private bool IsShapeBasedComponentBodies6(byte[] data) { string str = Encoding.Default.GetString(data); return(str.Contains("MODEL.CHECKSUM=")); TypeBinary typebinary = ByteArrayToStructure <TypeBinary>(data); if (typebinary.Type != 0x0C) { return(false); } if (typebinary.Next + 5 > data.Length) { return(false); } if (typebinary.Next + 5 == data.Length) { return(true); } if (data[typebinary.Next + 5] != 0x0C) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public " + TypeName.GetName(type) + " " + var.NameUpper1); sw.WriteLine(prefix + "{"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " get"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " {"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " if (false == this.IsManaged)"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " return " + var.NamePrivate + ";"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " var txn = Zeze.Transaction.Transaction.Current;"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " if (txn == null) return " + var.NamePrivate + ";"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " txn.VerifyRecordAccessed(this, true);"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " var log = (Log_" + var.NamePrivate + ")txn.GetLog(this.ObjectId + " + var.Id + ");"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " return log != null ? log.Value : " + var.NamePrivate + ";"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " }"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " set"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " {"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " if (null == value) throw new System.ArgumentNullException();"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " if (false == this.IsManaged)"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " {"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " " + var.NamePrivate + " = value;"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " return;"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " }"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " var txn = Zeze.Transaction.Transaction.Current;"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " txn.VerifyRecordAccessed(this);"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " txn.PutLog(new Log_" + var.NamePrivate + "(this, value));"); // sw.WriteLine(prefix + " }"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + "}"); sw.WriteLine(); }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { if (id >= 0) { sw.WriteLine(prefix + bufname + ".WriteInt(Zeze.ByteBuffer.BYTES | " + id + " << Zeze.ByteBuffer.TAG_SHIFT);"); } sw.WriteLine(prefix + bufname + ".WriteBytes(" + varname + ");"); }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { if (id >= 0) { sw.WriteLine(prefix + "case (Zeze.ByteBuffer.BYTES | " + id + " << Zeze.ByteBuffer.TAG_SHIFT): "); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " " + varname + " = " + bufname + ".ReadBytes();"); sw.WriteLine(prefix + " break;"); } else { sw.WriteLine(prefix + varname + " = " + bufname + ".ReadBytes();"); } }
public void NextStatus() { int count = 0; if (((GameOfLife)Top).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)TopLeft).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)TopRight).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)Left).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)Right).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)Bottom).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)BottomLeft).BeforeStatus == { count++; } if (((GameOfLife)BottomRight).BeforeStatus == { count++; } //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("x: {0}, y: {1}, vecinos : {2}, estado: {3}, estado: {4}", X, Y, count, BeforeStatus, Status)); if (((count >= 2 && count <= 3) && BeforeStatus == || (count == 3 && BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death)) { Status =; } else { Status = TypeBinary.death; } }
public void NextStatus() { if (Status == { return; } int count = 0; if (((Rule30)TopLeft).BeforeStatus == && ((Rule30)Top).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death && ((Rule30)TopRight).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death) { //caso 4 count = 1; } else if (((Rule30)TopLeft).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death && ((Rule30)Top).BeforeStatus == && ((Rule30)TopRight).BeforeStatus == { //caso 5 count = 1; } else if (((Rule30)TopLeft).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death && ((Rule30)Top).BeforeStatus == && ((Rule30)TopRight).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death) { //caso 6 count = 1; } else if (((Rule30)TopLeft).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death && ((Rule30)Top).BeforeStatus == TypeBinary.death && ((Rule30)TopRight).BeforeStatus == { //caso 7 count = 1; } if (count == 1) { Status =; } else { Status = TypeBinary.death; } }
private bool IsArcs6(byte[] data) { TypeBinary typebinary = ByteArrayToStructure <TypeBinary>(data); if (typebinary.Type != 1) { return(false); } if (typebinary.Next > data.Length) { return(false); } if (data[typebinary.Next + 5] != 1) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { sw.WriteLine(prefix + "this." + variable.Name + " = new Uint8Array(0);"); }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { ChangeVariableCollectorName = "Zeze.Transaction.ChangeVariableCollectorChanged()"; }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { text = varname + ".GetHashCode()"; }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { DefineStack(type); }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { WriteProperty(type); }
public GameOfLife(int x, int y, TypeBinary type) : base(x, y) { Status = BeforeStatus = type; }
public Rule30(int x, int y, TypeBinary type) : base(x, y) { Status = BeforeStatus = type; }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { WriteLogValue(type); }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { Value = "null"; }
void CMConvert(CompoundFile cf) { IList <IDirectoryEntry> entries = cf.GetDirectories(); // extract Circuit maker files and then try and rename directories // to match .pcbdoc entries string CurrentDir = ""; foreach (var entry in entries) { if (false && entry.Name == "Root Entry") { DirectoryInfo Info = Directory.CreateDirectory(entry.Name); if (!Info.Exists) { // for some reason the create directory failed so try again Info = Directory.CreateDirectory(entry.Name); } Thread.Sleep(500); // TODO this is a frig sort out ClearFolder(entry.Name); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(entry.Name); CurrentDir = entry.Name; } else { if (entry.StgType == StgType.StgStorage) { CurrentDir = entry.Name; // Directory.CreateDirectory(entry.Name); CFStorage storage = cf.RootStorage.TryGetStorage(entry.Name); CFStream datastream = storage.GetStream("Data"); // get file contents and write to file byte[] data = datastream.GetData(); if (data.Length == 0) { OutputString($"Deleted '{CurrentDir}' no data"); // remove empty directory // Directory.Delete(CurrentDir); } else { // create the file // File.WriteAllBytes(CurrentDir + "\\" + "Data.dat", data); // now try and determine which file it is by examining the contents TextFile textfile = ByteArrayToStructure <TextFile>(data); TypeBinary typebinary = ByteArrayToStructure <TypeBinary>(data); TextFile2 textfile2 = ByteArrayToStructure <TextFile2>(data); if (IsPads(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Pads6", data); } else if (IsVias(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Vias6", data); } else if (IsTracks(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Tracks6", data); } else if (IsComponentBodies(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "ComponentBodies6", data); } else if (IsBoard6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Board6", data); } else if (IsPolygons6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Polygons6", data); } else if (IsShapeBasedComponentBodies6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "ShapeBasedComponentBodies6", data); } else if (IsArcs6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Arcs6", data); } else if (IsTexts6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Texts6", data); } else if (IsDimensions6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Dimensions6", data); } else if (IsRules6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Rules6", data); } else if (IsModels6(data)) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Models", data); // now need to get all of the model files CFStream models; byte[] modeldata; int i = 0; while ((models = storage.TryGetStream($"{i}")) != null) { OutputString($"Creating {i}.dat model file"); // get file contents and write to file modeldata = models.GetData(); // uncompress the x.dat file to a .step file // step file is renamed to it's actual name later in the process // string Inflated = ZlibCodecDecompress(modeldata); // File.WriteAllText($"Models\\{i}.step", Inflated); i++; } } else if ((textfile2.type == 0x0001 && textfile2.Length < data.Length) || textfile.Length < data.Length) { // could be text file string str = Encoding.Default.GetString(data); if (str.Contains("ORIGINX")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Board6", data); } else if (str.Contains("AdvancedPlacerOptions")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Advanced Placer Options6", data); } else if (str.Contains("SUPERCLASS")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Classes6", data); } else if (str.Contains("SOURCEFOOTPRINTLIBRARY")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Components6", data); } else if (str.Contains("DesignRuleCheckerOptions")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Design Rule Checker Options6", data); } else if (str.Contains("POSITIVENETNAME")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "DifferentialPairs6", data); } else if (str.Contains("FWDMSG")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "FileVersionInfo", data); } else if (str.Contains("LOOPREMOVAL=")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Nets6", data); } else if (str.Contains("PinSwapOptions")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Pin Swap Option6", data); } else if (str.Contains("REMOVEDEAD")) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Polygons6", data); } else { OutputError($"Failed to convert possible text file '{CurrentDir}'"); } } else if (typebinary.Next < data.Length) { if (typebinary.Type == 0x03) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Vias6", data); } else if (typebinary.Type == 0x04) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Tracks6", data); } else if (typebinary.Type == 0x0B) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Regions6", data); } else if (typebinary.Type == 0x06) { RenameDirectory(CurrentDir, "Fills6", data); } else { OutputError($"Failed to convert possible binary file '{CurrentDir}'"); } } } } /* * else * if (entry.StgType == StgType.StgStream) * { * CFStream stream = cf.RootStorage.TryGetStream(CurrentDir + "\\" + entry.Name); * if (stream != null && stream.Size != 0) * { * var data = new byte[stream.Size]; * stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); * File.WriteAllBytes(CurrentDir + "\\" + entry.Name, data); * } * } */ } // cf.RootStorage..DirEntry.EntryName. //OutputString($"{entry.ToString()}"); } Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(".."); }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { Type = Zeze.Serialize.ByteBuffer.BYTES; }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { name = "Zeze.Net.Binary"; }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { Name = "Zeze.ByteBuffer.BYTES"; }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { name = "Uint8Array"; }
public void Visit(TypeBinary type) { sw.WriteLine(prefix + variable.NamePrivate + " = Zeze.Net.Binary.Empty;"); }
void Visitor.Visit(TypeBinary type) { sw.WriteLine(prefix + $"sb.Append(new string(' ', level * 4)).Append(\"{var}\").Append(\"=\").Append({var}).Append(\"{sep}\").Append(Environment.NewLine);"); }