public void ChangeBomb(TwitchBomb bomb) { DebugHelper.Log("Switching bomb"); if (_currentBomb != null) { _currentBomb.CanvasGroup.alpha = 0; } if (bomb != null) { bomb.CanvasGroup.alpha = 1; } _currentBomb = bomb; UpdateHeader(); UpdateStrikes(); UpdateSolves(); UpdateConfidence(); int needies = _currentBomb.Bomb.BombComponents.Count(bombComponent => bombComponent.GetComponent <NeedyComponent>() != null); NeediesPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(needies > 0); NeediesPrefab.text = needies.ToString(); if ( { SetupEdgeworkCameras(); } }
public static void ChangeStrikeParameter(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, bool isWhisper, [Group(1)] bool negative, [Group(2)] bool direct, [Group(3)] bool isStrikes, [Group(4)] int amount) { void setParameter(string thing1, string thing2, int originalAmount, Func <int, int> set) { // Don’t go below 0 strikes because Simon Says is unsolvable then. var newAmount = set(Math.Max(0, direct ? amount : negative ? originalAmount - amount : originalAmount + amount)); if (direct) { IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format("{2} set to {0} {1}.", newAmount, newAmount != 1 ? "strikes" : "strike", thing1), user, !isWhisper); } else { var difference = Math.Abs(newAmount - originalAmount); IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(newAmount >= originalAmount ? "Added {0} {1} to the {2}." : "Subtracted {0} {1} from the {2}.", difference, difference != 1 ? "strikes" : "strike", thing2), user, !isWhisper); } } if (isStrikes) { setParameter("Strike count", "bomb", bomb.StrikeCount, am => bomb.StrikeCount = am); } else // strike limit { setParameter("Strike limit", "strike limit", bomb.StrikeLimit, am => bomb.StrikeLimit = am); } TwitchGame.ModuleCameras.UpdateStrikes(); }
public static void Pause(TwitchBomb bomb) { if (bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().IsUpdating) { bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().StopTimer(); } }
public void CreateComponentHandlesForBomb(TwitchBomb bomb) { foreach (var component in bomb.Bomb.BombComponents) { var componentType = component.ComponentType; string moduleName; // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementMissingSomeCases switch (componentType) { case ComponentTypeEnum.Empty: case ComponentTypeEnum.Timer: continue; default: moduleName = component.GetModuleDisplayName(); break; } TwitchModule module = Instantiate(twitchModulePrefab, component.transform, false); module.Bomb = bomb; module.BombComponent = component; module.BombID = _currentBomb == -1 ? -1 : Bombs.Count - 1; module.transform.SetParent(component.transform.parent, true); module.BasePosition = module.transform.localPosition; Modules.Add(module); } }
public static void Unpause(TwitchBomb bomb) { if (!bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().IsUpdating) { bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().StartTimer(); } }
private TwitchBomb CreateBombHandleForBomb(Bomb bomb, int id) { TwitchBomb twitchBomb = Instantiate(twitchBombPrefab); twitchBomb.Bomb = bomb; twitchBomb.BombID = id; twitchBomb.BombTimeStamp = DateTime.Now; twitchBomb.BombStartingTimer = bomb.GetTimer().TimeRemaining; return(twitchBomb); }
public static void Clear(bool clearGlobal = false) { if (Bomb == null && !clearGlobal) { return; } Bomb = null; Voters.Clear(); ResetTimer(); }
public static IEnumerator Edgework(TwitchBomb bomb, [Group(1)] string edge, string user, bool isWhisper) { if ( || { return(bomb.ShowEdgework(edge)); } else { IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(, bomb.EdgeworkText.text), user, !isWhisper); return(null); } }
public static void ChangeTimer(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, bool isWhisper, [Group(1)] bool negative, [Group(2)] bool direct, [Group(3)] string amount) { float time = 0; float originalTime = bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().TimeRemaining; var timeLengths = new Dictionary <string, float>() { { "ms", 0.001f }, { "s", 1 }, { "m", 60 }, { "h", 3600 }, { "d", 86400 }, { "w", 604800 }, { "y", 31536000 }, }; foreach (string part in amount.Split(new[] { ' ', ',', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { bool valid = false; foreach (string unit in timeLengths.Keys) { if (!part.EndsWith(unit, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || !float.TryParse(part.Substring(0, part.Length - unit.Length), out float length)) { continue; } time += length * timeLengths[unit]; valid = true; break; } if (!valid) { IRCConnection.SendMessage(@"I don’t understand “{0}”.", user, !isWhisper, part); return; } } time = (float)Math.Round((decimal)time, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); if (!direct && Math.Abs(time) < 0.01f) { return; } bomb.CurrentTimer = direct ? time : negative ? bomb.CurrentTimer - time : bomb.CurrentTimer + time; // If the time requested was negative, we need to flip the message. bool negativeTime = time < 0 ? !negative : negative; IRCConnection.SendMessage(direct ? $"Set the bomb's timer to {Math.Abs(time < 0 ? 0 : time).FormatTime()}." : $"{(negativeTime ? "Subtracted" : "Added")} {Math.Abs(time).FormatTime()} {(negativeTime ? "from" : "to")} the timer.", user, !isWhisper); }
public void ChangeBomb(TwitchBomb bomb) { DebugHelper.Log("Switching bomb"); _currentBomb = bomb; UpdateHeader(); UpdateStrikes(); UpdateSolves(); UpdateConfidence(); int needies = _currentBomb.Bomb.BombComponents.Count(bombComponent => bombComponent.GetComponent <NeedyComponent>() != null); NeediesPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(needies > 0); NeediesPrefab.text = needies.ToString(); }
public void CreateComponentHandlesForBomb(TwitchBomb bomb) { string[] keyModules = { "SouvenirModule", "MemoryV2", "TurnTheKey", "TurnTheKeyAdvanced", "theSwan", "HexiEvilFMN", "taxReturns", "timeKeeper", "cookieJars", "DividedSquaresModule", "forgetThis" }; foreach (var component in bomb.Bomb.BombComponents) { var componentType = component.ComponentType; bool keyModule = false; string moduleName; // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementMissingSomeCases switch (componentType) { case ComponentTypeEnum.Empty: case ComponentTypeEnum.Timer: continue; case ComponentTypeEnum.NeedyCapacitor: case ComponentTypeEnum.NeedyKnob: case ComponentTypeEnum.NeedyVentGas: case ComponentTypeEnum.NeedyMod: moduleName = component.GetModuleDisplayName(); keyModule = true; break; case ComponentTypeEnum.Mod: keyModule = keyModules.Contains(component.GetComponent <KMBombModule>().ModuleType); goto default; default: moduleName = component.GetModuleDisplayName(); break; } TwitchModule module = Instantiate(twitchModulePrefab, component.transform, false); module.Bomb = bomb; module.BombComponent = component; module.BombID = _currentBomb == -1 ? -1 : Bombs.Count - 1; module.IsKey = keyModule; module.transform.SetParent(component.transform.parent, true); module.BasePosition = module.transform.localPosition; Modules.Add(module); } }
protected void InitializeBomb(Bomb bomb, bool reuseTwitchBomb = false) { if (!reuseTwitchBomb) { TwitchGame.Instance.SetBomb(bomb, BombCount); return; } TwitchBomb tb = TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[0]; tb.Bomb = bomb; tb.BombTimeStamp = DateTime.Now; tb.BombStartingTimer = bomb.GetTimer().TimeRemaining; TwitchGame.Instance.CreateComponentHandlesForBomb(tb); TwitchGame.Instance.InitializeModuleCodes(); }
private void ToggleEmergencyLights(bool on, TwitchBomb handle) { if (_emergencyLightsState == on) { return; } _emergencyLightsState = on; if (!on) { handle.StopCoroutine(_emergencyLightsRoutine); _emergencyLightsRoutine = null; _roomLight.GetComponent <Light>().color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); } else { _emergencyLightsRoutine = (IEnumerator)_redLightsMethod.Invoke(_room, null); handle.StartCoroutine(_emergencyLightsRoutine); } }
public static void Status(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, bool isWhisper) { int currentReward = TwitchPlaySettings.GetRewardBonus(); if (OtherModes.TimeModeOn) { IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(, bomb.GetFullFormattedTime, bomb.GetFullStartingTime, OtherModes.GetAdjustedMultiplier(), bomb.BombSolvedModules, bomb.BombSolvableModules, currentReward), user, !isWhisper); } else if (OtherModes.VSModeOn) { IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(, bomb.GetFullFormattedTime, bomb.GetFullStartingTime, OtherModes.goodHealth, OtherModes.evilHealth, currentReward), user, !isWhisper); } else { IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(, bomb.GetFullFormattedTime, bomb.GetFullStartingTime, bomb.StrikeCount, bomb.StrikeLimit, bomb.BombSolvedModules, bomb.BombSolvableModules, currentReward), user, !isWhisper); } }
public void CreateComponentHandlesForBomb(TwitchBomb bomb) { foreach (var component in bomb.Bomb.BombComponents) { if (component.ComponentType.EqualsAny(ComponentTypeEnum.Empty, ComponentTypeEnum.Timer)) { continue; } TwitchModule module = Instantiate(twitchModulePrefab, component.transform, false); module.Bomb = bomb; module.BombComponent = component; module.BombID = _currentBomb == -1 ? -1 : Bombs.Count - 1; module.transform.SetParent(component.transform.parent, true); module.BasePosition = module.transform.localPosition; Modules.Add(module); } }
public static void StartVote(TwitchBomb TPBomb, string user, VoteTypes act) { if (! { IRCConnection.SendMessage("Voting is disabled"); return; } if (Active) { IRCConnection.SendMessage("A voting is already in progress!"); return; } Clear(); Bomb = TPBomb; ActionType = act; Voters.Add(user, true); Countdown.Enabled = true; IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Voting has started by {user} to \"{voteNames[act]}\"! Enter with '!vote VoteYea ' or '!vote VoteNay '"); }
public static IEnumerator Explode(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, bool isWhisper) { if (!OtherModes.TrainingModeOn) { IRCConnection.SendMessage("Training mode is not on.", user, false, user); return(null); } if (isWhisper) { IRCConnection.SendMessage("Sorry {0}, you can't end Training mode in a whisper.", user, false, user); return(null); } Leaderboard.Instance.GetRank(user, out var entry); if (!UserAccess.HasAccess(user, AccessLevel.Defuser, true) && entry != null && entry.SolveScore < { IRCConnection.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have enough points to end Training mode."); return(null); } return(bomb.DelayBombExplosionCoroutine()); }
public override IEnumerator ReportBombStatus() { IEnumerator baseIEnumerator = base.ReportBombStatus(); while (baseIEnumerator.MoveNext()) { yield return(baseIEnumerator.Current); } TwitchBomb bombHandle = TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[0]; TimerComponent timerComponent = bombHandle.Bomb.GetTimer(); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => timerComponent.IsActive)); TwitchGame.Instance.OnLightsChange(true); _elevatorRoom.PacingActions.RemoveAll(action => action.EventType == PaceEvent.OneMinuteLeft); while (!bombHandle.Bomb.HasDetonated) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)) { IEnumerator bombDrop = bombHandle.LetGoBomb(); while (bombDrop.MoveNext()) { yield return(bombDrop.Current); } } if (bombHandle.Bomb.IsSolved()) { yield break; } ToggleEmergencyLights(SceneManager.Instance.GameplayState.Mission.PacingEventsEnabled && bombHandle.CurrentTimer < 60f && !bombHandle.Bomb.IsSolved() && !OtherModes.ZenModeOn); yield return(null); } }
public static IEnumerator Drop(TwitchBomb bomb) => bomb.LetGoBomb();
public static IEnumerator Explode(TwitchBomb bomb) => bomb.DelayBombExplosionCoroutine();
public static IEnumerator Tilt(TwitchModule module, object yield, string direction) { float easeCubic(float t) { return(3 * t * t - 2 * t * t * t); } Dictionary <string[], int> directionNames = new Dictionary <string[], int>() { { new[] { "up", "u", "top", "t" }, 0 }, { new[] { "upright", "rightup", "ur", "ru", "topright", "righttop", "tr", "rt" }, 45 }, { new[] { "right", "r" }, 90 }, { new[] { "downright", "rightdown", "dr", "rd", "bottomright", "rightbottom", "br", "rb" }, 135 }, { new[] { "down", "d", "bottom", "b" }, 180 }, { new[] { "downleft", "leftdown", "dl", "ld", "bottomleft", "leftbottom", "bl", "lb" }, 255 }, { new[] { "left", "l" }, 270 }, { new[] { "upleft", "leftup", "ul", "lu", "topleft", "lefttop", "tl", "lt" }, 315 }, }; var targetRotation = 180; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(direction)) { var nameAngle = directionNames.Where(pair => pair.Key.Contains(direction)).Select(pair => pair.Value); if (nameAngle.Any()) { targetRotation = nameAngle.First(); } else if (int.TryParse(direction, out int directionAngle)) { targetRotation = directionAngle; } else { yield break; } } IEnumerator focusCoroutine = module.Bomb.Focus(module.Selectable, module.FocusDistance, module.FrontFace, false); while (focusCoroutine.MoveNext()) { yield return(focusCoroutine.Current); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); var targetAngle = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-Mathf.Cos(targetRotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 0, Mathf.Sin(targetRotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) * (module.FrontFace ? 60 : -60)); foreach (float alpha in 1f.TimedAnimation()) { var lerp = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, targetAngle, easeCubic(alpha)); var bombLerp = module.FrontFace ? lerp : Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.Scale(lerp.eulerAngles, new Vector3(1, 1, -1))); module.Bomb.RotateByLocalQuaternion(bombLerp); TwitchBomb.RotateCameraByLocalQuaternion(module.BombComponent.gameObject, lerp); yield return(null); } yield return(yield is float delay ? new WaitForSecondsWithCancel(delay, false, module.Solver) : yield); if (CoroutineCanceller.ShouldCancel) { var angle = Quaternion.identity; var bombAngle = module.FrontFace ? angle : Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.Scale(angle.eulerAngles, new Vector3(1, 1, -1))); module.Bomb.RotateByLocalQuaternion(bombAngle); TwitchBomb.RotateCameraByLocalQuaternion(module.BombComponent.gameObject, angle); module.StartCoroutine(module.Bomb.Defocus(module.Selectable, module.FrontFace, false)); yield break; } foreach (float alpha in 1f.TimedAnimation()) { var lerp = Quaternion.Lerp(targetAngle, Quaternion.identity, easeCubic(alpha)); var bombLerp = module.FrontFace ? lerp : Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.Scale(lerp.eulerAngles, new Vector3(1, 1, -1))); module.Bomb.RotateByLocalQuaternion(bombLerp); TwitchBomb.RotateCameraByLocalQuaternion(module.BombComponent.gameObject, lerp); yield return(null); } IEnumerator defocusCoroutine = module.Bomb.Defocus(module.Selectable, module.FrontFace, false); while (defocusCoroutine.MoveNext()) { yield return(defocusCoroutine.Current); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); }
public static void Timestamp(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, bool isWhisper) => IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(, bomb.BombTimeStamp), user, !isWhisper);
public static void Time(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, bool isWhisper) => IRCConnection.SendMessage(string.Format(, bomb.GetFullFormattedTime, bomb.GetFullStartingTime), user, !isWhisper);
public static IEnumerator EdgeworkElevator(TwitchBomb bomb, [Group(1)] string edge, string user, bool isWhisper) => Edgework(bomb, edge, user, isWhisper);
public static void VoteStart(TwitchBomb bomb, string user, [Group(1)] bool Detonation) => Votes.StartVote(bomb, user, Detonation ? VoteTypes.Detonation : 0);
public static IEnumerator TurnBomb(TwitchBomb bomb) => bomb.TurnBomb();
private void AwardStrikes(string userNickName, int strikeCount) { TwitchBomb bomb = TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[0]; int strikePenalty = -5; strikePenalty = ? (strikeCount * strikePenalty) : (Math.Min(strikePenalty, strikeCount * strikePenalty)); IRCConnection.SendMessageFormat(, ID, strikeCount == 1 ? "a" : strikeCount.ToString(), strikeCount == 1 ? "" : "s", strikePenalty, userNickName, string.IsNullOrEmpty(StrikeMessage) ? "" : " caused by " + StrikeMessage); if (strikeCount <= 0) { return; } string recordMessageTone = $"Holdable ID: {ID} | Player: {userNickName} | Strike"; TwitchPlaySettings.AppendToSolveStrikeLog(recordMessageTone, ? strikeCount : 1); int originalReward = TwitchPlaySettings.GetRewardBonus(); int currentReward = Convert.ToInt32(originalReward * (1 - (1 - * OtherModes.ScoreMultiplier)); TwitchPlaySettings.AddRewardBonus(currentReward - originalReward); if (currentReward != originalReward) { IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Reward {(currentReward > 0 ? "reduced" : "increased")} to {currentReward} points."); } if (OtherModes.TimeModeOn) { bool multiDropped = OtherModes.DropMultiplier(); float multiplier = OtherModes.GetMultiplier(); string tempMessage = multiDropped ? "Multiplier reduced to " + Math.Round(multiplier, 1) + " and time" : $"Multiplier set at {}, cannot be further reduced. Time"; if (bomb.CurrentTimer < ( / { bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().TimeRemaining = bomb.CurrentTimer -; tempMessage += $" reduced by {} seconds."; } else { float timeReducer = bomb.CurrentTimer *; double easyText = Math.Round(timeReducer, 1); bomb.Bomb.GetTimer().TimeRemaining = bomb.CurrentTimer - timeReducer; tempMessage += $" reduced by {Math.Round( * 100, 1)}%. ({easyText} seconds)"; } IRCConnection.SendMessage(tempMessage); bomb.StrikeCount = 0; if (TwitchGame.ModuleCameras != null) { TwitchGame.ModuleCameras.UpdateStrikes(); } } Leaderboard.Instance?.AddScore(userNickName, strikePenalty); Leaderboard.Instance?.AddStrike(userNickName, strikeCount); StrikeMessage = string.Empty; }
public static IEnumerator Hold(TwitchBomb bomb) => bomb.HoldBomb();
public override IEnumerator ReportBombStatus() { if (_gameroom.GetType() == _factoryStaticModeType) { IEnumerator baseIEnumerator = base.ReportBombStatus(); while (baseIEnumerator.MoveNext()) { yield return(baseIEnumerator.Current); } yield break; } InitializeOnLightsOn = false; TwitchBomb bombHandle = TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[0]; bombHandle.BombName = _infiniteMode ? "Infinite bombs incoming" : $"{BombCount} bombs incoming"; yield return(new WaitUntil(() => GetBomb != null || bombHandle.Bomb.HasDetonated)); if (bombHandle.Bomb.HasDetonated && !_zenMode) { yield break; } float currentBombTimer = bombHandle.CurrentTimer + 5; int currentBombID = 1; while (GetBomb != null) { Object currentBomb = GetBomb; TimerComponent timerComponent = bombHandle.Bomb.GetTimer(); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => timerComponent.IsActive)); if (Math.Abs(currentBombTimer - bombHandle.CurrentTimer) > 1f) { yield return(null); InitializeGameModes(true); } bool enableCameraWall = OtherModes.TrainingModeOn && IRCConnection.Instance.State == IRCConnectionState.Connected &&; if (enableCameraWall != TwitchGame.ModuleCameras.CameraWallEnabled) { if (enableCameraWall) { TwitchGame.ModuleCameras.EnableCameraWall(); } else { TwitchGame.ModuleCameras.DisableCameraWall(); } } bombHandle.BombName = $"Bomb {currentBombID} of {(_infiniteMode ? "∞" : BombCount.ToString())}"; IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Bomb {currentBombID++} of {(_infiniteMode ? "∞" : BombCount.ToString())} is now live."); if ( { bombHandle.FillEdgework(); } else { bombHandle.EdgeworkText.text =; } if (OtherModes.Unexplodable) { bombHandle.StrikeLimit += bombHandle.StrikeCount; } IEnumerator bombHold = bombHandle.HoldBomb(); while (bombHold.MoveNext()) { yield return(bombHold.Current); } Bomb bomb1 = (Bomb)_internalBombProperty.GetValue(currentBomb, null); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => { bool result = bomb1.HasDetonated || bomb1.IsSolved() || !TwitchGame.BombActive; if (!result || OtherModes.TimeModeOn) { currentBombTimer = bomb1.GetTimer().TimeRemaining; } return result; })); if (!TwitchGame.BombActive) { yield break; } IRCConnection.SendMessage(TwitchGame.Instance.GetBombResult(false)); TwitchPlaySettings.SetRetryReward(); foreach (TwitchModule handle in TwitchGame.Instance.Modules) { //If the camera is still attached to the bomb component when the bomb gets destroyed, then THAT camera is destroyed as wel. TwitchGame.ModuleCameras.UnviewModule(handle); } if ( { bombHold = bombHandle.LetGoBomb(); while (bombHold.MoveNext()) { yield return(bombHold.Current); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); //If for some reason we are somehow still holding the bomb, then the Let go did not register. //Try again exactly one more time. if (currentBomb == GetBomb) { bombHold = bombHandle.HoldBomb(); while (bombHold.MoveNext()) { yield return(bombHold.Current); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.10f)); bombHold = bombHandle.LetGoBomb(); while (bombHold.MoveNext()) { yield return(bombHold.Current); } } } //If we are still holding the bomb, wait for it to actually be put down manually, or by a Twitch plays Drop bomb command. while (currentBomb == GetBomb) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } bombHandle.StartCoroutine(DestroyBomb(currentBomb)); if (GetBomb == null) { continue; } Bomb bomb = (Bomb)_internalBombProperty.GetValue(GetBomb, null); InitializeBomb(bomb, true); } }
public static IEnumerator Throw(TwitchBomb bomb, [Group(1)] int?strength = 5) { yield return(HoldableCommands.Throw(bomb.Bomb.GetComponent <FloatingHoldable>(), strength)); }