Beispiel #1
    public static void ParseTest()
        Tsvio		tsvio		= new Tsvio ( Tsvio.Mode.TreeText );
        TextAsset	txt			= Resources.Load ("Tsv/TreeTextSample", typeof(TextAsset) ) as TextAsset;
        string		tsv_text	= Encoding.UTF8.GetString ( txt.bytes );

        tsvio.debugMode		= false;
        tsvio.debugParsing	= true;

        // Parse the tree structured tsv.
        if ( tsvio.Parse ( tsv_text ) )
            // GetAttributes sample

            // Get the tsv element's attribute by selector string.
            string[] res = tsvio.GetAttributes ("TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line");

            if ( res != null )

                // Attributes was given as string[].
                Debug.Log ("attributes: " + string.Join (", ", res) );


            // If element have the same name more than one target, you can select one by index.
            res = tsvio.GetAttributes ("TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[1]");

            if ( res != null )

                // Attributes was given as string[].
                Debug.Log ("attributes: " + string.Join (", ", res) );


            // GetElement sample

            // This case is to get the root element.
            TsvElement elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample");

            if ( elem != null )

                // Access attribute in the element.
                Debug.Log ("Element attributes: " + string.Join (", ", elem.attr) );


            // Get the elements having multi line string.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample > String sample > Multiple");

            if ( elem != null )

                // Multi-line string is set on other buffer "multistr".
                Debug.Log ("Element multiline: " + elem.multistr);


            // Be able to get the child elements.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample > String sample");

            if ( elem != null )

                // Caution! If you accessed elements directly, Then must be added to index of the List. like [0]
                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[0]"
                Debug.Log ("Element array access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr) );

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[1]"
                Debug.Log ("Element array access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr) );


            // And, You can access directly by the indexer.
            // This sample is same to GetElement("TreeTextSample > String sample")
            elem = tsvio.rootObject["TreeTextSample > String sample"];

            if ( elem != null )

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[0]"
                Debug.Log ("Direct access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr) );

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[1]"
                Debug.Log ("Direct access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr) );


            // Ways of add elements, and SaveTo sample

            // Add element to current tree.
            string[]	attributes	= new string[]{"This", "is", "added", "element."};
            TsvElement	addElem		= Tsvio.CreateElement( attributes );

            // Child element add to the parent element.
            addElem.AddTo ("AddToSample", tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample"));

            // Child element add from the parent element.
            tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample").AddChild ( "AddChildSample", addElem );

            // Get root object. ( Elements list dictionary. )
            TsvElement root = tsvio.rootObject;

            // Make new tree in root.
            root["NewHeader(only header)"] = Tsvio.CreateElement ();	// Only header
            root["NewHeader(with attributes)"] = Tsvio.CreateElement (new string[]{"Attribute", "Sample"}); // With attributes

            // Make new tree with new levels.
            root["AAAAA>BBBBB>CCCCC>DDDDD>EEEEE"] = Tsvio.CreateElement ("This is multi line string.\nNew line test.\nNew level making sample.");

            string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/test.tsv";
            tsvio.SaveTo ( path );

            Debug.Log ("Sample TSV saved to " + path);
            Debug.Log ("Check out the written tsv!");

            // If you want get only text from the TreeText,
            // then call ToString () and be use the returned value.
            string treeToStr = tsvio.ToString (); // or tsvio.TreeToString ()

            // Your customize (encrypt etc...) and your save method add to here.

     *	@brief	TreeText i/o example
    void TreeTextExample()
        // Please check the "Tsv/TreeTextExample.tsv".
        Tsvio		tsvio		= new Tsvio ( Tsvio.Mode.TreeText );
        string		path		= "Tsv/TreeTextExample";
        TextAsset	txt			= Resources.Load (path, typeof(TextAsset) ) as TextAsset;
        string		tsv_text	= Encoding.UTF8.GetString ( txt.bytes );

        parseResult = new StringBuilder ();

        // If you want to see the console messages, then set to true below.
        tsvio.debugMode		= false;

        // Set log function callback.
        tsvio.DelegateLog = AppendLog;

        AppendLog (
            "***************************\n" +
            "The loaded elements tree made for debugging.\n" +
            "Please open the example tsv file from "+ path +".\n" +
            "and, Compare tree in the hierarchy tab.\n" +

        // For example project.
        if ( debugTree != null )

            debugTree.Clear ();


            debugTree = new TsvElementDebug ();


        // Parse the tree structured tsv string.
        if ( tsvio.Parse ( tsv_text ) )
            // Set Element tree visualize debug by the GameObjects tree.
            debugTree.Parse ( tsvio.rootObject, "[Tsvio] Root", null );

            // GetAttributes example

            // Get the tsv element's attribute by selector string.
            string[] res = tsvio.GetAttributes ("TreeTextExample > String example > Single line");

            if ( res != null )

                // Attributes was given as string[].
                AppendLog ("attributes: " + string.Join (", ", res) );


            // If element have the same name more than one target, you can select one by index.
            res = tsvio.GetAttributes ("TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[1]");

            if ( res != null )

                // Attributes was given as string[].
                AppendLog ("attributes: " + string.Join (", ", res) );


            // GetElement example

            // This case is to get the first level element.
            TsvElement elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample");

            if ( elem != null )

                // Access attribute in the element.
                AppendLog ("Element attributes: " + string.Join (", ", elem.attr) );


            // Get the elements having multi line string.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample > String example > Multiple");

            if ( elem != null )

                // Multi-line string is set on other buffer "multistr".
                AppendLog ("Element multiline: " + elem.multistr);


            // Be able to get the child elements.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample > String example");

            if ( elem != null )

                // Caution! If you accessed elements directly, Then must be added to index of the List. like [0]
                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[0]"
                AppendLog ("Element array access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr) );

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[1]"
                AppendLog ("Element array access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr) );


            // And, You can access directly by the TsvElements indexer.
            // This example is same to GetElement("TreeTextExample > String example")
            elem = tsvio.rootObject["TreeTextExample > String example"];

            if ( elem != null )

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[0]"
                AppendLog ("Direct access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr) );

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[1]"
                AppendLog ("Direct access: " + string.Join (", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr) );


            // Ways of add elements, and SaveTo example

            // Add element to current tree.
            string[]	attributes	= new string[]{"This", "is", "added", "element."};
            TsvElement	addElem		= Tsvio.CreateElement( attributes );

            // Child element add to the parent element. ( Call from the child element to the parent element. )
            // This time use the loaded tsv continued.
            addElem.AddTo ("AddToExample", tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample"));
            // [Root]
            // |
            // +-- TreeTextExample
            //     |
            //     +-- AddToExample

            // Child element add from the parent element. ( Call from the parent element to the child element. )
            tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample").AddChild ( "AddChildExample", addElem );
            // [Root]
            // |
            // +-- TreeTextExample
            //     |
            //     +-- AddToExample
            //     |
            //     +-- AddChildExample

            // Get root object. ( Elements list dictionary. )
            TsvElement root = tsvio.rootObject;

            // Make new tree in root.
            root["NewHeader(only header)"] = Tsvio.CreateElement ();	// Only header
            root["NewHeader(with attributes)"] = Tsvio.CreateElement (new string[]{"Attribute\t\n", "Example"}); // With attributes

            // Make new tree levels.
            // If not found an element of a key in the selector, Tsvio will create there keys.
            root["AAAAA > BBBBB > CCCCC > DDDDD > EEEEE"] = Tsvio.CreateElement ("This is multi line string.\nNew level making example.");

            path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/TreeWriteExample.tsv";
            tsvio.SaveTo ( path );

            AppendLog ("Example TSV saved to " + path + "\nPlease check the written tsv!");

            // If you want get only text from the TreeText,
            // then call ToString () and be use the returned value.
            //string treeToStr = tsvio.ToString (); // or tsvio.TreeToString ()

            // Your customize (encrypt etc...) and your save method add to here.
            //treeToStr = YourEncrypt (treeToStr);
            //YourSave (treeToStr);

Beispiel #3
    public static void ParseTest()
        Tsvio     tsvio    = new Tsvio(Tsvio.Mode.TreeText);
        TextAsset txt      = Resources.Load("Tsv/TreeTextSample", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        string    tsv_text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(txt.bytes);

        tsvio.debugMode    = false;
        tsvio.debugParsing = true;

        // Parse the tree structured tsv.
        if (tsvio.Parse(tsv_text))
            // GetAttributes sample

            // Get the tsv element's attribute by selector string.
            string[] res = tsvio.GetAttributes("TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line");

            if (res != null)
                // Attributes was given as string[].
                Debug.Log("attributes: " + string.Join(", ", res));

            // If element have the same name more than one target, you can select one by index.
            res = tsvio.GetAttributes("TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[1]");

            if (res != null)
                // Attributes was given as string[].
                Debug.Log("attributes: " + string.Join(", ", res));

            // GetElement sample

            // This case is to get the root element.
            TsvElement elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample");

            if (elem != null)
                // Access attribute in the element.
                Debug.Log("Element attributes: " + string.Join(", ", elem.attr));

            // Get the elements having multi line string.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample > String sample > Multiple");

            if (elem != null)
                // Multi-line string is set on other buffer "multistr".
                Debug.Log("Element multiline: " + elem.multistr);

            // Be able to get the child elements.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample > String sample");

            if (elem != null)
                // Caution! If you accessed elements directly, Then must be added to index of the List. like [0]
                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[0]"
                Debug.Log("Element array access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr));

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[1]"
                Debug.Log("Element array access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr));

            // And, You can access directly by the indexer.
            // This sample is same to GetElement("TreeTextSample > String sample")
            elem = tsvio.rootObject["TreeTextSample > String sample"];

            if (elem != null)
                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[0]"
                Debug.Log("Direct access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr));

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextSample > String sample > Single line[1]"
                Debug.Log("Direct access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr));

            // Ways of add elements, and SaveTo sample

            // Add element to current tree.
            string[]   attributes = new string[] { "This", "is", "added", "element." };
            TsvElement addElem    = Tsvio.CreateElement(attributes);

            // Child element add to the parent element.
            addElem.AddTo("AddToSample", tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample"));

            // Child element add from the parent element.
            tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextSample").AddChild("AddChildSample", addElem);

            // Get root object. ( Elements list dictionary. )
            TsvElement root = tsvio.rootObject;

            // Make new tree in root.
            root["NewHeader(only header)"]     = Tsvio.CreateElement();                                       // Only header
            root["NewHeader(with attributes)"] = Tsvio.CreateElement(new string[] { "Attribute", "Sample" }); // With attributes

            // Make new tree with new levels.
            root["AAAAA>BBBBB>CCCCC>DDDDD>EEEEE"] = Tsvio.CreateElement("This is multi line string.\nNew line test.\nNew level making sample.");

            string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/test.tsv";

            Debug.Log("Sample TSV saved to " + path);
            Debug.Log("Check out the written tsv!");

            // If you want get only text from the TreeText,
            // then call ToString () and be use the returned value.
            string treeToStr = tsvio.ToString();              // or tsvio.TreeToString ()

            // Your customize (encrypt etc...) and your save method add to here.
Beispiel #4

     *	@brief	TreeText i/o example
    void TreeTextExample()
        // Please check the "Tsv/TreeTextExample.tsv".
        Tsvio     tsvio    = new Tsvio(Tsvio.Mode.TreeText);
        string    path     = "Tsv/TreeTextExample";
        TextAsset txt      = Resources.Load(path, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        string    tsv_text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(txt.bytes);

        parseResult = new StringBuilder();

        // If you want to see the console messages, then set to true below.
        tsvio.debugMode = false;

        // Set log function callback.
        tsvio.DelegateLog = AppendLog;

            "***************************\n" +
            "The loaded elements tree made for debugging.\n" +
            "Please open the example tsv file from " + path + ".\n" +
            "and, Compare tree in the hierarchy tab.\n" +

        // For example project.
        if (debugTree != null)
            debugTree = new TsvElementDebug();

        // Parse the tree structured tsv string.
        if (tsvio.Parse(tsv_text))
            // Set Element tree visualize debug by the GameObjects tree.
            debugTree.Parse(tsvio.rootObject, "[Tsvio] Root", null);

            // GetAttributes example

            // Get the tsv element's attribute by selector string.
            string[] res = tsvio.GetAttributes("TreeTextExample > String example > Single line");

            if (res != null)
                // Attributes was given as string[].
                AppendLog("attributes: " + string.Join(", ", res));

            // If element have the same name more than one target, you can select one by index.
            res = tsvio.GetAttributes("TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[1]");

            if (res != null)
                // Attributes was given as string[].
                AppendLog("attributes: " + string.Join(", ", res));

            // GetElement example

            // This case is to get the first level element.
            TsvElement elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample");

            if (elem != null)
                // Access attribute in the element.
                AppendLog("Element attributes: " + string.Join(", ", elem.attr));

            // Get the elements having multi line string.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample > String example > Multiple");

            if (elem != null)
                // Multi-line string is set on other buffer "multistr".
                AppendLog("Element multiline: " + elem.multistr);

            // Be able to get the child elements.
            elem = tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample > String example");

            if (elem != null)
                // Caution! If you accessed elements directly, Then must be added to index of the List. like [0]
                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[0]"
                AppendLog("Element array access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr));

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[1]"
                AppendLog("Element array access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr));

            // And, You can access directly by the TsvElements indexer.
            // This example is same to GetElement("TreeTextExample > String example")
            elem = tsvio.rootObject["TreeTextExample > String example"];

            if (elem != null)
                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[0]"
                AppendLog("Direct access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][0].attr));

                // This element is same as selector of "TreeTextExample > String example > Single line[1]"
                AppendLog("Direct access: " + string.Join(", ", elem.childs["Single line"][1].attr));

            // Ways of add elements, and SaveTo example

            // Add element to current tree.
            string[]   attributes = new string[] { "This", "is", "added", "element." };
            TsvElement addElem    = Tsvio.CreateElement(attributes);

            // Child element add to the parent element. ( Call from the child element to the parent element. )
            // This time use the loaded tsv continued.
            addElem.AddTo("AddToExample", tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample"));
            // [Root]
            // |
            // +-- TreeTextExample
            //     |
            //     +-- AddToExample

            // Child element add from the parent element. ( Call from the parent element to the child element. )
            tsvio.GetElement("TreeTextExample").AddChild("AddChildExample", addElem);
            // [Root]
            // |
            // +-- TreeTextExample
            //     |
            //     +-- AddToExample
            //     |
            //     +-- AddChildExample

            // Get root object. ( Elements list dictionary. )
            TsvElement root = tsvio.rootObject;

            // Make new tree in root.
            root["NewHeader(only header)"]     = Tsvio.CreateElement();                                            // Only header
            root["NewHeader(with attributes)"] = Tsvio.CreateElement(new string[] { "Attribute\t\n", "Example" }); // With attributes

            // Make new tree levels.
            // If not found an element of a key in the selector, Tsvio will create there keys.
            root["AAAAA > BBBBB > CCCCC > DDDDD > EEEEE"] = Tsvio.CreateElement("This is multi line string.\nNew level making example.");

            path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/TreeWriteExample.tsv";

            AppendLog("Example TSV saved to " + path + "\nPlease check the written tsv!");

            // If you want get only text from the TreeText,
            // then call ToString () and be use the returned value.
            //string treeToStr = tsvio.ToString (); // or tsvio.TreeToString ()

            // Your customize (encrypt etc...) and your save method add to here.
            //treeToStr = YourEncrypt (treeToStr);
            //YourSave (treeToStr);