Beispiel #1
 private static void Update(IReferenceTypeFactory nodeDesign, UAReferenceType nodeSet, Action <TraceMessage> traceEvent)
     nodeDesign.Symmetric = nodeSet.Symmetric;
     if (nodeSet.Symmetric && (nodeSet.InverseName != null && nodeSet.InverseName.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).Any()))
         XML.LocalizedText _notEmpty = nodeSet.InverseName.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).First();
         traceEvent(TraceMessage.BuildErrorTraceMessage(BuildError.WrongInverseName, string.Format("If ReferenceType {0} is symmetric the InverseName {1}:{2} shall be omitted.", nodeSet.NodeIdentifier(), _notEmpty.Locale, _notEmpty.Value)));
     else if (!nodeSet.Symmetric && !nodeSet.IsAbstract && (nodeSet.InverseName == null || !nodeSet.InverseName.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).Any()))
         traceEvent(TraceMessage.BuildErrorTraceMessage(BuildError.WrongInverseName, string.Format("If ReferenceType {0} is not symmetric and not abstract the InverseName shall be specified.", nodeSet.NodeIdentifier())));
        // OPC UA defines variables, views and objects, as well as associated variabletypes, datatypes, referencetypes and objecttypes
        // In addition, OPC UA defines methods and properties
        public static void Generate(UANodeSet nodeSet)
            // clear previously generated DTDL
            _nodesetNamespaceURI = nodeSet.NamespaceUris[0];


            // create DTDL interfaces and their contents
            foreach (UANode uaNode in nodeSet.Items)
                UAVariable variable = uaNode as UAVariable;
                if (variable != null)
                    if (uaNode.BrowseName.ToString() == "InputArguments")

                    // check if this node is part of the model
                    bool isPartOfModel = false;
                    foreach (Reference reference in variable.References)
                        if (reference.ReferenceType == "HasModellingRule")
                            isPartOfModel = true;
                    if (isPartOfModel)
                        // ignore this node

                    DtdlContents dtdlTelemetry = new DtdlContents
                        Type   = "Telemetry",
                        Name   = Regex.Replace(uaNode.BrowseName.ToString().Trim(), "[^A-Za-z]+", ""),
                        Schema = GetDtdlDataType(variable.DataType)

                    Tuple <DtdlContents, string> newTuple = new Tuple <DtdlContents, string>(dtdlTelemetry, variable.ParentNodeId);
                    if (!_contentsList.Contains(newTuple))

                    Tuple <string, string, string> newNodeTuple;
                    if (variable.BrowseName.Length > 0)
                        newNodeTuple = new Tuple <string, string, string>(variable.BrowseName, GetDtdlDataType(variable.DataType.ToString()), variable.ParentNodeId ?? "");
                        newNodeTuple = new Tuple <string, string, string>(variable.NodeId.ToString(), GetDtdlDataType(variable.DataType.ToString()), variable.ParentNodeId ?? "");

                    string key = nodeSet.NamespaceUris[0] + "#" + variable.NodeId.ToString().Substring(variable.NodeId.ToString().IndexOf(';') + 1);
                    if (!_nodeList.ContainsKey(key))
                        _nodeList.Add(key, newNodeTuple);


                UAMethod method = uaNode as UAMethod;
                if (method != null)
                    // check if this node is part of the model
                    bool isPartOfModel = false;
                    foreach (Reference reference in method.References)
                        if (reference.ReferenceType == "HasModellingRule")
                            isPartOfModel = true;
                    if (isPartOfModel)
                        // ignore this node

                    DtdlContents dtdlCommand = new DtdlContents
                        Type = "Command",
                        Name = Regex.Replace(uaNode.BrowseName.ToString().Trim(), "[^A-Za-z]+", "")

                    Tuple <DtdlContents, string> newTuple = new Tuple <DtdlContents, string>(dtdlCommand, method.ParentNodeId);
                    if (!_contentsList.Contains(newTuple))

                    Tuple <string, string, string> newNodeTuple;
                    if (method.BrowseName.Length > 0)
                        newNodeTuple = new Tuple <string, string, string>(method.BrowseName, "command", method.ParentNodeId ?? "");
                        newNodeTuple = new Tuple <string, string, string>(method.NodeId.ToString(), "command", method.ParentNodeId ?? "");

                    string key = nodeSet.NamespaceUris[0] + "#" + method.NodeId.ToString().Substring(method.NodeId.ToString().IndexOf(';') + 1);
                    if (!_nodeList.ContainsKey(key))
                        _nodeList.Add(key, newNodeTuple);


                UAObject uaObject = uaNode as UAObject;
                if (uaObject != null)
                    // check if this node is part of the model
                    bool isPartOfModel = false;
                    foreach (Reference reference in uaObject.References)
                        if (reference.ReferenceType == "HasModellingRule")
                            isPartOfModel = true;
                    if (isPartOfModel)
                        // ignore this node

                    DtdlInterface dtdlInterface = new DtdlInterface
                        Id          = "dtmi:" + Regex.Replace(uaNode.BrowseName.ToString().Trim(), "[^A-Za-z]+", "") + ";1",
                        Type        = "Interface",
                        DisplayName = Regex.Replace(uaNode.BrowseName.ToString().Trim(), "[^A-Za-z]+", ""),
                        Contents    = new List <DtdlContents>()

                    Tuple <DtdlInterface, string, string> newTuple = new Tuple <DtdlInterface, string, string>(dtdlInterface, uaObject.NodeId, uaObject.ParentNodeId);
                    if (!_interfaceList.Contains(newTuple))

                    Tuple <string, string, string> newNodeTuple;
                    if (uaObject.BrowseName.Length > 0)
                        newNodeTuple = new Tuple <string, string, string>(uaObject.BrowseName, "object", uaObject.ParentNodeId ?? "");
                        newNodeTuple = new Tuple <string, string, string>(uaObject.NodeId.ToString(), "object", uaObject.ParentNodeId ?? "");

                    string key = nodeSet.NamespaceUris[0] + "#" + uaObject.NodeId.ToString().Substring(uaObject.NodeId.ToString().IndexOf(';') + 1);
                    if (!_nodeList.ContainsKey(key))
                        _nodeList.Add(key, newNodeTuple);


                UAView view = uaNode as UAView;
                if (view != null)
                    // we don't map views since DTDL has no such concept

                UAVariableType variableType = uaNode as UAVariableType;
                if (variableType != null)
                    // we don't map UA variable types, only instances. DTDL only has a limited set of built-in types.

                UADataType dataType = uaNode as UADataType;
                if (dataType != null)
                    // we don't map UA data types, only instances. DTDL only has a limited set of built-in types.

                UAReferenceType referenceType = uaNode as UAReferenceType;
                if (referenceType != null)
                    // we don't map UA reference types, only instances. DTDL only has a limited set of built-in types.

                UAObjectType objectType = uaNode as UAObjectType;
                if (objectType != null)
                    // we don't map UA object (custom) types, only instances. DTDL only has a limited set of built-in types.

                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown UA node detected!");


            // generate JSON files
            foreach (Tuple <DtdlInterface, string, string> dtdlInterfaceTuple in _interfaceList)
                string generatedDTDL = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtdlInterfaceTuple.Item1, Formatting.Indented);
                string dtdlPath      = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "JSON", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dtdlInterfaceTuple.Item1.DisplayName) + ".dtdl.json");
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dtdlPath, generatedDTDL);