public void Ctor()
            TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion(PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);

            using (var l1 = new UICollectionViewLayout())
                using (var l2 = new UICollectionViewLayout())
                    using (var tl = new UICollectionViewTransitionLayout(l1, l2)) {
                        // interesting ctor for the linker (two [PostGet])
                        Assert.AreSame(tl.CurrentLayout, l1, "CurrentLayout");
                        Assert.AreSame(tl.NextLayout, l2, "NextLayout");
Beispiel #2
        public void Ctor()
            if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemAndSDKVersion(7, 0))
                Assert.Inconclusive("requires iOS 7.0+");

            using (var l1 = new UICollectionViewLayout())
                using (var l2 = new UICollectionViewLayout())
                    using (var tl = new UICollectionViewTransitionLayout(l1, l2)) {
                        // interesting ctor for the linker (two [PostGet])
                        Assert.AreSame(tl.CurrentLayout, l1, "CurrentLayout");
                        Assert.AreSame(tl.NextLayout, l2, "NextLayout");
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            // create and initialize a UICollectionViewFlowLayout
            flowLayout = new UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
                SectionInset            = new UIEdgeInsets(25, 5, 10, 5),
                MinimumInteritemSpacing = 5,
                MinimumLineSpacing      = 5,
                ItemSize = new CGSize(100, 100)

            circleLayout = new CircleLayout(Monkeys.Instance.Count)
                ItemSize = new CGSize(100, 100)

            imagesController = new ImagesCollectionViewController(flowLayout);

            nfloat sf = 0.4f;
            UICollectionViewTransitionLayout trLayout = null;
            UICollectionViewLayout           nextLayout;

            pinch = new UIPinchGestureRecognizer(g => {
                var progress = Math.Abs(1.0f - g.Scale) / sf;

                if (trLayout == null)
                    if (imagesController.CollectionView.CollectionViewLayout is CircleLayout)
                        nextLayout = flowLayout;
                        nextLayout = circleLayout;

                    trLayout = imagesController.CollectionView.StartInteractiveTransition(nextLayout, (completed, finished) => {
                        Console.WriteLine("transition completed");
                        trLayout = null;

                trLayout.TransitionProgress = (nfloat)progress;


                if (g.State == UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended)
                    if (trLayout.TransitionProgress > 0.5f)


            window.RootViewController = imagesController;
