public FightResultTaxCollectorListEntry(short outcome, sbyte wave, Types.FightLoot rewards, int id, bool alive, byte level, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, int experienceForGuild)
     : base(outcome, wave, rewards, id, alive)
     this.level = level;
     this.guildInfo = guildInfo;
     this.experienceForGuild = experienceForGuild;
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     deadOrAlive = reader.ReadBoolean();
     basicInfos = new Types.TaxCollectorBasicInformations();
     guild = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     recruterId = reader.ReadInt();
     if (recruterId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on recruterId = " + recruterId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : recruterId < 0");
     recruterName = reader.ReadUTF();
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public TaxCollectorAttackedMessage(short firstNameId, short lastNameId, short worldX, short worldY, int mapId, short subAreaId, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     this.firstNameId = firstNameId;
     this.lastNameId = lastNameId;
     this.worldX = worldX;
     this.worldY = worldY;
     this.mapId = mapId;
     this.subAreaId = subAreaId;
     this.guild = guild;
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     level = reader.ReadByte();
     if (level < 1 || level > 200)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on level = " + level + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : level < 1 || level > 200");
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
     experienceForGuild = reader.ReadInt();
 public FriendOnlineInformations(int accountId, string accountName, sbyte playerState, int lastConnection, string playerName, short level, sbyte alignmentSide, sbyte breed, bool sex, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, sbyte moodSmileyId)
     : base(accountId, accountName, playerState, lastConnection)
     this.playerName = playerName;
     this.level = level;
     this.alignmentSide = alignmentSide;
     this.breed = breed; = sex;
     this.guildInfo = guildInfo;
     this.moodSmileyId = moodSmileyId;
 public FriendSpouseInformations(int spouseAccountId, int spouseId, string spouseName, byte spouseLevel, sbyte breed, sbyte sex, Types.EntityLook spouseEntityLook, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, sbyte alignmentSide)
     this.spouseAccountId = spouseAccountId;
     this.spouseId = spouseId;
     this.spouseName = spouseName;
     this.spouseLevel = spouseLevel;
     this.breed = breed; = sex;
     this.spouseEntityLook = spouseEntityLook;
     this.guildInfo = guildInfo;
     this.alignmentSide = alignmentSide;
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     playerName = reader.ReadUTF();
     level = reader.ReadShort();
     if (level < 0 || level > 200)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on level = " + level + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : level < 0 || level > 200");
     alignmentSide = reader.ReadSByte();
     breed = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (breed < (byte)Enums.PlayableBreedEnum.Feca || breed > (byte)Enums.PlayableBreedEnum.Steamer)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on breed = " + breed + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : breed < (byte)Enums.PlayableBreedEnum.Feca || breed > (byte)Enums.PlayableBreedEnum.Steamer");
     sex = reader.ReadBoolean();
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
     moodSmileyId = reader.ReadSByte();
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     playerId = reader.ReadVarInt();
     if (playerId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on playerId = " + playerId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : playerId < 0");
     playerName = reader.ReadUTF();
     level = reader.ReadByte();
     if (level < 0 || level > 200)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on level = " + level + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : level < 0 || level > 200");
     alignmentSide = reader.ReadSByte();
     breed = reader.ReadSByte();
     sex = reader.ReadBoolean();
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
     moodSmileyId = reader.ReadSByte();
     status = Types.ProtocolTypeManager.GetInstance<Types.PlayerStatus>(reader.ReadShort());
 public virtual void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     spouseAccountId = reader.ReadInt();
     if (spouseAccountId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on spouseAccountId = " + spouseAccountId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : spouseAccountId < 0");
     spouseId = reader.ReadVarInt();
     if (spouseId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on spouseId = " + spouseId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : spouseId < 0");
     spouseName = reader.ReadUTF();
     spouseLevel = reader.ReadByte();
     if (spouseLevel < 1 || spouseLevel > 200)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on spouseLevel = " + spouseLevel + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : spouseLevel < 1 || spouseLevel > 200");
     breed = reader.ReadSByte();
     sex = reader.ReadSByte();
     spouseEntityLook = new Types.EntityLook();
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
     alignmentSide = reader.ReadSByte();
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     firstNameId = reader.ReadVarShort();
     if (firstNameId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on firstNameId = " + firstNameId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : firstNameId < 0");
     lastNameId = reader.ReadVarShort();
     if (lastNameId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on lastNameId = " + lastNameId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : lastNameId < 0");
     worldX = reader.ReadShort();
     if (worldX < -255 || worldX > 255)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on worldX = " + worldX + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : worldX < -255 || worldX > 255");
     worldY = reader.ReadShort();
     if (worldY < -255 || worldY > 255)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on worldY = " + worldY + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : worldY < -255 || worldY > 255");
     mapId = reader.ReadInt();
     subAreaId = reader.ReadVarShort();
     if (subAreaId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on subAreaId = " + subAreaId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : subAreaId < 0");
     guild = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public TaxCollectorAttackedResultMessage(bool deadOrAlive, Types.TaxCollectorBasicInformations basicInfos, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     this.deadOrAlive = deadOrAlive;
     this.basicInfos = basicInfos;
     this.guild = guild;
 public FriendOnlineInformations(int accountId, string accountName, sbyte playerState, int lastConnection, string playerName, short level, sbyte alignmentSide, sbyte breed, bool sex, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, sbyte moodSmileyId)
     : base(accountId, accountName, playerState, lastConnection)
     this.playerName    = playerName;
     this.level         = level;
     this.alignmentSide = alignmentSide;
     this.breed         = breed;           = sex;
     this.guildInfo     = guildInfo;
     this.moodSmileyId  = moodSmileyId;
Beispiel #14
 public FightResultTaxCollectorListEntry(short outcome, sbyte wave, Types.FightLoot rewards, double id, bool alive, sbyte level, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, int experienceForGuild)
     : base(outcome, wave, rewards, id, alive)
     this.level              = level;
     this.guildInfo          = guildInfo;
     this.experienceForGuild = experienceForGuild;
 public FriendSpouseOnlineInformations(int spouseAccountId, uint spouseId, string spouseName, byte spouseLevel, sbyte breed, sbyte sex, Types.EntityLook spouseEntityLook, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, sbyte alignmentSide, bool inFight, bool followSpouse, int mapId, ushort subAreaId)
     : base(spouseAccountId, spouseId, spouseName, spouseLevel, breed, sex, spouseEntityLook, guildInfo, alignmentSide)
     this.inFight      = inFight;
     this.followSpouse = followSpouse;
     this.mapId        = mapId;
     this.subAreaId    = subAreaId;
Beispiel #16
 public FriendOnlineInformations(int accountId, string accountName, sbyte playerState, ushort lastConnection, int achievementPoints, uint playerId, string playerName, byte level, sbyte alignmentSide, sbyte breed, bool sex, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, sbyte moodSmileyId, Types.PlayerStatus status)
     : base(accountId, accountName, playerState, lastConnection, achievementPoints)
     this.playerId      = playerId;
     this.playerName    = playerName;
     this.level         = level;
     this.alignmentSide = alignmentSide;
     this.breed         = breed;           = sex;
     this.guildInfo     = guildInfo;
     this.moodSmileyId  = moodSmileyId;
     this.status        = status;
 public CharacterMinimalGuildInformations(int id, byte level, string name, Types.EntityLook entityLook, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     : base(id, level, name, entityLook)
     this.guild = guild;
 public override void Deserialize(ICustomDataInput reader)
     guild = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     guild = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public TaxCollectorDialogQuestionBasicMessage(Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo)
     this.guildInfo = guildInfo;
Beispiel #21
 public TaxCollectorAttackedMessage(uint firstNameId, uint lastNameId, short worldX, short worldY, int mapId, uint subAreaId, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     this.firstNameId = firstNameId;
     this.lastNameId  = lastNameId;
     this.worldX      = worldX;
     this.worldY      = worldY;
     this.mapId       = mapId;
     this.subAreaId   = subAreaId;
     this.guild       = guild;
Beispiel #22
 public AllianceTaxCollectorDialogQuestionExtendedMessage(Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, short maxPods, short prospecting, short wisdom, sbyte taxCollectorsCount, int taxCollectorAttack, int kamas, double experience, int pods, int itemsValue, Types.BasicNamedAllianceInformations alliance)
     : base(guildInfo, maxPods, prospecting, wisdom, taxCollectorsCount, taxCollectorAttack, kamas, experience, pods, itemsValue)
     this.alliance = alliance;
 public FriendSpouseInformations(int spouseAccountId, int spouseId, string spouseName, byte spouseLevel, sbyte breed, sbyte sex, Types.EntityLook spouseEntityLook, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo, sbyte alignmentSide)
     this.spouseAccountId  = spouseAccountId;
     this.spouseId         = spouseId;
     this.spouseName       = spouseName;
     this.spouseLevel      = spouseLevel;
     this.breed            = breed;              = sex;
     this.spouseEntityLook = spouseEntityLook;
     this.guildInfo        = guildInfo;
     this.alignmentSide    = alignmentSide;
 public override void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     guild = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public GuildInvitedMessage(int recruterId, string recruterName, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo)
     this.recruterId = recruterId;
     this.recruterName = recruterName;
     this.guildInfo = guildInfo;
 public override void Deserialize(ICustomDataInput reader)
     guild = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public TaxCollectorAttackedResultMessage(bool deadOrAlive, Types.TaxCollectorBasicInformations basicInfos, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     this.deadOrAlive = deadOrAlive;
     this.basicInfos  = basicInfos;
     this.guild       = guild;
Beispiel #28
 public TaxCollectorDialogQuestionBasicMessage(Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo)
     this.guildInfo = guildInfo;
 public TaxCollectorGuildInformations(Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     this.guild = guild;
Beispiel #30
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
 public CharacterMinimalAllianceInformations(uint id, byte level, string name, Types.EntityLook entityLook, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild, Types.BasicAllianceInformations alliance)
     : base(id, level, name, entityLook, guild)
     this.alliance = alliance;
Beispiel #32
 public CharacterMinimalAllianceInformations(double id, string name, uint level, Types.EntityLook entityLook, sbyte breed, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild, Types.BasicAllianceInformations alliance)
     : base(id, name, level, entityLook, breed, guild)
     this.alliance = alliance;
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     guildInfo = new Types.BasicGuildInformations();
Beispiel #34
 public GuildInvitedMessage(long recruterId, string recruterName, Types.BasicGuildInformations guildInfo)
     this.recruterId   = recruterId;
     this.recruterName = recruterName;
     this.guildInfo    = guildInfo;
 public TaxCollectorGuildInformations(Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     this.guild = guild;
 public CharacterMinimalGuildInformations(uint id, byte level, string name, Types.EntityLook entityLook, Types.BasicGuildInformations guild)
     : base(id, level, name, entityLook)
     this.guild = guild;