public async Task <Errorable <TreeIDPathMapping>[]> GetTreeIDsByPaths(params TreeTreePath[] paths)
            // Since we cannot query the database with multiple root TreeIDs at once, group all the
            // paths that share the same root TreeID together and submit those in one query.

            var rootTreeIDGroups = from path in paths group path by path.RootTreeID;

            var tasks = new List <Task <ReadOnlyCollection <Errorable <TreeIDPathMapping> > > >(capacity: paths.Length);

            using (var en = rootTreeIDGroups.GetEnumerator())
                for (int i = 0; en.MoveNext(); ++i)
                    TreeID rootid = en.Current.Key;
                    CanonicalTreePath[] treePaths = en.Current.Select(tr => tr.Path).ToArray();

                    tasks.Add(db.ExecuteSingleQueryAsync(new QueryTreeIDsByPaths(rootid, treePaths)));

            // Wait for all the queries to come back:
            var allTreeIDs = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            // Flatten out the array-of-arrays:
            var flattenedTreeIDs =
                from trArr in allTreeIDs
                from tr in trArr
                select tr;

Beispiel #2
        internal static void RecursivePrint(TreeID treeID, ImmutableContainer <TreeID, TreeNode> trees, int depth = 1)
            TreeNode tr;

            if (!trees.TryGetValue(treeID, out tr))

            if (depth == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("tree {1}: {0}/", new string('_', (depth - 1) * 2), tr.ID.ToString(firstLength: 7));

            // Sort refs by name:
            var namedRefs = TreeNode.ComputeChildList(tr.Trees, tr.Blobs);

            foreach (var kv in namedRefs)
                var nref = kv.Value;
                switch (nref.Which)
                case Either <TreeTreeReference, TreeBlobReference> .Selected.Left:
                    Console.WriteLine("tree {1}: {0}{2}/", new string('_', depth * 2), nref.Left.TreeID.ToString(firstLength: 7), nref.Left.Name);
                    RecursivePrint(nref.Left.TreeID, trees, depth + 1);

                case Either <TreeTreeReference, TreeBlobReference> .Selected.Right:
                    Console.WriteLine("blob {1}: {0}{2}", new string('_', depth * 2), nref.Right.BlobID.ToString(firstLength: 7), nref.Right.Name);
Beispiel #3
        async Task <CommitID> TestCreateCommit(TreeID treeid, int num)
            var db = getDataContext();

            ICommitRepository cmrepo = new CommitRepository(db);
            IRefRepository    rfrepo = new RefRepository(db);

            Tuple <Ref, Commit> parent = await cmrepo.GetCommitByRef("HEAD");

            Commit cm = new Commit.Builder(
                pParents:       parent == null ? new List <CommitID>(0) : new List <CommitID>(1)
                pTreeID:        treeid,
                pCommitter:     "James Dunne <*****@*****.**>",
                pDateCommitted: DateTimeOffset.Parse("2011-08-29 00:00:00 -0500"),
                pMessage:       "Commit #" + num.ToString() + "."

            Console.WriteLine("CommitID {0}", cm.ID);

            // Persist the commit:
            await cmrepo.PersistCommit(cm);

            // Once the commit is persisted, update HEAD ref:
            await rfrepo.PersistRef(new Ref.Builder("HEAD", cm.ID));

Beispiel #4
        internal FileInfo getPathByID(TreeID id)
            DirectoryInfo objDir = getObjectsDirectory();
            string        idStr  = id.ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(objDir.FullName, idStr.Substring(0, 2), idStr.Substring(2));

            return(new FileInfo(path));
Beispiel #5
        private async Task <Errorable <Stage> > getStageByName(StageName stageName)
            FileInfo fiTracker = system.getStagePathByStageName(stageName);

            if (!fiTracker.Exists)
                return(new StageNameDoesNotExistError(stageName));

            byte[] buf;
            int    nr = 0;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(fiTracker.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr  = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large tag you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            Stage.Builder sb = new Stage.Builder();

            // Parse the Stage:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();

                    // Set Name:
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("name "))
                        return(new StageParseExpectedNameError());
                    sb.Name = (StageName)line.Substring("name ".Length);

                    // Set TreeID:
                    if (line == null || !line.StartsWith("tree "))
                        return(new StageParseExpectedTreeError());
                    var ecid = TreeID.TryParse(line.Substring("tree ".Length));
                    if (ecid.HasErrors)
                    sb.TreeID = ecid.Value;

 public Task <Errorable <TreeNode>[]> GetTrees(params TreeID[] ids)
     Task <Errorable <TreeNode> >[] tasks = new Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > [ids.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
         TreeID id = ids[i];
         tasks[i] = db.ExecuteSingleQueryAsync(new QueryTree(id));
 public Task <Errorable <TreeNode>[]> GetTrees(params TreeID[] ids)
     Task <Errorable <TreeNode> >[] tasks = new Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > [ids.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
         TreeID id = ids[i];
         tasks[i] = getTree(id);
 private void deleteTree(TreeID id)
     lock (FileSystem.SystemLock)
         FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);
         if (fi.Exists)
Beispiel #9
        private static TreeResponse projectTreeJSON(TreeID rootid, ImmutableContainer<TreeID, TreeNode> trees)
            TreeNode tree;
            if (!trees.TryGetValue(rootid, out tree)) return null;

            return new TreeResponse
                id = tree.ID.ToString(),
                blobs = tree.Blobs.SelectAsArray(bl => new TreeBlobRefResponse { name = bl.Name, blobid = bl.BlobID.ToString() }),
                trees = tree.Trees.SelectAsArray(tr => new TreeTreeRefResponse { name = tr.Name, treeid = tr.TreeID.ToString(), tree = projectTreeJSON(tr.TreeID, trees) })
Beispiel #10
        async Task TestRetrieveTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
            var db = getDataContext();

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving TreeID {0} recursively...", rootid);

            ITreeRepository repo = new TreeRepository(db);
            var             tree = await repo.GetTreeRecursively(rootid);

            // Recursively display trees:
            RecursivePrint(tree.Item1, tree.Item2);
        private async Task <Errorable <TreeIDPathMapping> > getTreeIDByPath(TreeNode root, TreeTreePath path)
            ReadOnlyCollection <string> parts = path.Path.Parts;

            if (parts.Count == 0)
                return(new TreeIDPathMapping(path, path.RootTreeID));

            int j = 0;

            // Start descending into child nodes:
            TreeNode node = root, nextNode;

            while (node != null)
                nextNode = null;

                // Check all child nodes against the next name in the path:
                for (int i = 0; i < node.Trees.Length; ++i)
                    // TODO: specific string comparison logic!
                    if (parts[j] == node.Trees[i].Name)
                        TreeID nextID = node.Trees[i].TreeID;

                        // Run out of path components? This is it!
                        if (++j == parts.Count)
                            return(new TreeIDPathMapping(path, (TreeID?)nextID));

                        // Load up the next node so we can scan through its child nodes:
                        var enextNode = await getTree(nextID).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                        if (enextNode.HasErrors)

                        nextNode = enextNode.Value;

                // Attempt to continue:
                node = nextNode;

            // If we got here it means that we didn't find what we were looking for:
            return(new TreeIDPathMapping(path, (TreeID?)null));
 public Task <Errorable <TreeID> > ResolvePartialID(TreeID.Partial id)
     FileInfo[] fis = system.getPathsByPartialID(id);
     if (fis.Length == 1)
         return(Task.FromResult(TreeID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + fis[0].Name)));
     if (fis.Length == 0)
         return(Task.FromResult((Errorable <TreeID>) new TreeIDPartialNoResolutionError(id)));
     return(Task.FromResult((Errorable <TreeID>) new TreeIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(id, fis.SelectAsArray(f => TreeID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + f.Name).Value))));
Beispiel #13
        private async Task createTrees()
            PersistingBlob pbHeader = new PersistingBlob("<div>Header</div>".ToStream());

            sblobs = await blrepo.PersistBlobs(pbHeader);

            trSection1 = new TreeNode.Builder();
            trSection2 = new TreeNode.Builder();
            trSection3 = new TreeNode.Builder();
            trImages   = new TreeNode.Builder();
            trCSS      = new TreeNode.Builder();
            trJS       = new TreeNode.Builder();

            trPages = new TreeNode.Builder(
                new List <TreeTreeReference> {
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("section1", trSection1.ID),
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("section2", trSection2.ID),
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("section3", trSection3.ID)
                new List <TreeBlobReference>(0)

            trContent = new TreeNode.Builder(
                new List <TreeTreeReference> {
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("images", trImages.ID),
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("css", trCSS.ID),
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("js", trJS.ID)
                new List <TreeBlobReference>(0)

            trTemplate = new TreeNode.Builder(
                new List <TreeTreeReference>(0),
                new List <TreeBlobReference> {
                new TreeBlobReference.Builder("header", sblobs[0].Value.ID)

            trRoot = new TreeNode.Builder(
                new List <TreeTreeReference> {
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("template", trTemplate.ID),
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("content", trContent.ID),
                new TreeTreeReference.Builder("pages", trPages.ID)
                new List <TreeBlobReference>(0)

            rootId = trRoot.ID;
            trees  = new ImmutableContainer <TreeID, TreeNode>(tr => tr.ID, trSection1, trSection2, trSection3, trPages, trImages, trCSS, trJS, trContent, trTemplate, trRoot);
            RecursivePrint(trRoot.ID, trees);
        private async Task <Errorable <TreeNode[]> > getTreeRecursively(TreeID id)
            var eroot = await getTree(id).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            if (eroot.HasErrors)

            var root    = eroot.Value;
            var rootArr = new TreeNode[1] {

            if (root.Trees.Length == 0)

            Task <Errorable <TreeNode[]> >[] tasks = new Task <Errorable <TreeNode[]> > [root.Trees.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Trees.Length; ++i)
                tasks[i] = getTreeRecursively(root.Trees[i].TreeID);

            // Await all the tree retrievals:
            var allTrees = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            // Roll up all the errors:
            ErrorContainer errors =
                    from etrs in allTrees
                    where etrs.HasErrors
                    select etrs.Errors
                ).Aggregate(new ErrorContainer(), (acc, err) => acc + err);

            if (errors.HasAny)

            // Flatten out the tree arrays:
            var flattened =
                from etrs in allTrees
                from tr in etrs.Value
                select tr;

            // Return the final array:
            return(rootArr.Concat(flattened).ToArray(allTrees.Sum(ta => ta.Value.Length) + 1));
Beispiel #15
        async Task Create3DeepCommit()
            // Create a 3-depth commit tree up from HEAD:
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                TreeID rootid = await TestPersistTree();


                CommitID cmid = await TestCreateCommit(rootid, i);

 public Builder(
     List<CommitID> pParents
    ,TreeID pTreeID
    ,string pCommitter
    ,DateTimeOffset pDateCommitted
    ,string pMessage
     this.Parents = pParents;
     this.TreeID = pTreeID;
     this.Committer = pCommitter;
     this.DateCommitted = pDateCommitted;
     this.Message = pMessage;
Beispiel #17
 public Builder(
     CommitID pID
     , TreeID pTreeID
     , string pCommitter
     , DateTimeOffset pDateCommitted
     , string pMessage
     this.ID            = pID;
     this.TreeID        = pTreeID;
     this.Committer     = pCommitter;
     this.DateCommitted = pDateCommitted;
     this.Message       = pMessage;
        public async Task <Errorable <TreeTree> > GetTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
            // Get all trees recursively:
            var eall = await getTreeRecursively(rootid).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            if (eall.HasErrors)

            TreeNode[] all = eall.Value;

            // Return them (all[0] is the root):
            return(new TreeTree(all[0].ID, new ImmutableContainer <TreeID, TreeNode>(tr => tr.ID, all)));
        protected override async Task <Action <AsyncCodeActivityContext> > ExecuteAsync(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Inputs
            var treeid      = TreeID.Get(context);
            var treeitemkey = TreeItemKey.Get(context);

            // Add execution logic HERE
            SAPAuto objSAPAuto = new SAPAuto();

            objSAPAuto.TreeView_Select(treeid, treeitemkey);

            // Outputs
            return((ctx) => {
        public async Task <Errorable <TreeID> > DeleteTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
            var etrees = await getTreeRecursively(rootid).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            if (etrees.HasErrors)

            var trees = etrees.Value;

            // TODO: test that 'tr' is captured properly in the lambda.
            Task[] tasks = trees.SelectAsArray(tr => Task.Run(() => deleteTree(tr.ID)));

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

        public Errorable <TreeNode> retrieve(SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader dr, int expectedCapacity = 10)
            TreeNode.Builder tb = new TreeNode.Builder(new List <TreeTreeReference>(), new List <TreeBlobReference>());

            // Read the TreeTreeReferences:
            while (dr.Read())
                var name          = dr.GetSqlString(0).Value;
                var linked_treeid = (TreeID)dr.GetSqlBinary(1).Value;

                tb.Trees.Add(new TreeTreeReference.Builder(name, linked_treeid));

            if (!dr.NextResult())
                return(new TreeTreePathDoesNotExistError(this._path));

            // Read the TreeBlobReferences:
            while (dr.Read())
                var name          = dr.GetSqlString(0).Value;
                var linked_blobid = (BlobID)dr.GetSqlBinary(1).Value.ToArray(20);

                tb.Blobs.Add(new TreeBlobReference.Builder(name, linked_blobid));

            TreeNode tr          = tb;
            TreeID   retrievedId = (TreeID)((SqlBinary)cmd.Parameters["@treeid"].SqlValue).Value;

            if (tr.ID != retrievedId)
                return(new ComputedTreeIDMismatchError(tr.ID, retrievedId));

 public Builder(
     StageName pName
    ,TreeID pTreeID
     this.Name = pName;
     this.TreeID = pTreeID;
 public Stage(Builder b)
     this.Name = b.Name;
     this.TreeID = b.TreeID;
 public Builder(TreeTreeReference imm)
     this.Name = imm.Name;
     this.TreeID = imm.TreeID;
 public Builder(
     CommitID pID
    ,TreeID pTreeID
    ,string pCommitter
    ,DateTimeOffset pDateCommitted
    ,string pMessage
     this.ID = pID;
     this.TreeID = pTreeID;
     this.Committer = pCommitter;
     this.DateCommitted = pDateCommitted;
     this.Message = pMessage;
Beispiel #26
 public QueryTreeRecursively(TreeID id)
     this._id = id;
 public ComputedTreeIDMismatchError(TreeID computedID, TreeID expectedID) : base("Computed TreeID {0} does not match expected TreeID {1}", computedID, expectedID) { }
 public Task<Errorable<TreeTree>> GetTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
     return db.ExecuteListQueryAsync(new QueryTreeRecursively(rootid));
        internal FileInfo[] getPathsByPartialID(TreeID.Partial partial)
            DirectoryInfo objDir = getObjectsDirectory();
            string idStr = partial.ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(objDir.FullName, idStr.Substring(0, 2));
            var di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            if (!di.Exists) return new FileInfo[0];

            return di.GetFiles(idStr.Substring(2) + "*");
        internal FileInfo getPathByID(TreeID id)
            DirectoryInfo objDir = getObjectsDirectory();
            string idStr = id.ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(objDir.FullName, idStr.Substring(0, 2), idStr.Substring(2));
            return new FileInfo(path);
        private async Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > getTree(TreeID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);

            if (!fi.Exists)
                return(new TreeIDRecordDoesNotExistError(id));

            byte[] buf;
            int    nr = 0;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr  = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large tree you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            TreeNode.Builder tb = new TreeNode.Builder(new List <TreeTreeReference>(), new List <TreeBlobReference>());

            // Parse the Tree:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                    string line;

                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (line.StartsWith("tree "))
                            string linked_treeid = line.Substring(5, (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));
                            string name          = line.Substring(6 + (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));

                            // Attempt to parse the TreeID and verify its existence:
                            Errorable <TreeID> trid = TreeID.TryParse(linked_treeid);
                            if (trid.HasErrors)
                            if (!system.getPathByID(trid.Value).Exists)
                                return(new TreeIDRecordDoesNotExistError(trid.Value));
                            tb.Trees.Add(new TreeTreeReference.Builder(name, trid.Value));
                        else if (line.StartsWith("blob "))
                            string linked_blobid = line.Substring(5, (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));
                            string name          = line.Substring(6 + (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));

                            // Attempt to parse the BlobID and verify its existence:
                            Errorable <BlobID> blid = BlobID.TryParse(linked_blobid);
                            if (blid.HasErrors)
                            if (!system.getPathByID(blid.Value).Exists)
                                return(new BlobIDRecordDoesNotExistError(blid.Value));
                            tb.Blobs.Add(new TreeBlobReference.Builder(name, blid.Value));

            // Create the immutable Tree from the Builder:
            TreeNode tr = tb;

            // Validate the computed TreeID:
            if (tr.ID != id)
                return(new ComputedTreeIDMismatchError(tr.ID, id));

        public async Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > PersistTree(TreeID rootid, ImmutableContainer <TreeID, TreeNode> trees)
            if (trees == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("trees");
            // TODO: better return value than `null`
            if (trees.Count == 0)

            // This code scans the tree breadth-first and builds a reversed depth-ordered stack:

            var reverseDepthOrder = new { id = rootid, depth = 0 }.StackOf(trees.Count);


            var breadthFirstQueue = new { id = rootid, depth = 0 }.QueueOf(trees.Count);

            while (breadthFirstQueue.Count > 0)
                var curr = breadthFirstQueue.Dequeue();
                // Add it to the reverse stack:

                TreeNode node;
                if (!trees.TryGetValue(, out node))
                    // TODO: didn't find the TreeID in the given collection, assume already persisted?

                // Queue up the child TreeIDs:
                foreach (var trtr in node.Trees)
                    breadthFirstQueue.Enqueue(new { id = trtr.TreeID, depth = curr.depth + 1 });

            // This code takes the reverse depth-ordered stack and persists the tree nodes in groups per depth level.
            // This ensures that all child nodes across the breadth of the tree at each depth level are persisted
            // before moving up to their parents.

            List <Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > > persistTasks = new List <Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > >();
            HashSet <TreeID> isPersisting = new HashSet <TreeID>();

            int lastDepth = reverseDepthOrder.Peek().depth;

            foreach (var curr in reverseDepthOrder)
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", curr.depth, 7)));
                // An invariant of the algorithm, enforced via assert:
                Debug.Assert(curr.depth <= lastDepth);

                // Did we move to the next depth group:
                if (curr.depth != lastDepth)
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Awaiting depth group {0}...", lastDepth));
                    // Wait for the last depth group to finish persisting:
                    await Task.WhenAll(persistTasks);

                    // TODO: roll up errors!

                    // Start a new depth group:
                    persistTasks = new List <Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > >();

                // Don't re-persist the same TreeID (this is a legit case - the same TreeID may be seen in different nodes of the tree):
                if (isPersisting.Contains(
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Already persisting {0}", 7)));

                    // Keep track of the last depth level:
                    lastDepth = curr.depth;

                // Get the TreeNode and persist it:
                TreeNode node = trees[];

                // Fire up a task to persist this tree node:
                var tsk = Task.Run(() => persistTree(node));

                // Add the task to the depth group to await:
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Adding to depth group {0}...", curr.depth));

                // Keep track of the last depth level:
                lastDepth = curr.depth;

            // The final depth group should be depth 0 with at most 1 element: the root node.
            Debug.Assert(lastDepth == 0);
            if (persistTasks.Count > 0)
                // Await the last group (the root node):
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Awaiting depth group {0}...", lastDepth));
                await Task.WhenAll(persistTasks);

            // Return the root TreeNode:
 public TreeTree(TreeID rootID, ImmutableContainer<TreeID, TreeNode> trees)
     this.RootID = rootID;
     this.Trees = trees;
 public Task<Errorable<TreeNode>> GetTree(TreeID id)
     return db.ExecuteSingleQueryAsync(new QueryTree(id));
 public Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > GetTree(TreeID id)
     return(db.ExecuteSingleQueryAsync(new QueryTree(id)));
        public async Task<Errorable<TreeNode>> PersistTree(TreeID rootid, ImmutableContainer<TreeID, TreeNode> trees)
            if (trees == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("trees");
            // TODO: better return value than `null`
            if (trees.Count == 0) return (TreeNode)null;

            // Start a query to check what Trees exist already:
            var existTrees = await db.ExecuteListQueryAsync(new QueryTreesExist(trees.Keys), expectedCapacity: trees.Count);

            // This code scans the tree breadth-first and builds a reversed depth-ordered stack:

            var reverseDepthOrder = new { id = rootid, depth = 0 }.StackOf(trees.Count);

            var breadthFirstQueue = new { id = rootid, depth = 0 }.QueueOf(trees.Count);
            while (breadthFirstQueue.Count > 0)
                var curr = breadthFirstQueue.Dequeue();
                // Add it to the reverse stack:

                TreeNode node;
                if (!trees.TryGetValue(, out node))
                    // TODO: didn't find the TreeID in the given collection, assume already persisted?

                // Queue up the child TreeIDs:
                foreach (var trtr in node.Trees)
                    breadthFirstQueue.Enqueue(new { id = trtr.TreeID, depth = curr.depth + 1 });

            // This code takes the reverse depth-ordered stack and persists the tree nodes in groups per depth level.
            // This ensures that all child nodes across the breadth of the tree at each depth level are persisted
            // before moving up to their parents.

            List<Task<Errorable<TreeNode>>> persistTasks = new List<Task<Errorable<TreeNode>>>();
            // Initialize the `isPersisting` set with the set of TreeIDs that already exist.
            HashSet<TreeID> isPersisting = new HashSet<TreeID>(existTrees);

            int lastDepth = reverseDepthOrder.Peek().depth;
            foreach (var curr in reverseDepthOrder)
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", curr.depth, 7)));
                // An invariant of the algorithm, enforced via assert:
                Debug.Assert(curr.depth <= lastDepth);

                // Did we move to the next depth group:
                if ((persistTasks.Count > 0) && (curr.depth != lastDepth))
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Awaiting depth group {0}...", lastDepth));
                    // Wait for the last depth group to finish persisting:
                    await Task.WhenAll(persistTasks);

                    // Start a new depth group:
                    persistTasks = new List<Task<Errorable<TreeNode>>>();

                // Don't re-persist the same TreeID (this is a legit case - the same TreeID may be seen in different nodes of the tree):
                if (isPersisting.Contains(
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Already persisting {0}", 7)));

                    // Keep track of the last depth level:
                    lastDepth = curr.depth;

                // Get the TreeNode and persist it:
                TreeNode node = trees[];

                // Fire up a task to persist this tree node:
                var tsk = db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(new PersistTree(node));

                // Add the task to the depth group to await:
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Adding to depth group {0}...", curr.depth));

                // Keep track of the last depth level:
                lastDepth = curr.depth;

            Debug.Assert(lastDepth == 0);
            if (persistTasks.Count > 0)
                // Await the last group (the root node):
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Awaiting depth group {0}...", lastDepth));
                await Task.WhenAll(persistTasks);

            // Return the root TreeNode:
            return trees[rootid];
Beispiel #37
 public QueryTree(TreeID id)
     this._id = id;
Beispiel #38
 public TreeRecordAlreadyExistsError(TreeID id) : base("A tree with TreeID {0} already exists", id)
Beispiel #39
        public Errorable <TreeTree> retrieve(SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader dr, int expectedCapacity = 10)
            Dictionary <TreeID, TreeNode.Builder> trees = new Dictionary <TreeID, TreeNode.Builder>(expectedCapacity);

            // Iterate through rows of the recursive query, assuming ordering of rows guarantees tree depth locality.
            while (dr.Read())
                SqlBinary btreeid        = dr.GetSqlBinary(0);
                SqlBinary blinked_treeid = dr.GetSqlBinary(1);
                SqlString treename       = dr.GetSqlString(2);
                SqlBinary linked_blobid  = dr.GetSqlBinary(3);
                SqlString blobname       = dr.GetSqlString(4);

                TreeID?treeid        = btreeid.IsNull ? (TreeID?)null : (TreeID)btreeid.Value;
                TreeID?linked_treeid = blinked_treeid.IsNull ? (TreeID?)null : (TreeID)blinked_treeid.Value;

                TreeID pullFor = treeid.HasValue ? treeid.Value : linked_treeid.Value;

                TreeNode.Builder curr;
                if (!trees.TryGetValue(pullFor, out curr))
                    curr = new TreeNode.Builder(new List <TreeTreeReference>(), new List <TreeBlobReference>());
                    trees.Add(pullFor, curr);

                // The tree to add the blob link to:
                TreeNode.Builder blobTree = curr;

                // Add a tree link:
                if (treeid.HasValue && linked_treeid.HasValue)
                    // Create the Tree.Builder for the linked_treeid if it does not exist:
                    if (!trees.TryGetValue(linked_treeid.Value, out blobTree))
                        blobTree = new TreeNode.Builder(new List <TreeTreeReference>(), new List <TreeBlobReference>());
                        trees.Add(linked_treeid.Value, blobTree);

                    List <TreeTreeReference> treeRefs = curr.Trees;

                    bool isDupe = false;
                    if (treeRefs.Count > 0)
                        // Only check the previous ref record for dupe:
                        // TODO: verify that SQL Server will *always* return rows in an order that supports depth locality from a recursive CTE.
                        isDupe = (
                            (treeRefs[treeRefs.Count - 1].TreeID == linked_treeid.Value) &&
                            (treeRefs[treeRefs.Count - 1].Name == treename.Value)

                    // Don't re-add the same tree link:
                    if (!isDupe)
                        treeRefs.Add(new TreeTreeReference.Builder(treename.Value, linked_treeid.Value));

                // Add a blob link to the child or parent tree:
                if (!linked_blobid.IsNull)
                    blobTree.Blobs.Add(new TreeBlobReference.Builder(blobname.Value, (BlobID)linked_blobid.Value.ToArray(20)));

            List <TreeNode> finals = new List <TreeNode>(trees.Count);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <TreeID, TreeNode.Builder> pair in trees)
                TreeNode tr = pair.Value;
                if (tr.ID != pair.Key)
                    return(new ComputedTreeIDMismatchError(tr.ID, pair.Key));

            // Return the final result with immutable objects:
            return(new TreeTree(this._id, new ImmutableContainer <TreeID, TreeNode>(tr => tr.ID, finals)));
Beispiel #40
 public QueryTreeIDsByPaths(TreeID rootid, params CanonicalTreePath[] paths)
     this._rootid = rootid;
     this._paths  = paths;
 public TreeTreeReference(Builder b)
     this.Name = b.Name;
     this.TreeID = b.TreeID;
 public TreeIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(TreeID.Partial id, params TreeID[] ids) : base("Partial TreeID {0} resolves to multiple TreeID", id, ids) { }
 public Builder(
     string pName
    ,TreeID pTreeID
     this.Name = pName;
     this.TreeID = pTreeID;
 public TreeIDPartialNoResolutionError(TreeID.Partial id) : base("Partial TreeID {0} does not resolve to a TreeID", id) { }
 public Builder(Stage imm)
     this.Name = imm.Name;
     this.TreeID = imm.TreeID;
        public async Task<Errorable<TreeTree>> GetTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
            // Get all trees recursively:
            var eall = await getTreeRecursively(rootid).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            if (eall.HasErrors) return eall.Errors;

            TreeNode[] all = eall.Value;

            // Return them (all[0] is the root):
            return new TreeTree(all[0].ID, new ImmutableContainer<TreeID, TreeNode>(tr => tr.ID, all));
 public Task<Errorable<TreeID>> ResolvePartialID(TreeID.Partial id)
     FileInfo[] fis = system.getPathsByPartialID(id);
     if (fis.Length == 1) return Task.FromResult(TreeID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + fis[0].Name));
     if (fis.Length == 0) return Task.FromResult((Errorable<TreeID>)new TreeIDPartialNoResolutionError(id));
     return Task.FromResult((Errorable<TreeID>)new TreeIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(id, fis.SelectAsArray(f => TreeID.TryParse(id.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + f.Name).Value)));
 public Task <Errorable <TreeNode> > GetTree(TreeID id)
 public Task<Errorable<TreeID>> DeleteTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public TreeIDPathMapping(TreeTreePath path, TreeID? id)
     this.Path = path;
     this.TreeID = id;
 public async Task<Errorable<TreeID>> ResolvePartialID(TreeID.Partial id)
     var resolvedIDs = await db.ExecuteListQueryAsync(new ResolvePartialTreeID(id));
     if (resolvedIDs.Length == 1) return resolvedIDs[0];
     if (resolvedIDs.Length == 0) return new TreeIDPartialNoResolutionError(id);
     return new TreeIDPartialAmbiguousResolutionError(id, resolvedIDs);
 private void deleteTree(TreeID id)
     lock (FileSystem.SystemLock)
         FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);
         if (fi.Exists) fi.Delete();
Beispiel #53
 public TreeIDRecordDoesNotExistError(TreeID treeID) : base("A tree with TreeID {0} does not exist", treeID)
        private async Task<Errorable<TreeNode[]>> getTreeRecursively(TreeID id)
            var eroot = await getTree(id).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            if (eroot.HasErrors) return eroot.Errors;

            var root = eroot.Value;
            var rootArr = new TreeNode[1] { root };

            if (root.Trees.Length == 0)
                return rootArr;

            Task<Errorable<TreeNode[]>>[] tasks = new Task<Errorable<TreeNode[]>>[root.Trees.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Trees.Length; ++i)
                tasks[i] = getTreeRecursively(root.Trees[i].TreeID);

            // Await all the tree retrievals:
            var allTrees = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            // Roll up all the errors:
            ErrorContainer errors =
                    from etrs in allTrees
                    where etrs.HasErrors
                    select etrs.Errors
                ).Aggregate(new ErrorContainer(), (acc, err) => acc + err);

            if (errors.HasAny) return errors;

            // Flatten out the tree arrays:
            var flattened =
                from etrs in allTrees
                from tr in etrs.Value
                select tr;

            // Return the final array:
            return rootArr.Concat(flattened).ToArray(allTrees.Sum(ta => ta.Value.Length) + 1);
Beispiel #55
 public ComputedTreeIDMismatchError(TreeID computedID, TreeID expectedID) : base("Computed TreeID {0} does not match expected TreeID {1}", computedID, expectedID)
        private async Task<Errorable<TreeNode>> getTree(TreeID id)
            FileInfo fi = system.getPathByID(id);
            if (!fi.Exists) return new TreeIDRecordDoesNotExistError(id);

            byte[] buf;
            int nr = 0;
            using (var fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 16384, true))
                // TODO: implement an async buffered Stream:
                buf = new byte[16384];
                nr = await fs.ReadAsync(buf, 0, 16384).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
                if (nr >= 16384)
                    // My, what a large tree you have!
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            TreeNode.Builder tb = new TreeNode.Builder(new List<TreeTreeReference>(), new List<TreeBlobReference>());

            // Parse the Tree:
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, nr, false))
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8))
                string line;

                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.StartsWith("tree "))
                        string linked_treeid = line.Substring(5, (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));
                        string name = line.Substring(6 + (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));

                        // Attempt to parse the TreeID and verify its existence:
                        Errorable<TreeID> trid = TreeID.TryParse(linked_treeid);
                        if (trid.HasErrors) return trid.Errors;
                        if (!system.getPathByID(trid.Value).Exists) return new TreeIDRecordDoesNotExistError(trid.Value);
                        tb.Trees.Add(new TreeTreeReference.Builder(name, trid.Value));
                    else if (line.StartsWith("blob "))
                        string linked_blobid = line.Substring(5, (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));
                        string name = line.Substring(6 + (TreeID.ByteArrayLength * 2));

                        // Attempt to parse the BlobID and verify its existence:
                        Errorable<BlobID> blid = BlobID.TryParse(linked_blobid);
                        if (blid.HasErrors) return blid.Errors;
                        if (!system.getPathByID(blid.Value).Exists) return new BlobIDRecordDoesNotExistError(blid.Value);
                        tb.Blobs.Add(new TreeBlobReference.Builder(name, blid.Value));

            // Create the immutable Tree from the Builder:
            TreeNode tr = tb;
            // Validate the computed TreeID:
            if (tr.ID != id) return new ComputedTreeIDMismatchError(tr.ID, id);

            return tr;
 public TreeBlobPath(TreeID rootTreeID, CanonicalBlobPath path)
     this.RootTreeID = rootTreeID;
     this.Path = path;
 public Task<Errorable<TreeNode>> GetTree(TreeID id)
     return getTree(id);
 public TreePathStreamedBlob(TreeID rootTreeID, CanonicalBlobPath path, IStreamedBlob blob)
     : this(new TreeBlobPath(rootTreeID, path), blob)
        public async Task<Errorable<TreeID>> DeleteTreeRecursively(TreeID rootid)
            var etrees = await getTreeRecursively(rootid).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
            if (etrees.HasErrors) return etrees.Errors;

            var trees = etrees.Value;

            // TODO: test that 'tr' is captured properly in the lambda.
            Task[] tasks = trees.SelectAsArray(tr => Task.Run(() => deleteTree(tr.ID)));

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            return rootid;