Beispiel #1
        public void Demonstrate_Functionality()
            // Visit to get your application key
            ITrello trello = new Trello("[your application key]");

            // Optional: Have the user browse to this url to authenticate your application
            var urlForAuthentication = trello.GetAuthenticationUrl("[a name for your application]");

            // The user will receive a token, call Authenticate with it
            trello.Authenticate("[the token the user got]");

            // Get a member
            Member me = trello.Members.GetMe();
            Member memberTrello = trello.Members.GetById("trello");

            // Get a board
            Board theTrelloDevBoard = trello.Boards.GetById("4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c");

            // Get an organization
            Organization trelloApps = trello.Organizations.GetById("trelloapps");

            // Get all members of a board
            IEnumerable<Member> membersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all owners of a board
            IEnumerable<Member> ownersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard, MemberFilter.Owners);

            // Get all members of an organization
            IEnumerable<Member> membersInTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Members.GetByOrganization(trelloApps);

            // Get all boards of a member
            IEnumerable<Board> allMyBoards = trello.Boards.GetByMember(me);

            //Get all boards of an organization
            IEnumerable<Board> allBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.GetByOrganization(trelloApps);

            // Get all closed boards of an organization
            IEnumerable<Board> closedBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.GetByOrganization(trelloApps, BoardFilter.Closed);

            // Get all lists on a board
            IEnumerable<List> allListsInTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Lists.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all cards on a board
            IEnumerable<Card> allCardsOnTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Cards.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all cards assigned to a member
            IEnumerable<Card> allCardsAssignedToMe = trello.Cards.GetByMember(me);

            // Get all organizations that a member belongs to
            IEnumerable<Organization> allMyOrganizations = trello.Organizations.GetByMember(me);
Beispiel #2
        public void Demonstrate_Functionality()
            // Visit to get your application key
            ITrello trello = new Trello("[your application key]");

            // Optional: Have the user browse to this url to authenticate your application
            var urlForAuthentication = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("[a name for your application]", Scope.ReadOnly);

            // The user will receive a token, call Authenticate with it
            trello.Authorize("[the token the user got]");

            // Get a member
            Member memberTrello = trello.Members.WithId("trello");

            // Get the authenticated member
            Member me = trello.Members.Me();

            // Get a board
            Board theTrelloDevBoard = trello.Boards.WithId("4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c");

            // Get an organization
            Organization trelloApps = trello.Organizations.WithId("trelloapps");

            // Get all members of a board
            IEnumerable<Member> membersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all owners of a board
            IEnumerable<Member> ownersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard, MemberFilter.Owners);

            // Get all members of an organization
            IEnumerable<Member> membersInTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Members.ForOrganization(trelloApps);

            // Get all boards of a member
            IEnumerable<Board> allMyBoards = trello.Boards.ForMember(me);

            //Get all boards of an organization
            IEnumerable<Board> allBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.ForOrganization(trelloApps);

            // Get all closed boards of an organization
            IEnumerable<Board> closedBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.ForOrganization(trelloApps, BoardFilter.Closed);

            // Get all lists on a board
            IEnumerable<List> allListsInTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Lists.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all cards on a board
            IEnumerable<Card> allCardsOnTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Cards.ForBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all cards assigned to a member
            IEnumerable<Card> allCardsAssignedToMe = trello.Cards.ForMember(me);

            // Get all organizations that a member belongs to
            IEnumerable<Organization> allMyOrganizations = trello.Organizations.ForMember(me);

            // Get unread notifications
            IEnumerable<Notification> notifications = trello.Notifications.ForMe(readFilter: ReadFilter.Unread);

            // Get a token
            Token token = trello.Tokens.WithToken("[a token]");

            // Create a new board
            Board aNewBoard = trello.Boards.Add(new NewBoard("A new board"));

            // Close a board

            // Create a new list
            List aNewList = trello.Lists.Add(new NewList("A new list", aNewBoard));

            // Archive a list

            // Create a card
            Card aNewCard = trello.Cards.Add(new NewCard("A new card", aNewList));

            // Label card
            trello.Cards.AddLabel(aNewCard, Color.Green);

            // Assign member to card
            trello.Cards.AddMember(aNewCard, me);

            // Delete a card

            // Comment on a card
            trello.Cards.AddComment(aNewCard, "My comment");

            // Update entire card (also works for list, board and checklist)
            aNewCard.Name = "an updated name";
            aNewCard.Desc = "an updated description";

            // Create a checklist
            var aNewChecklist = trello.Checklists.Add("My checklist", aNewBoard);

            // Add the checklist to a card
            trello.Cards.AddChecklist(aNewCard, aNewChecklist);

            // Add check items
            trello.Checklists.AddCheckItem(aNewChecklist, "My check item");

            // Do things asynchronously! Same API as the sync one, except it returns Task.
            Task<IEnumerable<Card>> cardsTask = trello.Async.Cards.ForMe();
        public ActionResult GenerateNewCards(string location)
            Trello t      = new Trello();
            var    result = t.GenerateCards(location);

        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ApplicationNameIsEmpty_Throw()
            var trello = new Trello("key");

            Assert.That(() => trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("", Scope.ReadOnly),
                Throws.InstanceOf<ArgumentException>().With.Matches<ArgumentException>(e => e.ParamName == "applicationName"));
Beispiel #5
        public async void LoadBoardsNoToken()
            Trello.Token = "";
            await Trello.LoadBoards();

        /// <summary>   Initializes static members of the TrelloMicroService.TrelloMS class. </summary>
        static TrelloMS()
            trello = new Trello(TrelloIds.AppKey);
            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("", Scope.ReadWrite);

        public IEnumerator Start()
            //Checks if we are already connected
            if (trello != null && trello.IsConnected())
                Debug.Log("Connection with Trello server succesful");
                yield break;

            // Creates our trello Obj with our key and token
            trello = new Trello(yourKey, yourToken);

            // gets the boards of the current user
            yield return(trello.PopulateBoardsRoutine());


            // gets the lists on the current board
            yield return(trello.PopulateListsRoutine());

            // check if our reportType match the lists in your trello board
            // otherwise it creates new lists and uploads them
            for (int i = 0; i < reportTypes.Count; i++)
                if (!trello.IsListCached(reportTypes[i].text))
                    var optionList = trello.NewList(reportTypes[i].text);
                    yield return(trello.UploadListRoutine(optionList));

            // caches the new lists created (if any)
            yield return(trello.PopulateListsRoutine());
        public void InvalidToken_ShouldThrowUnauthorizedException()
            var trello = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);

            trello.Authorize("invalid token");
            Assert.That(() => trello.Members.Me(), Throws.TypeOf <TrelloUnauthorizedException>());
Beispiel #9
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ApplicationNameIsEmpty_Throw()
            var trello = new Trello("key");

            Assert.That(() => trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("", Scope.ReadOnly),
                        Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>().With.Matches <ArgumentException>(e => e.ParamName == "applicationName"));
        // retrieves all cards
        public ActionResult GetCardsList(string board)
            Trello t      = new Trello();
            var    result = t.GetCards(board);

        // retrieves all boards
        public ActionResult GetBoards()
            Trello t      = new Trello();
            var    result = t.GetBoards();

Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 認証ボタンが押された時に呼び出されます
        /// </summary>
        private void authButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            m_trello = new Trello(m_keyTextBox.Text);

        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_Always_ContainsResponseTypeToken()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("response_type=token"));
Beispiel #14
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ExpirationNever_ContainsNever()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWrite, Expiration.Never);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("expiration=never"));
Beispiel #15
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_DefaultExpiration_Contains30days()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWrite);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("expiration=30days"));
Beispiel #16
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ScopeReadWriteAccount_ContainsReadWriteAccount()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWriteAccount);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("scope=read,write,account"));
Beispiel #17
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ExpirationOneHour_Contains1day()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWrite, Expiration.OneDay);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("expiration=1day"));
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_Always_ContainsKeyPassedInConstructor()
            var trello = new Trello("123");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("key=123"));
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_DefaultExpiration_Contains30days()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWrite);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("expiration=30days"));
Beispiel #20
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_Always_ContainsApplicationName()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("appname", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("name=appname"));
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ExpirationOneHour_Contains1hour()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWrite, Expiration.OneHour);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("expiration=1hour"));
Beispiel #22
        public void Setup()
            _trelloReadOnly = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);

            _trelloReadWrite = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);
Beispiel #23
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_Always_ContainsKeyPassedInConstructor()
            var trello = new Trello("123");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("key=123"));
Beispiel #24
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_Always_ContainsResponseTypeToken()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("response_type=token"));
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_Always_ContainsApplicationName()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("appname", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("name=appname"));
		public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ScopeReadWriteAccount_ContainsReadWriteAccount()
			var trello = new Trello("dummy");

			var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadWriteAccount);

			Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("scope=read,write,account"));
 private void OnEnable()
     if (trello == null)
         // init trello API handler
         EFConfig config = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <EFConfig>(ConfigWindow.CONFIG_ASSET_LOCATION);
         trello = new Trello(config.Token);
Beispiel #28
        public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ScopeReadonly_ContainsRead()
            var trello = new Trello("dummy");

            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadOnly);

            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("scope=read"));
            Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.Not.StringContaining("write"));
		public void GetAuthorizationlUrl_ScopeReadonly_ContainsRead()
			var trello = new Trello("dummy");

			var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("dummy", Scope.ReadOnly);

			Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.StringContaining("scope=read"));
			Assert.That(url.ToString(), Is.Not.StringContaining("write"));
Beispiel #30
        protected override void Configure()
            _container = new PhoneContainer();


            _container.Singleton <ICache, FileSystemCache>();

            // View Models
            _container.Singleton <SplashViewModel>();
            _container.Singleton <AboutViewModel>();
            _container.Singleton <ShellViewModel>();
            _container.Singleton <MyBoardsViewModel>();
            _container.Singleton <MyCardsViewModel>();
            _container.Singleton <MyNotificationsViewModel>();
            _container.Singleton <ProfileViewModel>();

            _container.PerRequest <BoardViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <BoardListViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <CardViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <CardDetailPivotViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <CardDetailOverviewViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <CardDetailChecklistViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <CardDetailAttachmentsViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <CardDetailMembersViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <ChecklistViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <ChecklistItemViewModel>();
            _container.PerRequest <AttachmentViewModel>();
            _container.AllTransientTypesOf <NotificationViewModel>();

            // Event handlers
            _container.AllSingletonTypesOf <AbstractHandler>();

            // Services
            _container.PerRequest <Services.IApplicationBar, DefaultApplicationBar>();
            _container.Singleton <INetworkService, NetworkService>();
            _container.Singleton <IProgressService, ProgressService>();
            _container.Singleton <ITrelloApiSettings, TrelloSettings>();

            _container.Singleton <IRequestClient, JsonFileRestClient>();
            _container.Singleton <IRequestClient, TrelloRestClient>();
            var network = _container.Get <INetworkService>();
            var client  = AugmentClient(_container);
            var trello  = new Trello(network, client);
            _container.Instance <ITrello>(trello);


            // Force creation
            _container.InstantiateInstancesOf <AbstractHandler>();
        public async Task <IActionResult> LoadCards(string id)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Trello.Token))
            await Trello.LoadCards(id);

Beispiel #32
        public UpdateTemplateBoard(string key, string token, string idTemplateBoard, Estimate estimate, Trello trello)
            Key             = key;
            Token           = token;
            IdTemplateBoard = idTemplateBoard
                              .Replace("", "");
            Estimate = estimate;
            Trello   = trello;

            Cards = new List <Card>();
Beispiel #33
        static async Task <Trello> GetTrelloAsync(string path)
            Trello trello = null;
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(path);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                trello = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <Trello>();

        public IEnumerable <TrelloNet.Board> GetAll()
            ITrello trello = new Trello("84ffe047543614a43b06bb341dc3e25f");

            var me = trello.Members.Me();

            var allMyBoards = trello.Boards.ForMember(me);

            //return _repository.AllItems;
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Trello API handler
 /// </summary>
 private void initAPIHandler()
     if (Trello.IsValidToken(config.Token))
         trello = new Trello(config.Token);
         EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid Token", "Invalid Trello API credentials. Please re-enter your token.", "OK");
         // remove bad token to force reauth
Beispiel #36
        public void AddOrUpdate()
            var testModel = new TrelloDataModel("wiOPDS9X");

            var trello = new Trello
                Name = "Test"

            var result = testModel.AddOrUpdate(trello);

Beispiel #37
 private void Awake()
     if (_instance != null && _instance != this)
         _instance = this;
     Trello = new Trello();
     Google = new Google();
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the current token is valid, shows a message if invalid
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool tokenIsValid(string token)
            bool valid = Trello.IsValidToken(token);

            if (!valid)
                // show message
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid Token", "The provided token is invalid. Please enter a valid Trello API token.", "OK");

                // highlight token field
Beispiel #39
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)
            var objectiveID = id ?? default(int);

            Objective = await _context.GetObjectiveAsync(objectiveID);

            if (Objective == null)
Beispiel #40
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var trello = new Trello(AppKey);


            var trelloBoard = trello.Boards.ForMe().FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == "Gladiators RoadMap");
            var trelloCards = trello.Cards.ForBoard(trelloBoard);

            foreach (var trelloCard in trelloCards)

            MessageBox.Show(@"RoadMap cleaned.");
Beispiel #41
		public void WithId_CopyCardAction_ReturnsRightTypeWithValues()
			const string actionId = "5284efa689cce63268004224";
			var trello = new Trello("4db5f5e3efbc86a81cf5f3633432fc64");
			var expected = new CopyCardAction
				Id = actionId,
				IdMemberCreator = "5284ee0726a67481680045bf",
				Date = new DateTime(2013, 11, 14, 15, 43, 34, 477),
				Data = new CopyCardAction.ActionData
					CardSource = new CardName
						Id = "5284ee0726a67481680045c9",
						Name = "Welcome to Trello!",
						IdShort = 1,
						ShortLink = "51YEJguq"
					List = new ListName
						Id = "5284ee0726a67481680045c5",
						Name = "Basics"
					Card = new CardName
						IdShort = 20,
						Id = "5284efa689cce63268004223",
						Name = "Welcome to Trello 2!",
						ShortLink = "I5YS0snW"
					Board = new BoardName
						Id = "5284ee0726a67481680045c0",
						Name = "Welcome Board",
						ShortLink = "YZZ1mDR5"
				MemberCreator = new Action.ActionMember
					FullName = "Trello ApiGuy",
					Username = "******",
					Id = "5284ee0726a67481680045bf",
					AvatarHash = null,
					Initials = "TA"


			var result = trello.Actions.WithId(actionId);
			var actual = result as CopyCardAction;
Beispiel #42
 public void Setup()
     _trello = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);
Beispiel #43
 public void InvalidToken_ShouldThrowUnauthorizedException()
     var trello = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);
     trello.Authenticate("invalid token");
     Assert.That(() => trello.Members.GetMe(), Throws.TypeOf<UnauthorizedException>());
Beispiel #44
 public void NoToken_ShouldThrowUnauthorizedException()
     var trello = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);
     Assert.That(() => trello.Boards.GetById(Constants.WelcomeBoardId), Throws.TypeOf<UnauthorizedException>());
Beispiel #45
        public void Explore()
            ITrello trello = new Trello("[your application key]");
            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("Name of your app", Scope.ReadWrite);
            trello.Authorize("[the token the user got]");

            var board = trello.Boards.Add("My Board");

            var todoList = trello.Lists.Add("To Do", board);
            trello.Lists.Add("Doing", board);
            trello.Lists.Add("Done", board);

            trello.Cards.Add("My card", todoList);
Beispiel #46
        public void Explore()
            ITrello trello = new Trello("[your application key]");
            var url = trello.GetAuthorizationUrl("Name of your app", Scope.ReadWrite);
            trello.Authorize("[the token the user got]");

            var myBoard = trello.Boards.Add("My Board");

            var todoList = trello.Lists.Add("To Do", myBoard);
            trello.Lists.Add("Doing", myBoard);
            trello.Lists.Add("Done", myBoard);

            trello.Cards.Add("My card", todoList);

            foreach(var list in trello.Lists.ForBoard(myBoard))
Beispiel #47
        private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Trello     = new Trello("1ed8d91b5af35305a60e169a321ac248");
            MessageBus = new MessageBus();

            var exportCardsControl = new ExportCardsControl();
            var importCardsControl = new ImportCardsControl();
            var authorizeForm      = new AuthorizationDialog();

            ExportCardsTaskPane       = CustomTaskPanes.Add(exportCardsControl, "Export cards to Trello");
            ExportCardsTaskPane.Width = 300;
            ExportCardsTaskPane.DockPositionRestrict = MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict.msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoHorizontal;

            ImportCardsTaskPane       = CustomTaskPanes.Add(importCardsControl, "Import cards from Trello");
            ImportCardsTaskPane.Width = 300;
            ImportCardsTaskPane.DockPositionRestrict = MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict.msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoHorizontal;

            TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

            ExportCardsPresenter = new ExportCardsPresenter(exportCardsControl, Trello, new GridToNewCardTransformer(), TaskScheduler, MessageBus);
            ImportCardsPresenter = new ImportCardsPresenter(importCardsControl, MessageBus, Trello, TaskScheduler);
            AuthorizePresenter   = new AuthorizePresenter(authorizeForm, Trello, MessageBus);

