private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Triangle2 triangle0 = CreateTriangle2(V0, V1, V2);
            Triangle2 triangle1 = CreateTriangle2(P0, P1, P2);

            bool test = Intersection.TestTriangle2Triangle2(ref triangle0, ref triangle1);
            Triangle2Triangle2Intr info;
            bool find = Intersection.FindTriangle2Triangle2(ref triangle0, ref triangle1, out info);

            DrawTriangle(ref triangle0);
            DrawTriangle(ref triangle1);

            if (find)
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Quantity; ++i)
                    Vector2 p = info[i];
                    DrawSegment(p, info[(i + 1) % info.Quantity]);

            LogInfo(info.IntersectionType + " " + info.Quantity);
            if (test != find)
                LogError("test != find");
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Vector2   v0       = V0.position;
            Vector2   v1       = V1.position;
            Vector2   v2       = V2.position;
            Triangle2 triangle = CreateTriangle2(V0, V1, V2);

            Circle2 circumscribed;
            bool    b0 = Circle2.CreateCircumscribed(v0, v1, v2, out circumscribed);
            Circle2 inscribed;
            bool    b1 = Circle2.CreateInscribed(v0, v1, v2, out inscribed);

            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);

            if (b0)
                DrawCircle(ref circumscribed);
            if (b1)
                DrawCircle(ref inscribed);

            LogInfo("Circumscribed: " + b0 + "   Inscribed: " + b1);
Beispiel #3
    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (triangulatedMesh != null)
            //Display the triangles with a random color
            TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayMeshWithRandomColors(triangulatedMesh, seed);

            //Display the points
            TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayPoints(points, 0.1f,;

            //Display the points on the hull
            if (pointsOnHull != null && pointsOnHull.Count > 0)
                HashSet <Vector3> pointsOnHull_3d = new HashSet <Vector3>();

                foreach (MyVector2 p in pointsOnHull)

                TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayPoints(pointsOnHull_3d, 0.3f,;

        if (testTriangles != null)
            List <Triangle2> test = new List <Triangle2>(testTriangles);

            testTriangleNumber = Mathf.Clamp(testTriangleNumber, 0, testTriangles.Count - 1);

            Triangle2 t = test[testTriangleNumber];

            TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayTriangle(t.p1.ToVector3(), t.p2.ToVector3(), t.p3.ToVector3(), Color.white);
    //Is a triangle oriented clockwise
    private void IsTriangleOrientedClockwise(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c)
        Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(a, b, c);

        bool isOrientedClockwise = _Geometry.IsTriangleOrientedClockwise(t.p1, t.p2, t.p3);

        Debug.Log("Is oriented clockwise: " + isOrientedClockwise);

        //We can also test if changing orientation is working

        bool isOrientedClockwiseAfterRotation = _Geometry.IsTriangleOrientedClockwise(t.p1, t.p2, t.p3);

        Debug.Log("Is oriented clockwise after changing orientation: " + isOrientedClockwiseAfterRotation);

        //Display the triangle
        Gizmos.color = Color.white;

        Gizmos.DrawLine(a.ToVector3(), b.ToVector3());
        Gizmos.DrawLine(b.ToVector3(), c.ToVector3());
        Gizmos.DrawLine(c.ToVector3(), a.ToVector3());

        //Arrows showing the direction of the triangle
        float arrowSize = 0.1f;

        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayArrow(a.ToVector3(), b.ToVector3(), arrowSize, Color.white);
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayArrow(b.ToVector3(), c.ToVector3(), arrowSize, Color.white);
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayArrow(c.ToVector3(), a.ToVector3(), arrowSize, Color.white);
Beispiel #5
    //Generate the mesh from the half-edge data structure, which is called when we have flipped an edge
    public void GenerateMesh(HalfEdgeData2 triangleData_normalized)
        //From half-edge to triangle while unnormalizing
        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles_2d = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

        foreach (HalfEdgeFace2 f in triangleData_normalized.faces)
            //Each face has in this case three edges
            MyVector2 p1 = f.edge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p2 = f.edge.nextEdge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p3 = f.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge.v.position;

            //Unnormalize the point
            p1 = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(p1, normalizingBox, dMax);
            p2 = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(p2, normalizingBox, dMax);
            p3 = HelpMethods.UnNormalize(p3, normalizingBox, dMax);

            Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(p1, p2, p3);


        //Make sure the triangles have the correct orientation
        //triangles_2d = HelpMethods.OrientTrianglesClockwise(triangles_2d);

        //From 2d to mesh in one step
        //Mesh displayMesh = _TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangles2ToMesh(triangles_2d, useCompressedMesh: false);

        //Generate the triangle meshes
Beispiel #6
    //Is a point intersecting with a triangle?
    private void PointTriangle()
        MyVector2 p = pointTrans.position.ToMyVector2();

        MyVector2 t_p1 = t1_p1_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 t_p2 = t1_p2_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 t_p3 = t1_p3_trans.position.ToMyVector2();

        Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(t_p1, t_p2, t_p3);

        bool isIntersecting = _Intersections.PointTriangle(t, p, includeBorder: true);

        //Gizmos.color = isIntersecting ? : Color.white;

        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(p.ToVector3(), 0.1f);

        //Gizmos.DrawLine(t.p1.ToVector3(), t.p2.ToVector3());
        //Gizmos.DrawLine(t.p2.ToVector3(), t.p3.ToVector3());
        //Gizmos.DrawLine(t.p3.ToVector3(), t.p1.ToVector3());

        //With mesh to better see what's going on
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayTriangleMesh(t_p1, t_p2, t_p3, Color.white);

        Color pointColor = isIntersecting ? : Color.white;

        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayCircleMesh(p, 1f, 20, pointColor);
Beispiel #7
    //Is a triangle intersecting with a triangle?
    private void TriangleTriangle()
        //3d to 2d
        Triangle2 t1 = new Triangle2(

        Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2(

        bool isIntersecting = _Intersections.TriangleTriangle2D(t1, t2, do_AABB_test: false);

        //Color color = isIntersecting ? : Color.white;

        //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayTriangle(t1.p1.ToVector3(), t1.p2.ToVector3(), t1.p3.ToVector3(), color);
        //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayTriangle(t2.p1.ToVector3(), t2.p2.ToVector3(), t2.p3.ToVector3(), color);

        //With mesh to better see what's going on
        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayTriangleMesh(t1.p1, t1.p2, t1.p3, Color.white);

        Color meshColor = isIntersecting ? : Color.white;

        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayTriangleMesh(t2.p1, t2.p2, t2.p3, meshColor);
        public Triangle2Ex(ref Vector2 v0, ref Vector2 v1, ref Vector2 v2)
            baseTriangle = new Triangle2(ref v0, ref v1, ref v2);

                        #if EX_GIZMO_ON
        public Triangle2Ex(Vector2 v0, Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2)
            baseTriangle = new Triangle2(v0, v1, v2);

                        #if EX_GIZMO_ON
Beispiel #10
        public Triangle2 Reflect(Triangle2 triangle)
            if (!this.valid)

            return(new Triangle2(Reflect(triangle.A), Reflect(triangle.B), Reflect(triangle.C)));
Beispiel #11
        // Arrow
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> Arrow(MyVector2 p1, MyVector2 p2, float lineWidth, float arrowSize)
            HashSet <Triangle2> arrowTriangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            //An arrow consists of two parts: the pointy part and the rectangular part

            //First we have to see if we can fit the parts
            MyVector2 lineDir = p2 - p1;

            float lineLength = MyVector2.Magnitude(lineDir);

            if (lineLength < arrowSize)
                Debug.Log("Cant make arrow because line is too short");


            //Make the arrow tip
            MyVector2 lineDirNormalized = MyVector2.Normalize(lineDir);

            MyVector2 arrowBottom = p2 - lineDirNormalized * arrowSize;

            MyVector2 lineNormal = MyVector2.Normalize(new MyVector2(lineDirNormalized.y, -lineDirNormalized.x));

            MyVector2 arrowBottom_R = arrowBottom + lineNormal * arrowSize * 0.5f;
            MyVector2 arrowBottom_L = arrowBottom - lineNormal * arrowSize * 0.5f;

            Triangle2 arrowTipTriangle = new Triangle2(p2, arrowBottom_R, arrowBottom_L);


            //Make the arrow rectangle
            float halfWidth = lineWidth * 0.5f;

            MyVector2 p1_T = p1 + lineNormal * halfWidth;
            MyVector2 p1_B = p1 - lineNormal * halfWidth;

            MyVector2 p2_T = arrowBottom + lineNormal * halfWidth;
            MyVector2 p2_B = arrowBottom - lineNormal * halfWidth;

            HashSet <Triangle2> rectangle = LineSegment(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T, p2_B);

            foreach (Triangle2 t in rectangle)

Beispiel #12
        //Generate two triangles if we know the corners of the rectangle
        public static HashSet <Triangle2> LineSegment(MyVector2 p1_T, MyVector2 p1_B, MyVector2 p2_T, MyVector2 p2_B)
            HashSet <Triangle2> lineTriangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

            //Create the triangles
            Triangle2 t1 = new Triangle2(p1_T, p1_B, p2_T);
            Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2(p1_B, p2_B, p2_T);


Beispiel #13
    //Generate list of meshes from the Triangle2 data structure
    public List <Mesh> GenerateTriangulationMesh(HashSet <Triangle2> triangleData, bool shouldUnNormalize)
        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles_2d = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

        if (shouldUnNormalize)
            foreach (Triangle2 t in triangleData)
                //Each face has in this case three edges
                MyVector2 p1 = t.p1;
                MyVector2 p2 = t.p2;
                MyVector2 p3 = t.p3;

                //Unnormalize the point
                p1 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p1);
                p2 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p2);
                p3 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p3);

                Triangle2 t_unnormalized = new Triangle2(p1, p2, p3);

            triangles_2d = triangleData;

        //Make sure the triangles have the correct orientation
        //triangles_2d = HelpMethods.OrientTrianglesClockwise(triangles_2d);

        //From 2d to mesh in one step if we want one single mesh
        //Mesh displayMesh = _TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangles2ToMesh(triangles_2d, useCompressedMesh: false);

        //Generate the meshes from triangles
        List <Mesh> meshes = new List <Mesh>();

        foreach (Triangle2 t in triangles_2d)
            Mesh triangleMesh = Triangle2ToMesh(t);


Beispiel #14
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Vector2   point    = Point.position;
            Triangle2 triangle = CreateTriangle2(V0, V1, V2);

            Orientations orientation = triangle.CalcOrientation();

            if (orientation == Orientations.CCW)
                bool cont  = triangle.Contains(point);
                bool cont1 = triangle.ContainsCCW(point);                 // Use this if you know triangle orientation

                DrawTriangle(ref triangle);
                if (cont)

                LogInfo("Orientation: " + orientation + "    Contained: " + cont);
                if (cont != cont1)
                    LogError("cont != cont1");
            else if (orientation == Orientations.CW)
                bool cont  = triangle.Contains(point);
                bool cont1 = triangle.ContainsCW(point);                 // Use this if you know triangle orientation

                DrawTriangle(ref triangle);
                if (cont)

                LogInfo("Orientation: " + orientation + "    Contained: " + cont);
                if (cont != cont1)
                    LogError("cont != cont1");
            else             // Degenerate
                LogError("Triangle is degenerate");
Beispiel #15
    public static void DisplayTriangleMesh(MyVector2 a, MyVector2 b, MyVector2 c, Color color)
        Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(a, b, c);

        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles = new HashSet <Triangle2>();


        triangles = HelpMethods.OrientTrianglesClockwise(triangles);

        Mesh mesh = _TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangles2ToMesh(triangles, false);

        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayMesh(mesh, color);
    public void SetUniforms(Material DrawTriangleMaterial, Triangle2 TriangleUvs, Triangle3 TriangleColours)
        var Uvs = new List <Vector2>();


        var Colours = new List <Color>();

        Colours.Add(new Color(TriangleColours.a.x, TriangleColours.a.y, TriangleColours.a.z, 1));
        Colours.Add(new Color(TriangleColours.b.x, TriangleColours.b.y, TriangleColours.b.z, 1));
        Colours.Add(new Color(TriangleColours.c.x, TriangleColours.c.y, TriangleColours.c.z, 1));

        SetUniforms(DrawTriangleMaterial, Uvs, Colours);
Beispiel #17
    //	triangle packing!
    public static List <Triangle2> AllocateTriangleAtlases(List <Triangle3> MeshTriangles)
        var TriangleCount = MeshTriangles.Count;
        var AtlasWidth    = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Sqrt((float)TriangleCount));
        var AtlasHeight   = AtlasWidth;

        var AtlasTriangles = new List <Triangle2>();

        for (int ti = 0; ti < MeshTriangles.Count; ti++)
            var MeshTriangle = MeshTriangles[ti];

            //	get atlas quad
            var AtlasX    = ti % AtlasWidth;
            var AtlasY    = ti / AtlasWidth;
            var AtlasMinu = PopMath.Range(0, AtlasWidth, AtlasX);
            var AtlasMaxu = PopMath.Range(0, AtlasWidth, AtlasX + 1);
            var AtlasMinv = PopMath.Range(0, AtlasHeight, AtlasY);
            var AtlasMaxv = PopMath.Range(0, AtlasHeight, AtlasY + 1);

            //	todo: get triangle position on it's plane (ie, it's ortho)
            var AtlasTriangle = new Triangle2();
            AtlasTriangle.a = MeshTriangle.a.xz();
            AtlasTriangle.b = MeshTriangle.b.xz();
            AtlasTriangle.c = MeshTriangle.c.xz();

            //	fit triangle to quad
            var AtlasTriangleBounds = new Bounds2();
            AtlasTriangleBounds.Min = PopMath.Min(AtlasTriangle.a, AtlasTriangle.b, AtlasTriangle.c);
            AtlasTriangleBounds.Max = PopMath.Max(AtlasTriangle.a, AtlasTriangle.b, AtlasTriangle.c);
            AtlasTriangle.a         = PopMath.Range(AtlasTriangleBounds.Min, AtlasTriangleBounds.Max, AtlasTriangle.a);
            AtlasTriangle.b         = PopMath.Range(AtlasTriangleBounds.Min, AtlasTriangleBounds.Max, AtlasTriangle.b);
            AtlasTriangle.c         = PopMath.Range(AtlasTriangleBounds.Min, AtlasTriangleBounds.Max, AtlasTriangle.c);

            //	now put it in it's atlas pos
            AtlasTriangle.a.x = Mathf.Lerp(AtlasMinu, AtlasMaxu, AtlasTriangle.a.x);
            AtlasTriangle.a.y = Mathf.Lerp(AtlasMinv, AtlasMaxv, AtlasTriangle.a.y);
            AtlasTriangle.b.x = Mathf.Lerp(AtlasMinu, AtlasMaxu, AtlasTriangle.b.x);
            AtlasTriangle.b.y = Mathf.Lerp(AtlasMinv, AtlasMaxv, AtlasTriangle.b.y);
            AtlasTriangle.c.x = Mathf.Lerp(AtlasMinu, AtlasMaxu, AtlasTriangle.c.x);
            AtlasTriangle.c.y = Mathf.Lerp(AtlasMinv, AtlasMaxv, AtlasTriangle.c.y);


    //Remove the supertriangle
    IEnumerator RemoveSuperTriangle(Triangle2 superTriangle, HalfEdgeData2 triangulationData)
        //The super triangle doesnt exists anymore because we have split it into many new triangles
        //But we can use its vertices to figure out which new triangles (or faces belonging to the triangle)
        //we should delete

        HashSet <HalfEdgeFace2> triangleFacesToDelete = new HashSet <HalfEdgeFace2>();

        //Loop through all vertices belongin to the triangulation
        foreach (HalfEdgeVertex2 v in triangulationData.vertices)
            //If the face attached to this vertex already exists in the list of faces we want to delete
            //Then dont add it again
            if (triangleFacesToDelete.Contains(v.edge.face))

            MyVector2 v1 = v.position;

            //Is this vertex in the triangulation a vertex in the super triangle?
            if (v1.Equals(superTriangle.p1) || v1.Equals(superTriangle.p2) || v1.Equals(superTriangle.p3))

        //Debug.Log("Triangles to delete: " + trianglesToDelete.Count);

        //Delete the new triangles with vertices attached to the super triangle
        foreach (HalfEdgeFace2 f in triangleFacesToDelete)
            HalfEdgeHelpMethods.DeleteTriangleFace(f, triangulationData, shouldSetOppositeToNull: true);


            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(controller.pauseTime));

        //VISUALZ - show the colored mesh when its finished
        controller.shouldDisplayColoredMesh = true;

        yield return(null);
Beispiel #19
        /// <remarks>A point on the edge of a triangle is considered to be in it.</remarks>
        public static bool IsPointInTriangle(Vector2 p, Triangle2 t)
            // credit:
            var s = (t.A.Y * t.C.X) - (t.A.X * t.C.Y) + ((t.C.Y - t.A.Y) * p.X) + ((t.A.X - t.C.X) * p.Y);
            var h = (t.A.X * t.B.Y) - (t.A.Y * t.B.X) + ((t.A.Y - t.B.Y) * p.X) + ((t.B.X - t.A.X) * p.Y);

            if ((s < 0) != (h < 0))

            var A = (-t.B.Y * t.C.X) + (t.A.Y * (t.C.X - t.B.X)) + (t.A.X * (t.B.Y - t.C.Y)) + (t.B.X * t.C.Y);

            return(A < 0 ?
                   (s <= 0 && s + h >= A) :
                   (s >= 0 && s + h <= A));
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Vector2   point    = Point.position;
            Triangle2 triangle = CreateTriangle2(V0, V1, V2);

            Vector2 closestPoint;
            float   dist  = Distance.Point2Triangle2(ref point, ref triangle, out closestPoint);
            float   dist1 = Distance.SqrPoint2Triangle2(ref point, ref triangle, out closestPoint);

            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);


            LogInfo(dist + " " + Mathf.Sqrt(dist1));
Beispiel #21
    //From Triangle2 to mesh where height is option to avoid z-fighting
    //But we can also determine height on DrawMesh()
    private Mesh Triangle2ToMesh(Triangle2 t, float meshHeight = 0f)
        //Make a single mesh triangle
        Vector3 p1 = t.p1.ToVector3(meshHeight);
        Vector3 p2 = t.p2.ToVector3(meshHeight);
        Vector3 p3 = t.p3.ToVector3(meshHeight);

        Mesh triangleMesh = new Mesh();

        triangleMesh.vertices = new Vector3[] { p1, p2, p3 };

        triangleMesh.triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 };


Beispiel #22
    //Are two AABB intersecting?
    private void AABB_AABB()
        MyVector2 t1_p1 = t1_p1_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 t1_p2 = t1_p2_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 t1_p3 = t1_p3_trans.position.ToMyVector2();

        MyVector2 t2_p1 = t2_p1_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 t2_p2 = t2_p2_trans.position.ToMyVector2();
        MyVector2 t2_p3 = t2_p3_trans.position.ToMyVector2();

        Triangle2 t1 = new Triangle2(t1_p1, t1_p2, t1_p3);
        Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2(t2_p1, t2_p2, t2_p3);

        bool isIntersecting = Intersections.AABB_AABB_2D(
            t1.MinX(), t1.MaxX(), t1.MinY(), t1.MaxY(),
            t2.MinX(), t2.MaxX(), t2.MinY(), t2.MaxY());

        Debug.Log("AABB intersecting: " + isIntersecting);

        //Display the rectangles and the vertices we use to make the rectangles
        Vector3 r1_size = new Vector3(t1.MaxX() - t1.MinX(), 0.01f, t1.MaxY() - t1.MinY());
        Vector3 r2_size = new Vector3(t2.MaxX() - t2.MinX(), 0.01f, t2.MaxY() - t2.MinY());

        Vector3 r1_center = new Vector3(t1.MinX() + (r1_size.x * 0.5f), 0f, t1.MinY() + (r1_size.z * 0.5f));
        Vector3 r2_center = new Vector3(t2.MinX() + (r2_size.x * 0.5f), 0f, t2.MinY() + (r2_size.z * 0.5f));

        Gizmos.color = Color.white;

        Gizmos.DrawCube(r1_center, r1_size);

        float r = 0.1f;

        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t1_p1.ToVector3(), r);
        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t1_p2.ToVector3(), r);
        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t1_p3.ToVector3(), r);

        Gizmos.color = isIntersecting ? : Color.white;

        Gizmos.DrawCube(r2_center, r2_size);

        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t2_p1.ToVector3(), r);
        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t2_p2.ToVector3(), r);
        //Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(t2_p3.ToVector3(), r);
Beispiel #23
		public Triangle2[] GetTris(){
			Triangle2[] tris = new Triangle2[2];
			Triangle2 t1 = new Triangle2();
			Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2();
			t1.a = a;
			t1.b = b;
			t1.c = c;
			t1.Tag = this.Tag;
			t2.a = a;
			t2.b = b;
			t2.c = d;
			t2.Tag = this.Tag;
			tris[0] = t1;
			tris[1] = t2;
			return tris;
Beispiel #24
        static void Main()
            Triangle1 t1 = new Triangle1();

            t1.Width  = 6;
            t1.Height = 8;
            Console.WriteLine("밑변은 {0} ", t1.Width);
            Console.WriteLine("높이는 {0} ", t1.Height);
            Console.WriteLine("면적은 {0} ", t1.Area);

            Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2();

            t2.Width  = 6;
            t2.Height = 8;
            Console.WriteLine("밑변은 {0} ", t2.Width);
            Console.WriteLine("높이는 {0} ", t2.Height);
            Console.WriteLine("면적은 {0} ", t2.Area);
    //Generate the mesh from the half-edge data structure, which is called when we have flipped an edge
    public void GenerateTriangulationMesh(HalfEdgeData2 triangleData_normalized)
        //From half-edge to triangle
        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles_2d = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

        foreach (HalfEdgeFace2 f in triangleData_normalized.faces)
            //Each face has in this case three edges
            MyVector2 p1 = f.edge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p2 = f.edge.nextEdge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p3 = f.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge.v.position;

            Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(p1, p2, p3);


Beispiel #26
    public          Triangle2[] GetTris()
        Triangle2[] tris = new Triangle2[2];
        Triangle2   t1   = new Triangle2();
        Triangle2   t2   = new Triangle2();

        t1.a    = a;
        t1.b    = b;
        t1.c    = c;
        t1.Tag  = this.Tag;
        t2.a    = a;
        t2.b    = b;
        t2.c    = d;
        t2.Tag  = this.Tag;
        tris[0] = t1;
        tris[1] = t2;

Beispiel #27
        //이전 C# 버전에서 구조체(struct) 전체를 readonly로 만들 수 있었는데,
        //C# 8.0부터는 구조체의 각 멤버에 대해 개별적으로 readonly로 정의할 수 있게 되었다.
        //만약 구조체의 메서드나 속성이 구조체의 상태를 변경하지 않는다면 readonly로 적용할 수 있고,
        //readonly 멤버가 다른 non-readonly 멤버를 엑세스하면 컴파일러가 Warning을 표시한다.

        //C# 7.2에서 도입된 in 파라미터는 Value 타입의 파라미터를 Pass by reference로 전달할 수 있게 하는 기능을 제공한다.
        //만약 파라미터로 전달하는 구조체가(Value 타입) 큰 사이즈라면, Pass by value로 복사해서 전달하는
        //것보다 위치 정보만을 전달하는 Pass by reference를 사용하는 것이 성능면에서 효율적이다.
        //이러한 목적으로 in 파라미터는 구조체를 Pass by value로 전달할 수 있는 기능을 제공한다.

        //만약 구조체 전체가 readonly라면, 즉 구조체 내부의 모든 멤버가 readonly라면,
        //in 파라미터를 사용하여 Pass by reference로 전달할 지라도 호출된 메서드(Callee)에서 구조체의
        //내부 상태를 변경하는 행위를 할 수 없으므로, 호출자(Caller)의 구조체는 변경되지 않을 것이 확실하다.
        //이러한 측면에 큰 사이즈의 구조체를 in 파라미터로 전달하기 위해,
        //(가능하다면) 구조체를 readonly로 만들 것이 좋을 것이다.
        //하지만, 경우에 따라 구조체가 상태를 변경하는 멤버를 가질 수도 있다.이러한 경우에는
        //일부 멤버들에 대해 readonly 멤버를 사용하는 것을 고려해 볼 수 있다.

        //Non-readonly 구조체인 경우 in 파라미터로 전달되면,
        //컴파일러는 호출된 메서드(Callee)에서 전달된 구조체의 멤버(메서드나 속성 등)을
        //호출할 때마다 구조체 파라미터를 복사하게 된다.
        //이는 컴파일러가 구조체의 멤버가 상태를 변경하는지 미리 알 수 없기 때문에,
        //방어적으로 구조체를 다시 복사(defensive copy or hidden copy)하여 사용하는 것이다.
        //구조체의 크기가 큰 경우 Callee 에서 그 구조체에 대해 10개의 메서드/속성을 호출한다면,
        //10번의 복사가 읽어나는데 이는 성능을 저하시키는 원인이 될 수 있다.

        //예를 들어, 아래 예제를 보면, Triangle 구조체가 정의되어 있고,
        //이 Triangle 인스턴스를 Check(in Triangle) 메서드에 in 파라미터로 전달하고 있다.

        public StructReadOnly()
            Triangle t = new Triangle(3, 4, 5);

            Console.WriteLine($"t.IsEquilatrea : {t.IsEquilateral}");
            t.a = 4;
            t.b = 4;
            t.c = 4;
            Console.WriteLine($"t.IsEquilatrea : {t.IsEquilateral}");
            t = new Triangle(5, 5, 5);
            Check(ref t, 1);
            Console.WriteLine($"t.IsEquilatrea : {t.IsEquilateral}");

            Triangle2 t2 = new Triangle2(3, 3, 3);

            Check2(ref t2);
            Console.WriteLine($"t2.IsEquilatrea : {t2.IsEquilateral}");
Beispiel #28
    // Generate meshes

    //Generate list of meshes from the Half-edge data structure
    public List <Mesh> GenerateTriangulationMesh(HalfEdgeData2 triangleData, bool shouldUnNormalize)
        //From half-edge to triangle
        HashSet <Triangle2> triangles_2d = new HashSet <Triangle2>();

        foreach (HalfEdgeFace2 f in triangleData.faces)
            //Each face has in this case three edges
            MyVector2 p1 = f.edge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p2 = f.edge.nextEdge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p3 = f.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge.v.position;

            Triangle2 t = new Triangle2(p1, p2, p3);


        List <Mesh> meshes = GenerateTriangulationMesh(triangles_2d, shouldUnNormalize);

Beispiel #29
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Triangle2 triangle = new Triangle2(V0.position, V1.position, V2.position);

            Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(triangle.V0, triangle.V1);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(triangle.V1, triangle.V2);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(triangle.V2, triangle.V0);

            var     ori    = triangle.CalcOrientation();
            Vector3 angles = triangle.CalcAnglesDeg();

            Gizmos.color =;
            float radius = .25f;

            Vector2 baryPoint  = triangle.EvalBarycentric(c0, c1);
            Vector3 baryCoords = triangle.CalcBarycentricCoords(ref baryPoint);

            Gizmos.DrawSphere(baryPoint, radius);

            Logger.LogInfo("orientation: " + ori + "     Angles: " + angles.ToStringEx() + "    Bary: " + baryCoords.ToStringEx());
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Line2     line     = CreateLine2(Line);
            Triangle2 triangle = CreateTriangle2(V0, V1, V2);

            IntersectionTypes intersectionType;
            bool test = Intersection.TestLine2Triangle2(ref line, ref triangle, out intersectionType);
            Line2Triangle2Intr info;
            bool find = Intersection.FindLine2Triangle2(ref line, ref triangle, out info);

            DrawLine(ref line);
            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);

            if (find)
                if (info.IntersectionType == IntersectionTypes.Point)
                else if (info.IntersectionType == IntersectionTypes.Segment)
                    DrawSegment(info.Point0, info.Point1);

            if (test != find)
                LogError("test != find");
            if (intersectionType != info.IntersectionType)
                LogError("intersectionType != info.IntersectionType");
Beispiel #31
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Triangle2 triangle = CreateTriangle2(V0, V1, V2);
            Vector2   point    = Point.position;

            Orientations orientation = triangle.CalcOrientation();
            int          ccwSide     = triangle.QuerySideCCW(point);
            int          cwSide      = triangle.QuerySideCW(point);

            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);
            if (orientation == Orientations.CCW)
            else if (orientation == Orientations.CW)

            LogInfo("Orientation: " + orientation + "      CCWSide: " + ccwSide + "     CWSide: " + cwSide);