protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); //BindBranch(); //TxtFDT.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); //added by ankita 07/10/2017 to make user frndly txtFromDate.Text = conn.sExecuteScalar("select '01/04/'+ convert(varchar(10),(year(dateadd(month, -3,'" + conn.ConvertDate(Session["EntryDate"].ToString()) + "'))))"); txtToDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); TxtFDT.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); if (cmn.MultiBranch(Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString()) != "Y") { TxtBrID.Enabled = false; txtFromDate.Focus(); } else { TxtBrID.Enabled = true; TxtBrID.Focus(); } rdbLangSelection.SelectedItem.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("Color", "Green"); } rdbLangSelection.SelectedItem.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("Color", "Green"); }
protected void TxtBrID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (TxtBrID.Text.Trim().ToString() == "0000") { txtBrName.Text = "All Branch"; TxtOnDate.Focus(); } else { txtBrName.Text = DD.GetBranchName(TxtBrID.Text); if (txtBrName.Text.Trim().ToString() == "") { TxtBrID.Text = ""; TxtBrID.Focus(); } else { TxtOnDate.Focus(); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionLogging.SendErrorToText(Ex); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } //added by ankita 07/10/2017 to make user frndly //DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["EntryDate"].ToString()); //date = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1); //txtFromDate.Text = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); //txtToDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); //TxtFDT.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); if (cmn.MultiBranch(Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString()) != "Y") { TxtBrID.Enabled = false; txtFromDate.Focus(); } else { TxtBrID.Enabled = true; TxtBrID.Focus(); } TxtFDT.Text = Convert.ToString(Session["EntryDate"]); txtFromDate.Text = Convert.ToString(Session["EntryDate"]); Func <string, string> GetEndOfMonth = (CurrentMonth) => { return(conn.sExecuteScalar("select Convert(Varchar(10),dateadd(month,1+datediff(month,0,'" + conn.ConvertDate(CurrentMonth) + "' ),-1),103)")); }; txtToDate.Text = GetEndOfMonth(TxtFDT.Text); txtCurrentLang.Visible = CurrentLangHide(0); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } TxtBrID.Focus(); //added by ankita 07/10/2017 to make user frndly TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); TxtFDate.Text = conn.sExecuteScalar("select '01/04/'+ convert(varchar(10),(year(dateadd(month, -3,'" + conn.ConvertDate(Session["EntryDate"].ToString()) + "'))))"); TxtTDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); if (cmn.MultiBranch(Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString()) != "Y") { TxtBrID.Enabled = false; TxtFDate.Focus(); } else { TxtBrID.Enabled = true; TxtBrID.Focus(); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionLogging.SendErrorToText(Ex); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } if (!IsPostBack) { //added by ankita 07/10/2017 to make user frndly //DateTime dateI = Convert.ToDateTime(Session["EntryDate"].ToString()); //dateI = new DateTime(dateI.Year, dateI.Month, 1); TxtFDate.Text = Conn.sExecuteScalar("select '01/04/'+ convert(varchar(10),(year(dateadd(month, -3,'" + Conn.ConvertDate(Session["EntryDate"].ToString()) + "'))))"); TxtTDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); if (cmn.MultiBranch(Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString()) != "Y") { TxtBrID.Enabled = false; TxtFDate.Focus(); } else { TxtBrID.Enabled = true; TxtBrID.Focus(); } } }
protected void ClearAll() { try { TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); TxtFDate.Text = ""; TxtTDate.Text = ""; TxtBrID.Focus(); } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionLogging.SendErrorToText(Ex); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } TxtBrID.Focus(); //added by ankita 07/10/2017 to make user frndly TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); txtBrName.Text = DD.GetBranchName(TxtBrID.Text); TxtOnDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } BD.BindSHRActivtyALLType(ddlAppType); //added by ankita 07/10/2017 to make user frndly TxtFDate.Text = conn.sExecuteScalar("select '01/04/'+ convert(varchar(10),(year(dateadd(month, -3,'" + conn.ConvertDate(Session["EntryDate"].ToString()) + "'))))"); TxtTDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); txtBrName.Text = SA.GetBranchName(TxtBrID.Text); TxtBrID.Focus(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("FrmLogin.aspx"); } TxtBrID.Text = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); TxtAsonDate.Text = Session["EntryDate"].ToString(); if (cmn.MultiBranch(Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString()) != "Y") { TxtBrID.Enabled = false; TxtAsonDate.Focus(); } else { TxtBrID.Enabled = true; TxtBrID.Focus(); } } }