protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
			trayButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.TrayButton);
			gcButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.GCButton);
			imageButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.ImageButton);

            rightTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray>(Resource.Id.tray_right);
            rightTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.Popup;
            rightTray.frameType = UIActionTrayFrameType.EdgeOnly;
            rightTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Right;
            rightTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.Plain;

            rightTray.bringToFrontOnTouch = true;
            rightTray.layoutParams.Width = (int)(Resources.DisplayMetrics.WidthPixels * DRAWER_WIDTH_PERCENTAGE);
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
            trayButton  = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.TrayButton);
            gcButton    = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.GCButton);
            imageButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.ImageButton);

            rightTray             = FindViewById <UIActionTray>(Resource.Id.tray_right);
            rightTray.trayType    = UIActionTrayType.Popup;
            rightTray.frameType   = UIActionTrayFrameType.EdgeOnly;
            rightTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Right;
            rightTray.tabType     = UIActionTrayTabType.Plain;

            rightTray.bringToFrontOnTouch = true;
            rightTray.layoutParams.Width  = (int)(Resources.DisplayMetrics.WidthPixels * DRAWER_WIDTH_PERCENTAGE);
Beispiel #3
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // Gain Access to all views and controls in our layout
            leftTray     = FindViewById <UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayLeft);
            rightTray    = FindViewById <UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayRight);
            toolsTray    = FindViewById <UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayTools);
            propertyTray = FindViewById <UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayProperty);
            paletteTray  = FindViewById <UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayPalette);
            documentTray = FindViewById <UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayDocuments);

            // Create a TrayManager to handle a collection of "palette"
            // trays. It will automatically close any open tray when
            // another tray in this collection is opened.
            trayManager = new UIActionTrayManager();

            // Automatically close the left and right trays when any tray
            // in the manager's collection is opened
            trayManager.TrayOpened += (tray) => {
                // Animate the trays being closed

            // Setup the left side tray
            leftTray.trayType            = UIActionTrayType.Draggable;
            leftTray.orientation         = UIActionTrayOrientation.Left;
            leftTray.tabLocation         = UIActionTrayTabLocation.BottomOrRight;
            leftTray.frameType           = UIActionTrayFrameType.EdgeOnly;
            leftTray.tabType             = UIActionTrayTabType.IconAndTitle;
            leftTray.bringToFrontOnTouch = true;

            // Style tray
            leftTray.appearance.background = Color.Gray;
            leftTray.appearance.border     = Color.Red;
            leftTray.icon  = Resource.Drawable.icon_calendar;
            leftTray.title = "Events";
            leftTray.appearance.tabAlpha = 100;

            // Respond to the left tray being touched
            leftTray.Touched += (tray) => {
                //Yes, close this tray and aminate the closing

                // Tell any open palette trays to close

                // Close document tray

            // Setup the right side tray
            rightTray.trayType            = UIActionTrayType.Popup;
            rightTray.orientation         = UIActionTrayOrientation.Right;
            rightTray.bringToFrontOnTouch = true;

            // Respond to the tray being opened
            rightTray.Opened += (tray) => {
                //Close this tray and aminate the closing

                // Tell any open palette trays to close

                // Close document tray

            // Set tray type
            documentTray.trayType            = UIActionTrayType.AutoClosingPopup;
            documentTray.orientation         = UIActionTrayOrientation.Bottom;
            documentTray.tabType             = UIActionTrayTabType.GripAndTitle;
            documentTray.bringToFrontOnTouch = true;

            // Style tray
            documentTray.tabWidth = 125;
            documentTray.appearance.background = Color.Gray;
            documentTray.title = "Documents";

            // Respond to the tray being opened
            documentTray.Opened += (tray) => {
                // Close left and right trays

            // Create three action tray's and use them as a collection via an ActionTrayManager

            // Palette 1
            // Set tray type
            paletteTray.trayType    = UIActionTrayType.AutoClosingPopup;
            paletteTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Top;
            paletteTray.tabLocation = UIActionTrayTabLocation.TopOrLeft;
            paletteTray.tabType     = UIActionTrayTabType.IconAndTitle;

            // Style tray
            paletteTray.tabWidth = 125;
            paletteTray.appearance.background = Color.Gray;
            paletteTray.icon  = Resource.Drawable.icon_palette;
            paletteTray.title = "Palette";

            // Add this tray to the manager's collection

            // Palette 2
            // Setup property tray type
            propertyTray.trayType    = UIActionTrayType.Popup;
            propertyTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Top;
            propertyTray.tabLocation = UIActionTrayTabLocation.TopOrLeft;
            propertyTray.tabType     = UIActionTrayTabType.IconAndTitle;

            // Style tray
            propertyTray.tabWidth = 125;
            propertyTray.appearance.background = Color.Rgb(38, 38, 38);
            propertyTray.icon  = Resource.Drawable.icon_measures;
            propertyTray.title = "Properties";

            // Add this tray to the manager's collection

            // Palette 3
            // Setup tools tray type
            toolsTray.trayType    = UIActionTrayType.AutoClosingPopup;
            toolsTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Top;
            toolsTray.tabType     = UIActionTrayTabType.IconOnly;

            // Style tools tray
            toolsTray.tabWidth              = 50;
            toolsTray.tabLocation           = UIActionTrayTabLocation.BottomOrRight;
            toolsTray.appearance.background = Color.Rgb(38, 38, 38);
            toolsTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.CustomDrawn;
            toolsTray.icon    = Resource.Drawable.icon_pencil;

            // Custom draw this tab
            toolsTray.CustomDrawDragTab += (tray, canvas, rect) => {
                //Draw background
                var body = new ShapeDrawable(new RectShape());
                body.Paint.Color = tray.appearance.background;
                body.SetBounds(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);

                //Define icon paint
                var iPaint = new Paint();
                iPaint.Alpha = tray.appearance.tabAlpha;

                //Load bitmap
                var bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, tray.icon);

                //Draw image
                canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect.Left + 1, rect.Top + 5, iPaint);

            // Add this tray to the manager's collection
		protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
			base.OnCreate (bundle);

			// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
			SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

			// Gain Access to all views and controls in our layout
			leftTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayLeft);
			rightTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayRight);
			toolsTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayTools);
			propertyTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayProperty);
			paletteTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayPalette);
			documentTray = FindViewById<UIActionTray> (Resource.Id.trayDocuments);

			// Create a TrayManager to handle a collection of "palette"
			// trays. It will automatically close any open tray when 
			// another tray in this collection is opened.
			trayManager = new UIActionTrayManager ();

			// Automatically close the left and right trays when any tray
			// in the manager's collection is opened
			trayManager.TrayOpened += (tray) => {
				// Animate the trays being closed
				leftTray.CloseTray (true);
				rightTray.CloseTray (true);

			// Setup the left side tray
			leftTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.Draggable;
			leftTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Left;
			leftTray.tabLocation = UIActionTrayTabLocation.BottomOrRight;
			leftTray.frameType = UIActionTrayFrameType.EdgeOnly;
			leftTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.IconAndTitle;

			// Style tray
			leftTray.appearance.background = Color.Gray;
			leftTray.appearance.border = Color.Red;
			leftTray.icon = Resource.Drawable.icon_calendar;
			leftTray.title = "Events";
			leftTray.CloseTray (false);

			// Respond to the left tray being touched
			leftTray.Touched+= (tray) => {
				//Yes, close this tray and aminate the closing
				rightTray.CloseTray (true);
				// Tell any open palette trays to close
				trayManager.CloseAllTrays ();
				// Close document tray
				documentTray.CloseTray (true);

			// Setup the right side tray
			rightTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.Popup;
			rightTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Right;
			rightTray.bringToFrontOnTouch = true;
			rightTray.CloseTray (false);

			// Respond to the tray being opened
			rightTray.Opened+= (tray) => {
				//Close this tray and aminate the closing
				leftTray.CloseTray (true);
				// Tell any open palette trays to close
				trayManager.CloseAllTrays ();
				// Close document tray
				documentTray.CloseTray (true);

			// Set tray type
			documentTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.AutoClosingPopup;
			documentTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Bottom;
			documentTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.GripAndTitle;
			// Style tray
			documentTray.tabWidth = 125;
			documentTray.appearance.background = Color.Gray;
			documentTray.title = "Documents";
			documentTray.CloseTray (false);
			// Respond to the tray being opened
			documentTray.Opened += (tray) => {
				// Close left and right trays

			// Create three action tray's and use them as a collection via an ActionTrayManager

			// Palette 1
			// Set tray type
			paletteTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.AutoClosingPopup;
			paletteTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Top;
			paletteTray.tabLocation = UIActionTrayTabLocation.TopOrLeft;
			paletteTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.IconAndTitle;
			paletteTray.CloseTray (false);
			// Style tray
			paletteTray.tabWidth = 125;
			paletteTray.appearance.background = Color.Gray;
			paletteTray.icon = Resource.Drawable.icon_palette;
			// Add this tray to the manager's collection
			trayManager.AddTray (paletteTray);

			// Palette 2
			// Setup property tray type
			propertyTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.Popup;
			propertyTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Top;
			propertyTray.tabLocation = UIActionTrayTabLocation.TopOrLeft;
			propertyTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.IconAndTitle;
			propertyTray.CloseTray (false);
			// Style tray
			propertyTray.tabWidth = 125;
			propertyTray.appearance.background = Color.Rgb (38,38,38);
			// Add this tray to the manager's collection
			trayManager.AddTray (propertyTray);

			// Palette 3
			// Setup tools tray type
			toolsTray.trayType = UIActionTrayType.AutoClosingPopup;
			toolsTray.orientation = UIActionTrayOrientation.Top;
			toolsTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.IconOnly;
			toolsTray.CloseTray (false);
			// Style tools tray
			toolsTray.tabWidth = 50;
			toolsTray.tabLocation = UIActionTrayTabLocation.BottomOrRight;
			toolsTray.appearance.background = Color.Rgb (38,38,38);
			toolsTray.tabType = UIActionTrayTabType.CustomDrawn;
			toolsTray.icon = Resource.Drawable.icon_pencil;

			// Custom draw this tab
			toolsTray.CustomDrawDragTab += (tray, canvas, rect) => {
				//Draw background
				var body= new ShapeDrawable(new RectShape());
				body.SetBounds (rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
				body.Draw (canvas);

				//Define icon paint
				var iPaint=new Paint();

				//Load bitmap
				var bitmap=BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources,tray.icon);
				//Draw image
				canvas.DrawBitmap (bitmap, rect.Left+1, rect.Top+5, iPaint);
			// Add this tray to the manager's collection
			trayManager.AddTray (toolsTray);