Beispiel #1
        //this method is called when the user clicks the Forecast Run button
        //depending on the user input it a) creates the forecasts b) creates the simulations c) calls the plot1() plot2() and plot(3) methods
        private void ForecastRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor old = this.Cursor;
            this.Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting;
            //getting all the information we need about the model
            int mposition = 0;

            mposition = Mdgv.SelectedRows[0].Index;
            int           nar      = 0;
            int           nma      = 0;
            int           nd       = 0;
            int           narchp   = 0;
            int           narchq   = 0;
            bool          subtmean = false;
            string        transform;
            double        shape;
            List <double> armaestimates  = new List <double>();
            List <double> garchestimates = new List <double>();
            double        v = 0;

            nar      = Modellist[mposition].P;
            nma      = Modellist[mposition].Q;
            nd       = Modellist[mposition].D;
            subtmean = Modellist[mposition].Subtractmean;
            v        = Modellist[mposition].Variance;
            narchp   = Modellist[mposition].archP;
            narchq   = Modellist[mposition].archQ;
            for (int i = 0; i < nar + nma; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < narchp + narchq + 1; i++)
            transform = Modellist[mposition].Transformtype;
            shape     = Modellist[mposition].Transformshape;
            //temporary lists used in plot2
            List <double>         p2listf       = new List <double>();
            List <double>         p2lista       = new List <double>();
            List <List <double> > p3simulations = new List <List <double> >();
            List <List <double> > p3lists       = new List <List <double> >();
            int simulations = 100;

            //TSeries will contain the data - if the model transform is either Iterative or Weibull it will be transformed, otherwise it will be the unadjusted data
            //Data will contain the info for the first graph i.e. the object on which the models were calibrated. This could be the original data, transformed data, transformed data - mean, differenced data

            //setup the variables for the forecast
            int nsteps = (int)this.numericUpDown1.Value;
            int point  = (int)this.numericUpDown2.Value;

            //now do the forecast for the first graph
            List <double> forecast = P.predictnstepsahead(data, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point);
            List <double> actual   = new List <double>();
            int           counter  = 0;

            while ((point - 1 + counter < data.Count()) && (counter <= nsteps))
                actual.Add(this.Data[point - 1 + counter]);

            //now draw the first plot
            plot1(forecast, actual, nsteps, point);

            //if the time series is differenced then we need to calculate the forecast and actual values for the original series
            //and then undo the transform
            List <double> forecastD = new List <double>();
            List <double> actualD   = new List <double>();

            if (nd > 0)
                //Note if we assume d = 1, then we need to start with "point+1" for the forecasts in plot 1 and plot 2 to commence at the exact
                //same time point. This is due to differencing and the inclusion of a 0 in the predictnstepsaheadDD function for convention.
                //Hence, if d = 2 or larger, then the time points on the two graphs may not coincide exactly.

                //creating the forecast if we have an ARIMA model
                List <double> temp = P.predictnstepsaheadDD(Tseries, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point + 1, nd);
                foreach (double dd in temp)

                //creating a list to hold the actual data if we have an ARIMA model
                counter = 0;
                while ((point + counter < Tseries.Count()) && (counter <= nsteps))
                    actualD.Add(this.Tseries[point + counter]);

            if ((transform == "Iterative") || (transform == "Weibull") || (subtmean == true))
                double m = 0;
                if (subtmean == true)
                    m = P.avg(Tseries);

                //if i in the ARIMA model is >0 then we want to work with forecastD and actualD lists
                if (nd > 0)
                    List <double> tempA = P.unwind(forecastD, transform, shape, m);
                    List <double> tempB = P.unwind(actualD, transform, shape, m);
                    foreach (double dd in tempA)
                    foreach (double dd in tempB)
                    List <double> tempA = P.unwind(forecast, transform, shape, m);
                    List <double> tempB = P.unwind(actual, transform, shape, m);
                    foreach (double dd in tempA)
                    foreach (double dd in tempB)

                plot2(p2listf, p2lista, nsteps, point);

            //ARMAsimulations with nd = 0
            if ((nd == 0) && (narchq == 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempC = P.ARMAsimulatenstepsahead(data, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point, v);

            //ARCHsimulations with nd = 0
            if ((nd == 0) && (narchq > 0) && (narchp == 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempC = P.ARCHsimulatenstepsahead(data, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point, v, narchq, garchestimates);

            //GARCHsimulations with nd = 0
            if ((nd == 0) && (narchq > 0) && (narchp > 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempC = P.GARCHsimulatenstepsahead(data, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point, v, narchq, narchp, garchestimates);

            //ARMAsimulations with nd > 0
            if ((nd > 0) && (narchq == 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempC = P.ARMAsimulatenstepsaheadDD(Tseries, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point, v, nd);

            //ARCHsimulations with nd > 0
            if ((nd > 0) && (narchq > 0) && (narchp == 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempC = P.ARCHsimulatenstepsaheadDD(Tseries, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point, v, nd, narchq, garchestimates);

            //GARCHsimulations with nd > 0
            if ((nd > 0) && (narchq > 0) && (narchp > 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempC = P.GARCHsimulatenstepsaheadDD(Tseries, armaestimates, nar, nma, nsteps, point, v, nd, narchq, narchp, garchestimates);

            //now we need to check if we need to do any unwinding
            if ((transform == "Iterative") || (transform == "Weibull") || (subtmean == true))
                double m = 0;
                if (subtmean == true)
                    m = P.avg(Tseries);

                for (int i = 0; i < simulations; i++)
                    List <double> tempD = P.unwind(p3simulations[i], transform, shape, m);
                plot3(p3lists, nsteps, point);

            this.Cursor = old;
Beispiel #2
        //on selecting one of the values from the listbox, this method is called.
        //It a)populates the Tseries list b)calls the loadmodels() method c) calls the populatedatagridview() method
        private void ARCHlb_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor old = this.Cursor;
            this.Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting;


            int position = ARCHlb.SelectedIndex;

            if (position == -1)
                this.Cursor = old;
            string curItem  = Tab[position];
            string df       = Flocations[position];
            string f        = ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=NO\"";
            string c        = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + df + f;
            string interim1 = Fnames[position].Replace(".xlsx", "");
            string interim2 = Tab[position].Replace("$", "");
            string interim3 = Flocations[position].Replace(fnames[position], interim1 + interim2 + ".csv");
            int    counter  = 0;
            string line1;
            string line2;
            string line3;
            double t      = 0;
            double tscale = 0;

                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(interim3);
                while (counter < 1)
                    line1 = sr.ReadLine();
                    line2 = sr.ReadLine();
                    line3 = sr.ReadLine();
                    bool tf      = Double.TryParse(line2, out t);
                    bool tfscale = Double.TryParse(line3, out tscale);
                    if (line1 == "Iterative")
                        this.Type           = "Iterative";
                        this.Transform      = t;
                        this.Transformscale = 0;
                    if (line1 == "Weibull")
                        this.Type           = "Weibull";
                        this.Transform      = t;
                        this.Transformscale = tscale;

            DataSet          data      = new DataSet();
            OleDbConnection  con       = new OleDbConnection(c);
            DataTable        dataTable = new DataTable();
            string           query     = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", curItem);
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter   = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, con);

                int m = 0, n = 0;
                m      = data.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                n      = dataTable.Columns.Count;
                this.R = m;
                this.C = n;
                int q = 0, r = 0;
                    for (q = 0; q < m; q++)
                        for (r = 0; r < n; r++)
                            double d = (double)data.Tables[0].Rows[q].ItemArray[r];
                catch (Exception x)
                    MessageBox.Show("No data in the underlying tab. Error:" + x.Message);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("The listbox selection did not work. Error: " + ex.Message);
                if (Modellist.Count() == 0)
                    string            message = "No ARIMA models relating to this data set have been found.\nPlease go back to ARIMA section, run the models and save output.";
                    string            caption = "ARIMA Models";
                    MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                    DialogResult      result;
                    result = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons);
                    this.P = new Statistics(Tseries);
                this.Cursor = old;
Beispiel #3
        //this method is called once the user chooses a tab from the listbox
        //it (a) loads the time series data (b) calls the Hookup method which will produce a number of graphs and summary statistics c) saves a copy of the underlying data to a CSV file
        private void explrlb_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor old = this.Cursor;
            this.Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting;

            //clear any data that may already be in the Tseries object

            int position = explrlb.SelectedIndex;

            //protects in the event that the user selectes a blank line
            if (position == -1)
                this.Cursor = old;
            //otherwise proceed as normal
            string          curItem = Tab[position];
            string          df      = Flocations[position];
            string          f       = ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=NO\"";
            string          c       = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + df + f;
            DataSet         data    = new DataSet();
            OleDbConnection con     = new OleDbConnection(c);
            DataTable        dataTable = new DataTable();
            string           query     = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", curItem);
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter   = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, con);

                explrdgv1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
                explrdgv1.DataSource          = data.Tables[0];
                string s = data.Tables[0].TableName;
                explrdgv1.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
                explrdgv1.MultiSelect        = false;
                explrdgv1.ReadOnly           = true;
                //now we populate Tseries
                int m = 0, n = 0;
                m      = data.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                n      = dataTable.Columns.Count;
                this.R = m;
                this.C = n;
                int q = 0, r = 0;
                    for (q = 0; q < m; q++)
                        for (r = 0; r < n; r++)
                            double d = (double)data.Tables[0].Rows[q].ItemArray[r];
                    //call the HookUpData method which will assist with the production of charts etc
                catch (Exception x)
                    MessageBox.Show("No data in the underlying tab. Error:" + x.Message);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("The listbox selection did not work. Error: " + ex.Message);

                this.Cursor = old;
                //save down a CSV copy of the underlying data in case the user wants it
                curItem = curItem.Replace("'", "");
                curItem = curItem.Replace("$", "");
                string       p  = curItem + ".csv";
                string       q  = df.Replace(".xlsx", p);
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(q, false);
                foreach (double d in Tseries)