Beispiel #1
        public AssemblyBuilder CreateAssemblyBuilder(AssemblyName name, TypeLib tlb, TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
            using (TypeLibAttr attr = tlb.GetLibAttr())
                // New assembly as well as loaded assembly should be all in a ReflectionOnly context as we don't need to run the code
                AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly);

                // Handle the type library name

                // Handle the type library version
                assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForTypeLibVersion(attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum));

                // Handle the LIBID

                // If we are generating a PIA, then set the PIA custom attribute.
                if ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != 0)
                    assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForPrimaryInteropAssembly(attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum));

 public System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly (object! typeLib, string! asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink! notifySink, Byte[]! publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair! keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion) {
     CodeContract.Requires(typeLib != null);
     CodeContract.Requires(asmFileName != null);
     CodeContract.Requires(notifySink != null);
     CodeContract.Requires(asmFileName.Length <= 260);
   return default(System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder);
	public AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly
				(Object typeLib, String asmFileName,
				 TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
				 ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink,
				 byte[] publicKey, StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
				 String asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
				throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #4
 public AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly
     (Object typeLib, String asmFileName,
     TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
     ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink,
     byte[] publicKey, StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
     String asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #5
        public int Run(String strTypeLibName,
                       String strAssemblyName,
                       String strAssemblyNamespace,
                       String strOutputDir,
                       byte[]               aPublicKey,
                       StrongNameKeyPair sKeyPair,
                       String strAssemblyRefList,
                       String strTypeLibRefList,
                       Version AssemblyVersion,
                       TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
                       bool bNoLogo,
                       bool bSilentMode,
                       System.Collections.Generic.List <int> silenceList,
                       bool bVerboseMode,
                       bool bStrictRef,
                       bool bStrictRefNoPia,
                       bool bSearchPathSucceeded,
                       String strProduct,
                       String strProductVersion,
                       String strCompany,
                       String strCopyright,
                       String strTrademark,
                       bool isVersion2,
                       bool isPreserveSig,
                       String ruleSetFileName)
            TlbImpOptions options = new TlbImpOptions();

            options.m_strTypeLibName       = strTypeLibName;
            options.m_strAssemblyName      = strAssemblyName;
            options.m_strAssemblyNamespace = strAssemblyNamespace;
            options.m_strOutputDir         = strOutputDir;
            options.m_aPublicKey           = aPublicKey;
            options.m_sKeyPair             = sKeyPair;
            options.m_strAssemblyRefList   = strAssemblyRefList;
            options.m_strTypeLibRefList    = strTypeLibRefList;
            options.m_AssemblyVersion      = AssemblyVersion;
            options.m_flags                = flags;
            options.m_bNoLogo              = bNoLogo;
            options.m_bSilentMode          = bSilentMode;
            options.m_silenceList          = silenceList;
            options.m_bVerboseMode         = bVerboseMode;
            options.m_bStrictRef           = bStrictRef;
            options.m_bStrictRefNoPia      = bStrictRefNoPia;
            options.m_bSearchPathSucceeded = bSearchPathSucceeded;
            options.m_strProduct           = strProduct;
            options.m_strProductVersion    = strProductVersion;
            options.m_strCompany           = strCompany;
            options.m_strCopyright         = strCopyright;
            options.m_strTrademark         = strTrademark;
            options.m_isVersion2           = isVersion2;
            options.m_isPreserveSig        = isPreserveSig;
            options.m_ruleSetFileName      = ruleSetFileName;

 public AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] object typeLib, string asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
     if (typeLib == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("typeLib");
     if (asmFileName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("asmFileName");
     if (notifySink == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("notifySink");
     if (string.Empty.Equals(asmFileName))
         throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidFileName"), "asmFileName");
     if (asmFileName.Length > 260)
         throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"), asmFileName);
     if ((((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != TypeLibImporterFlags.None) && (publicKey == null)) && (keyPair == null))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_PIAMustBeStrongNamed"));
     ArrayList eventItfInfoList = null;
     AssemblyNameFlags none = AssemblyNameFlags.None;
     AssemblyName asmName = GetAssemblyNameFromTypelib(typeLib, asmFileName, publicKey, keyPair, asmVersion, none);
     AssemblyBuilder asmBldr = CreateAssemblyForTypeLib(typeLib, asmFileName, asmName, (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != TypeLibImporterFlags.None, (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ReflectionOnlyLoading) != TypeLibImporterFlags.None, (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.NoDefineVersionResource) != TypeLibImporterFlags.None);
     string fileName = Path.GetFileName(asmFileName);
     ModuleBuilder mod = asmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(fileName, fileName);
     if (asmNamespace == null)
         asmNamespace = asmName.Name;
     TypeResolveHandler handler = new TypeResolveHandler(mod, notifySink);
     AppDomain domain = Thread.GetDomain();
     ResolveEventHandler handler2 = new ResolveEventHandler(handler.ResolveEvent);
     ResolveEventHandler handler3 = new ResolveEventHandler(handler.ResolveAsmEvent);
     ResolveEventHandler handler4 = new ResolveEventHandler(handler.ResolveROAsmEvent);
     domain.TypeResolve += handler2;
     domain.AssemblyResolve += handler3;
     domain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += handler4;
     nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(typeLib, asmBldr.InternalAssembly, mod.InternalModule, asmNamespace, flags, handler, out eventItfInfoList);
     UpdateComTypesInAssembly(asmBldr, mod);
     if (eventItfInfoList.Count > 0)
         new TCEAdapterGenerator().Process(mod, eventItfInfoList);
     domain.TypeResolve -= handler2;
     domain.AssemblyResolve -= handler3;
     domain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= handler4;
     return asmBldr;
Beispiel #7
        public int Run(String               strTypeLibName,
            String               strAssemblyName,
            String               strAssemblyNamespace,
            String               strOutputDir,
            byte[]               aPublicKey,
            StrongNameKeyPair    sKeyPair,
            String               strAssemblyRefList,
            String               strTypeLibRefList,
            Version              AssemblyVersion,
            TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
            bool                 bNoLogo,
            bool                 bSilentMode,
            System.Collections.Generic.List<int> silenceList,
            bool                 bVerboseMode,
            bool                 bStrictRef,
            bool                 bStrictRefNoPia,
            bool                 bSearchPathSucceeded,
            String               strProduct,
            String               strProductVersion,
            String               strCompany,
            String               strCopyright,
            String               strTrademark,
            bool                 isVersion2,
            bool                 isPreserveSig,
            String               ruleSetFileName)
            TlbImpOptions options = new TlbImpOptions();
            options.m_strTypeLibName = strTypeLibName;
            options.m_strAssemblyName = strAssemblyName;
            options.m_strAssemblyNamespace = strAssemblyNamespace;
            options.m_strOutputDir = strOutputDir;
            options.m_aPublicKey = aPublicKey;
            options.m_sKeyPair = sKeyPair;
            options.m_strAssemblyRefList = strAssemblyRefList;
            options.m_strTypeLibRefList = strTypeLibRefList;
            options.m_AssemblyVersion = AssemblyVersion;
            options.m_flags = flags;
            options.m_bNoLogo = bNoLogo;
            options.m_bSilentMode = bSilentMode;
            options.m_silenceList = silenceList;
            options.m_bVerboseMode = bVerboseMode;
            options.m_bStrictRef = bStrictRef;
            options.m_bStrictRefNoPia = bStrictRefNoPia;
            options.m_bSearchPathSucceeded = bSearchPathSucceeded;
            options.m_strProduct = strProduct;
            options.m_strProductVersion = strProductVersion;
            options.m_strCompany = strCompany;
            options.m_strCopyright = strCopyright;
            options.m_strTrademark = strTrademark;
            options.m_isVersion2 = isVersion2;
            options.m_isPreserveSig = isPreserveSig;
            options.m_ruleSetFileName = ruleSetFileName;

            return TlbImpCode.Run(options);
        // Static importer function used by main and the callback.
        public static AssemblyBuilder DoImport(UCOMITypeLib TypeLib,
                                               String strAssemblyFileName,
                                               String strAssemblyNamespace,
                                               Version asmVersion,
                                               byte[] publicKey,
                                               StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
                                               TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
            // Detemine the assembly file name.
            String asmFileName = Path.GetFileName(strAssemblyFileName);

            // Add this typelib to list of importing typelibs.
            Guid guid = Marshal.GetTypeLibGuid(TypeLib);

            s_ImportingLibraries.Add(guid.ToString(), guid);

            // Convert the typelib.
            ImporterCallback callback = new ImporterCallback();
            AssemblyBuilder  AsmBldr  = s_TypeLibConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(TypeLib,

            // Remove this typelib from list of importing typelibs.

            // Delete the output assembly.

            // Save the assembly to disk.
Beispiel #9
        public AssemblyBuilder DoProcess(
            Object typeLib,
            string asmFilename,
            TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
            ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink,
            byte[] publicKey,
            StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
            string asmNamespace,
            Version asmVersion,
            bool isVersion2,
            bool isPreserveSig,
            bool isRemoveEnumPrefix)
            m_resolver = notifySink;

            TypeLib tlb = new TypeLib((ITypeLib)typeLib);

            if (asmNamespace == null)
                asmNamespace = tlb.GetDocumentation();

                string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asmFilename);
                if (fileName != asmNamespace)
                    asmNamespace = fileName;

                // Support for GUID_ManagedName (for namespace)
                string customManagedNamespace = tlb.GetCustData(CustomAttributeGuids.GUID_ManagedName) as string;
                if (customManagedNamespace != null)
                    customManagedNamespace = customManagedNamespace.Trim();
                    if (customManagedNamespace.ToUpper().EndsWith(".DLL"))
                        customManagedNamespace = customManagedNamespace.Substring(0, customManagedNamespace.Length - 4);
                    else if (customManagedNamespace.ToUpper().EndsWith(".EXE"))
                        customManagedNamespace = customManagedNamespace.Substring(0, customManagedNamespace.Length - 4);

                    asmNamespace = customManagedNamespace;

            // Check for GUID_ExportedFromComPlus
            object value = tlb.GetCustData(CustomAttributeGuids.GUID_ExportedFromComPlus);

            if (value != null)
                // Make this a critical failure, instead of returning null which will be ignored.
                throw new TlbImpGeneralException(Resource.FormatString("Err_CircularImport", asmNamespace), ErrorCode.Err_CircularImport);

            string strModuleName = asmFilename;

            if (asmFilename.Contains("\\"))
                int nIndex;
                for (nIndex = strModuleName.Length; strModuleName[nIndex - 1] != '\\'; --nIndex)
                strModuleName = strModuleName.Substring(nIndex);

            // If the version information was not specified, then retrieve it from the typelib.
            if (asmVersion == null)
                using (TypeLibAttr attr = tlb.GetLibAttr())
                    asmVersion = new Version(attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum, 0, 0);

            // Assembly name should not have .DLL
            // while module name must contain the .DLL
            string strAsmName = String.Copy(strModuleName);

            if (strAsmName.EndsWith(".DLL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                strAsmName = strAsmName.Substring(0, strAsmName.Length - 4);

            AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();

            assemblyName.Name = strAsmName;
            assemblyName.Version = asmVersion;
            assemblyName.KeyPair = keyPair;

            m_assemblyBuilder = CreateAssemblyBuilder(assemblyName, tlb, flags);

            m_moduleBuilder = CreateModuleBuilder(m_assemblyBuilder, strModuleName);

            // Add a listener for the reflection load only resolve events.
            AppDomain           currentDomain     = Thread.GetDomain();
            ResolveEventHandler asmResolveHandler = new ResolveEventHandler(ReflectionOnlyResolveAsmEvent);

            currentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += asmResolveHandler;

            ConverterSettings settings;

            settings.m_isGenerateClassInterfaces = true;
            settings.m_namespace          = asmNamespace;
            settings.m_flags              = flags;
            settings.m_isVersion2         = isVersion2;
            settings.m_isPreserveSig      = isPreserveSig;
            settings.m_isRemoveEnumPrefix = isRemoveEnumPrefix;

            m_converterInfo = new ConverterInfo(m_moduleBuilder, tlb, m_resolver, settings);

            // Generate class interfaces
            // NOTE:
            // We have to create class interface ahead of time because of the need to convert default interfaces to
            // class interfafces. However, this creates another problem that the event interface is always named first
            // before the other interfaces, because we need to create the type builder for the event interface first
            // so that we can create a class interface that implement it. But in the previous version of TlbImp,
            // it doesn't have to do that because it can directly create a typeref with the class interface name,
            // without actually creating anything like the TypeBuilder. The result is that the name would be different
            // with interop assemblies generated by old tlbimp in this case.
            // Given the nature of reflection API, this cannot be easily workarounded unless we switch to metadata APIs.
            // I believe this is acceptable because this only happens when:
            // 1. People decide to migrate newer .NET framework
            // 2. The event interface name conflicts with a normal interface
            // In this case the problem can be easily fixed with a global refactoring, so I wouldn't worry about that
            if (m_converterInfo.GenerateClassInterfaces)

            // Generate the remaining types except coclass
            // Because during creating coclass, we require every type, including all the referenced type to be created
            // This is a restriction of reflection API that when you override a method in parent interface, the method info
            // is needed so the type must be already created and loaded
            List <TypeInfo> coclassList = new List <TypeInfo>();
            int             nCount      = tlb.GetTypeInfoCount();

            for (int n = 0; n < nCount; ++n)
                TypeInfo type = null;
                    type = tlb.GetTypeInfo(n);
                    string strType = type.GetDocumentation();

                    TypeInfo typeToProcess;
                    TypeAttr attrToProcess;

                    using (TypeAttr attr = type.GetTypeAttr())
                        TYPEKIND kind = attr.typekind;
                        if (kind == TYPEKIND.TKIND_ALIAS)
                            ConvCommon.ResolveAlias(type, attr.tdescAlias, out typeToProcess, out attrToProcess);
                            if (attrToProcess.typekind == TYPEKIND.TKIND_ALIAS)
                                // We need to duplicate the definition of the user defined type in the name of the alias
                                kind          = attrToProcess.typekind;
                                typeToProcess = type;
                                attrToProcess = attr;
                            typeToProcess = type;
                            attrToProcess = attr;

                        switch (kind)
                        // Process coclass later because of reflection API requirements
                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_COCLASS:

                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_ENUM:
                            m_converterInfo.GetEnum(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_DISPATCH:
                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_INTERFACE:
                            m_converterInfo.GetInterface(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_MODULE:
                            m_converterInfo.GetModule(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_RECORD:
                            m_converterInfo.GetStruct(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                        case TYPEKIND.TKIND_UNION:
                            m_converterInfo.GetUnion(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                            Resource.FormatString("Msg_TypeInfoImported", typeToProcess.GetDocumentation()));
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException)
                    throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                catch (TlbImpResolveRefFailWrapperException)
                    throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                catch (TlbImpGeneralException)
                    throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                catch (TypeLoadException)
                    throw; // TypeLoadException is critical. Throw.
                catch (Exception)

            // Process coclass after processing all the other types
            foreach (TypeInfo type in coclassList)
                using (TypeAttr attr = type.GetTypeAttr())
                        m_converterInfo.GetCoClass(type, attr);
                    catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException)
                        throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                    catch (TlbImpResolveRefFailWrapperException)
                        throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                    catch (TlbImpGeneralException)
                        throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                    catch (TypeLoadException)
                        throw; // TypeLoadException is critical. Throw.
                    catch (Exception)

            // Build an array of EventItfInfo & generate event provider / event sink helpers

            Event.TCEAdapterGenerator eventAdapterGenerator = new Event.TCEAdapterGenerator();
            List <Event.EventItfInfo> eventItfList          = new List <Event.EventItfInfo>();

            foreach (IConvBase symbol in m_converterInfo.GetAllConvBase)
                IConvInterface convInterface = symbol as IConvInterface;
                if (convInterface != null)
                    if (convInterface.EventInterface != null)
                        Debug.Assert(convInterface.EventInterface is ConvEventInterfaceLocal);
                        ConvEventInterfaceLocal local = convInterface.EventInterface as ConvEventInterfaceLocal;

                        Type eventInterfaceType = convInterface.EventInterface.ManagedType;

                        // Build EventItfInfo and add to the list
                        Type               sourceInterfaceType = convInterface.ManagedType;
                        string             sourceInterfaceName = sourceInterfaceType.FullName;
                        Event.EventItfInfo eventItfInfo        = new Event.EventItfInfo(

            eventAdapterGenerator.Process(m_moduleBuilder, eventItfList);

 private static extern void nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(Object typeLib, AssemblyBuilder asmBldr, ModuleBuilder modBldr, String nameSpace, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, out ArrayList eventItfInfoList);
        internal bool GenerateWrapper(out ComReferenceWrapperInfo wrapperInfo)
            wrapperInfo = null;
            string            typeLibName = this.ReferenceInfo.typeLibName;
            string            wrapperPath = base.GetWrapperPath();
            StrongNameKeyPair keyPair     = null;

            byte[] publicKey = null;
            StrongNameUtils.GetStrongNameKey(base.Log, base.KeyFile, base.KeyContainer, out keyPair, out publicKey);
            if (base.DelaySign)
                keyPair = null;
                if (publicKey == null)
                    base.Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(null, this.ReferenceInfo.SourceItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "StrongNameUtils.NoPublicKeySpecified", new object[0]);
                    throw new StrongNameException();
                publicKey = null;
                if (keyPair == null)
                    if ((base.KeyContainer != null) && (base.KeyContainer.Length > 0))
                        base.Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(null, this.ReferenceInfo.SourceItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ResolveComReference.StrongNameUtils.NoKeyPairInContainer", new object[] { base.KeyContainer });
                        throw new StrongNameException();
                    if ((base.KeyFile != null) && (base.KeyFile.Length > 0))
                        base.Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(null, this.ReferenceInfo.SourceItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ResolveComReference.StrongNameUtils.NoKeyPairInFile", new object[] { base.KeyFile });
                        throw new StrongNameException();
            bool flag = true;

            if (!base.ExecuteAsTool)
                TypeLibConverter converter       = new TypeLibConverter();
                AssemblyBuilder  assemblyBuilder = null;
                    TypeLibImporterFlags flags = TypeLibImporterFlags.TransformDispRetVals | TypeLibImporterFlags.SafeArrayAsSystemArray;
                    if (this.noClassMembers)
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.PreventClassMembers;
                    string str4 = this.targetProcessorArchitecture;
                    if (str4 != null)
                        if (!(str4 == "MSIL"))
                            if (str4 == "AMD64")
                                goto Label_0323;
                            if (str4 == "IA64")
                                goto Label_032F;
                            if (str4 == "x86")
                                goto Label_033B;
                            flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsAgnostic;
                    goto Label_0345;
                    flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsX64;
                    goto Label_0345;
                    flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsItanium;
                    goto Label_0345;
                    flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsX86;
                    assemblyBuilder = converter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(this.ReferenceInfo.typeLibPointer, wrapperPath, flags, this, publicKey, keyPair, typeLibName, null);
                catch (COMException exception)
                    base.Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("ResolveComReference.ErrorCreatingWrapperAssembly", new object[] { this.ItemName, exception.Message });
                    throw new ComReferenceResolutionException(exception);
                if (!this.HasTemporaryWrapper)
                    this.WriteWrapperToDisk(assemblyBuilder, wrapperPath);
                wrapperInfo          = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                wrapperInfo.path     = this.HasTemporaryWrapper ? null : wrapperPath;
                wrapperInfo.assembly = assemblyBuilder;
            ResolveComReference.TlbImp imp = new ResolveComReference.TlbImp {
                BuildEngine          = base.BuildEngine,
                EnvironmentVariables = base.EnvironmentVariables,
                DelaySign            = base.DelaySign,
                KeyContainer         = base.KeyContainer,
                KeyFile                = base.KeyFile,
                OutputAssembly         = wrapperPath,
                ToolPath               = base.ToolPath,
                TypeLibName            = this.ReferenceInfo.typeLibPath,
                AssemblyNamespace      = typeLibName,
                AssemblyVersion        = null,
                PreventClassMembers    = this.noClassMembers,
                SafeArrayAsSystemArray = true,
                Transform              = ResolveComReference.TlbImpTransformFlags.TransformDispRetVals
            if (this.referenceFiles != null)
                string fullPathToOutput = Path.GetFullPath(wrapperPath);
                imp.ReferenceFiles = (from rf in this.referenceFiles
                                      where string.Compare(fullPathToOutput, rf, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0
                                      select rf).ToArray <string>();
            string targetProcessorArchitecture = this.targetProcessorArchitecture;

            if (targetProcessorArchitecture != null)
                if (!(targetProcessorArchitecture == "MSIL"))
                    if (targetProcessorArchitecture == "AMD64")
                        imp.Machine = "X64";
                    else if (targetProcessorArchitecture == "IA64")
                        imp.Machine = "Itanium";
                    else if (targetProcessorArchitecture == "x86")
                        imp.Machine = "X86";
                        imp.Machine = this.targetProcessorArchitecture;
                    imp.Machine = "Agnostic";
            flag             = imp.Execute();
            wrapperInfo      = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
            wrapperInfo.path = this.HasTemporaryWrapper ? null : wrapperPath;
Beispiel #12
        // Static importer function used by main and the callback.
        public static AssemblyBuilder DoImport(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib TypeLib,
            String strAssemblyFileName,
            String strAssemblyNamespace,
            Version asmVersion,
            byte[] publicKey,
            StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
            String strProduct,
            String strProductVersion,
            String strCompany,
            String strCopyright,
            String strTrademark,
            TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
            bool isVersion2,
            bool isPreserveSig,
            String ruleSetFileName)
            if (TypeLib == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(TypeLib));
            // Detemine the assembly file name.
            String asmFileName = Path.GetFileName(strAssemblyFileName);

            // Add this typelib to list of importing typelibs.
            Guid guid = Marshal.GetTypeLibGuid(TypeLib);
            s_ImportingLibraries.Add(guid.ToString(), guid);

            // If the type library is 64-bit, make sure the user specified a platform type.
            IntPtr pTLibAttr = IntPtr.Zero;
            TypeLib.GetLibAttr(out pTLibAttr);
            _TYPELIBATTR TLibAttr = (_TYPELIBATTR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pTLibAttr, typeof(_TYPELIBATTR));

            // Validate the machine options
            if (!ValidateMachineType(flags, TLibAttr.syskind))
            return null;

            // Convert the typelib.
            ImporterCallback callback = new ImporterCallback();
            tlbimp2.Process process = new Process();
            AssemblyBuilder AsmBldr = process.DoProcess(

            if (AsmBldr == null) return null;

            // Remove this typelib from list of importing typelibs.

            // Delete the output assembly.

            AsmBldr.DefineVersionInfoResource(strProduct, strProductVersion, strCompany, strCopyright, strTrademark);

            if (IsImportingToX64(flags))
            AsmBldr.Save(asmFileName, PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly | PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus,
            else if (IsImportingToItanium(flags))
            AsmBldr.Save(asmFileName, PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly | PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus,
            else if (IsImportingToX86(flags))
            AsmBldr.Save(asmFileName, PortableExecutableKinds.ILOnly | PortableExecutableKinds.Required32Bit,
            // Default is agnostic

            return AsmBldr;
Beispiel #13
 public virtual System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(object typeLib, string asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, System.Version asmVersion)
            private Assembly ConvertTypeLib(NativeMethods.ITypeLib typeLib, string assemblyPath, string assemblyFile, string assemblyNamespace, Version assemblyVersion, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, byte[] publicKey, StrongNameKeyPair keyPair)
                    this.RaiseMessage(string.Format("Converting '{0}'.", GetTypeLibName(typeLib)));

                    TypeLibConverter converter       = new TypeLibConverter();
                    AssemblyBuilder  assemblyBuilder = converter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, Path.Combine(assemblyPath, assemblyFile), flags, this, publicKey, keyPair, assemblyNamespace, assemblyVersion);

                    this.RaiseMessage(string.Format("Saving '{0}'.", assemblyFile));

                    string currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                    Environment.CurrentDirectory = assemblyPath;
                    Environment.CurrentDirectory = currentDirectory;

                catch (COMException exception)

Beispiel #15
        public AssemblyBuilder DoProcess(
            Object typeLib,
            string asmFilename,
            TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
            ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink,
            byte[] publicKey,
            StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
            string asmNamespace,
            Version asmVersion,
            bool isVersion2,
            bool isPreserveSig,
            string ruleSetFileName)
            m_resolver = notifySink;

            TypeLib tlb = new TypeLib((TypeLibTypes.Interop.ITypeLib)typeLib);

            if (asmNamespace == null)
                asmNamespace = tlb.GetDocumentation();

                string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asmFilename);
                if (fileName != asmNamespace)
                    asmNamespace = fileName;

                // Support for GUID_ManagedName (for namespace)
                string customManagedNamespace = tlb.GetCustData(CustomAttributeGuids.GUID_ManagedName) as string;
                if (customManagedNamespace != null)
                    customManagedNamespace = customManagedNamespace.Trim();
                    if (customManagedNamespace.ToUpper().EndsWith(".DLL"))
                        customManagedNamespace = customManagedNamespace.Substring(0, customManagedNamespace.Length - 4);
                    else if (customManagedNamespace.ToUpper().EndsWith(".EXE"))
                        customManagedNamespace = customManagedNamespace.Substring(0, customManagedNamespace.Length - 4);

                    asmNamespace = customManagedNamespace;

            // Check for GUID_ExportedFromComPlus
            object value = tlb.GetCustData(CustomAttributeGuids.GUID_ExportedFromComPlus);
            if (value != null)
                // Make this a critical failure, instead of returning null which will be ignored.
                throw new TlbImpGeneralException(Resource.FormatString("Err_CircularImport", asmNamespace), ErrorCode.Err_CircularImport);

            string strModuleName = asmFilename;

            if (asmFilename.Contains("\\"))
                int nIndex;
                for (nIndex = strModuleName.Length; strModuleName[nIndex - 1] != '\\'; --nIndex) ;
                strModuleName = strModuleName.Substring(nIndex);

            // If the version information was not specified, then retrieve it from the typelib.
            if (asmVersion == null)
                using (TypeLibAttr attr = tlb.GetLibAttr())
                    asmVersion = new Version(attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum, 0, 0);

            // Assembly name should not have .DLL
            // while module name must contain the .DLL
            string strAsmName = String.Copy(strModuleName);
            if (strAsmName.EndsWith(".DLL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                strAsmName = strAsmName.Substring(0, strAsmName.Length - 4);

            AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();
            assemblyName.Name = strAsmName;
            assemblyName.Version = asmVersion;
            assemblyName.KeyPair = keyPair;

            m_assemblyBuilder = CreateAssemblyBuilder(assemblyName, tlb, flags);

            m_moduleBuilder = CreateModuleBuilder(m_assemblyBuilder, strModuleName);

            // Add a listener for the reflection load only resolve events.
            AppDomain currentDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
            ResolveEventHandler asmResolveHandler = ReflectionOnlyResolveAsmEvent;
            currentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += asmResolveHandler;

            ConverterSettings settings;
            settings.m_isGenerateClassInterfaces = true;
            settings.m_namespace = asmNamespace;
            settings.m_flags = flags;
            settings.m_isVersion2 = isVersion2;
            settings.m_isPreserveSig = isPreserveSig;
            RuleEngine.InitRuleEngine(new TlbImpActionManager(),
                                      new TlbImpCategoryManager(),
                                      new TlbImpConditionManager(),
                                      new TlbImpOperatorManager());
            if (ruleSetFileName != null)
                    RuleFileParser parser = new RuleFileParser(ruleSetFileName);
                    settings.m_ruleSet = parser.Parse();
                catch (Exception ex)
                                                              ruleSetFileName, ex.Message),
                    settings.m_ruleSet = null;
                settings.m_ruleSet = null;

            m_converterInfo = new ConverterInfo(m_moduleBuilder, tlb, m_resolver, settings);

            // Generate class interfaces
            // NOTE:
            // We have to create class interface ahead of time because of the need to convert default interfaces to
            // class interfafces. However, this creates another problem that the event interface is always named first
            // before the other interfaces, because we need to create the type builder for the event interface first
            // so that we can create a class interface that implement it. But in the previous version of TlbImp,
            // it doesn't have to do that because it can directly create a typeref with the class interface name,
            // without actually creating anything like the TypeBuilder. The result is that the name would be different
            // with interop assemblies generated by old tlbimp in this case.
            // Given the nature of reflection API, this cannot be easily workarounded unless we switch to metadata APIs.
            // I believe this is acceptable because this only happens when:
            // 1. People decide to migrate newer .NET framework
            // 2. The event interface name conflicts with a normal interface
            // In this case the problem can be easily fixed with a global refactoring, so I wouldn't worry about that
            if (m_converterInfo.GenerateClassInterfaces)

            // Generate the remaining types except coclass
            // Because during creating coclass, we require every type, including all the referenced type to be created
            // This is a restriction of reflection API that when you override a method in parent interface, the method info
            // is needed so the type must be already created and loaded
            var coclassList = new List<TypeInfo>();
            int nCount = tlb.GetTypeInfoCount();
            for (int n = 0; n < nCount; ++n)
                    TypeInfo type = tlb.GetTypeInfo(n);
                    string strType = type.GetDocumentation();

                    using (TypeAttr attr = type.GetTypeAttr())
                        TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND kind = attr.typekind;
                        TypeInfo typeToProcess;
                        TypeAttr attrToProcess;
                        if (kind == TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_ALIAS)
                            ConvCommon.ResolveAlias(type, attr.tdescAlias, out typeToProcess, out attrToProcess);
                            if (attrToProcess.typekind == TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_ALIAS)
                                // We need to duplicate the definition of the user defined type in the name of the alias
                                kind = attrToProcess.typekind;
                                typeToProcess = type;
                                attrToProcess = attr;
                            typeToProcess = type;
                            attrToProcess = attr;

                        switch (kind)
                            // Process coclass later because of reflection API requirements
                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_COCLASS:

                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_ENUM:
                                m_converterInfo.GetEnum(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_DISPATCH:
                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_INTERFACE:
                                m_converterInfo.GetInterface(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_MODULE:
                                m_converterInfo.GetModule(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_RECORD:
                                m_converterInfo.GetStruct(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);
                            case TypeLibTypes.Interop.TYPEKIND.TKIND_UNION:
                                m_converterInfo.GetUnion(typeToProcess, attrToProcess);

                            Resource.FormatString("Msg_TypeInfoImported", typeToProcess.GetDocumentation()));
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException)
                    throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                catch (TlbImpResolveRefFailWrapperException)
                    throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                catch (TlbImpGeneralException)
                    throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                catch (TypeLoadException)
                    throw; // TypeLoadException is critical. Throw.
                catch (Exception)

            // Process coclass after processing all the other types
            foreach (TypeInfo type in coclassList)
                using (TypeAttr attr = type.GetTypeAttr())
                        m_converterInfo.GetCoClass(type, attr);
                    catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException)
                        throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                    catch (TlbImpResolveRefFailWrapperException)
                        throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                    catch (TlbImpGeneralException)
                        throw; // Fatal failure. Throw
                    catch (TypeLoadException)
                        throw; // TypeLoadException is critical. Throw.
                    catch (Exception)

            // Build an array of EventItfInfo & generate event provider / event sink helpers

            var eventAdapterGenerator = new Event.TCEAdapterGenerator();
            var eventItfList = new List<Event.EventItfInfo>();

            foreach (IConvBase symbol in m_converterInfo.GetAllConvBase)
                var convInterface = symbol as IConvInterface;
                if (convInterface != null)
                    if (convInterface.EventInterface != null)
                        Debug.Assert(convInterface.EventInterface is ConvEventInterfaceLocal);
                        var local = convInterface.EventInterface as ConvEventInterfaceLocal;

                        Type eventInterfaceType = convInterface.EventInterface.ManagedType;

                        // Build EventItfInfo and add to the list
                        Type sourceInterfaceType = convInterface.ManagedType;
                        string sourceInterfaceName = sourceInterfaceType.FullName;
                        Event.EventItfInfo eventItfInfo = new Event.EventItfInfo(

            eventAdapterGenerator.Process(m_moduleBuilder, eventItfList);

            return m_assemblyBuilder;
Beispiel #16
        public AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] Object typeLib,
                                                        String asmFileName,
                                                        TypeLibImporterFlags flags,
                                                        ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink,
                                                        byte[] publicKey,
                                                        StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
                                                        String asmNamespace,
                                                        Version asmVersion)
            // Validate the arguments.
            if (typeLib == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeLib");
            if (asmFileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asmFileName");
            if (notifySink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notifySink");
            if (String.Empty.Equals(asmFileName))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidFileName"), "asmFileName");
            if (asmFileName.Length > Path.MAX_PATH)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"), asmFileName);
            if ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != 0 && publicKey == null && keyPair == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_PIAMustBeStrongNamed"));

            ArrayList eventItfInfoList = null;

            // Determine the AssemblyNameFlags
            AssemblyNameFlags asmNameFlags = AssemblyNameFlags.None;

            // Retrieve the assembly name from the typelib.
            AssemblyName asmName = GetAssemblyNameFromTypelib(typeLib, asmFileName, publicKey, keyPair, asmVersion, asmNameFlags);

            // Create the dynamic assembly that will contain the converted typelib types.
            AssemblyBuilder asmBldr = CreateAssemblyForTypeLib(typeLib, asmFileName, asmName,
                                                               (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != 0,
                                                               (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ReflectionOnlyLoading) != 0,
                                                               (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.NoDefineVersionResource) != 0);

            // Define a dynamic module that will contain the contain the imported types.
            String        strNonQualifiedAsmFileName = Path.GetFileName(asmFileName);
            ModuleBuilder modBldr = asmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(strNonQualifiedAsmFileName, strNonQualifiedAsmFileName);

            // If the namespace hasn't been specified, then use the assembly name.
            if (asmNamespace == null)
                asmNamespace = asmName.Name;

            // Create a type resolve handler that will also intercept resolve ref messages
            // on the sink interface to build up a list of referenced assemblies.
            TypeResolveHandler typeResolveHandler = new TypeResolveHandler(modBldr, notifySink);

            // Add a listener for the type resolve events.
            AppDomain           currentDomain       = Thread.GetDomain();
            ResolveEventHandler resolveHandler      = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveEvent);
            ResolveEventHandler asmResolveHandler   = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveAsmEvent);
            ResolveEventHandler ROAsmResolveHandler = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveROAsmEvent);

            currentDomain.TypeResolve     += resolveHandler;
            currentDomain.AssemblyResolve += asmResolveHandler;
            currentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += ROAsmResolveHandler;

            // Convert the types contained in the typelib into metadata and add them to the assembly.
            nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(typeLib, asmBldr.InternalAssembly, modBldr.InternalModule, asmNamespace, flags, typeResolveHandler, out eventItfInfoList);

            // Update the COM types in the assembly.
            UpdateComTypesInAssembly(asmBldr, modBldr);

            // If there are any event sources then generate the TCE adapters.
            if (eventItfInfoList.Count > 0)
                new TCEAdapterGenerator().Process(modBldr, eventItfInfoList);

            // Remove the listener for the type resolve events.
            currentDomain.TypeResolve     -= resolveHandler;
            currentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= asmResolveHandler;
            currentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= ROAsmResolveHandler;

            // We have finished converting the typelib and now have a fully formed assembly.
Beispiel #17
        internal static bool ValidateMachineType(TypeLibImporterFlags flags, _SYSKIND syskind)
            int count = 0;
            if (IsImportingToX86(flags))
            if (IsImportingToX64(flags))
            if (IsImportingToItanium(flags))
            if (IsImportingToAgnostic(flags))

            if (count > 1)
            Output.WriteError(Resource.FormatString("Err_BadMachineSwitch"), ErrorCode.Err_BadMachineSwitch);
            return false;

            // Check the import type against the type of the type library.
            if (syskind == _SYSKIND.SYS_WIN64)
            // If x86 was chosen, throw an error.
            if (IsImportingToX86(flags))
                Output.WriteError(Resource.FormatString("Err_BadMachineSwitch"), ErrorCode.Err_BadMachineSwitch);
                return false;

            // If nothing is chosen, output a warning on all platforms.
            if (IsImportingToDefault(flags))
                Output.WriteWarning(Resource.FormatString("Wrn_AgnosticAssembly"), WarningCode.Wrn_AgnosticAssembly);
            else if (syskind == _SYSKIND.SYS_WIN32)
            // If a 64-bit option was chosen, throw an error.
            if (IsImportingToItanium(flags) || IsImportingToX64(flags))
                Output.WriteError(Resource.FormatString("Err_BadMachineSwitch"), ErrorCode.Err_BadMachineSwitch);
                return false;

            #if WIN64
            // If nothing is chosen, and we're on a 64-bit machine, output a warning
            if (IsImportingToDefault(flags))
                Output.WriteWarning(Resource.FormatString("Wrn_AgnosticAssembly"), WarningCode.Wrn_AgnosticAssembly);


            return true;
Beispiel #18
 internal static bool IsImportingToX86(TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
     return ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsX86) != 0);
Beispiel #19
 internal static bool IsImportingToItanium(TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
     return ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsItanium) != 0);
Beispiel #20
 internal static bool IsImportingToDefault(TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
     return !(IsImportingToItanium(flags) || IsImportingToX64(flags) || IsImportingToX86(flags) || IsImportingToAgnostic(flags));
Beispiel #21
 internal static bool IsImportingToAgnostic(TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
     return ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsAgnostic) != 0);
Beispiel #22
        public AssemblyBuilder CreateAssemblyBuilder(AssemblyName name, TypeLib tlb, TypeLibImporterFlags flags)
            using (TypeLibAttr attr = tlb.GetLibAttr())
                // New assembly as well as loaded assembly should be all in a ReflectionOnly context as we don't need to run the code
                AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly);

                // Handle the type library name

                // Handle the type library version
                assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForTypeLibVersion(attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum));

                // Handle the LIBID

                // If we are generating a PIA, then set the PIA custom attribute.
                if ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != 0)
                    assemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForPrimaryInteropAssembly(attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum));

                return assemblyBuilder;
        public AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] Object typeLib, 
                                                        String asmFileName,
                                                        TypeLibImporterFlags flags, 
                                                        ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink,
                                                        byte[] publicKey,
                                                        StrongNameKeyPair keyPair,
                                                        String asmNamespace,
                                                        Version asmVersion)
            // Validate the arguments.
            if (typeLib == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeLib");
            if (asmFileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asmFileName");         
            if (notifySink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notifySink");
            if (String.Empty.Equals(asmFileName))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidFileName"), "asmFileName");
            if (asmFileName.Length > Path.MaxPath)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"), asmFileName);
            if ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != 0 && publicKey == null && keyPair == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_PIAMustBeStrongNamed"));

            ArrayList eventItfInfoList = null;

            // Determine the AssemblyNameFlags
            AssemblyNameFlags asmNameFlags = AssemblyNameFlags.None;
            // Retrieve the assembly name from the typelib.
            AssemblyName asmName = GetAssemblyNameFromTypelib(typeLib, asmFileName, publicKey, keyPair, asmVersion, asmNameFlags);

            // Create the dynamic assembly that will contain the converted typelib types.
            AssemblyBuilder asmBldr = CreateAssemblyForTypeLib(typeLib, asmFileName, asmName, 
                                        (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != 0,
                                        (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ReflectionOnlyLoading) != 0,
                                        (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.NoDefineVersionResource) != 0);

            // Define a dynamic module that will contain the contain the imported types.
            String strNonQualifiedAsmFileName = Path.GetFileName(asmFileName);
            ModuleBuilder modBldr = asmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(strNonQualifiedAsmFileName, strNonQualifiedAsmFileName);

            // If the namespace hasn't been specified, then use the assembly name.
            if (asmNamespace == null)
                asmNamespace = asmName.Name;

            // Create a type resolve handler that will also intercept resolve ref messages
            // on the sink interface to build up a list of referenced assemblies.
            TypeResolveHandler typeResolveHandler = new TypeResolveHandler(modBldr, notifySink);

            // Add a listener for the type resolve events.
            AppDomain currentDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
            ResolveEventHandler resolveHandler = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveEvent);
            ResolveEventHandler asmResolveHandler = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveAsmEvent);
            ResolveEventHandler ROAsmResolveHandler = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveROAsmEvent);
            currentDomain.TypeResolve += resolveHandler;
            currentDomain.AssemblyResolve += asmResolveHandler;
            currentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += ROAsmResolveHandler;

            // Convert the types contained in the typelib into metadata and add them to the assembly.
            nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(typeLib, asmBldr.InternalAssembly, modBldr.InternalModule, asmNamespace, flags, typeResolveHandler, out eventItfInfoList);

            // Update the COM types in the assembly.
            UpdateComTypesInAssembly(asmBldr, modBldr);

            // If there are any event sources then generate the TCE adapters.
            if (eventItfInfoList.Count > 0)
                new TCEAdapterGenerator().Process(modBldr, eventItfInfoList);

            // Remove the listener for the type resolve events.
            currentDomain.TypeResolve -= resolveHandler;
            currentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= asmResolveHandler;
            currentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= ROAsmResolveHandler;

            // We have finished converting the typelib and now have a fully formed assembly.
            return asmBldr;
Beispiel #24
 private static extern void nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(object typeLib, RuntimeAssembly asmBldr, RuntimeModule modBldr, string nameSpace, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, out ArrayList eventItfInfoList);
            public void Convert(string typeLibraryLocation, string assemblyLocation, string assemblyNamespace, Version assemblyVersion, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, byte[] publicKey, StrongNameKeyPair keyPair)
                string assemblyFile = Path.GetFileName(assemblyLocation);

                this.assemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyLocation);

                NativeMethods.ITypeLib typeLib = null;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(assemblyPath))

                    this.RaiseMessage(string.Format("Loading '{0}'.", typeLibraryLocation));

                    NativeMethods.LoadTypeLibEx(typeLibraryLocation, NativeMethods.RegKind.RegKind_None, out typeLib);
                    if (typeLib != null)
                        this.ConvertTypeLib(typeLib, assemblyPath, assemblyFile, assemblyNamespace, assemblyVersion, flags, publicKey, keyPair);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    if (typeLib != null)

 private static extern void nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(Object typeLib, RuntimeAssembly asmBldr, RuntimeModule modBldr, String nameSpace, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, out ArrayList eventItfInfoList);
 public System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(Object typeLib, string asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
   return default(System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder);
Beispiel #28
         * Method:  GenerateWrapper
         * Generates a wrapper for this reference.
        internal bool GenerateWrapper(out ComReferenceWrapperInfo wrapperInfo)
            wrapperInfo = null;

            string rootNamespace            = ReferenceInfo.typeLibName;
            string wrapperPath              = GetWrapperPath();
            bool   generateWrapperSucceeded = true;

            if (ExecuteAsTool)
                // delegate generation of the assembly to an instance of the TlbImp ToolTask. MUST
                var tlbImp = new ResolveComReference.TlbImp();

                tlbImp.BuildEngine          = BuildEngine;
                tlbImp.EnvironmentVariables = EnvironmentVariables;
                tlbImp.DelaySign            = DelaySign;
                tlbImp.KeyContainer         = KeyContainer;
                tlbImp.KeyFile                = KeyFile;
                tlbImp.OutputAssembly         = wrapperPath;
                tlbImp.ToolPath               = ToolPath;
                tlbImp.TypeLibName            = ReferenceInfo.fullTypeLibPath;
                tlbImp.AssemblyNamespace      = rootNamespace;
                tlbImp.AssemblyVersion        = null;
                tlbImp.PreventClassMembers    = _noClassMembers;
                tlbImp.SafeArrayAsSystemArray = true;
                tlbImp.Silent    = Silent;
                tlbImp.Transform = ResolveComReference.TlbImpTransformFlags.TransformDispRetVals;
                if (_referenceFiles != null)
                    // Issue is that there may be reference dependencies that need to be passed in. It is possible
                    // that the set of references will also contain the file that is meant to be written here (when reference resolution
                    // found the file in the output folder). We need to filter out this case.
                    var fullPathToOutput = Path.GetFullPath(wrapperPath); // Current directory is the directory of the project file.
                    tlbImp.ReferenceFiles = _referenceFiles.Where(rf => String.Compare(fullPathToOutput, rf, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0).ToArray();

                switch (_targetProcessorArchitecture)
                case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.MSIL:
                    tlbImp.Machine = "Agnostic";

                case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.AMD64:
                    tlbImp.Machine = "X64";

                case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.IA64:
                    tlbImp.Machine = "Itanium";

                case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.X86:
                    tlbImp.Machine = "X86";

                case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.ARM:
                    tlbImp.Machine = "ARM";

                case null:

                    // Transmit the flag directly from the .targets files and rely on tlbimp.exe to produce a good error message.
                    tlbImp.Machine = _targetProcessorArchitecture;

                generateWrapperSucceeded = tlbImp.Execute();

                // store the wrapper info...
                wrapperInfo      = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                wrapperInfo.path = (HasTemporaryWrapper) ? null : wrapperPath;
                // Changed to ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom, related to bug:
                //  RCR: Bad COM-interop assemblies being generated when using 64-bit MSBuild to build a project that is targeting 32-bit platform
                // The original call to UnsafeLoadFrom loads the assembly in preparation for execution. If the assembly is x86 and this is x64 msbuild.exe then we
                // have problems (UnsafeLoadFrom will fail). We only use this assembly for reference resolution so we don't need to be ready to execute the code.
                // Its actually not clear to me that we even need to load the assembly at all. Reference resoluton is only used in the !ExecuteAsTool which is not
                // where we are right now.
                // If we really do need to load it then:
                //  wrapperInfo.assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(wrapperPath);
                // use framework classes in-proc to generate the assembly
                TypeLibConverter converter = new TypeLibConverter();

                AssemblyBuilder   assemblyBuilder = null;
                StrongNameKeyPair keyPair;
                byte[]            publicKey;

                GetAndValidateStrongNameKey(out keyPair, out publicKey);

                    TypeLibImporterFlags flags = TypeLibImporterFlags.SafeArrayAsSystemArray | TypeLibImporterFlags.TransformDispRetVals;

                    if (_noClassMembers)
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.PreventClassMembers;

                    switch (_targetProcessorArchitecture)
                    case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.MSIL:
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsAgnostic;

                    case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.AMD64:
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsX64;

                    case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.IA64:
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsItanium;

                    case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.X86:
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsX86;

                    case UtilitiesProcessorArchitecture.ARM:
                        flags |= TypeLibImporterFlags.ImportAsArm;

                        // Let the type importer decide.

                    // Start the conversion process. We'll get callbacks on ITypeLibImporterNotifySink to resolve dependent refs.
                    assemblyBuilder = converter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(ReferenceInfo.typeLibPointer, wrapperPath,
                                                                         flags, this, publicKey, keyPair, rootNamespace, null);
                catch (COMException ex)
                    if (!Silent)
                        Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("ResolveComReference.ErrorCreatingWrapperAssembly", ItemName, ex.Message);

                    throw new ComReferenceResolutionException(ex);

                // if we're done, and this is not a temporary wrapper, write it out to disk
                if (!HasTemporaryWrapper)
                    WriteWrapperToDisk(assemblyBuilder, wrapperPath);

                // store the wrapper info...
                wrapperInfo          = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                wrapperInfo.path     = (HasTemporaryWrapper) ? null : wrapperPath;
                wrapperInfo.assembly = assemblyBuilder;

            // ...and we're done!
 public System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(Object typeLib, string asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
Beispiel #30
        public AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] object typeLib, string asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, byte[] publicKey, StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
            if (typeLib == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeLib");
            if (asmFileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asmFileName");
            if (notifySink == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notifySink");
            if (string.Empty.Equals(asmFileName))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidFileName"), "asmFileName");
            if (asmFileName.Length > 260)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.PathTooLong"), asmFileName);
            if ((flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) != TypeLibImporterFlags.None && publicKey == null && keyPair == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_PIAMustBeStrongNamed"));
            ArrayList         arrayList               = null;
            AssemblyNameFlags asmNameFlags            = AssemblyNameFlags.None;
            AssemblyName      assemblyNameFromTypelib = TypeLibConverter.GetAssemblyNameFromTypelib(typeLib, asmFileName, publicKey, keyPair, asmVersion, asmNameFlags);
            AssemblyBuilder   assemblyBuilder         = TypeLibConverter.CreateAssemblyForTypeLib(typeLib, asmFileName, assemblyNameFromTypelib, (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.PrimaryInteropAssembly) > TypeLibImporterFlags.None, (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.ReflectionOnlyLoading) > TypeLibImporterFlags.None, (flags & TypeLibImporterFlags.NoDefineVersionResource) > TypeLibImporterFlags.None);
            string            fileName      = Path.GetFileName(asmFileName);
            ModuleBuilder     moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(fileName, fileName);

            if (asmNamespace == null)
                asmNamespace = assemblyNameFromTypelib.Name;
            TypeLibConverter.TypeResolveHandler typeResolveHandler = new TypeLibConverter.TypeResolveHandler(moduleBuilder, notifySink);
            AppDomain           domain = Thread.GetDomain();
            ResolveEventHandler value  = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveEvent);
            ResolveEventHandler value2 = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveAsmEvent);
            ResolveEventHandler value3 = new ResolveEventHandler(typeResolveHandler.ResolveROAsmEvent);

            domain.TypeResolve     += value;
            domain.AssemblyResolve += value2;
            domain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += value3;
            TypeLibConverter.nConvertTypeLibToMetadata(typeLib, assemblyBuilder.InternalAssembly, moduleBuilder.InternalModule, asmNamespace, flags, typeResolveHandler, out arrayList);
            TypeLibConverter.UpdateComTypesInAssembly(assemblyBuilder, moduleBuilder);
            if (arrayList.Count > 0)
                new TCEAdapterGenerator().Process(moduleBuilder, arrayList);
            domain.TypeResolve     -= value;
            domain.AssemblyResolve -= value2;
            domain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= value3;
 public System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(object typeLib, string asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags flags, ITypeLibImporterNotifySink notifySink, Byte[] publicKey, System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair keyPair, string asmNamespace, Version asmVersion)
     Contract.Requires(typeLib != null);
     Contract.Requires(asmFileName != null);
     Contract.Requires(notifySink != null);
     Contract.Requires(asmFileName.Length <= 260);
     Contract.Requires((int)((int)flags & 1) == 0 || publicKey != null || keyPair != null);