private static bool FromStringToNullableTypeProxy(string from, Type xType, out object result)
            var innerType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(xType);

            if (TypeHelper.IsNumericType(innerType))
                return(FromStringToNullableNumericType(from, innerType, out result));
            if (innerType == TypeClass.GuidClass)
                return(FromStringToNullableGuid(from, out result));
            if (TypeHelper.IsDateTimeTypes(innerType))
                return(FromStringToNullableDateTimeType(from, innerType, out result));
            if (TypeHelper.IsEnumType(xType))
                return(FromStringToNullableEnum(from, innerType, out result));
            if (innerType == TypeClass.ObjectClass)
                result = from;

            var _ = TypeDefault.Of(xType);

            result = from.Is(xType, IgnoreCase.FALSE, t => _ = t) ? _ : null;
        private static bool FromStringToTypeProxy(string from, object defaultVal, Type xType, out object result)
            if (TypeHelper.IsNumericType(xType))
                return(FromStringToNumericType(from, defaultVal, xType, out result));
            if (xType == TypeClass.GuidClass)
                return(FromStringToGuid(from, defaultVal, out result));
            if (TypeHelper.IsDateTimeTypes(xType))
                return(FromStringToDateTimeType(from, defaultVal, xType, out result));
            if (TypeHelper.IsEnumType(xType))
                return(FromStringToEnum(from, xType, defaultVal, out result));
            if (xType == TypeClass.ObjectClass)
                result = from;

            var _ = TypeDefault.Of(xType);

            result = from.Is(xType, IgnoreCase.FALSE, t => _ = t) ? _ : defaultVal;
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Get default value of special type T.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static T DefaultValue <T>() => TypeDefault.Of <T>();
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TInstance">Special type you need to return.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="type">Special type</param>
 /// <param name="args">Arguments for such type's constructor</param>
 /// <returns>Instance of special type</returns>
 public static TInstance CreateInstance <TInstance>(Type type, params object[] args)
     return(CreateInstance(type, args) is TInstance ret ? ret : TypeDefault.Of <TInstance>());
 public static TValue TryTo <TValue>(this object obj)
     return(obj.TryTo(TypeDefault.Of <TValue>()));