Set UI
                Script        p     = cmd.Addr.Script;
                ScriptSection iface = p.GetInterface(out string sectionName);
                if (iface == null)
                    goto case false;

                List <UIControl> uiCmds = iface.GetUICtrls(true);
                UIControl        uiCmd  = uiCmds.Find(x => x.Key.Equals(varKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                if (uiCmd == null)
                    goto case false;

                bool match = uiCmd.SetValue(finalValue, false, out List <LogInfo> varLogs);

                if (match)

                    logs.AddRange(Variables.SetVariable(s, info.VarKey, info.VarValue, false, false));
                    goto case false;

            case false:
                return(Variables.SetVariable(s, info.VarKey, info.VarValue, info.Global, info.Permanent));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Render RadioGroup control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r.Canvas">Parent r.Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        /// <returns>Success = false, Failure = true</returns>
        public static void RenderRadioGroup(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl)
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_RadioGroup));
            UIInfo_RadioGroup info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_RadioGroup;

            double fontSize = CalcFontPointScale();

            GroupBox box = new GroupBox()
                Header      = uiCtrl.Text,
                FontSize    = fontSize,
                BorderBrush = Brushes.LightGray,

            SetToolTip(box, info.ToolTip);

            Grid grid = new Grid();

            box.Content = grid;

            for (int i = 0; i < info.Items.Count; i++)
                RadioButton radio = new RadioButton()
                    GroupName = r.Script.FullPath + uiCtrl.Key,
                    Content   = info.Items[i],
                    Tag       = i,
                    FontSize  = fontSize,
                    VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

                radio.IsChecked = (i == info.Selected);
                radio.Checked  += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                    RadioButton btn = sender as RadioButton;
                    info.Selected = (int)btn.Tag;

                if (info.SectionName != null)
                    radio.Click += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                        if (r.Script.Sections.ContainsKey(info.SectionName)) // Only if section exists
                            SectionAddress addr = new SectionAddress(r.Script, r.Script.Sections[info.SectionName]);
                            UIRenderer.RunOneSection(addr, $"{r.Script.Title} - RadioGroup [{uiCtrl.Key}]", info.HideProgress);
                            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                MainWindow w = Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow;
                                w.Logger.System_Write(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Section [{info.SectionName}] does not exists"));

                SetToolTip(radio, info.ToolTip);

                Grid.SetRow(radio, i);
                grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());

            Rect rect = new Rect(uiCtrl.Rect.Left, uiCtrl.Rect.Top, uiCtrl.Rect.Width, uiCtrl.Rect.Height);

            DrawToCanvas(r, box, rect);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Render FileBox control.
        /// Return true if failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="canvas">Parent canvas</param>
        /// <param name="uiCtrl">UIControl</param>
        public static void RenderFileBox(RenderInfo r, UIControl uiCtrl, Variables variables)
            // It took time to find WB082 textbox control's y coord is of textbox's, not textlabel's.
            Debug.Assert(uiCtrl.Info.GetType() == typeof(UIInfo_FileBox));
            UIInfo_FileBox info = uiCtrl.Info as UIInfo_FileBox;

            TextBox box = new TextBox()
                Text     = uiCtrl.Text,
                FontSize = CalcFontPointScale(),
                VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,

            box.TextChanged += (object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) =>
                TextBox tBox = sender as TextBox;
                uiCtrl.Text = tBox.Text;
            SetToolTip(box, info.ToolTip);

            Button button = new Button()
                FontSize = CalcFontPointScale(),
                Content  = ImageHelper.GetMaterialIcon(PackIconMaterialKind.FolderUpload, 0),

            SetToolTip(button, info.ToolTip);

            button.Click += (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
                Button bt = sender as Button;

                if (info.IsFile)
                { // File
                    string currentPath = StringEscaper.Preprocess(variables, uiCtrl.Text);
                    if (File.Exists(currentPath))
                        currentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(currentPath);
                        currentPath = string.Empty;

                    Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog()
                        Filter           = "All Files|*.*",
                        InitialDirectory = currentPath,
                    if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                        box.Text = dialog.FileName;
                { // Directory
                    VistaFolderBrowserDialog dialog = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog();

                    string currentPath = StringEscaper.Preprocess(variables, uiCtrl.Text);
                    if (Directory.Exists(currentPath))
                        dialog.SelectedPath = currentPath;

                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        if (dialog.ShowDialog(r.Window) == true)
                            box.Text = dialog.SelectedPath;
                            if (!dialog.SelectedPath.EndsWith("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                box.Text += "\\";

            double margin  = 5;
            Rect   boxRect = new Rect(uiCtrl.Rect.Left, uiCtrl.Rect.Top, uiCtrl.Rect.Width - (uiCtrl.Rect.Height + margin), uiCtrl.Rect.Height);
            Rect   btnRect = new Rect(boxRect.Right + margin, uiCtrl.Rect.Top, uiCtrl.Rect.Height, uiCtrl.Rect.Height);

            DrawToCanvas(r, box, boxRect);
            DrawToCanvas(r, button, btnRect);
Beispiel #12
        public static List <LogInfo> WriteInterface(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
        { // WriteInterface,<Element>,<ScriptFile>,<Section>,<Key>,<Value>
            List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>(2);

            Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_WriteInterface));
            CodeInfo_WriteInterface info = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_WriteInterface;

            string scriptFile = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.ScriptFile);
            string section    = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Section);
            string key        = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Key);
            string finalValue = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Value);

            Script p = Engine.GetScriptInstance(s, cmd, s.CurrentScript.FullPath, scriptFile, out bool inCurrentScript);

            if (!p.Sections.ContainsKey(section))
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Script [{scriptFile}] does not have section [{section}]"));

            ScriptSection    iface  = p.Sections[section];
            List <UIControl> uiCmds = iface.GetUICtrls(true);
            UIControl        uiCmd  = uiCmds.Find(x => x.Key.Equals(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (uiCmd == null)
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Interface control [{key}] does not exist"));

            switch (info.Element)
            case InterfaceElement.Text:
                uiCmd.Text = finalValue;

            case InterfaceElement.Visible:
                bool visibility = false;
                if (finalValue.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    visibility = true;
                else if (!finalValue.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{finalValue}] is not a valid boolean value"));

                uiCmd.Visibility = visibility;

            case InterfaceElement.PosX:
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(finalValue, out int x))
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{finalValue}] is not a valid integer"));

                uiCmd.Rect.X = x;

            case InterfaceElement.PosY:
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(finalValue, out int y))
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{finalValue}] is not a valid integer"));

                uiCmd.Rect.Y = y;

            case InterfaceElement.Width:
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(finalValue, out int width))
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{finalValue}] is not a valid integer"));

                uiCmd.Rect.Width = width;

            case InterfaceElement.Height:
                if (!NumberHelper.ParseInt32(finalValue, out int height))
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"[{finalValue}] is not a valid integer"));

                uiCmd.Rect.Height = height;

            case InterfaceElement.Value:
                bool success = uiCmd.SetValue(finalValue, false, out List <LogInfo> varLogs);

                if (success == false && varLogs.Count == 0)
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Writing [Value] to [{uiCmd.Type}] is not supported"));

                throw new InternalException($"Internal Logic Error at WriteInterface");

            // Update uiCmd into file

            // Rerender Script
            Application.Current?.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
            { // Application.Current is null in unit test
                MainWindow w = (Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow);
                if (w.CurMainTree.Script == cmd.Addr.Script)

Beispiel #13
        public static List <LogInfo> VisibleOp(EngineState s, CodeCommand cmd)
            List <LogInfo> logs = new List <LogInfo>(8);

            Debug.Assert(cmd.Info.GetType() == typeof(CodeInfo_VisibleOp));
            CodeInfo_VisibleOp infoOp = cmd.Info as CodeInfo_VisibleOp;

            Script        p     = cmd.Addr.Script;
            ScriptSection iface = p.GetInterface(out string ifaceSecName);

            if (iface == null)
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Script [{cmd.Addr.Script.ShortPath}] does not have section [{ifaceSecName}]"));

            List <UIControl> uiCtrls = iface.GetUICtrls(true);

            List <Tuple <string, bool> > prepArgs = new List <Tuple <string, bool> >();

            foreach (CodeInfo_Visible info in infoOp.InfoList)
                string visibilityStr = StringEscaper.Preprocess(s, info.Visibility);
                bool   visibility    = false;
                if (visibilityStr.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    visibility = true;
                else if (visibilityStr.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false)
                    throw new ExecuteException($"Invalid boolean value [{visibilityStr}]");

                prepArgs.Add(new Tuple <string, bool>(info.InterfaceKey, visibility));

            List <UIControl> uiCmdList = new List <UIControl>();

            foreach (Tuple <string, bool> args in prepArgs)
                UIControl uiCmd = uiCtrls.Find(x => x.Key.Equals(args.Item1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                if (uiCmd == null)
                    logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Error, $"Cannot find interface control [{args.Item1}] in section [{ifaceSecName}]"));

                uiCmd.Visibility = args.Item2;


            foreach (Tuple <string, bool> args in prepArgs)
                logs.Add(new LogInfo(LogState.Success, $"Interface control [{args.Item1}]'s visibility set to [{args.Item2}]"));

            // Re-render Script
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                MainWindow w = (Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow);
                if (w.CurMainTree.Script == cmd.Addr.Script)
