Beispiel #1
        void DoBusyBeaver()
            long startBytes = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            graph = new Turing3Graph();
            actions = new Turing3Actions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // Initialize tape
            BandPosition bp = graph.CreateNodeBandPosition();

            // Initialize states
            State sA = graph.CreateNodeState();
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sA", sA);
            State sB = graph.CreateNodeState();
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sB", sB);
            State sC = graph.CreateNodeState();
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sC", sC);
            State sD = graph.CreateNodeState();
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sD", sD);
            State sE = graph.CreateNodeState();
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sE", sE);
            State sH = graph.CreateNodeState();
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sH", sH);

            // Create state transitions
            GenStateTransition("sA", 0, "sB", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sA", 1, "sD", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sB", 0, "sC", 1, R);
            GenStateTransition("sB", 1, "sE", 0, R);
            GenStateTransition("sC", 0, "sA", 0, L);
            GenStateTransition("sC", 1, "sB", 0, R);
            GenStateTransition("sD", 0, "sE", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sD", 1, "sH", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sE", 0, "sC", 1, R);
            GenStateTransition("sE", 1, "sC", 1, L);

            // Initialize head
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("curState", sA);
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("curPos", bp);

            // A little warm up for the beaver
            // Using a graph rewrite sequence with the new and more expressive syntax
                       ((curValue:WriteValue)=readOneRule(curState, curPos)
                       || (curValue)=readZeroRule(curState,curPos))
                    && (ensureMoveLeftValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || ensureMoveRightValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || true)
                    && ((curState, curPos)=moveLeftRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || (curState, curPos)=moveRightRule(curValue, curPos))

			Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");

            // Reset counters of the PerformanceInfo object

            // Calculate search plans to optimize performance
            actions.GenerateActions("readOneRule", "readZeroRule",
                "ensureMoveLeftValidRule", "ensureMoveRightValidRule", "moveLeftRule", "moveRightRule");

            // Go, beaver, go!
                       ((curValue:WriteValue)=readOneRule(curState, curPos)
                       || (curValue)=readZeroRule(curState,curPos))
                    && (ensureMoveLeftValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || ensureMoveRightValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || true)
                    && ((curState, curPos)=moveLeftRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || (curState, curPos)=moveRightRule(curValue, curPos))
            // the graph rewrite sequence from above formulated in C# with the API of GrGen.NET 2.5
            IState curState = (IState)procEnv.GetVariableValue("curState");
            IBandPosition curPos = (IBandPosition)procEnv.GetVariableValue("curPos");
            IWriteValue curValue = (IWriteValue)procEnv.GetVariableValue("curValue");
            bool expressionToIterateSucceeded;
                expressionToIterateSucceeded =
                    ( actions.readOneRule.Apply(procEnv, curState, curPos, ref curValue)
                    || actions.readZeroRule.Apply(procEnv, curState, curPos, ref curValue) )
                && ( actions.ensureMoveLeftValidRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos)
                    || actions.ensureMoveRightValidRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos)
                    || true )
                && ( actions.moveLeftRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos, ref curState, ref curPos)
                    || actions.moveRightRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos, ref curState, ref curPos) );

            int stopTime = Environment.TickCount;

            // Count "BandPosition" nodes with a "value" attribute being one
            int numOnes = 0;
            foreach(BandPosition bpNode in graph.GetExactNodes(BandPosition.TypeInstance))
                if(bpNode.value == 1)

            int countTime = Environment.TickCount - stopTime;

			Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found."
                + "\nNumber of ones written: " + numOnes
                + "\nTime needed for counting ones: " + countTime + " ms");

            long endBytes = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            Console.WriteLine("Time: " + (stopTime - startTime) + " ms"
                + "\nMemory usage: " + (endBytes - startBytes) + " bytes"
                + "\nNum nodes: " + graph.NumNodes
                + "\nNum edges: " + graph.NumEdges);
Beispiel #2
        void DoBusyBeaver()
            long startBytes = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            int  startTime  = Environment.TickCount;

            graph   = new Turing3Graph();
            actions = new Turing3Actions(graph);
            procEnv = new LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment(graph, actions);

            // Initialize tape
            BandPosition bp = graph.CreateNodeBandPosition();

            // Initialize states
            State sA = graph.CreateNodeState();

            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sA", sA);
            State sB = graph.CreateNodeState();

            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sB", sB);
            State sC = graph.CreateNodeState();

            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sC", sC);
            State sD = graph.CreateNodeState();

            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sD", sD);
            State sE = graph.CreateNodeState();

            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sE", sE);
            State sH = graph.CreateNodeState();

            procEnv.SetVariableValue("sH", sH);

            // Create state transitions
            GenStateTransition("sA", 0, "sB", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sA", 1, "sD", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sB", 0, "sC", 1, R);
            GenStateTransition("sB", 1, "sE", 0, R);
            GenStateTransition("sC", 0, "sA", 0, L);
            GenStateTransition("sC", 1, "sB", 0, R);
            GenStateTransition("sD", 0, "sE", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sD", 1, "sH", 1, L);
            GenStateTransition("sE", 0, "sC", 1, R);
            GenStateTransition("sE", 1, "sC", 1, L);

            // Initialize head
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("curState", sA);
            procEnv.SetVariableValue("curPos", bp);

            // A little warm up for the beaver
            // Using a graph rewrite sequence with the new and more expressive syntax
                       ((curValue:WriteValue)=readOneRule(curState, curPos)
                       || (curValue)=readZeroRule(curState,curPos))
                    && (ensureMoveLeftValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || ensureMoveRightValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || true)
                    && ((curState, curPos)=moveLeftRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || (curState, curPos)=moveRightRule(curValue, curPos))

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found.");

            // Reset counters of the PerformanceInfo object

            // Calculate search plans to optimize performance
            actions.GenerateActions("readOneRule", "readZeroRule",
                                    "ensureMoveLeftValidRule", "ensureMoveRightValidRule", "moveLeftRule", "moveRightRule");

            // Go, beaver, go!
                       ((curValue:WriteValue)=readOneRule(curState, curPos)
                       || (curValue)=readZeroRule(curState,curPos))
                    && (ensureMoveLeftValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || ensureMoveRightValidRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || true)
                    && ((curState, curPos)=moveLeftRule(curValue, curPos)
                       || (curState, curPos)=moveRightRule(curValue, curPos))
            // the graph rewrite sequence from above formulated in C# with the API of GrGen.NET 2.5
            IState        curState = (IState)procEnv.GetVariableValue("curState");
            IBandPosition curPos   = (IBandPosition)procEnv.GetVariableValue("curPos");
            IWriteValue   curValue = (IWriteValue)procEnv.GetVariableValue("curValue");
            bool          expressionToIterateSucceeded;
                expressionToIterateSucceeded =
                    (actions.readOneRule.Apply(procEnv, curState, curPos, ref curValue) ||
                     actions.readZeroRule.Apply(procEnv, curState, curPos, ref curValue)) &&
                    (actions.ensureMoveLeftValidRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos) ||
                     actions.ensureMoveRightValidRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos) ||
                     true) &&
                    (actions.moveLeftRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos, ref curState, ref curPos) ||
                     actions.moveRightRule.Apply(procEnv, curValue, curPos, ref curState, ref curPos));

            int stopTime = Environment.TickCount;

            // Count "BandPosition" nodes with a "value" attribute being one
            int numOnes = 0;
            foreach (BandPosition bpNode in graph.GetExactNodes(BandPosition.TypeInstance))
                if (bpNode.value == 1)

            int countTime = Environment.TickCount - stopTime;

            Console.WriteLine(procEnv.PerformanceInfo.MatchesFound + " matches found."
                              + "\nNumber of ones written: " + numOnes
                              + "\nTime needed for counting ones: " + countTime + " ms");

            long endBytes = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

            Console.WriteLine("Time: " + (stopTime - startTime) + " ms"
                              + "\nMemory usage: " + (endBytes - startBytes) + " bytes"
                              + "\nNum nodes: " + graph.NumNodes
                              + "\nNum edges: " + graph.NumEdges);