Beispiel #1
        private bool ParsePreDocumentFunction(Block token)
            switch (token.GrammarSegment)
            case GrammarSegment.Url:
                CastRuleSet <DocumentRule>().Conditions.Add(Tup <DocumentFunction, string> .Create(DocumentFunction.Url, ((StringBlock)token).Value));

            case GrammarSegment.UrlPrefix:
                CastRuleSet <DocumentRule>().Conditions.Add(Tup <DocumentFunction, string> .Create(DocumentFunction.UrlPrefix, ((StringBlock)token).Value));

            case GrammarSegment.Domain:
                CastRuleSet <DocumentRule>().Conditions.Add(Tup <DocumentFunction, string> .Create(DocumentFunction.Domain, ((StringBlock)token).Value));

            case GrammarSegment.Function:
                if (string.Compare(((SymbolBlock)token).Value, "regexp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)


Beispiel #2
        public override Control CreateControl(Type dataType)
            // Create
            Tup b = CanHandle2(null, dataType);

Beispiel #3
        public void Basic()
            var heading = "SNo:text,SName:text,Status:integer,City:text";
            var t1      = Tup.Data("S6", "White", 25, "Sydney");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, t1.Degree);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, t1.Count(v => v.ToString().Contains("White")));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, t1.Count(v => v.ToString().Contains("S")));
            Assert.AreEqual(t1, t1);

            var t1a = Tup.Data("S6", "White", 25, "Sydney");
            var t2  = Tup.Data("S7", "Black", 15, "London");

            Assert.AreEqual(t1, t1a);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(t1, t2);

            var sd = RelNode.Data(heading,
                                  Tup.Data("S6", "White", 25, "Sydney"),
                                  Tup.Data("S7", "Black", 15, "London"));

            Assert.AreEqual(4, sd.Degree);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sd.Cardinality);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sd.Count(t => t.ToString().Contains("Black")));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sd.Count(t => t.ToString().Contains("S")));
            Assert.AreEqual(sd, sd);

            var sda = RelNode.Data(heading, t2, t1);

            Assert.AreEqual(sd.ToRelVar(), sda.ToRelVar());
            //Assert.AreEqual(sd.ToRelVar(), sda.ToRelVar());
Beispiel #4
        public override object Get(Control control, Type dataType)
            // Convert from binder's preferred type
            Tup    b     = CanHandle2(control, dataType);
            object value = b.Binder.Get(control, b.Binder.PreferredDataType);

Beispiel #5
        public override void Set(Control control, object value, Type dataType)
            // Convert to binder's preferred type
            Tup b = CanHandle2(control, dataType);

            value = b.Converter.ConvertTo(value, b.Binder.PreferredDataType);
            b.Binder.Set(control, value, b.Binder.PreferredDataType);
Beispiel #6
        public int solution(int[] A)
            // write your code in C# 5.0 with .NET 4.5 (Mono)
            int N = A.Length;

            Queue <Tup> Q = new Queue <Tup>();

            Q.Enqueue(new Tup(-1, -1, 0, -4));
            while (Q.Any())
                Tup t = Q.Dequeue();

                if (isFab(t.mid - t.start) && isFab(N - t.mid))
                    Console.WriteLine(t.prev + " | " + t.start + " : " + t.mid + " : " + (N - t.mid));
                    return(t.Depth + 1);
                else if (t.Depth == 0)
                    for (int i = t.mid + 1; i < A.Length; i++)
                        if (A[i] == 1)
                            Tup nT = new Tup(t.mid, i, t.Depth + 1, t.start);
                            if (myFab(i) < N)
                else if (isFab(t.mid - t.start))
                    for (int i = t.mid + 1; i < A.Length; i++)
                        if (A[i] == 1)
                            Tup nT = new Tup(t.mid, i, t.Depth + 1, t.start);
                            if (myFab(i) < N)
Beispiel #7
        public static Tup <T1, T2> Create(T1 item1, T2 item2)
            Tup <T1, T2> tuple = new Tup <T1, T2>()
                Item1 = item1,
                Item2 = item2

Beispiel #8
        private bool ParseDocumentFunction(Block token)

            if (token.GrammarSegment != GrammarSegment.String)
            CastRuleSet <DocumentRule>().Conditions.Add(Tup <DocumentFunction, string> .Create(DocumentFunction.RegExp, ((StringBlock)token).Value));
Beispiel #9
        public int solution(int[] A)
            // write your code in C# 5.0 with .NET 4.5 (Mono)
            int N = A.Length;

            Queue<Tup> Q = new Queue<Tup>();

            Q.Enqueue(new Tup(-1,-1,0,-4));
                Tup t = Q.Dequeue();

                if (isFab(t.mid - t.start) && isFab(N - t.mid))
                    Console.WriteLine(t.prev + " | " + t.start + " : " + t.mid + " : " + (N - t.mid));
                    return t.Depth + 1;
                else if (t.Depth == 0)
                    for (int i = t.mid + 1; i < A.Length; i++)
                        if (A[i] == 1)
                            Tup nT = new Tup(t.mid, i, t.Depth + 1, t.start);
                            if (myFab(i) < N)
                else if (isFab(t.mid - t.start))
                    for (int i = t.mid + 1; i < A.Length; i++)
                        if (A[i] == 1)
                            Tup nT = new Tup(t.mid, i, t.Depth + 1, t.start);
                            if (myFab(i) < N)

            return -1;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates normals for the OPC in opcBasePath and saves them as Normals.aara.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BuildNormals(OpcPaths opcPaths, bool overrideExisting = false, IObserver <Tup <float, string> > progress = null, CancellationToken cancelToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var normalFileName = "Normals.aara";

            var posFiles = StorageConfig.GetDirectories(opcPaths.PatchesSubDir)
                           .SelectMany(x => StorageConfig.GetFiles(x))
                           .Where(fileWpath => fileWpath.EndsWith("Positions.aara", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            foreach (var file in posFiles)
                if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    if (progress != null)
                        progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(0f, "Building normals cancelled."));

                var normalsFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), normalFileName);

                if (overrideExisting || !StorageConfig.FileExists(normalsFilePath))
                    var posAara  = AaraData.FromFile(file);
                    var tileSize = new V2i(posAara.Size[0], posAara.Size[1]);

                    var posArray = AaraData.ConvertArrayToV3ds[posAara.DataTypeAsSymbol](posAara.LoadElements());

                    var invalidPoints = OpcIndices.GetInvalidPositions(posArray);
                    var indices       = OpcIndices.ComputeIndexArray(tileSize, invalidPoints);
                    var normals       = OpcIndices.GenerateVertexNormals(indices, posArray)
                                        .Select(p => p.ToV3f()).ToArray();

                    WriteV3fArrayAsAara(normalsFilePath, normals, tileSize);

                if (progress != null)
                    progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(1f / posFiles.Count(), ""));

            if (progress != null)
Beispiel #11
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (obj == null)

                if (obj.GetType() != GetType())

                Tup <T1, T2> other = (Tup <T1, T2>)obj;

                return(Equals(Item1, other.Item1) && Equals(Item2, other.Item2));
Beispiel #12
        public static FieldCoder[] Get(int coderVersion, Type type, int version, IFieldCodeable fieldCodeAble)
            var key = Tup.Create(coderVersion, type, version);

            FieldCoder[] fieldCoderArray;
            lock (s_lock)
                if (!s_fieldCoderArrayMap.TryGetValue(key, out fieldCoderArray))
                    fieldCoderArray = fieldCodeAble.GetFieldCoders(coderVersion)
                                      .OrderBy(fc => fc.Order)
                                      .Where(fc => fc.MinVersion <= version && version <= fc.MaxVersion)
                    s_fieldCoderArrayMap[key] = fieldCoderArray;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes *.dds in an opc directory (if *.tif exists).
        /// </summary>
        public static int DeleteDDSs(OpcPaths opcPaths, IProgress <Tup <float, string> > progress = null)
            int deleteCounter = 0;

            var files = StorageConfig.GetDirectories(opcPaths.ImagesSubDir)
                        .SelectMany(x => StorageConfig.GetFiles(x))
                        .Where(x => Path.GetExtension(x) == ".dds");

            if (files.IsEmptyOrNull())
                if (progress != null)
                    progress.Report(Tup.Create(1f, "No dds images found."));

            var inc = 1f / files.Count();

            foreach (var f in files)
                string tifPath = Path.ChangeExtension(f, ".tif");
                var    msg     = "";

                if (StorageConfig.FileExists(tifPath))
                    msg = "dds file not deleted, because it doesn't have a coresponding tif file (" + f + ")";

                if (progress != null)
                    progress.Report(Tup.Create(inc, msg));

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a column in the range of rowStart to rowEnd. Warning: This is slow, because elemnts have to been seeked out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnPos">Column to read.</param>
        /// <param name="rowStart"></param>
        /// <param name="rowEnd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Array LoadColumn(int columnPos, int rowStart, int rowEnd)
            using (s_cpu_AaraDataReadMemoryStream.Timer)
                var readFun  = s_readBigFuncs[DataTypeAsSymbol];
                var byteSize = s_sizeTable[DataTypeAsSymbol];

                var rowCount   = rowEnd - rowStart;
                var byteOffset = HeaderSize + byteSize * columnPos;
                var byteStride = byteSize * NumOfColumns;

                // load from file to memory
                var chunks    = Enumerable.Range(0, rowCount).Select(i => Tup.Create((long)(byteOffset + i * byteStride), (long)byteSize));
                var memStream = Load.AsMemoryStream(SourceFileName, chunks);

                // convert from memory stream to actual data
                var r = readFun(new StreamCodeReader(memStream), rowCount);
Beispiel #15
        public static FieldCoderMap Get(int coderVersion, Type type, int version, IFieldCodeable fieldCodeAble)
            var           key = Tup.Create(coderVersion, type, version);
            FieldCoderMap fieldCoderMap;

            lock (s_lock)
                if (!s_fieldCoderMapMap.TryGetValue(key, out fieldCoderMap))
                    fieldCoderMap = new FieldCoderMap();
                    var fieldCoders = fieldCodeAble.GetFieldCoders(coderVersion)
                                      .Where(fc => fc.MinVersion <= version && version <= fc.MaxVersion);
                    foreach (var fc in fieldCoders)
                        fieldCoderMap[fc.Name] = fc.Code;
                    s_fieldCoderMapMap[key] = fieldCoderMap;
Beispiel #16
        /** Static constructor. */
        static Parser()
            FieldParser SFBool = new FieldParser(ParseSFBool);
            //FieldParser MFBool = new FieldParser(ParseMFBool);
            FieldParser SFColor    = new FieldParser(ParseSFColor);
            FieldParser MFColor    = new FieldParser(ParseMFColor);
            FieldParser SFFloat    = new FieldParser(ParseSFFloat);
            FieldParser MFFloat    = new FieldParser(ParseMFFloat);
            FieldParser SFImage    = new FieldParser(ParseSFImage);
            FieldParser SFInt32    = new FieldParser(ParseSFInt32);
            FieldParser MFInt32    = new FieldParser(ParseMFInt32);
            FieldParser SFNode     = new FieldParser(ParseSFNode);
            FieldParser MFNode     = new FieldParser(ParseMFNode);
            FieldParser SFRotation = new FieldParser(ParseSFRotation);
            FieldParser MFRotation = new FieldParser(ParseMFRotation);
            FieldParser SFString   = new FieldParser(ParseSFString);
            FieldParser MFString   = new FieldParser(ParseMFString);
            FieldParser SFTime     = new FieldParser(ParseSFFloat);
            //FieldParser MFTime = new FieldParser(ParseMFFloat);
            FieldParser SFVec2f = new FieldParser(ParseSFVec2f);
            FieldParser MFVec2f = new FieldParser(ParseMFVec2f);
            FieldParser SFVec3f = new FieldParser(ParseSFVec3f);
            FieldParser MFVec3f = new FieldParser(ParseMFVec3f);

//            Dictionary<string, Tup<FieldParser, object>> fields;

            // Lookup table for Vrml97 node types.
            // For each node type a NodeParseInfo entry specifies how
            // to handle this kind of node.
            m_parseInfoMap = new SymbolDict <NodeParseInfo>();

            // DEF
            m_parseInfoMap[Vrml97Sym.DEF] = new NodeParseInfo(new NodeParser(ParseDEF));

            // USE
            m_parseInfoMap[Vrml97Sym.USE] = new NodeParseInfo(new NodeParser(ParseUSE));

            // ROUTE
            m_parseInfoMap[Vrml97Sym.ROUTE] = new NodeParseInfo(new NodeParser(ParseROUTE));

            // NULL
            m_parseInfoMap[Vrml97Sym.NULL] = new NodeParseInfo(new NodeParser(ParseNULL));

            var defaultBBoxCenter = Tup.Create(SFVec3f, (object)V3f.Zero);
            var defaultBBoxSize   = Tup.Create(SFVec3f, (object)new V3f(-1, -1, -1));

            Func <FieldParser, object, Tup <FieldParser, object> > fdd =
                (fp, obj) => Tup.Create(fp, obj);
            Func <FieldParser, Tup <FieldParser, object> > fd =
                fp => new Tup <FieldParser, object>(fp, null);

            // Anchor
            m_parseInfoMap["Anchor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "children", fd(MFNode) },
                { "description", fd(SFString) },
                { "parameter", fd(MFString) },
                { "url", fd(MFString) },
                { "bboxCenter", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxSize", defaultBBoxSize }

            // Appearance
            m_parseInfoMap["Appearance"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "material", fd(SFNode) },
                { "texture", fd(SFNode) },
                { "textureTransform", fd(SFNode) }

            // AudioClip
            m_parseInfoMap["AudioClip"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "description", fd(SFString) },
                { "loop", fdd(SFBool, false) },
                { "pitch", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "startTime", fdd(SFTime, 0.0f) },
                { "stopTime", fdd(SFTime, 0.0f) },
                { "url", fd(MFString) }

            // Background
            m_parseInfoMap["Background"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "groundAngle", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "groundColor", fd(MFColor) },
                { "backUrl", fd(MFString) },
                { "bottomUrl", fd(MFString) },
                { "frontUrl", fd(MFString) },
                { "leftUrl", fd(MFString) },
                { "rightUrl", fd(MFString) },
                { "topUrl", fd(MFString) },
                { "skyAngle", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "skyColor", fdd(MFColor, C3f.Black) }

            // Billboard
            m_parseInfoMap["Billboard"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "axisOfRotation", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "children", fd(MFNode) },
                { "bboxCenter", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxSize", defaultBBoxSize }

            // Box
            m_parseInfoMap["Box"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "size", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f)) }

            // Collision
            m_parseInfoMap["Collision"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "children", fd(MFNode) },
                { "collide", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "bboxCenter", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxSize", defaultBBoxSize },
                { "proxy", fd(SFNode) }

            // Color
            m_parseInfoMap["Color"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "color", fd(MFColor) }

            // ColorInterpolator
            m_parseInfoMap["ColorInterpolator"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "key", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "keyValue", fd(MFColor) }

            // Cone
            m_parseInfoMap["Cone"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "bottomRadius", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "height", fdd(SFFloat, 2.0f) },
                { "side", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "bottom", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // Coordinate
            m_parseInfoMap["Coordinate"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "point", fd(MFVec3f) }

            // CoordinateInterpolator
            m_parseInfoMap["CoordinateInterpolator"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "key", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "keyValue", fd(MFVec3f) }

            // Cylinder
            m_parseInfoMap["Cylinder"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "bottom", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "height", fdd(SFFloat, 2.0f) },
                { "radius", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "side", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "top", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // CylinderSensor
            m_parseInfoMap["CylinderSensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "autoOffset", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "diskAngle", fdd(SFFloat, 0.262f) },
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "maxAngle", fdd(SFFloat, -1.0f) },
                { "minAngle", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "offset", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) }

            // DirectionalLight
            m_parseInfoMap["DirectionalLight"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "ambientIntensity", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "color", fdd(SFColor, C3f.White) },
                { "direction", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)) },
                { "intensity", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "on", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // ElevationGrid
            m_parseInfoMap["ElevationGrid"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "color", fd(SFNode) },
                { "normal", fd(SFNode) },
                { "texCoord", fd(SFNode) },
                { "height", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "ccw", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "colorPerVertex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "creaseAngle", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "normalPerVertex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "solid", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "xDimension", fdd(SFInt32, 0) },
                { "xSpacing", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "zDimension", fdd(SFInt32, 0) },
                { "zSpacing", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) }

            // Extrusion
            m_parseInfoMap["Extrusion"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "beginCap", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "ccw", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "convex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "creaseAngle", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "crossSection", fdd(MFVec2f, new List <V2f>()
                        new V2f(1.0f, 1.0f), new V2f(1.0f, -1.0f), new V2f(-1.0f, -1.0f), new V2f(-1.0f, 1.0f), new V2f(1.0f, 1.0f)
                    }) },
                { "endCap", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "orientation", fdd(MFRotation, new V4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "scale", fdd(MFVec2f, new V2f(1.0f, 1.0f)) },
                { "solid", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "spine", fdd(MFVec3f, new List <V3f>()
                        V3f.Zero, new V3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
                    }) }

            // Fog
            m_parseInfoMap["Fog"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "color", fdd(SFColor, C3f.White) },
                { "fogType", fdd(SFString, "LINEAR") },
                { "visibilityRange", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) }

            // FontStyle
            m_parseInfoMap["FontStyle"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "family", fdd(MFString, "SERIF") },
                { "horizontal", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "justify", fdd(MFString, "BEGIN") },
                { "language", fd(SFString) },
                { "leftToRight", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "size", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "spacing", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "style", fdd(SFString, "PLAIN") },
                { "topToBottom", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // Group
            m_parseInfoMap["Group"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "children", fd(MFNode) },
                { "bboxCenter", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxSize", defaultBBoxSize }

            // ImageTexture
            m_parseInfoMap["ImageTexture"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "url", fd(MFString) },
                { "repeatS", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "repeatT", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // IndexedFaceSet
            m_parseInfoMap["IndexedFaceSet"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "color", fd(SFNode) },
                { "coord", fd(SFNode) },
                { "normal", fd(SFNode) },
                { "texCoord", fd(SFNode) },
                { "ccw", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "colorIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "colorPerVertex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "convex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "coordIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "creaseAngle", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "normalIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "normalPerVertex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "solid", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "texCoordIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "edgeSharpness", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "edgeSharpnessIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "neighborMesh", fd(MFString) },
                { "neighborIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "neighborSide", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "neighborFace", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "meshName", fd(SFString) },
                { "topologyHoles", fd(SFInt32) }

            // IndexedLineSet
            m_parseInfoMap["IndexedLineSet"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "color", fd(SFNode) },
                { "coord", fd(SFNode) },
                { "colorIndex", fd(MFInt32) },
                { "colorPerVertex", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "coordIndex", fd(MFInt32) }

            // Inline
            m_parseInfoMap["Inline"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "url", fd(MFString) },
                { "bboxCenter", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxSize", defaultBBoxSize }

            // LOD
            m_parseInfoMap["LOD"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "level", fd(MFNode) },
                { "center", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "range", fd(MFFloat) }

            // Material
            m_parseInfoMap["Material"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "ambientIntensity", fdd(SFFloat, 0.2f) },
                { "diffuseColor", fdd(SFColor, new C3f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f)) },
                { "emissiveColor", fdd(SFColor, C3f.Black) },
                { "shininess", fdd(SFFloat, 0.2f) },
                { "specularColor", fdd(SFColor, C3f.Black) },
                { "transparency", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) }

            // MovieTexture
            m_parseInfoMap["MovieTexture"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "loop", fdd(SFBool, false) },
                { "speed", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "startTime", fdd(SFTime, 1.0f) },
                { "stopTime", fdd(SFTime, 1.0f) },
                { "url", fd(MFString) },
                { "repeatS", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "repeatT", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // NavigationInfo
            m_parseInfoMap["NavigationInfo"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "avatarSize", fdd(MFFloat, new List <float>()
                        0.25f, 1.6f, 0.75f
                    }) },
                { "headlight", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "speed", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "type", fdd(MFString, new List <string>()
                        "WALK", "ANY"
                    }) },
                { "visibilityLimit", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) }

            // Normal
            m_parseInfoMap["Normal"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "vector", fd(MFVec3f) }

            // NormalInterpolator
            m_parseInfoMap["NormalInterpolator"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "key", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "keyValue", fd(MFVec3f) }

            // OrientationInterpolator
            m_parseInfoMap["OrientationInterpolator"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "key", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "keyValue", fd(MFRotation) }

            // PixelTexture
            m_parseInfoMap["PixelTexture"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "image", fdd(SFImage, new List <uint>()
                        0, 0, 0
                    }) },
                { "repeatS", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "repeatT", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // PlaneSensor
            m_parseInfoMap["PlaneSensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "autoOffset", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "maxPosition", fdd(SFVec2f, new V2f(-1.0f, -1.0f)) },
                { "minPosition", fdd(SFVec2f, V2f.Zero) },
                { "offset", defaultBBoxCenter }

            // PointLight
            m_parseInfoMap["PointLight"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "ambientIntensity", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "attenuation", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "color", fdd(SFColor, C3f.White) },
                { "intensity", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "location", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "on", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "radius", fdd(SFFloat, 100.0f) }

            // PointSet
            m_parseInfoMap["PointSet"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "color", fd(SFNode) },
                { "coord", fd(SFNode) }

            // PositionInterpolator
            m_parseInfoMap["PositionInterpolator"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "key", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "keyValue", fd(MFVec3f) }

            // ProximitySensor
            m_parseInfoMap["ProximitySensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "center", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "size", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // ScalarInterpolator
            m_parseInfoMap["ScalarInterpolator"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "key", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "keyValue", fd(MFFloat) }

            // Script
            // skipped

            // Shape
            m_parseInfoMap["Shape"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "appearance", fd(SFNode) },
                { "geometry", fd(SFNode) },

            // Sound
            m_parseInfoMap["Sound"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "direction", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) },
                { "intensity", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "location", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "maxBack", fdd(SFFloat, 10.0f) },
                { "maxFront", fdd(SFFloat, 10.0f) },
                { "minBack", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "minFront", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "priority", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "source", fd(SFNode) },
                { "spatialize", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // Sphere
            m_parseInfoMap["Sphere"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "radius", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) }

            // SphereSensor
            m_parseInfoMap["SphereSensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "autoOffset", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "offset", fdd(SFRotation, new V4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) }

            // SpotLight
            m_parseInfoMap["SpotLight"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "ambientIntensity", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "attenuation", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "beamWidth", fdd(SFFloat, 1.570796f) },
                { "color", fdd(SFColor, C3f.White) },
                { "cutOffAngle", fdd(SFFloat, 0.785398f) },
                { "direction", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)) },
                { "intensity", fdd(SFFloat, 1.0f) },
                { "location", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "on", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "radius", fdd(SFFloat, 100.0f) }

            // Switch
            m_parseInfoMap["Switch"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "choice", fd(MFNode) },
                { "whichChoice", fdd(SFInt32, -1) }

            // Text
            m_parseInfoMap["Text"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "string", fd(MFString) },
                { "fontStyle", fd(SFNode) },
                { "length", fd(MFFloat) },
                { "maxExtent", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) }

            // TextureCoordinate
            m_parseInfoMap["TextureCoordinate"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "point", fd(MFVec2f) }

            // TextureTransform
            m_parseInfoMap["TextureTransform"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "center", fdd(SFVec2f, V2f.Zero) },
                { "rotation", fdd(SFFloat, 0.0f) },
                { "scale", fdd(SFVec2f, new V2f(1.0f, 1.0f)) },
                { "translation", fdd(SFVec2f, V2f.Zero) }

            // TimeSensor
            m_parseInfoMap["TimeSensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "cycleInterval", fdd(SFTime, 1.0f) },
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "loop", fdd(SFBool, false) },
                { "startTime", fdd(SFTime, 0.0f) },
                { "stopTime", fdd(SFTime, 0.0f) }

            // TouchSensor
            m_parseInfoMap["TouchSensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) }

            // Transform
            m_parseInfoMap["Transform"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "center", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "children", fd(MFNode) },
                { "rotation", fdd(SFRotation, new V4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "scale", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) },
                { "scaleOrientation", fdd(SFRotation, new V4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "translation", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxCenter", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "bboxSize", defaultBBoxSize }

            // Viewpoint
            m_parseInfoMap["Viewpoint"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "fieldOfView", fdd(SFFloat, 0.785398f) },
                { "jump", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "orientation", fdd(SFRotation, new V4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) },
                { "position", fdd(SFVec3f, new V3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)) },
                { "description", fd(SFString) }

            // VisibilitySensor
            m_parseInfoMap["VisibilitySensor"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "center", defaultBBoxCenter },
                { "enabled", fdd(SFBool, true) },
                { "size", defaultBBoxCenter }

            // WorldInfo
            m_parseInfoMap["WorldInfo"] = new NodeParseInfo(
                new SymbolDict <Tup <FieldParser, object> >()
                { "title", fd(SFString) },
                { "info", fd(MFString) }
Beispiel #17
        public static void Add(
            Type type, int version,
            Type targetType, Type newestType,
            Action <Convertible, Convertible> converter)
            lock (s_lock)
                TypeInfo.Add(type, version);
                TypeInfo typeInfo = TypeInfo.OfType[type];

                List <Type> oldTypes;
                if (s_oldTypeListOfType.TryGetValue(typeInfo.Type,
                                                    out oldTypes))
                    foreach (var oldType in oldTypes)

                Tup <string, Action <Convertible, Convertible> > conversion;
                if (s_conversionOfTargetType.TryGetValue(typeInfo.Type,
                                                         out conversion))
                    Converter.Global.Register(conversion.E0, typeInfo.Name, conversion.E1);

                if (newestType == null)

                TypeInfo newestTypeInfo;
                if (!TypeInfo.OfType.TryGetValue(newestType, out newestTypeInfo))
                    List <Type> oldTypeList;
                    if (!s_oldTypeListOfType.TryGetValue(newestType, out oldTypeList))
                        oldTypeList = new List <Type>();
                        s_oldTypeListOfType.Add(newestType, oldTypeList);

                TypeInfo targetTypeInfo;
                if (!TypeInfo.OfType.TryGetValue(targetType, out targetTypeInfo))
                                                 Tup.Create(typeInfo.Name, converter));
                    Converter.Global.Register(typeInfo.Name, targetTypeInfo.Name, converter);
Beispiel #18
        public override void InitialiseControl(Control control, Type dataType)
            Tup b = CanHandle2(control, dataType);

            b.Binder.InitialiseControl(control, dataType);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds look up table for profile "intersection" in 2d data.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BuildLookUpTable(OpcPaths opcPaths, bool overrideExisting = false, IObserver <Tup <float, string> > progress = null, CancellationToken cancelToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (!overrideExisting && StorageConfig.FileExists(opcPaths.ProfileLutPath))
                if (progress != null)
                    progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(1f, ""));
                Report.Line("LookUpTable already exists at {0}", opcPaths.ProfileLutPath);

            // PatchHierarchyInfo
            var info = PatchHierarchyInfo.BuildOrLoadCache(opcPaths);


            // Level 0 Patches
            var lvl0Patches =

            if (progress != null)
                progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(.1f, ""));

            // group by BB-2d: Min-X, Max-X
            var patchesGroupedByBB = lvl0Patches
                                     .GroupBy(patchTree => Tup.Create(patchTree.Info.GlobalBoundingBox2d.Min.X, patchTree.Info.GlobalBoundingBox2d.Max.X)).ToArray();

            var entries = new List <ProfileLookUpTableEntry>();

            #region Create ProfileLookUpTableEntries

            for (int index = 0; index < patchesGroupedByBB.Count(); index++)
                if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    if (progress != null)
                        progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(0f, "Building LookUpTabele cancelled."));

                //sort patches according to their b (sv_b_r) value
                var patchesGroupedBySvBR = patchesGroupedByBB[index]
                                           .OrderBy(k => k.Info.GlobalBoundingBox2d.Min.Y);

                var fileHandleList = new List <PatchFileHandle>();
                #region build PatchFileHandles

                foreach (var patchTree in patchesGroupedBySvBR)
                    if (patchTree.Info.Positions2d.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        Report.Warn("ProfileLutCreation: Skipping Patchtree {0}, because of missing 2d positions.", patchTree.Id);
                        if (progress != null)
                            progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(0f, "ProfileLutCreation: Skipping Patchtree " + patchTree.Id + ", because of missing 2d positions."));
                    var pos2dPath = patchTree.GetPositionPath(PositionsType.V2dPositions);

                    //CAUTION absolute path needs to be repaired during loading
                    var file = AaraData.FromFile(pos2dPath);
                    file.SourceFileName = string.Empty;

                    fileHandleList.Add(new PatchFileHandle()
                        PatchTree  = patchTree,
                        FileLoader = file,


                // Create ProfileLookupTableEntries
                var firstPatchBB = patchesGroupedBySvBR.First().Info.GlobalBoundingBox2d;
                entries.Add(new ProfileLookUpTableEntry()
                    Index       = index,
                    SvRange     = new Range1d(firstPatchBB.Min.X, firstPatchBB.Max.X),
                    FileHandles = fileHandleList,

                var progressInc = 0.8f / patchesGroupedByBB.Count();
                if (progress != null)
                    progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(progressInc, ""));


            #region Save LUT

            var lut = new ProfileLookUpTable()
                SvRange        = new Range1d(info.PatchTree.Info.GlobalBoundingBox2d.Min.X, info.PatchTree.Info.GlobalBoundingBox2d.Max.X),
                Entries        = entries,
                AvgGeomtrySize = info.AvgGeometrySizes.First()



            if (progress != null)
                progress.OnNext(Tup.Create(0.1f, ""));
Beispiel #20
 public TupGrouping(TKey1 key1, TKey2 key2, IEnumerable <TElement> elements)
     Key      = new Tup <TKey1, TKey2>(key1, key2);
     Elements = elements;
Beispiel #21
        public void DetailedSortTests(int arrayCount, int minimalCount, double countFactor)
            // re-order this array to see certain results first
            var arrayCreators = new Func <long, SortArray>[]
                c => new SortArray <int>(c, i => (int)i, ICmp),
                c => new SortArray <long>(c, i => i, LCmp),
                c => new SortArray <float>(c, i => i, FCmp),
                c => new SortArray <double>(c, i => i, DCmp),
                c => new FunSortArray <V2d>(c, i => new V2d(0, i), V2dCmp),
                c => new FunSortArray <V3d>(c, i => new V3d(0, 0, i), V3dCmp),

                c => new PermSortArray <int, int>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => (int)i, ICmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <int, long>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => i, LCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <int, float>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => i, FCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <int, double>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => i, DCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <int, V2d>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => new V2d(0, i), V2dCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <int, V3d>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => new V3d(0, 0, i), V3dCmp),

                c => new PermSortArray <long, int>(c, i => i, i => i, i => (int)i, ICmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <long, long>(c, i => i, i => i, i => i, LCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <long, float>(c, i => i, i => i, i => i, FCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <long, double>(c, i => i, i => i, i => i, DCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <long, V2d>(c, i => i, i => i, i => new V2d(0, i), V2dCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <long, V3d>(c, i => i, i => i, i => new V3d(0, 0, i), V3dCmp),

            const int seed = 19680713;

            Action <long[], long, long, long, double> randomFraction = (a, count, repeat, total, fraction) =>
                var rc  = (long)(count * fraction);
                var rnd = new RandomSystem(seed);
                for (long s = 0; s < total; s += count)
                    for (long r = rc; r > 0; r--)
                        long i = -1; do
                            i = s + rnd.UniformLong(count);
                        } while (a[i] < 0);
                        long j = -1; do
                            j = s + rnd.UniformLong(count);
                        } while (j == i);
                        var aj = a[j]; if (aj >= 0)
                            --r; aj = -1 - aj;
                        var ai = -1 - a[i]; a[i] = aj; a[j] = ai;
                a.Apply(v => v < 0 ? -1 - v : v);

            // re-order this array to see certain results first
            var initializers = new Initializer[]
                new Initializer("randomized", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); new RandomSystem(seed).Randomize(a, t); }),
                new Initializer("sorted", (a, c, r, t) => a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i)),
                new Initializer("sorted, 1% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.01); }),
                new Initializer("sorted, 10% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.1); }),
                new Initializer("sorted, 30% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.3); }),
                new Initializer("reversed", (a, c, r, t) => a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i)),
                new Initializer("reversed, 1% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.01); }),
                new Initializer("reversed, 10% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.1); }),
                new Initializer("reversed, 30% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.3); }),
                new Initializer("all equal", (a, c, r, t) => a.Set(t, 0)),

            var sortNames = new Symbol[] { HeapSort, QuickSort, SmoothSort, TimSort };
            var sorters   = new Sorter[]
                new SimpleSorter <int>       (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),

                new SimpleSorter <int>       (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),

                new SimpleSorter <int>       (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),

                new SimpleSorter <int>       (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),

            var trialCounts = new List <long>();

            for (double doubleCount = minimalCount; doubleCount < 0.5 + arrayCount; doubleCount *= countFactor)

            var sorterMap = new Dict <(Symbol, Type, Type, bool), Sorter>(
                from s in sorters select KeyValuePairs.Create((s.Name, s.PermType, s.Type, s.UseCmp), s));

            var master = new long[arrayCount];

            foreach (var creator in arrayCreators)
                var sortArray = creator(arrayCount);
                var type      = sortArray.Type;
                var permType  = sortArray.PermType;
                var useCmp    = sortArray.UseCmp;
                foreach (var initializer in initializers)
                    string permText    = permType == null ? "" : String.Format("{0} permuted ", permType.Name);
                    string sectionText = String.Format("{0}{1} {2}s", permText, initializer.Name, type.Name);
                    var results = new Tup <long, double> [sortNames.Length, trialCounts.Count];
                    trialCounts.ForEach((trialCount, tci) =>
                        Test.Begin("array size {0}", trialCount);
                        var trialRepeat = arrayCount / trialCount;
                        var totalCount  = trialRepeat * trialCount;
                        initializer.Init(master, trialCount, trialRepeat, totalCount);
                        for (int si = 0; si < sortNames.Length; si++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < sortNames.Length; i++)
                                var sni    = (si + i) % sortNames.Length;
                                var sorter = sorterMap[(sortNames[sni], permType, type, useCmp)];
                                sortArray.CopyFrom(master, totalCount);
                                Report.BeginTimed("{0} sorting {1}x {2} {3}s",
                                                  sorter.Name, trialRepeat, trialCount, type.Name);
                                sortArray.Sort(sorter.SortFunction, trialCount, trialRepeat);
                                var time              = Report.End();
                                results[sni, tci].E0 += totalCount;
                                results[sni, tci].E1 += time;
                                sortArray.Test(Test.IsTrue, trialCount, trialRepeat);
                        Test.End(" [{0}x]", sortNames.LongLength * trialRepeat);