private async void BtnLoadSelection_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var ofd = new OpenFileDialog() { Filter = "JSON File (*.json)|*.json", AddExtension = true, CheckFileExists = false, DefaultExt = ".json", Multiselect = false, ValidateNames = true, Title = "Classes file", DereferenceLinks = true }; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == false) { return; } UClass[] newSelection = await UClass.FromFile(ofd.FileName); ClearSelection(); foreach (var selectedClass in newSelection) { _classesModels[selectedClass.Id].IsIncluded = true; AddMandatoryCourse(selectedClass.Course); } UpdateClassesListView(); }
private static void OnAssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) { Assembly currentAssembly = typeof(NativeFunctions).Assembly; Assembly assembly = args.LoadedAssembly; AssemblyName[] referencedAssemblies = assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies(); foreach (AssemblyName assemblyName in referencedAssemblies) { if (assemblyName.FullName == currentAssembly.FullName) { try { FMessage.Log("Load managed assembly: '" + assembly.FullName + "'"); // This is an unreal assembly. Load the unreal types. ManagedUnrealModuleInfo.PreProcessAssembly(assembly);//UnrealTypes.Load(assembly); UClass.Load(assembly); } catch (Exception e) { FMessage.Log("Failed to process assembly " + assembly.FullName + " error: " + e); // Break if we are debugging as the exception may be silently handled Debugger.Break(); } break; } } }
public bool IsA(string name) { if (this.Class == null) { return(false); } UClass @class = this.Class; do { if (@class == null) { return(false); } if (@class.Name == name) { return(true); } if (@class.SuperField == null) { break; } @class = @class.SuperField.Cast <UClass>(); } while (@class != null); return(false); }
private static void RunParamTests(Test_FixedArrayInClass obj) { UClass unrealClass = obj.GetClass(); // Using DynamicInvoke to simulate what would happen if called from C++. If we called these functions directly // it wouldn't give meaningful results as it would just exhibit pure C# behaviour of the struct Test_FixedArrayInStruct resultStruct = (Test_FixedArrayInStruct)UObject.DynamicInvoke(obj, "StructArrayFuncTestResult"); AssertTestArrayFuncParam(resultStruct, unrealClass, 0); // Pass the struct over to a simple param function which will do the same check UObject.DynamicInvoke(obj, "StructArrayFuncTestParam", resultStruct); AssertTestArrayFuncParam(resultStruct, unrealClass, 2); object[] parameters = { resultStruct }; UObject.DynamicInvoke(obj, "StructArrayFuncTestRefParam", parameters); resultStruct = (Test_FixedArrayInStruct)parameters[0]; AssertTestArrayFuncParam(resultStruct, unrealClass, 4); // the 'out' call will set it back to the state similar to the first call parameters[0] = null;// null should be fine here? it will be overwritten since its an out param UObject.DynamicInvoke(obj, "StructArrayFuncTestOutParam", parameters); resultStruct = (Test_FixedArrayInStruct)parameters[0]; AssertTestArrayFuncParam(resultStruct, unrealClass, 5); }
public bool IsA <T>() { string tname = typeof(T).Name.TrimStart(new char[] { 'U', 'F', 'A' }); if (this.Class == null) { return(false); } UClass @class = this.Class; do { if (@class == null) { return(false); } if (@class.Name == tname) { return(true); } if (@class.SuperField == null) { break; } @class = @class.SuperField.Cast <UClass>(); } while (@class != null); return(false); }
private static void AssertTestArrayFuncParam(Test_FixedArrayInStruct value, UClass unrealClass, int step) { for (int i = 0; i < value.Array1.Length; i++) { Tests.AssertEqual(i + 1, value.Array1[i], unrealClass, "StructArrayFuncTestResult-" + step); } for (int i = 0; i < value.Array6.Length; i++) { Tests.AssertEqual(uint.MaxValue - (i + 1), value.Array6[i], unrealClass, "StructArrayFuncTestResult-" + step); } if (step == 4) { // check the ref func changed this, otherwise it should be default for (int i = 0; i < value.Array1.Length; i++) { Tests.AssertEqual(i + 2, value.Array2[i], unrealClass, "StructArrayFuncTestResult-" + step); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < value.Array1.Length; i++) { Tests.AssertEqual(0, value.Array2[i], unrealClass, "StructArrayFuncTestResult-" + step); } } }
public static State ConvertState(UState obj, UClass containingClass = null, bool decompileBytecode = true, FileLib lib = null) { if (containingClass is null) { ExportEntry classExport = obj.Export.Parent as ExportEntry; while (classExport != null && !classExport.IsClass) { classExport = classExport.Parent as ExportEntry; } if (classExport == null) { throw new Exception($"Could not get containing class for state {obj.Export.ObjectName}"); } containingClass = classExport.GetBinaryData <UClass>(); } // TODO: labels State parent = null; //if the parent is not from the same class, then it's overriden, not extended if (obj.SuperClass != 0 && obj.SuperClass.GetEntry(obj.Export.FileRef).Parent == obj.Export.Parent) { parent = new State(obj.SuperClass.GetEntry(obj.Export.FileRef).ObjectName.Instanced, null, default, null, null, null, null, null, null);
SDKClass ProcessClass(UClass @class) { var sdkc = new SDKClass(); sdkc.ClassName = SDKUtilities.CleanupName(@class.NameWithPrefix); if (@class.SuperField != null) { sdkc.SuperClass = SDKUtilities.CleanupName(@class.SuperField.NameWithPrefix); var scNamespace = SDKUtilities.GetPackageName(@class.SuperField.Cast <UClass>()); if (!sdkc.UsedNamespaces.Contains(scNamespace)) { sdkc.UsedNamespaces.Add(scNamespace); } } sdkc.ClassSize = @class.PropertySize; sdkc.Namespace = SDKUtilities.GetPackageName(@class); var child = @class.Children; while (child != null) { if (child.IsA <UProperty>()) { sdkc.AddProperty(child.Cast <UProperty>()); } child = child.Next; } return(sdkc); }
public bool IsUStruct() { if (this.Class == null) { return(false); } UClass @class = this.Cast <UClass>(); do { if (@class == null) { return(false); } if (@class.Name == "UStruct") { return(true); } if (@class.SuperField == null) { break; } @class = @class.SuperField.Cast <UClass>(); } while (@class != null); return(false); }
private async void BtnReloadData_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { btnReloadData.IsEnabled = false; prgrsReloadData.IsIndeterminate = true; if (btnSourceFile.IsChecked == true) { string dataSourcePath = txtDataSource.Text; if (File.Exists(dataSourcePath) == false) { MessageBox.Show($"File {dataSourcePath} doesn't exist.", "Non-Exsiting file.", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); btnReloadData.IsEnabled = true; prgrsReloadData.IsIndeterminate = false; return; } _classes.Clear(); _classes = new List <UClass>(await UClass.FromFile(dataSourcePath)); } else { _classes = new List <UClass>((await ProposedCoursesParser.GetClasses((USemester)cbxSemester.SelectedItem, udYear.Value)).OrderBy(c => c.Course.Id)); } lstClasses.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ReloadClassesModelsAndUpdateClassesList(); btnReloadData.IsEnabled = true; prgrsReloadData.IsIndeterminate = false; GC.Collect(3, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true, true); }); }
public static AActor[] GetAllActorsOfClass(UObject worldContextObject, UClass actorClass) { using (TArrayUnsafe <AActor> actorsUnsafe = new TArrayUnsafe <AActor>()) { Native_UGameplayStatics.GetAllActorsOfClass(worldContextObject.Address, actorClass.Address, actorsUnsafe.Address); return(actorsUnsafe.ToArray()); } }
public UClassListViewItem(UClass uClass) { if (ReferenceEquals(uClass, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uClass)); } _class = uClass; }
/// <summary> /// Check if this object is of the specified UE type. /// </summary> /// <param name="baseClass">Expected UE type of this UObject instance.</param> /// <returns>true if the instance is of the specified UE type, false otherwise</returns> public bool IsA(UClass baseClass) { var thisClass = (UClass)this.GetType(); if (thisClass == baseClass) { return true; } return thisClass.IsChildOf(baseClass); }
public UClassListModel(UClass cls) { Source = cls ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cls)); Id = cls.Id; Time = $"{cls.StartTime:hh\\:mm}-{cls.EndTime:hh\\:mm}"; InstructorName = cls.InstructorName; Days = DayOfWeekConverter.ToString(cls.Days); Name = cls.Course.Name; NumberOfPlaces = Math.Max(0, cls.Capacity - cls.NumberOfRegisteredStudents); }
public ME3ByteCodeDecompiler(UStruct dataContainer, UClass containingClass, List <FunctionParameter> parameters = null, VariableType returnType = null, FileLib lib = null) : base(new byte[dataContainer.ScriptBytecodeSize]) { Buffer.BlockCopy(dataContainer.ScriptBytes, 0, _data, 0, dataContainer.ScriptStorageSize); DataContainer = dataContainer; ContainingClass = containingClass; Parameters = parameters; ReturnType = returnType; FileLib = lib; }
/// <summary> /// Gets an array of all blueprints used to generate this class and its parents. 0th elements is the BP used to generate InClass /// </summary> /// <param name="inClass">The class to get the blueprint lineage for</param> /// <param name="outBlueprintParents">Array with the blueprints used to generate this class and its parents. 0th = this, Nth = least derived BP-based parent</param> /// <returns>true if there were no status errors in any of the parent blueprints, otherwise false</returns> public static bool GetBlueprintHierarchyFromClass(UClass inClass, UBlueprint[] outBlueprintParents) { using (TArrayUnsafe <UBlueprint> outBlueprintParentsUnsafe = new TArrayUnsafe <UBlueprint>()) { bool result = Native_UBlueprint.GetBlueprintHierarchyFromClass( inClass == null ? IntPtr.Zero : inClass.Address, outBlueprintParentsUnsafe.Address); outBlueprintParents = outBlueprintParentsUnsafe.ToArray(); return(result); } }
private static (int ClassId, string ClassRegistrationEventTarget) ParseClassIdAndRegistrationEventTarget(IHtmlTableRowElement classRow) { int courseId = int.Parse(classRow.QuerySelector <IHtmlSpanElement>(slc_classId).TextContent); int classSection = int.Parse(classRow.QuerySelector <IHtmlSpanElement>(slc_classSection).TextContent); string registrationAnchorHref = classRow.QuerySelector <IHtmlAnchorElement>("a[id*=btnAddCourse]").Href; int hrefFirstQuoteIndex = registrationAnchorHref.IndexOf('\''), hrefSecondQuoteIndex = registrationAnchorHref.IndexOf('\'', hrefFirstQuoteIndex + 1); string registrationEventTarget = registrationAnchorHref.Substring(hrefFirstQuoteIndex + 1, hrefSecondQuoteIndex - hrefFirstQuoteIndex - 1); return(UClass.Identify(courseId, classSection), registrationEventTarget); }
public void Add_CheckIfItsWorking_AddClass() { var schedule = GetTestSchedule(); var classDays = new DayOfWeek[] { DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Monday }; TimeSpan classStartTime = schedule.Classes.Where(c => classDays.Intersect(c.Days).Any()).Max(c => c.EndTime) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10); TimeSpan classEndTime = classStartTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(1); var newClass = new UClass(course: new UCourse(schedule.Classes.Max(c => c.Course.ID) + 1, 3, "acvbnm,."), teacherName: "asdfghjkl", days: classDays, startTime: classStartTime, endTime: classEndTime); Assert.True(schedule.Add(newClass)); Assert.Contains(newClass, schedule.Classes); }
public static T[] GetAllActorsOfClass <T>(UObject worldContextObject) where T : AActor { using (TArrayUnsafe <T> actorsUnsafe = new TArrayUnsafe <T>()) { UClass unrealClass = UClass.GetClass <T>(); if (unrealClass != null) { Native_UGameplayStatics.GetAllActorsOfClass(worldContextObject.Address, unrealClass.Address, actorsUnsafe.Address); } return(actorsUnsafe.ToArray()); } }
// Make sure this signature matches Test_SimpleDelegate private TSoftClass <UObject> BindToStructDelegate(int param1, string param2, ref double param3, out string param4) { Tests.AssertEqual(param1, 13, "BindToStructDelegate.param1"); Tests.AssertEqual(param2, "inParam2", "BindToStructDelegate.param2"); Tests.AssertEqual(param3, 44.3, "BindToStructDelegate.param3"); param2 = "outParam2"; param3 = 99.88; param4 = "outParam4"; return(new TSoftClass <UObject>(UClass.GetClass <Test_SimpleStructOnClass>().GetPathName())); }
public static void Run() { UClass unrealClass = UClass.GetClass <Test_CollectionsFuncs>(); Tests.Assert(unrealClass != null, "Test_CollectionsFuncs"); Test_CollectionsFuncs obj = UObject.NewObject <Test_CollectionsFuncs>(); RunArrayTests(obj, unrealClass); RunSetTests(obj, unrealClass); RunMapTest(obj, unrealClass); }
public static void Run() { UClass unrealClass = UClass.GetClass <Test_SimpleFuncs>(); Tests.Assert(unrealClass != null, "Test_SimpleFuncs"); Test_SimpleFuncs obj = UObject.NewObject <Test_SimpleFuncs>(); TestFuncX(obj, unrealClass, 1); TestFuncX(obj, unrealClass, 2); TestFuncX(obj, unrealClass, 3); TestResultFunctions(obj, unrealClass); }
public ObservableCollection <Class> GetClassesForDay(DateTime date) { ObservableCollection <Class> ret = new ObservableCollection <Class>(); foreach (Class UClass in classes) { if (UClass.MeetsOnDate(date)) { ret.Add(UClass); } } return(ret); }
public T[] GetComponentsByTag <T>(FName tag) where T : UActorComponent { UClass unrealClass = UClass.GetClass <T>(); if (unrealClass == null) { return(null); } using (TArrayUnsafe <T> resultUnsafe = new TArrayUnsafe <T>()) { Native_AActor.GetComponentsByTag(Address, unrealClass.Address, ref tag, resultUnsafe.Address); return(resultUnsafe.ToArray()); } }
public static ClassInfo generateClassInfo(ExportEntry export, bool isStruct = false) { IMEPackage pcc = export.FileRef; ClassInfo info = new ClassInfo { baseClass = export.SuperClassName, exportIndex = export.UIndex, ClassName = export.ObjectName }; if (!isStruct) { UClass classBinary = ObjectBinary.From <UClass>(export); info.isAbstract = classBinary.ClassFlags.HasFlag(UnrealFlags.EClassFlags.Abstract); } if (pcc.FilePath.Contains("BioGame")) { info.pccPath = new string(pcc.FilePath.Skip(pcc.FilePath.LastIndexOf("BioGame") + 8).ToArray()); } else if (pcc.FilePath.Contains(@"DLC\DLC_")) { info.pccPath = pcc.FilePath.Substring(pcc.FilePath.LastIndexOf(@"DLC\DLC_")); } else { info.pccPath = pcc.FilePath; //used for dynamic resolution of files outside the game directory. } int nextExport = BitConverter.ToInt32(export.Data, isStruct ? 0x18 : 0x10); while (nextExport > 0) { var entry = pcc.GetUExport(nextExport); if (entry.ClassName != "ScriptStruct" && entry.ClassName != "Enum" && entry.ClassName != "Function" && entry.ClassName != "Const" && entry.ClassName != "State") { if (! { PropertyInfo p = getProperty(entry); if (p != null) {, p); } } } nextExport = BitConverter.ToInt32(entry.Data, 0x10); } return(info); }
private static void TestResultFuncXEquals <T>(T value, Test_SimpleFuncs obj, int func, bool isNullResult) { UClass unrealClass = obj.GetClass(); string funcName = "ResultFunc" + func; if (isNullResult) { funcName += "_Null"; } UFunction func1 = unrealClass.FindFunctionByName(new FName(funcName)); Tests.AssertNotNull(func1, unrealClass, funcName); Tests.AssertEqual((T)UObject.DynamicInvoke(obj, funcName), value, unrealClass, funcName); }
public AActor SpawnActor(UClass unrealClass, ref FVector location, ref FRotator rotation, ref FActorSpawnParameters parameters) { FActorSpawnParametersInterop interopParams = new FActorSpawnParametersInterop() { Name = parameters.Name, Template = parameters.Template == null ? IntPtr.Zero : parameters.Template.Address, Owner = parameters.Owner == null ? IntPtr.Zero : parameters.Owner.Address, Instigator = parameters.Instigator == null ? IntPtr.Zero : parameters.Instigator.Address, OverrideLevel = parameters.OverrideLevel == null ? IntPtr.Zero : parameters.OverrideLevel.Address, SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = parameters.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride, PackedBools = parameters.PackedBools, ObjectFlags = parameters.ObjectFlags }; return(GCHelper.Find <AActor>(Native_UWorld.SpawnActor(Address, unrealClass.Address, ref location, ref rotation, ref interopParams))); }
private static void OnAssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) { Assembly currentAssembly = typeof(NativeFunctions).Assembly; Assembly assembly = args.LoadedAssembly; AssemblyName[] referencedAssemblies = assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies(); foreach (AssemblyName assemblyName in referencedAssemblies) { if (assembly.FullName == currentAssembly.FullName) { // This is an unreal assembly. Load the unreal types. UnrealTypes.Load(assembly); UClass.Load(assembly); break; } } }
public static void Run() { UClass class1 = UClass.GetClass <Test_SimpleClass1>(); UClass class2 = UClass.GetClass <Test_SimpleClass2>(); UClass class3 = UClass.GetClass <Test_SimpleClass3>(); Tests.Assert(class1 != null, "Test_SimpleClass1"); Tests.Assert(class1 != null, "Test_SimpleClass2"); Tests.Assert(class1 != null, "Test_SimpleClass3"); Test_SimpleClass1 obj1 = UObject.NewObject <Test_SimpleClass1>(); Test_SimpleClass2 obj2 = UObject.NewObject <Test_SimpleClass2>(); Test_SimpleClass3 obj3 = UObject.NewObject <Test_SimpleClass3>(); TestVirtualFunc1(obj1, 0); TestVirtualFunc1(obj2, 1); TestVirtualFunc1(obj3, 2); }
public void NavigateToClass(UClass uClass) { var classSymbol = GetClassSymbol(uClass.Name.Data); if (classSymbol == null) { return; } var declaredElement = new CppParserSymbolDeclaredElement(_psiServices, classSymbol); using (ReadLockCookie.Create()) { using (CompilationContextCookie.GetOrCreate(UniversalModuleReferenceContext.Instance)) { declaredElement.Navigate(true); } } }
private async void BtnSaveSelected_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var sfd = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "JSON File (*.json)|*.json", AddExtension = true, CheckFileExists = false, DefaultExt = ".json", ValidateNames = true, Title = "Classes file", DereferenceLinks = true }; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == false) { return; } await UClass.Save(_classesModels.Values.Where(c => c.IsIncluded).Select(c => c.Source), sfd.FileName); }