public void setNewEntry(UDT u) { lock (m_IDLock) { m_vNewEntry.Add(u); } }
public void remove(UDT u) { lock (m_ListLock) { remove_(u); } }
public void RcvUListTest() { UDT udt = new UDT(); udt.m_pRNode = new RNode(); udt.m_pRNode.m_pUDT = udt; udt.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp = 1; udt.m_pRNode.m_bOnList = false; UDT udt2 = new UDT(); udt2.m_pRNode = new RNode(); udt2.m_pRNode.m_pUDT = udt2; udt2.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp = 1; udt2.m_pRNode.m_bOnList = false; RcvUList rcvUList = new RcvUList(); udt.m_pRNode.m_bOnList = true; rcvUList.insert(udt); Assert.IsTrue(udt.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp > 1); udt2.m_pRNode.m_bOnList = true; rcvUList.insert(udt2); Assert.IsTrue(udt2.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp > 1); Assert.IsTrue(udt2.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp > udt.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp); rcvUList.update(udt); Assert.IsTrue(udt.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp > udt2.m_pRNode.m_llTimeStamp); rcvUList.remove(udt); rcvUList.remove(udt2); }
private void addLog(UDT.Experience rec) { this.logAgent.ActionType = Log.LogActionType.Delete; this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公司名稱", rec.Company); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("職稱", rec.Position); //this.logAgent.SetLogValue("是否現職", rec.IsCurrent.ToString()); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("產業別", rec.Industry); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("部門類別", rec.DepartmentCategory); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("層級別", rec.PostLevel); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作地點", rec.WorkPlace); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作狀態", rec.WorkStatus); DateTime work_begin_date; if (DateTime.TryParse(rec.WorkBeginDate + "", out work_begin_date)) this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作起日", work_begin_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); else this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作起日", rec.WorkBeginDate + ""); DateTime work_end_date; if (DateTime.TryParse(rec.WorkEndDate + "", out work_end_date)) this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作迄日", work_end_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); else this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作迄日", rec.WorkEndDate + ""); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公關連絡人", rec.Publicist); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公關室電話", rec.PublicRelationsOfficeTelephone); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公關室傳真", rec.PublicRelationsOfficeFax); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公關EMAIL", rec.PublicistEmail); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公司網址", rec.CompanyWebsite); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("最後更新日期", rec.TimeStamp.HasValue ? rec.TimeStamp.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : ""); }
void AddLog(UDT.StudentBrief2 udtObj) { this.logAgent.SetLogValue("畢業學期", udtObj.GraduateSemester); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("畢業學年度", udtObj.GraduateYear); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("電子郵件", udtObj.EmailList); }
public Survey(UDT.Survey survey) { this.Questions = new List<Question>(); this.uSurvey = survey; this.InitQuestions(); }
private Thread mUpdateThread; //Thread used to poll the CB280 inputs #endregion Fields #region Constructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Initializes flags and creates I/O tag arrays /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public CB280() { mInitialized = false; mInputBuffer = new byte[2]; //Only buffer digital inputs. Analog are read on demand. mOutputBuffer = new byte[2]; //Only buffer digital outputs. PWM are not implemented. mTags = new UDT(mID); mInputTags = new UDT("I"); mOutputTags = new UDT("O"); mTags.Add(mInputTags); mTags.Add(mOutputTags); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { mInputTags.Add(new Tag("D" + i.ToString("00"), DataType.Bool, TagDirection.Input)); } for (int i = 11; i < 19; i++) { mInputTags.Add(new Tag("A" + (i - 11).ToString("00"), DataType.Int16, TagDirection.Input)); mInputTags[i].TagRead += new TagEventHandler(OnInputTagRead); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { mOutputTags.Add(new Tag("D" + i.ToString("00"), DataType.Bool, TagDirection.Output)); mOutputTags[i].TagChanged += new TagEventHandler(OnOutputTagChanged); } }
public void update(UDT u, bool reschedule = true) { lock (m_ListLock) { SNode n = u.m_pSNode; if (n.m_iHeapLoc >= 0) { if (!reschedule) { return; } if (n.m_iHeapLoc == 0) { n.m_llTimeStamp = 1; m_pTimer.interrupt(); return; } remove_(u); } insert_(1, u); } }
public frmHTML_Preview(UDT.Survey Survey) { InitializeComponent(); this._Survey = Survey; this.Access = new AccessHelper(); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form_Load); }
public frmFAQ_SingleForm(UDT.CSFaq CSFaq) { InitializeComponent(); this.CSFaq = CSFaq; Access = new AccessHelper(); this.ErrorProvider = new ErrorProvider(); this.Load += new EventHandler(frmFAQ_SingleForm_Load); }
public void SetAbsence(UDT.Absence abs, int rowIndex, int colIndex) { if (abs == null) this.Close(); this.abs = abs; this.rowIndex = rowIndex; this.colIndex = colIndex; }
/// <summary> /// 新增一筆 UDTAccess 紀錄 /// </summary> /// <param name="club"></param> public static void Insert(UDT.UDTTeacherWords healthy) { List<ActiveRecord> healthys = new List<ActiveRecord>(); healthys.Add(healthy); udtHelper.InsertValues(healthys); if (ItemChanged != null) ItemChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty); }
public frmStatistics_SingleForm(UDT.StatisticsGroup StatisticsGroup, UDT.Survey Survey) { InitializeComponent(); this.StatisticsGroup = StatisticsGroup; this.Survey = Survey; Access = new AccessHelper(); this.ErrorProvider = new ErrorProvider(); this.Load += new EventHandler(frmStatistics_SingleForm_Load); }
public Question(UDT.Question uQ) { this.uQuestion = uQ; this.QuestionOptions = new List<QuestionOption>(); this.Answers = new List<Answer>(); this.Cases = new List<Case>(); this.InitQuestionOptions(); this.Score = null; }
public void insert(UDT u) { RNode n = u.m_pRNode; n.m_llTimeStamp = Timer.rdtsc(); // always insert at the end for RcvUList m_nodeList.Add(n); }
protected void sendCustomMsg(Packet pkt) { UDT u = UDT.s_UDTUnited.lookup(m_UDT); if (null != u) { pkt.SetId(u.m_PeerID); u.m_pSndQueue.sendto(u.m_pPeerAddr, pkt); } }
public CS_Template_NoSubject(UDT.CSConfiguration.TemplateName TemplateName) { InitializeComponent(); this.TemplateName = TemplateName; this.Text = "編輯「" + this.TemplateName.ToString() + "」文字樣版"; this.TitleText = "編輯「" + this.TemplateName.ToString() + "」文字樣版"; webBrowser1.GotFocus += new EventHandler(webBrowser1_GotFocus); }
public int AddSubject(UDT.Subject subject) { IEnumerable<DataGridViewRow> dgvrs = this.dgvMotherData.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>(); if (dgvrs.Where(x => ((x.Tag as UDT.Subject).UID == subject.UID)).Count() == 0) { return AddSubjectToDataGridView(subject); } return 0; }
public SurveyCreator(UDT.Survey Survey) { InitializeComponent(); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form_Load); this._Survey = Survey; Access = new AccessHelper(); }
public void removeListener(UDT u) { lock (m_LSLock) { if (u == m_pListener) { m_pListener = null; } } }
public frmAssignedSurvy_SingleForm(UDT.AssignedSurvey AssignedSurvey, CourseRecord Course, TeacherRecord Teacher, string CaseName) { InitializeComponent(); this.AssignedSurvey = AssignedSurvey; this.Course = Course; this.Teacher = Teacher; this.CaseName = CaseName; Access = new AccessHelper(); this.ErrorProvider = new ErrorProvider(); this.Load += new EventHandler(frmAssignedSurvy_SingleForm_Load); }
public void remove(UDT u) { RNode n = u.m_pRNode; if (!n.m_bOnList) { return; } m_nodeList.Remove(n); }
public ImportReportDocumentTemplate(UDT.ReportTemplate template = null, string templateName = "") { InitializeComponent(); Access = new AccessHelper(); Query = new QueryHelper(); this.Template = template; this.TemplateName = templateName; this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.ImportReceiptDocumentTemplate_Load); }
public int Receive(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { try { UDT udt = UDT.s_UDTUnited.lookup(mSocketId); return(udt.recv(data, offset, length)); } catch (UdtException udtException) { throw new Exception("Problem when receiving data", udtException); } }
public int Send(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { try { UDT udt = UDT.s_UDTUnited.lookup(mSocketId); return(udt.send(data, offset, length)); } catch (UdtException udtException) { throw new Exception(udtException.getErrorMessage(), udtException); } }
public int setListener(UDT u) { lock (m_LSLock) { if (null != m_pListener) { return(-1); } m_pListener = u; return(0); } }
public ExcelDocumentMaker(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Color>> dicEvaluationBackgroundColor, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Color>> dicQuestionBackgroundColor, List<UDT.QHRelation> QHRelations, List<UDT.Hierarchy> Hierarchies, UDT.TeacherStatistics Statistics, Workbook wb) { this.Access = new AccessHelper(); this.Query = new QueryHelper(); this.QHRelations = QHRelations; this.Hierarchies = Hierarchies; this._Statistics = Statistics; this._Template = wb; this._DataBindedSheets = new List<DataBindedSheet>(); this._DicEvaluationBackgroundColor = dicEvaluationBackgroundColor; this._DicQuestionBackgroundColor = dicQuestionBackgroundColor; this.dicCellStyles = new Dictionary<CellObject, CellStyle>(); }
UDT getNewEntry() { lock (m_IDLock) { if (m_vNewEntry.Count == 0) { return(null); } UDT u = m_vNewEntry[0]; m_vNewEntry.RemoveAt(0); return(u); } }
public void insert(ulong ts, UDT u) { lock (m_ListLock) { // increase the heap array size if necessary if (m_iLastEntry == m_iArrayLength - 1) { Array.Resize(ref m_pHeap, m_iArrayLength * 2); m_iArrayLength *= 2; } insert_(ts, u); } }
public void insert(int id, UDT u, AddressFamily ipv, IPEndPoint addr, ulong ttl) { CRL r; r.m_iID = id; r.m_pUDT = u; r.m_iIPversion = ipv; r.m_pPeerAddr = addr; r.m_ullTTL = ttl; lock (m_RIDVectorLock) { m_lRendezvousID.Add(r); } }
void insert_(ulong ts, UDT u) { SNode n = u.m_pSNode; // do not insert repeated node if (n.m_iHeapLoc >= 0) { return; } m_iLastEntry++; m_pHeap[m_iLastEntry] = n; n.m_llTimeStamp = ts; int q = m_iLastEntry; int p = q; while (p != 0) { p = (q - 1) >> 1; if (m_pHeap[p].m_llTimeStamp > m_pHeap[q].m_llTimeStamp) { SNode t = m_pHeap[p]; m_pHeap[p] = m_pHeap[q]; m_pHeap[q] = t; t.m_iHeapLoc = q; q = p; } else { break; } } n.m_iHeapLoc = q; // an earlier event has been inserted, wake up sending worker if (n.m_iHeapLoc == 0) { m_pTimer.interrupt(); } // first entry, activate the sending queue if (0 == m_iLastEntry) { m_pWindowCond.Set(); } }
public frmCase_SingleForm(UDT.Case Case, List<DataItems.CloudFileUrlItem> googleDocsRowSource) { InitializeComponent(); this.Case = Case; this.GoogleDocsRowSource = googleDocsRowSource; Access = new AccessHelper(); this.ErrorProvider = new ErrorProvider(); this.dgvData.CellEnter += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dgvData_CellEnter); this.dgvData.CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged += new EventHandler(dgvData_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged); this.dgvData.EditingControlShowing += new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler(dgvData_EditingControlShowing); this.dgvData.DataError += new DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler(dgvData_DataError); this.dgvData.ColumnHeaderMouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler(this.dgvData_ColumnHeaderMouseClick); this.dgvData.RowHeaderMouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler(this.dgvData_RowHeaderMouseClick); this.dgvData.MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.dgvData_MouseClick); this.Load += new EventHandler(frmCase_SingleForm_Load); }
public void RendezvouzQueueTest() { IPEndPoint endPointA = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8000); IPEndPoint endPointB = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5000); IPEndPoint endPointC = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8000); IPEndPoint endPointD = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8000); UDT udt = new UDT(); udt.m_SocketID = 1; UDT udt2 = new UDT(); udt2.m_SocketID = 2; RendezvousQueue rendezvousQueue = new RendezvousQueue(); rendezvousQueue.insert(1, udt, AddressFamily.InterNetwork, endPointA, 100); rendezvousQueue.insert(2, udt2, AddressFamily.InterNetwork, endPointC, 100); int foundId = 0; UDT foundUdt = rendezvousQueue.retrieve(endPointB, ref foundId); Assert.IsNull(foundUdt); foundUdt = rendezvousQueue.retrieve(endPointD, ref foundId); Assert.IsNull(foundUdt); foundUdt = rendezvousQueue.retrieve(endPointC, ref foundId); Assert.AreEqual(2, foundId); Assert.AreEqual(2, foundUdt.m_SocketID); foundId = 0; foundUdt = rendezvousQueue.retrieve(endPointA, ref foundId); Assert.AreEqual(1, foundId); Assert.AreEqual(1, foundUdt.m_SocketID); rendezvousQueue.remove(2); rendezvousQueue.remove(1); foundId = 0; foundUdt = rendezvousQueue.retrieve(endPointA, ref foundId); Assert.IsNull(foundUdt); foundUdt = rendezvousQueue.retrieve(endPointC, ref foundId); Assert.IsNull(foundUdt); }
protected PerfMon getPerfInfo() { try { UDT u = UDT.s_UDTUnited.lookup(m_UDT); if (null != u) { u.sample(m_PerfInfo, false); } } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } return(m_PerfInfo); }
void remove_(UDT u) { SNode n = u.m_pSNode; if (n.m_iHeapLoc >= 0) { // remove the node from heap m_pHeap[n.m_iHeapLoc] = m_pHeap[m_iLastEntry]; m_iLastEntry--; m_pHeap[n.m_iHeapLoc].m_iHeapLoc = n.m_iHeapLoc; int q = n.m_iHeapLoc; int p = q * 2 + 1; while (p <= m_iLastEntry) { if ((p + 1 <= m_iLastEntry) && (m_pHeap[p].m_llTimeStamp > m_pHeap[p + 1].m_llTimeStamp)) { p++; } if (m_pHeap[q].m_llTimeStamp > m_pHeap[p].m_llTimeStamp) { SNode t = m_pHeap[p]; m_pHeap[p] = m_pHeap[q]; m_pHeap[p].m_iHeapLoc = p; m_pHeap[q] = t; m_pHeap[q].m_iHeapLoc = q; q = p; p = q * 2 + 1; } else { break; } } n.m_iHeapLoc = -1; } // the only event has been deleted, wake up immediately if (0 == m_iLastEntry) { m_pTimer.interrupt(); } }
public void update(UDT u) { RNode n = u.m_pRNode; if (!n.m_bOnList) { return; } RNode match = m_nodeList.Find(x => x.Equals(n)); if (match.Equals(default(RNode))) { return; } match.m_llTimeStamp = Timer.rdtsc(); }
public void RcvQueueTest() { RcvQueue rcvQueue = new RcvQueue(); UDT udt = new UDT(); UDT udt2 = new UDT(); Assert.AreEqual(0, rcvQueue.setListener(udt)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, rcvQueue.setListener(udt2)); rcvQueue.removeListener(udt2); Assert.AreEqual(-1, rcvQueue.setListener(udt2)); rcvQueue.removeListener(udt); Assert.AreEqual(0, rcvQueue.setListener(udt2)); rcvQueue.registerConnector(1, udt, AddressFamily.InterNetwork, null, 100); rcvQueue.registerConnector(2, udt2, AddressFamily.InterNetwork, null, 100); rcvQueue.removeConnector(1); rcvQueue.removeConnector(2); }
public int pop(ref IPEndPoint addr, ref Packet pkt) { lock (m_ListLock) { if (-1 == m_iLastEntry) { return(-1); } // no pop until the next schedulled time ulong ts = Timer.rdtsc(); if (ts < m_pHeap[0].m_llTimeStamp) { return(-1); } UDT u = m_pHeap[0].m_pUDT; remove_(u); if (!u.m_bConnected || u.m_bBroken) { return(-1); } // pack a packet from the socket if (u.packData(pkt, ref ts) <= 0) { return(-1); } addr = u.m_pPeerAddr; // insert a new entry, ts is the next processing time if (ts > 0) { insert_(ts, u); } return(1); } }
private void addLog(UDT.Experience rec) { this.logAgent.ActionType = Log.LogActionType.Delete; this.logAgent.SetLogValue("公司名稱", rec.Company); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("職稱", rec.Position); //this.logAgent.SetLogValue("是否現職", rec.IsCurrent.ToString()); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("產業別", rec.Industry); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("部門類別", rec.DepartmentCategory); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("層級別", rec.PostLevel); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作地點", rec.WorkPlace); this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作狀態", rec.WorkStatus); DateTime work_begin_date; if (DateTime.TryParse(rec.WorkBeginDate + "", out work_begin_date)) this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作起日", work_begin_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); else this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作起日", rec.WorkBeginDate + ""); DateTime work_end_date; if (DateTime.TryParse(rec.WorkEndDate + "", out work_end_date)) this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作迄日", work_end_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); else this.logAgent.SetLogValue("工作迄日", rec.WorkEndDate + ""); }
public QuestionOption(UDT.QuestionOption uQ) { this.uQuestionOption = uQ; this.AnswerCount = 0; }
static void worker(object param) { RcvQueue self = param as RcvQueue; if (self == null) { return; } IPEndPoint addr = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); UDT u = null; int id; while (!self.m_bClosing) { self.m_pTimer.tick(); // check waiting list, if new socket, insert it to the list while (self.ifNewEntry()) { UDT ne = self.getNewEntry(); if (null != ne) { self.m_pRcvUList.insert(ne); self.m_hash.Add(ne.m_SocketID, ne); } } // find next available slot for incoming packet Unit unit = new Unit(); unit.m_Packet.setLength(self.m_iPayloadSize); // reading next incoming packet, recvfrom returns -1 is nothing has been received if (self.m_pChannel.recvfrom(ref addr, unit.m_Packet) < 0) { goto TIMER_CHECK; } id = unit.m_Packet.GetId(); // ID 0 is for connection request, which should be passed to the listening socket or rendezvous sockets if (0 == id) { if (null != self.m_pListener) { self.m_pListener.listen(addr, unit.m_Packet); } else if (null != (u = self.m_pRendezvousQueue.retrieve(addr, ref id))) { // asynchronous connect: call connect here // otherwise wait for the UDT socket to retrieve this packet if (!u.m_bSynRecving) { u.connect(unit.m_Packet); } else { Packet newPacket = new Packet(); newPacket.Clone(unit.m_Packet); self.storePkt(id, newPacket); } } } else if (id > 0) { if (self.m_hash.TryGetValue(id, out u)) { if (addr.Equals(u.m_pPeerAddr)) { if (u.m_bConnected && !u.m_bBroken && !u.m_bClosing) { if (0 == unit.m_Packet.getFlag()) { u.processData(unit); } else { u.processCtrl(unit.m_Packet); } u.checkTimers(); self.m_pRcvUList.update(u); } } } else if (null != (u = self.m_pRendezvousQueue.retrieve(addr, ref id))) { if (!u.m_bSynRecving) { u.connect(unit.m_Packet); } else { Packet newPacket = new Packet(); newPacket.Clone(unit.m_Packet); self.storePkt(id, newPacket); } } } TIMER_CHECK: // take care of the timing event for all UDT sockets ulong currtime = Timer.rdtsc(); ulong ctime = currtime - 100000 * Timer.getCPUFrequency(); for (int i = 0; i < self.m_pRcvUList.m_nodeList.Count; ++i) { RNode ul = self.m_pRcvUList.m_nodeList[0]; if (ul.m_llTimeStamp >= ctime) { break; } u = ul.m_pUDT; if (u.m_bConnected && !u.m_bBroken && !u.m_bClosing) { u.checkTimers(); self.m_pRcvUList.update(u); } else { // the socket must be removed from Hash table first, then RcvUList self.m_hash.Remove(u.m_SocketID); self.m_pRcvUList.remove(u); u.m_pRNode.m_bOnList = false; } } // Check connection requests status for all sockets in the RendezvousQueue. self.m_pRendezvousQueue.updateConnStatus(); } self.m_ExitCond.Set(); }
public static void OpenQueryRow(object Row, out UDT.TParams Value) { Value = (UDT.TParams)Row; }
public static IEnumerable OpenParameterizedRemoteQuery(String ALinkedServer, String ASQL, UDT.TParams AParams) { return OpenQuery(OpenQueryString(ALinkedServer, FinalSQL(ASQL, AParams))); }
public static IEnumerable OpenParameterizedQuery(String ASQL, UDT.TParams AParams) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ASQL)) return null; return OpenQuery(FinalSQL(ASQL, AParams)); }
//[SqlFunction(Name = "Final SQL(Custom)", DataAccess = DataAccessKind.None, IsDeterministic = true)] // EXEC [A].[B] :Param1, :[Param2], :[$Params;Param2] public static String FinalSQLEx(String ASQL, UDT.TParams AParams, Boolean AOnlyQuoted) { if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ASQL)) return ASQL; StringBuilder Result = new StringBuilder(ASQL.Length); Sql.ParamsParser Parser = new Sql.ParamsParser ( ASQL, ':', TCommentMethods.DoubleMinus | TCommentMethods.SlashRange, new char[] { '[' }, new char[] { '\'', '"', '[' } ); while (Parser.MoveNext()) { Result.Append(Parser.Current.Gap); Object LParamValue; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parser.Current.Value)) if (AOnlyQuoted && (Parser.Current.Quote == (Char)0)) { Result.Append(':'); Result.Append(Parser.Current.Value); } else if (AParams == null) Result.Append("NULL"); else if(Parser.Current.Value[0] == '$') { String LValues = (Parser.Current.Value.Length == 1 ? AParams.CastAsString() : AParams.CastAsStringCustom(Parser.Current.Value.Substring(1))); Result.Append(LValues == null ? "NULL" : Strings.QuoteString(LValues)); } else if(AParams.TryGetValue(Parser.Current.Value, out LParamValue)) { Result.Append(Sql.ValueToText(LParamValue, Sql.ValueDbStyle.SQL, '\'')); } else Result.Append("NULL"); } return Result.ToString(); }
public void registerConnector(int id, UDT u, AddressFamily ipv, IPEndPoint addr, ulong ttl) { m_pRendezvousQueue.insert(id, u, ipv, addr, ttl); }
public static Object ExecuteRemoteParameterizedScalar(String ALinkedServer, String AQuery, UDT.TParams AParams) { return ExecuteScalar(OpenQueryString(ALinkedServer, FinalSQL(AQuery, AParams))); }
public static void ExecuteRemoteParameterizedNonQuery(String ALinkedServer, String AQuery, UDT.TParams AParams) { ExecuteNonQuery(OpenQueryString(ALinkedServer, FinalSQL(AQuery, AParams))); }
public static void ExecuteRemoteParameterized(String ALinkedServer, String AQuery, UDT.TParams AParams, String AResultSets) { Execute(OpenQueryString(ALinkedServer, FinalSQL(AQuery, AParams)), AResultSets); }
//[SqlProcedure(Name = "Execute(Params)=>XML")] public static void ExecuteParameterizedToXML( String AQuery, UDT.TParams AParams, String AResultSets, out SqlXml AXml, String ARowsetNamePrefix = null, String ARootTag = null, String ARowsetTag = null, String ARowTag = null ) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AQuery)) throw new ArgumentNullException(PARAM_QUERY); ExecuteToXML ( AQuery : FinalSQL(AQuery, AParams), AResultSets : AResultSets, AXml : out AXml, ARowsetNamePrefix : ARowsetNamePrefix, ARootTag : ARootTag, ARowsetTag : ARowsetTag, ARowTag : ARowTag ); }
// GET: Export public ActionResult Index() { var userName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); var xmlDB = new XMLDatabase(userName, _context.Users.First(c => c.Name == userName).ActProject); String pageName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { pageName = ""; } else { pageName = _context.Users.First(c => c.Name == userName).ActProject; } var viewModel = new ExportViewModel { Controller = xmlDB.PLC, Modules = xmlDB.Modules, UDTs = new List <UDT>(), AOIs = new List <Standard>(), Tags = new List <Tag>(), Tasks = new List <Task>() }; var project = Generate(); foreach (var udt in project.Element("Controller").Element("DataTypes").Elements()) { var addUDT = new UDT { Name = udt.Attribute("Name").Value, }; if (udt.Elements("Description").Any()) { addUDT.Description = udt.Element("Description").Value; } else { addUDT.Description = "No description"; } viewModel.UDTs.Add(addUDT); } foreach (var tag in project.Element("Controller").Element("Tags").Elements()) { var addTag = new Tag { Name = tag.Attribute("Name").Value, Type = tag.Attribute("DataType").Value, }; if (tag.Elements("Description").Any()) { addTag.Description = tag.Element("Description").Value; } else { addTag.Description = "No description"; } viewModel.Tags.Add(addTag); } foreach (var aoi in project.Element("Controller").Element("AddOnInstructionDefinitions").Elements()) { var addStandard = new Standard { AOIName = aoi.Attribute("Name").Value, }; if (aoi.Elements("Description").Any()) { addStandard.Description = aoi.Element("Description").Value; } else { addStandard.Description = "No description"; } String name = aoi.Attribute("Name").Value; addStandard.Group = xmlDB.Standards.First(c => c.AOIName == name).Group; viewModel.AOIs.Add(addStandard); } foreach (var task in project.Element("Controller").Element("Tasks").Elements()) { var addTask = new Task { Name = task.Attribute("Name").Value, Type = task.Attribute("Type").Value, Programs = new List <Program>(), }; if (task.Elements("Description").Any()) { addTask.Description = task.Element("Description").Value; } else { addTask.Description = "No description"; } // Add all tasks programs foreach (var program in task.Element("ScheduledPrograms").Elements()) { var addProgram = new Program { Name = program.Attribute("Name").Value, Routines = new List <Routine>() }; var locatedProgram = project.Element("Controller").Element("Programs").Elements().First(c => c.Attribute("Name").Value == program.Attribute("Name").Value); if (locatedProgram.Elements("Description").Any()) { addProgram.Description = locatedProgram.Element("Description").Value; } else { addProgram.Description = "No description"; } // Add all programs routines foreach (var routine in locatedProgram.Element("Routines").Elements()) { var addRoutine = new Routine { Name = routine.Attribute("Name").Value, }; if (routine.Elements("Description").Any()) { addRoutine.Description = routine.Element("Description").Value; } else { addRoutine.Description = "No description"; } if (routine.Elements("RLLContent").Any()) { addRoutine.Type = "LAD"; } else { addRoutine.Type = "STL"; } addProgram.Routines.Add(addRoutine); } addTask.Programs.Add(addProgram); } viewModel.Tasks.Add(addTask); } return(View(viewModel)); }
public void SndUListTest() { UDT udt = new UDT(); udt.m_pSNode = new SNode(); udt.m_pSNode.m_pUDT = udt; udt.m_pSNode.m_llTimeStamp = 1; udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc = -1; SndUList sndUList = new SndUList(); sndUList.m_pTimer = new UdtSharp.Timer(); sndUList.m_pWindowLock = new object(); sndUList.m_pWindowCond = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); IPEndPoint endPoint = null; Packet packet = null; Assert.AreEqual(-1, sndUList.pop(ref endPoint, ref packet)); sndUList.insert(100, udt); sndUList.update(udt, false); sndUList.update(udt, true); Assert.AreEqual(-1, sndUList.pop(ref endPoint, ref packet)); udt.m_pSNode.m_llTimeStamp = 1; udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc = -1; UDT udt2 = new UDT(); udt2.m_pSNode = new SNode(); udt2.m_pSNode.m_pUDT = udt2; udt2.m_pSNode.m_llTimeStamp = 1; udt2.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc = -1; sndUList.insert(10, udt); Assert.AreEqual(10UL, sndUList.getNextProcTime()); Assert.AreEqual(0, udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); sndUList.insert(5, udt2); Assert.AreEqual(5UL, sndUList.getNextProcTime()); Assert.AreEqual(1, udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); Assert.AreEqual(0, udt2.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); sndUList.remove(udt2); Assert.AreEqual(10UL, sndUList.getNextProcTime()); Assert.AreEqual(0, udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); Assert.AreEqual(-1, udt2.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); sndUList.remove(udt); Assert.AreEqual(0UL, sndUList.getNextProcTime()); Assert.AreEqual(-1, udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); Assert.AreEqual(-1, udt2.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); sndUList.insert(10, udt); sndUList.insert(5, udt2); Assert.AreEqual(1, udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); Assert.AreEqual(0, udt2.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); sndUList.update(udt, true); Assert.AreEqual(0, udt.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); Assert.AreEqual(1, udt2.m_pSNode.m_iHeapLoc); }
public void SubjectSemesterScore_AfterUpdate(object sender, UDT.ParameterEventArgs e) { LoadSubjectSemesterScores(null); DataGridView_DataBinding(); }
private string makeScoreMsg(UDT.SubjectSemesterScore scr) { string msg = string.Format("{0}, {1}, 課號:{2}, 課程:{3}, 班次:{8}, 學分數:{4}, 必選修: {5}, 成績:{6}, 是否取得學分:{7}, 抵免課程:{9} ", (scr.SchoolYear == null ? "" : scr.SchoolYear.ToString()), (scr.Semester == null ? "" : DataItems.SemesterItem.GetSemesterByCode(scr.Semester.ToString()).Name), scr.NewSubjectCode, scr.SubjectName, scr.Credit.ToString(), scr.IsRequired.ToString(), scr.Score, scr.IsPass.ToString(), (this.dicCourseExts.ContainsKey(scr.CourseID) ? this.dicCourseExts[scr.CourseID].ClassName : ""), scr.OffsetCourse); return msg; }
public static String FinalSQL(String ASQL, UDT.TParams AParams) { return FinalSQLEx(ASQL, AParams, false); }