/// <summary>
    /// Determines entities hit by the effect and returns the resulting list of entities.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The list of entities hit by the action.</returns>
    public LinkedList <Entity> DetermineEntitiesHit()
        //Calculate the range by finding the diagonal of the rectangle
        float range = TwoDimLinearHelper.PythagoreanLength(WidthFromCenter, HeightFromCenter);

        //Grab the entities within proximity to this effect
        LinkedList <Entity> nearbyEntities = EntityCollisionHelper.AllEntitiesInCircularArea(position, range);

        //Check each nearby entity to see if it lies within the effect's cone
        foreach (Entity entity in nearbyEntities)
            if (!WithinRectangle(entity.transform.position, entity.PhysicalRadius))
