Beispiel #1
        static void ShowFilterForm()
            var mockTags = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            var parentA = new OSMTag("website");
            var itemA   = new OSMTreeGridItem(parentA, 0, 0, false, false);
            var AChildA = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("website="), 1, 2, true, false);

            var AChildB = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("website="), 1, 2, true, false);


            var parentB = new OSMTag("height");
            var itemB   = new OSMTreeGridItem(parentB, 0, 0, false, false);
            var BChildA = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("height=10"), 2, 2, true, false);

            var BChildB = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("height=5"), 1, 1, true, false);

            var CChildC = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("height=11"), 3, 3, true, false);

            var BChildD = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("height=2"), 3, 3, true, false);

            var CChildE = new OSMTreeGridItem(new OSMTag("height=20"), 3, 3, true, false);


            new Application(Eto.Platforms.Wpf).Run(new FilterTagsForm(mockTags, HideObscure));
Beispiel #2
        public MyForm()
            // sets the client (inner) size of the window for your content
            this.ClientSize = new Eto.Drawing.Size(600, 400);

            this.Title = "Hello, Eto.Forms";

            Content = new Label {
                Text = "Some content", VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle, HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center

            TreeGridView view = new TreeGridView();

            view.Columns.Add(new GridColumn()
                HeaderText = "Test", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0), AutoSize = true, Resizable = true, Editable = false
            view.Columns.Add(new GridColumn()
                HeaderText = "Id", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1), AutoSize = true, Resizable = true, Editable = false

            TreeGridItemCollection data = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            TreeGridItem child = new TreeGridItem()
                Values = new object[] { "Testing1", "Testing2" }
            TreeGridItem child2 = new TreeGridItem()
                Values = new object[] { "Testing3", "Testing4" }
            TreeGridItem child3 = new TreeGridItem()
                Values = new object[] { "Testing3", "Testing4" }

            child.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem()
                Values = new object[] { "1", "2" }
            child2.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem()
                Values = new object[] { "3", "4" }
            child3.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem()
                Values = new object[] { "5", "6" }
            view.DataStore = data;

            Content = view;
Beispiel #3
        public void Update(IEnumerable <libexeinfo.NE.ResourceType> resourceTypes, libexeinfo.NE.TargetOS os)
            TreeGridItemCollection treeData = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (libexeinfo.NE.ResourceType resourceType in resourceTypes.OrderBy(r =>
                TreeGridItem root = new TreeGridItem
                    Values = new object[] { $"{}", null, null, null, os, null }

                foreach (libexeinfo.NE.Resource resource in resourceType.resources.OrderBy(r =>
                    root.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[]
                            $"{}", $"{}",
                            $"{(libexeinfo.NE.ResourceFlags)((ushort)resource.flags & libexeinfo.NE.KNOWN_RSRC_FLAGS)}",
                            $"{}", os, resource


            treeResources.DataStore = treeData;
Beispiel #4
        private void LoadMachines()
            Machines = Machine.GetAll();
            var machineIcon = Icons.Get("vm", IconSize.Large);

            foreach (Machine machine in Machines)
                var machineTreeGridItem = new TreeGridItem()
                    Expanded = false,
                    Values   = new object[] { machineIcon, machine.Name },


            MachineSelector.DataStore = MachineSelectorItems;

            if (MachineSelectorItems.Count > 0)
                MachineSelector.SelectedRow = 0;

            MachinesLoaded = true;
        public void Update(IEnumerable <ResourceTypeBlock> resources, bool bigEndian)
            TreeGridItemCollection treeData = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (ResourceTypeBlock type in resources.OrderBy(r => r.type))
                TreeGridItem root = new TreeGridItem {
                    Values = new object[] { $"{type.type}", null, null, null, null }

                foreach (Resource resource in type.resources.OrderBy(r => => => r.index))
                    TreeGridItem child = new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[]
                            $"{}", $"{}",
                   == null ? null : $"{}", $"{type.type}",



            treeResources.DataStore = treeData;
            this.bigEndian          = bigEndian;
        public void Update(IEnumerable <libexeinfo.NE.ResourceType> resourceTypes)
            treeData = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (libexeinfo.NE.ResourceType resourceType in resourceTypes.OrderBy(r =>
                TreeGridItem root = new TreeGridItem
                    Values = new object[] { $"{}", null, null, null }

                foreach (libexeinfo.NE.Resource resource in resourceType.resources.OrderBy(r =>
                    root.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[]
                            $"{}", $"{}", $"{}", resource


            treeResources.DataStore = treeData;
Beispiel #7
        public void DrawableCellAsFirstColumnShouldNotBeWhite()
            ManualForm("Both cells should show the same", form =>
                TreeGridView tree = new TreeGridView();

                // add first drawable (it will be rendered all white!
                var drawableCell1    = new DrawableCell();
                drawableCell1.Paint += drawableCell_Paint;
                tree.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "not working", DataCell = drawableCell1, Width = 200

                // add the second drawable
                var drawableCell2    = new DrawableCell();
                drawableCell2.Paint += drawableCell_Paint;
                tree.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "working", DataCell = drawableCell2, Width = 200

                // add some data to the tree just to populate it
                TreeGridItemCollection model = new TreeGridItemCollection();
                TreeGridItem item1           = new TreeGridItem();
                item1.Values       = new object[] { "text" };
                TreeGridItem item2 = new TreeGridItem();
                item2.Values       = new object[] { "text" };
                item1.Expanded = true;

                tree.DataStore = model;

Beispiel #8
        private void PopulateResultExplorerMatch(MatchCollection matches, string[] groupNames)

            var treeGridItemCollection = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (Match match in matches)
                var item = new TreeGridItem()
                    Values = new string[] { match.Value },
                    Tag    = match

                foreach (string groupName in groupNames.Where(g => g != "0"))
                    Group group = match.Groups[groupName];
                    item.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem()
                        Values = new string[] { $"{groupName}: {group.Value}" },
                        Tag    = group


            tvwResultExplorer.DataStore = treeGridItemCollection;
Beispiel #9
        public void SettingWidthShouldDisableAutosize()
            ManualForm("Width of column should be 300px and not change when scrolling",
                       form =>
                var control    = new T();
                control.Width  = 400;
                control.Height = 200;
                var column     = new GridColumn
                    DataCell   = new TextBoxCell(0),
                    AutoSize   = true,
                    Width      = 300,                // setting width should set AutoSize to false
                    HeaderText = "Cell"

                Assert.IsFalse(column.AutoSize, "#1");

                var dd = new TreeGridItemCollection();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    dd.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new[] { "Row " + i }
                SetDataStore(control, dd);

        private TreeGridItemCollection GetTree(List <FullStory> stories)
            TreeGridItemCollection data = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (FullStory story in stories)
                TreeGridItem tgiParent = new TreeGridItem()
                    Values = new object[] { WebUtility.HtmlDecode(story.title) }
                string all5 = string.Empty;
                foreach (string s in story.GetTopNWords(5))
                    all5 += s + " ";
                tgiParent.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem()
                    Values = new object[] { WebUtility.HtmlDecode(all5) }
                foreach (children child in story.children)
                    TreeGridItem tgi = GetCommentTree(child);
                    if (tgi.Tag != "empty")
        public void Update(libexeinfo.PE.ResourceNode root)
            TreeGridItemCollection treeData = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (libexeinfo.PE.ResourceNode rootChild in root.children)

            treeResources.DataStore = treeData;
Beispiel #12
        public IEnumerable <object> CreateDataStore(int rows = 20)
            var list = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                list.Add(new GridTestItem {
                    Text = $"Item {i}", Values = new[] { $"col {i}.2", $"col {i}.3", $"col {i}.4" }
Beispiel #13
        public FileHierarchy()
            this.Size = new Size(-1, 500);
            this.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

            TreeGridItemCollection _collection = new TreeGridItemCollection();
            TreeGridItem           child       = new TreeGridItem("Select a file to start");

            this.DataStore = _collection;
        private TreeGridItemCollection GetTree(Story story)
            TreeGridItemCollection data = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (Comment comment in story.Comments)
                TreeGridItem tgi = GetCommentTree(comment);
                if (tgi.Tag != "empty")
        /// <summary>Parse the Grasshopper data tree into the form's data tree</summary>
        protected TreeGridItemCollection GetSelectableTagsFromInputTree(OSMListWithPaths requests)
            var indexOfParents = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            var sortedTags     = requests.items.OrderBy(t => t.ToString()).ToList();
            var selectableTags = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (var tag in sortedTags)
                if (tag.Key != null)
                    if (!indexOfParents.ContainsKey(tag.Key.Value))
                        var parentItem = new OSMTreeGridItem(tag.Key, 0, 0, true, false);
                        indexOfParents[parentItem.OSMData.Value] = selectableTags.Count - 1;

                var nodeCount = 0; var wayCount = 0;
                if (ProvidedNodes)
                    nodeCount = requests.pathsPerItem[tag].Count();
                    wayCount = requests.pathsPerItem[tag].Count();

                var childItem = new OSMTreeGridItem(tag, nodeCount, wayCount, true, false);
                if (childItem.OSMData.Key != null)
                    var parentKey = indexOfParents[childItem.OSMData.Key.Value];
                    var parent    = selectableTags[parentKey] as OSMTreeGridItem;

            foreach (OSMTreeGridItem tag in selectableTags) // Hack to sort numeric data properly
                if (OSMSpecialTags.numericTags.ContainsKey(tag.OSMData.Value))
                    var childrenCopy = tag.Children.Cast <OSMTreeGridItem>().OrderBy(
                        item => TreeGridUtilities.MayBeIntSort(item)).ToList();

Beispiel #16
        public frmMain(bool debug, bool verbose)

            lblError = new Label();
            grdFiles = new GridView();

            ConsoleHandler.Debug   = debug;
            ConsoleHandler.Verbose = verbose;

            treeImagesItems = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            treeImages.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Name", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

            treeImages.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
            treeImages.ShowHeader             = false;
            treeImages.DataStore = treeImagesItems;

            imagesRoot = new TreeGridItem {
                Values = new object[] { "Images" }
            devicesRoot = new TreeGridItem {
                Values = new object[] { "Devices" }


            placeholderItem = new TreeGridItem {
                Values = new object[] { "You should not be seeing this" }

            Closing += OnClosing;
Beispiel #17
 void CreateTreeData(TreeGridItemCollection coll, int level, string parentString = "Item")
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         var itemText = $"{parentString}-{i}";
         var item     = new TreeGridItem {
             Values = new[] { itemText }
         if (level < 2 && (i % 4) != 0)
             CreateTreeData(item.Children, level + 1, itemText);
Beispiel #18
        private void updateTree()
            var collection = new TreeGridItemCollection();
            var children   = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (var info in this.fileInformation.children)
                var tempItem = new TreeGridItem(Path.GetFileName(info.filename));
            var topLevelItem = new TreeGridItem(children, Path.GetFileName(currentState.currentlySelectedFile));


            this.treeView.DataStore = collection;
Beispiel #19
        private static TreeGridItemCollection GetCodeTree(IEnumerable <object> rootItems, object executingItem, ref TreeGridItem executingTreeGridViewItem)
            TreeGridItemCollection result = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (object currentItem in rootItems)
                TreeGridItem newTreeViewItem = currentItem is Mira.Items currentItems ? new TreeGridItem(GetCodeTree(currentItems, executingItem, ref executingTreeGridViewItem), "(Items)") : new TreeGridItem(currentItem.ToString(), currentItem.GetType().Name);
                newTreeViewItem.Tag      = currentItem;
                newTreeViewItem.Expanded = true;
                if (currentItem == executingItem)
                    executingTreeGridViewItem = newTreeViewItem;
        public void Update(libexeinfo.GEM.TreeObjectNode[] roots, libexeinfo.GEM.ColorIcon[] cicons)
            treeData = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < roots.Length; i++)
                TreeGridItem root = new TreeGridItem {
                    Values = new object[] { $"Root {i}", null }

                AddObjectToTree(root, roots[i]);


            treeResources.DataStore = treeData;
            colorIcons = cicons;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>Given a pre-existing tree grid collection, show/hide items based on if obscure features should be hidden </summary>
        public static TreeGridItemCollection FilterByObscurity(TreeGridItemCollection selectableData,
                                                               bool hideObscureFeatures, TreeGridItemCollection currentSelectableData = null)
            // Need to clone the items and make a new list to preserve the original Collection as unfiltered
            var newSelectableData = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            for (var i = 0; i < selectableData.Count; i++)
                // Try to preserve open/close and selected/unselected state during filtering
                var previousItem = selectableData[i] as OSMTreeGridItem;
                if (currentSelectableData != null)
                    var currentItem = currentSelectableData.Where(t => t.ToString() == previousItem.ToString()).First();
                    if (currentItem != null)
                        previousItem = currentItem  as OSMTreeGridItem;

                var currentTagExpanded = previousItem.Expanded;
                var currentTagSelected = previousItem.IsSelected();

                var originalTag = selectableData[i] as OSMTreeGridItem;
                if (originalTag.IsObscure && hideObscureFeatures)

                var newTag = new OSMTreeGridItem(originalTag.OSMData, originalTag.OSMData.NodeCount,
                                                 originalTag.OSMData.WayCount, originalTag.IsParsed, currentTagSelected, currentTagExpanded);

                foreach (OSMTreeGridItem originalChild in originalTag.Children)
                    if (!originalChild.IsObscure || !hideObscureFeatures)


Beispiel #22
        public void ClickingWithEmptyDataShouldNotCrash(bool allowEmptySelection, bool allowMultipleSelection)
            Exception exception = null;

            Form(form =>
                var dd = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                dd.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                    Values = new[] { "Hello" }
                var control = new TreeGridView();
                control.AllowEmptySelection    = allowEmptySelection;
                control.AllowMultipleSelection = allowMultipleSelection;
                control.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                    DataCell   = new TextBoxCell(0),
                    Width      = 100,
                    HeaderText = "Text Cell"
                control.DataStore = dd;
                Application.Instance.AsyncInvoke(() => {
                    // can crash when had selection initially but no selection after.
                        control.DataStore = new TreeGridItemCollection();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        exception = ex;

                form.Content = control;

            if (exception != null)
Beispiel #23
        private void PopulateResultExplorerSplit(string[] splitTexts)

            var treeGridItemCollection = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            foreach (string splitText in splitTexts)
                var item = new TreeGridItem()
                    Values = new string[] { splitText },
                    Tag    = splitText


            tvwResultExplorer.DataStore = treeGridItemCollection;
        public static TreeGridItemCollection GetTreeCollection()
            var selectableOSMs = new TreeGridItemCollection();
            var indexOfParents = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            var primaryFeatures = new List <OSMTag>(OSMPrimaryTypes.Keys.Values);

            for (var i = 0; i < primaryFeatures.Count; i++)
                var parentItem = new OSMTreeGridItem(primaryFeatures[i],
                                                     0, 0, false, false);

                indexOfParents[primaryFeatures[i].Value] = i;

            var secondaryFeatures = OSMPrimaryTypes.Values;

            foreach (var keyValue in secondaryFeatures.Keys)
                var item       = secondaryFeatures[keyValue];
                var parentItem = selectableOSMs[indexOfParents[item["key"]]] as OSMTreeGridItem;

                var childOSM  = new OSMTag(item["value"], null, item["description"], parentItem.OSMData);
                var childItem = new OSMTreeGridItem(childOSM,
                                                    int.Parse(item["nodes"]), int.Parse(item["ways"]), false, false);

                if (childItem.OSMData.Value == "yes")
                    parentItem.Children.Insert(0, childItem);

        public dlgStatistics()

            DicContext ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath);

            if (ctx.Commands.Any())
                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "analyze"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "analyze" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "analyze" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblAnalyze.Visible = true;
                    lblAnalyze.Text    = $"You have called the Analyze command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "benchmark"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "benchmark" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "benchmark" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblBenchmark.Visible = true;
                    lblBenchmark.Text    = $"You have called the Benchmark command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "checksum"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "checksum" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "checksum" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblChecksum.Visible = true;
                    lblChecksum.Text    = $"You have called the Checksum command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "compare"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "compare" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "compare" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblCompare.Visible = true;
                    lblCompare.Text    = $"You have called the Compare command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "convert-image"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "convert-image" && c.Synchronized)
                                  .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault();
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "convert-image" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblConvertImage.Visible = true;
                    lblConvertImage.Text    = $"You have called the Convert-Image command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "create-sidecar"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "create-sidecar" && c.Synchronized)
                                  .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault();
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "create-sidecar" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblCreateSidecar.Visible = true;
                    lblCreateSidecar.Text    = $"You have called the Create-Sidecar command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "decode"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "decode" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "decode" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblDecode.Visible = true;
                    lblDecode.Text    = $"You have called the Decode command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "device-info"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "device-info" && c.Synchronized)
                                  .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault();
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "device-info" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblDeviceInfo.Visible = true;
                    lblDeviceInfo.Text    = $"You have called the Device-Info command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "device-report"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "device-report" && c.Synchronized)
                                  .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault();
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "device-report" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblDeviceReport.Visible = true;
                    lblDeviceReport.Text    = $"You have called the Device-Report command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "dump-media"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "dump-media" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "dump-media" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblDumpMedia.Visible = true;
                    lblDumpMedia.Text    = $"You have called the Dump-Media command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "entropy"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "entropy" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "entropy" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblEntropy.Visible = true;
                    lblEntropy.Text    = $"You have called the Entropy command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "formats"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "formats" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "formats" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblFormats.Visible = true;
                    lblFormats.Text    = $"You have called the Formats command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "image-info"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "image-info" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "image-info" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblImageInfo.Visible = true;
                    lblImageInfo.Text    = $"You have called the Image-Info command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "media-info"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "media-info" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "media-info" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblMediaInfo.Visible = true;
                    lblMediaInfo.Text    = $"You have called the Media-Info command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "media-scan"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "media-scan" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "media-scan" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblMediaScan.Visible = true;
                    lblMediaScan.Text    = $"You have called the Media-Scan command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "printhex"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "printhex" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "printhex" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblPrintHex.Visible = true;
                    lblPrintHex.Text    = $"You have called the Print-Hex command {count} times";

                if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "verify"))
                    ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "verify" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "verify" && !c.Synchronized);

                    lblVerify.Visible = true;
                    lblVerify.Text    = $"You have called the Verify command {count} times";

                tabCommands.Visible = lblAnalyze.Visible || lblBenchmark.Visible || lblChecksum.Visible ||
                                      lblCompare.Visible || lblConvertImage.Visible || lblCreateSidecar.Visible ||
                                      lblDecode.Visible || lblDeviceInfo.Visible || lblDeviceReport.Visible ||
                                      lblDumpMedia.Visible || lblEntropy.Visible || lblFormats.Visible ||
                                      lblImageInfo.Visible || lblMediaInfo.Visible || lblMediaScan.Visible ||
                                      lblPrintHex.Visible || lblVerify.Visible;

            if (ctx.Filters.Any())
                tabFilters.Visible = true;

                TreeGridItemCollection filterList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeFilters.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Filter", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                treeFilters.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)

                treeFilters.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeFilters.ShowHeader             = true;
                treeFilters.DataStore = filterList;

                foreach (string nvs in ctx.Filters.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct())
                    ulong count = ctx.Filters.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Filters.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized);

                    filterList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { nvs, count }

            if (ctx.MediaFormats.Any())
                tabFormats.Visible = true;

                TreeGridItemCollection formatList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeFormats.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Format", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                treeFormats.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)

                treeFormats.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeFormats.ShowHeader             = true;
                treeFormats.DataStore = formatList;

                foreach (string nvs in ctx.MediaFormats.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct())
                    ulong count = ctx.MediaFormats.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.MediaFormats.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized);

                    formatList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { nvs, count }

            if (ctx.Partitions.Any())
                tabPartitions.Visible = true;

                TreeGridItemCollection partitionList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treePartitions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Filter", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                treePartitions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)

                treePartitions.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treePartitions.ShowHeader             = true;
                treePartitions.DataStore = partitionList;

                foreach (string nvs in ctx.Partitions.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct())
                    ulong count = ctx.Partitions.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Partitions.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized);

                    partitionList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { nvs, count }

            if (ctx.Filesystems.Any())
                tabFilesystems.Visible = true;

                TreeGridItemCollection filesystemList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeFilesystems.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Filesystem", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                treeFilesystems.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)

                treeFilesystems.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeFilesystems.ShowHeader             = true;
                treeFilesystems.DataStore = filesystemList;

                foreach (string nvs in ctx.Filesystems.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct())
                    ulong count = ctx.Filesystems.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count)
                    count += (ulong)ctx.Filesystems.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized);

                    filesystemList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { nvs, count }

            if (ctx.SeenDevices.Any())
                tabDevices.Visible = true;

                TreeGridItemCollection deviceList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Device", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Manufacturer", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Revision", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
                treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Bus", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)

                treeDevices.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeDevices.ShowHeader             = true;
                treeDevices.DataStore = deviceList;

                foreach (DeviceStat ds in ctx.SeenDevices.OrderBy(n => n.Manufacturer).ThenBy(n => n.Manufacturer)
                         .ThenBy(n => n.Revision)
                         .ThenBy(n => n.Bus))
                    deviceList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[] { ds.Model, ds.Manufacturer, ds.Revision, ds.Bus }

            if (!ctx.Medias.Any())

            tabMedias.Visible = true;

            TreeGridItemCollection mediaList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            treeMedias.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Media", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
            treeMedias.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
            treeMedias.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Type", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)

            treeMedias.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
            treeMedias.ShowHeader             = true;
            treeMedias.DataStore = mediaList;

            foreach (string media in ctx.Medias.OrderBy(ms => ms.Type).Select(ms => ms.Type).Distinct())
                ulong count = ctx.Medias.Where(c => c.Type == media && c.Synchronized && c.Real).Select(c => c.Count)
                count += (ulong)ctx.Medias.LongCount(c => c.Type == media && !c.Synchronized && c.Real);

                if (count > 0)
                    mediaList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { media, count, "real" }

                count = ctx.Medias.Where(c => c.Type == media && c.Synchronized && !c.Real).Select(c => c.Count)
                count += (ulong)ctx.Medias.LongCount(c => c.Type == media && !c.Synchronized && !c.Real);

                if (count == 0)

                mediaList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                    Values = new object[] { media, count, "image" }
Beispiel #26
        public void BeginEditShoudWorkOnCustomCells()
            ManualForm("The custom cell should go in edit mode when clicking the BeginEdit button", form =>
                var grid                    = new T();
                grid.ShowHeader             = true;
                grid.AllowMultipleSelection = true;

                string CellInfo(GridViewCellEventArgs e) => $"Row: {e.Row}, Column: {e.Column}";
                string CellEditInfo(CellEventArgs e) => $"Row: {e.Row}";
                void AddLogging(CustomCell cell)
                    cell.BeginEdit  += (sender, e) => Log.Write(sender, $"BeginEdit {CellEditInfo(e)}, Grid.IsEditing: {grid.IsEditing}");
                    cell.CommitEdit += (sender, e) => Log.Write(sender, $"CommitEdit {CellEditInfo(e)}, Grid.IsEditing: {grid.IsEditing}");
                    cell.CancelEdit += (sender, e) => Log.Write(sender, $"CancelEdit {CellEditInfo(e)}, Grid.IsEditing: {grid.IsEditing}");

                    if (!CustomCell.SupportsControlView)
                        cell.GetPreferredWidth = args => 100;
                        cell.Paint            += (sender, e) =>
                            e.Graphics.DrawText(SystemFonts.Default(), Brushes.Black, e.ClipRectangle, "Cell", alignment: FormattedTextAlignment.Center);

                grid.CellEditing     += (sender, e) => Log.Write(sender, $"CellEditing {CellInfo(e)}, Grid.IsEditing: {grid.IsEditing}");
                grid.CellEdited      += (sender, e) => Log.Write(sender, $"CellEdited {CellInfo(e)}, Grid.IsEditing: {grid.IsEditing}");
                var customCell        = new CustomCell();
                customCell.CreateCell = args =>
                    var textBox = new TextBox {
                        ShowBorder = false, BackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent

                    if (!Platform.Instance.IsMac)
                        textBox.GotFocus  += (sender, e) => textBox.BackgroundColor = SystemColors.ControlBackground;
                        textBox.LostFocus += (sender, e) => textBox.BackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent;

                        // ugly, there should be a better way to do this..
                        var colorBinding      = textBox.Bind(c => c.TextColor, args, Binding.Property((CellEventArgs a) => a.CellTextColor).Convert(c => args.IsEditing ? SystemColors.ControlText : c));
                        args.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
                            if (e.PropertyName == nameof(CellEventArgs.IsEditing))
                        // macOS handles colors more automaticcally for a TextBox

                    textBox.TextBinding.BindDataContext((GridTestItem i) => i.Text);

                grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    DataCell = customCell, Editable = true, HeaderText = "CustomTextBox"

                var customCell2        = new CustomCell();
                customCell2.CreateCell = args =>
                    var dropDown = new DropDown {
                        Items = { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" }

                grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    DataCell = customCell2, Editable = true, HeaderText = "CustomDropDown"

                var customCell3        = new CustomCell();
                customCell3.CreateCell = args =>
                    var checkBox = new CheckBox();

                grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    DataCell = customCell3, Editable = true, HeaderText = "CustomCheckBox"

                grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    DataCell = new TextBoxCell(nameof(GridTestItem.Text)), HeaderText = "TextBoxCell", Editable = true

                var list = new TreeGridItemCollection();
                list.Add(new GridTestItem {
                    Text = "Item 1"
                list.Add(new GridTestItem {
                    Text = "Item 2"
                list.Add(new GridTestItem {
                    Text = "Item 3"
                SetDataStore(grid, list);

                // using MouseDown so the buttons don't get focus
                var beginEditButton = new Button {
                    Text = "BeginEdit"
                beginEditButton.MouseDown += (sender, e) =>
                    grid.BeginEdit(1, 0);
                    e.Handled = true;

                var commitEditButton = new Button {
                    Text = "CommitEdit"
                commitEditButton.MouseDown += (sender, e) =>
                    e.Handled = true;

                var cancelEditButton = new Button {
                    Text = "CancelEdit"
                cancelEditButton.MouseDown += (sender, e) =>
                    e.Handled = true;

                return(new TableLayout(
                           TableLayout.Horizontal(4, beginEditButton, commitEditButton, cancelEditButton, null),
Beispiel #27
        public pnlScsiInfo(ScsiInfo scsiInfo)

            this.scsiInfo = scsiInfo;

            Stream logo = ResourceHandler.GetResourceStream($"DiscImageChef.Gui.Assets.Logos.Media.{scsiInfo.MediaType}.svg");

/*            if(logo != null)
 *          {
 *              svgMediaLogo.SvgStream = logo;
 *              svgMediaLogo.Visible   = true;
 *          }
 *          else
 *          {*/
            logo =
            if (logo != null)
                imgMediaLogo.Image   = new Bitmap(logo);
                imgMediaLogo.Visible = true;

            switch (this.scsiInfo.MediaType)
            case MediaType.HDDVDROM:
            case MediaType.HDDVDRAM:
            case MediaType.HDDVDR:
            case MediaType.HDDVDRW:
            case MediaType.HDDVDRDL:
            case MediaType.HDDVDRWDL:
                tabDvd.Text = "HD DVD";

                tabDvd.Text = "DVD";

            switch (this.scsiInfo.MediaType)
            case MediaType.DVDR:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD-R";

            case MediaType.DVDRW:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD-RW";

            case MediaType.DVDPR:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD+R";

            case MediaType.DVDPRW:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD+RW";

            case MediaType.DVDPRWDL:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD+RW DL";

            case MediaType.DVDRDL:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD-R DL";

            case MediaType.DVDPRDL:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD+R DL";

            case MediaType.DVDRAM:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD-RAM";

            case MediaType.DVDRWDL:
                tabDvdr.Text = "DVD-RW DL";

            case MediaType.HDDVDRAM:
                tabDvdr.Text = "HD DVD-RAM";

            case MediaType.HDDVDR:
                tabDvdr.Text = "HD DVD-R";

            case MediaType.HDDVDRW:
                tabDvdr.Text = "HD DVD-RW";

            case MediaType.HDDVDRDL:
                tabDvdr.Text = "HD DVD-R DL";

            case MediaType.HDDVDRWDL:
                tabDvdr.Text = "HD DVD-RW DL";

            txtType.Text      = scsiInfo.MediaType.ToString();
            lblMediaSize.Text =
                $"Media has {scsiInfo.Blocks} blocks of {scsiInfo.BlockSize} bytes/each. (for a total of {scsiInfo.Blocks * scsiInfo.BlockSize} bytes)";
            lblMediaSize.Visible = scsiInfo.Blocks != 0 && scsiInfo.BlockSize != 0;

            if (scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber != null)
                stkMediaSerial.Visible = true;
                StringBuilder sbSerial = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 4; i < scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber.Length; i++)
                    sbSerial.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber[i]);

                txtMediaSerial.Text = sbSerial.ToString();

            btnSaveReadMediaSerial.Visible = this.scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber != null;
            btnSaveReadCapacity.Visible    = this.scsiInfo.ReadCapacity != null;
            btnSaveReadCapacity16.Visible  = this.scsiInfo.ReadCapacity16 != null;

            btnSaveGetConfiguration.Visible       = this.scsiInfo.MmcConfiguration != null;
            btnSaveRecognizedFormatLayers.Visible = this.scsiInfo.RecognizedFormatLayers != null;
            btnSaveWriteProtectionStatus.Visible  = this.scsiInfo.WriteProtectionStatus != null;
            tabMmc.Visible = btnSaveGetConfiguration.Visible || btnSaveRecognizedFormatLayers.Visible ||

            if (this.scsiInfo.DensitySupportHeader.HasValue)
                grpDensitySupport.Visible = true;
                txtDensitySupport.Text    = DensitySupport.PrettifyDensity(scsiInfo.DensitySupportHeader);

            if (this.scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupportHeader.HasValue)
                grpMediumSupport.Visible = true;
                txtMediumSupport.Text    = DensitySupport.PrettifyMediumType(scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupportHeader);

            btnSaveDensitySupport.Visible = scsiInfo.DensitySupport != null;
            btnSaveMediumSupport.Visible  = scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupport != null;
            tabSsc.Visible = grpDensitySupport.Visible || grpMediumSupport.Visible || btnSaveDensitySupport.Visible ||

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedCompactDiscInformation.HasValue)
                tabCdInformation.Visible = true;
                txtCdInformation.Text    = DiscInformation.Prettify000b(scsiInfo.DecodedCompactDiscInformation);
                btnCdInformation.Visible = scsiInfo.CompactDiscInformation != null;

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedToc.HasValue)
                tabCdToc.Visible = true;
                txtCdToc.Text    = TOC.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedToc);
                btnCdToc.Visible = scsiInfo.Toc != null;

            if (this.scsiInfo.FullToc.HasValue)
                tabCdFullToc.Visible = true;
                txtCdFullToc.Text    = FullTOC.Prettify(scsiInfo.FullToc);
                btnCdFullToc.Visible = scsiInfo.RawToc != null;

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedSession.HasValue)
                tabCdSession.Visible = true;
                txtCdSession.Text    = Session.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedSession);
                btnCdSession.Visible = scsiInfo.Session != null;

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedCdTextLeadIn.HasValue)
                tabCdText.Visible = true;
                txtCdText.Text    = CDTextOnLeadIn.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.DecodedCdTextLeadIn);
                btnCdText.Visible = scsiInfo.CdTextLeadIn != null;

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedAtip.HasValue)
                tabCdAtip.Visible = true;
                txtCdAtip.Text    = ATIP.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.Atip);
                btnCdAtip.Visible = scsiInfo.Atip != null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scsiInfo.Mcn))
                stkMcn.Visible = true;
                txtMcn.Text    = scsiInfo.Mcn;

            if (this.scsiInfo.Isrcs != null && this.scsiInfo.Isrcs.Count > 0)
                grpIsrcs.Visible = true;

                TreeGridItemCollection isrcsItems = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                grdIsrcs.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "ISRC", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                grdIsrcs.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

                grdIsrcs.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                grdIsrcs.ShowHeader             = true;
                grdIsrcs.DataStore = isrcsItems;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, string> isrc in this.scsiInfo.Isrcs)
                    isrcsItems.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { isrc.Key.ToString(), isrc.Value }

            btnCdPma.Visible = this.scsiInfo.Pma != null;

            tabCdMisc.Visible = stkMcn.Visible || grpIsrcs.Visible || btnCdPma.Visible;

            tabCd.Visible = tabCdInformation.Visible || tabCdToc.Visible || tabCdFullToc.Visible ||
                            tabCdSession.Visible || tabCdText.Visible || tabCdAtip.Visible || stkMcn.Visible ||
                            grpIsrcs.Visible || btnCdPma.Visible;

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedPfi.HasValue)
                grpDvdPfi.Visible = true;
                txtDvdPfi.Text    = PFI.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.DecodedPfi);

            if (this.scsiInfo.DvdCmi != null)
                grpDvdCmi.Visible     = true;
                txtDvdCmi.Text        = CSS_CPRM.PrettifyLeadInCopyright(this.scsiInfo.DvdCmi);
                btnSaveDvdCmi.Visible = true;

            btnSaveDvdPfi.Visible   = this.scsiInfo.DvdPfi != null;
            btnSaveDvdDmi.Visible   = this.scsiInfo.DvdDmi != null;
            btnSaveDvdCmi.Visible   = this.scsiInfo.DvdCmi != null;
            btnSaveHdDvdCmi.Visible = this.scsiInfo.HddvdCopyrightInformation != null;
            btnSaveDvdBca.Visible   = this.scsiInfo.DvdBca != null;
            btnSaveDvdAacs.Visible  = this.scsiInfo.DvdAacs != null;

            tabDvd.Visible = grpDvdPfi.Visible || grpDvdCmi.Visible || btnSaveDvdPfi.Visible ||
                             btnSaveDvdDmi.Visible ||
                             btnSaveDvdCmi.Visible || btnSaveHdDvdCmi.Visible || btnSaveDvdBca.Visible ||

            if (this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo != null)
                stkXboxInformation.Visible = true;
                txtXboxL0Video.Text        = $"{this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo.L0Video} sectors";
                txtXboxL1Video.Text        = $"{this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo.L1Video} sectors";
                txtXboxMiddleZone.Text     = $"{this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo.MiddleZone} sectors";
                txtXboxGameSize.Text       = $"{this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo.GameSize} sectors";
                txtXboxTotalSize.Text      = $"{this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo.TotalSize} sectors";
                txtXboxRealBreak.Text      = this.scsiInfo.XgdInfo.LayerBreak.ToString();

            if (this.scsiInfo.DvdDmi != null)
                if (DMI.IsXbox(scsiInfo.DvdDmi))
                    grpXboxDmi.Visible = true;
                    txtXboxDmi.Text    = DMI.PrettifyXbox(scsiInfo.DvdDmi);
                else if (DMI.IsXbox360(scsiInfo.DvdDmi))
                    grpXboxDmi.Visible = true;
                    txtXboxDmi.Text    = DMI.PrettifyXbox360(scsiInfo.DvdDmi);

            if (this.scsiInfo.DecodedXboxSecuritySector.HasValue)
                grpXboxSs.Visible = true;
                txtXboxSs.Text    = SS.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.DecodedXboxSecuritySector);

            btnSaveXboxSs.Visible = this.scsiInfo.XboxSecuritySector != null;
            tabXbox.Visible       = stkXboxInformation.Visible || grpXboxDmi.Visible || grpXboxSs.Visible ||

            if (this.scsiInfo.DvdRamDds != null)
                grpDvdRamDds.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveDvdRamDds.Visible = true;
                txtDvdRamDds.Text        = DDS.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.DvdRamDds);

            if (this.scsiInfo.DvdRamCartridgeStatus != null)
                grpDvdRamCartridgeStatus.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveDvdRamCartridgeStatus.Visible = true;
                txtDvdRamCartridgeStatus.Text        = Cartridge.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.DvdRamCartridgeStatus);

            if (this.scsiInfo.DvdRamSpareArea != null)
                grpDvdRamSpareAreaInformation.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveDvdRamSpareAreaInformation.Visible = true;
                txtDvdRamSpareAreaInformation.Text        = Spare.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.DvdRamSpareArea);

            btnSaveDvdRamDds.Visible                     = this.scsiInfo.DvdRamDds != null;
            btnSaveDvdRamCartridgeStatus.Visible         = this.scsiInfo.DvdRamCartridgeStatus != null;
            btnSaveDvdRamSpareAreaInformation.Visible    = this.scsiInfo.DvdRamSpareArea != null;
            btnSaveLastBorderOutRmd.Visible              = this.scsiInfo.LastBorderOutRmd != null;
            btnSaveDvdPreRecordedInfo.Visible            = this.scsiInfo.DvdPreRecordedInfo != null;
            btnSaveDvdrMediaIdentifier.Visible           = this.scsiInfo.DvdrMediaIdentifier != null;
            btnSaveDvdrPhysicalInformation.Visible       = this.scsiInfo.DvdrPhysicalInformation != null;
            btnSaveHddvdrMediumStatus.Visible            = this.scsiInfo.HddvdrMediumStatus != null;
            btnSaveHddvdrLastRmd.Visible                 = this.scsiInfo.HddvdrLastRmd != null;
            btnSaveDvdrLayerCapacity.Visible             = this.scsiInfo.DvdrLayerCapacity != null;
            btnSaveDvdrDlMiddleZoneStart.Visible         = this.scsiInfo.DvdrDlMiddleZoneStart != null;
            btnSaveDvdrDlJumpIntervalSize.Visible        = this.scsiInfo.DvdrDlJumpIntervalSize != null;
            btnSaveDvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba.Visible = this.scsiInfo.DvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba != null;
            btnSaveDvdrDlRemapAnchorPoint.Visible        = this.scsiInfo.DvdrDlRemapAnchorPoint != null;
            btnSaveDvdPlusAdip.Visible                   = this.scsiInfo.DvdPlusAdip != null;
            btnSaveDvdPlusDcb.Visible                    = this.scsiInfo.DvdPlusDcb != null;

            tabDvdr.Visible = grpDvdRamDds.Visible || grpDvdRamCartridgeStatus.Visible ||
                              grpDvdRamSpareAreaInformation.Visible || btnSaveDvdRamDds.Visible ||
                              btnSaveDvdRamCartridgeStatus.Visible || btnSaveDvdRamSpareAreaInformation.Visible ||
                              btnSaveLastBorderOutRmd.Visible || btnSaveDvdPreRecordedInfo.Visible ||
                              btnSaveDvdrMediaIdentifier.Visible || btnSaveDvdrPhysicalInformation.Visible ||
                              btnSaveHddvdrMediumStatus.Visible || btnSaveHddvdrLastRmd.Visible ||
                              btnSaveDvdrLayerCapacity.Visible || btnSaveDvdrDlMiddleZoneStart.Visible ||
                              btnSaveDvdrDlJumpIntervalSize.Visible || btnSaveDvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba.Visible ||
                              btnSaveDvdrDlRemapAnchorPoint.Visible || btnSaveDvdPlusAdip.Visible ||

            if (this.scsiInfo.BlurayDiscInformation != null)
                grpBlurayDiscInformation.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBlurayDiscInformation.Visible = true;
                txtBlurayDiscInformation.Text        = DI.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.BlurayDiscInformation);

            if (this.scsiInfo.BlurayBurstCuttingArea != null)
                grpBlurayBurstCuttingArea.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBlurayBurstCuttingArea.Visible = true;
                txtBlurayBurstCuttingArea.Text        = BCA.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.BlurayBurstCuttingArea);

            if (this.scsiInfo.BlurayDds != null)
                grpBlurayDds.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBlurayDds.Visible = true;
                txtBlurayDds.Text        = Decoders.Bluray.DDS.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.BlurayDds);

            if (this.scsiInfo.BlurayCartridgeStatus != null)
                grpBlurayCartridgeStatus.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBlurayCartridgeStatus.Visible = true;
                txtBlurayCartridgeStatus.Text        =

            if (this.scsiInfo.BluraySpareAreaInformation != null)
                grpBluraySpareAreaInformation.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBluraySpareAreaInformation.Visible = true;
                txtBluraySpareAreaInformation.Text        =

            if (this.scsiInfo.BlurayPowResources != null)
                grpBlurayPowResources.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBlurayPowResources.Visible = true;
                txtBlurayPowResources.Text        = DiscInformation.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.BlurayPowResources);

            if (this.scsiInfo.BlurayTrackResources != null)
                grpBlurayTrackResources.Visible     = true;
                btnSaveBlurayTrackResources.Visible = true;
                txtBlurayTrackResources.Text        = DiscInformation.Prettify(this.scsiInfo.BlurayTrackResources);

            btnSaveBlurayRawDfl.Visible = this.scsiInfo.BlurayRawDfl != null;
            btnSaveBlurayPac.Visible    = this.scsiInfo.BlurayPac != null;

            tabBluray.Visible = grpBlurayDiscInformation.Visible || grpBlurayBurstCuttingArea.Visible ||
                                grpBlurayDds.Visible || grpBlurayCartridgeStatus.Visible ||
                                grpBluraySpareAreaInformation.Visible || grpBlurayPowResources.Visible ||
                                grpBlurayTrackResources.Visible || btnSaveBlurayRawDfl.Visible ||
Beispiel #28
        public pnlImageInfo(string imagePath, IFilter filter, IMediaImage imageFormat)
            this.imagePath   = imagePath;
            this.filter      = filter;
            this.imageFormat = imageFormat;

            Stream logo =

            /*            if(logo != null)
             *          {
             *              svgMediaLogo.SvgStream = logo;
             *              svgMediaLogo.Visible   = true;
             *          }
             *          else
             *          {*/
            logo =
            if (logo != null)
                imgMediaLogo.Image   = new Bitmap(logo);
                imgMediaLogo.Visible = true;

            lblImagePath.Text   = $"Path: {imagePath}";
            lblFilter.Text      = $"Filter: {filter.Name}";
            lblImageFormat.Text = $"Image format identified by {imageFormat.Name} ({imageFormat.Id}).";
            lblImageFormat.Text = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Version)
                                      ? $"Format: {imageFormat.Format} version {imageFormat.Info.Version}"
                                      : $"Format: {imageFormat.Format}";
            lblImageSize.Text = $"Image without headers is {imageFormat.Info.ImageSize} bytes long";
            lblSectors.Text   =
                $"Contains a media of {imageFormat.Info.Sectors} sectors with a maximum sector size of {imageFormat.Info.SectorSize} bytes (if all sectors are of the same size this would be {imageFormat.Info.Sectors * imageFormat.Info.SectorSize} bytes)";
            lblMediaType.Text =
                $"Contains a media of type {imageFormat.Info.MediaType} and XML type {imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType}";
            lblHasPartitions.Text = $"{(imageFormat.Info.HasPartitions ? "Has" : "Doesn't have")} partitions";
            lblHasSessions.Text   = $"{(imageFormat.Info.HasSessions ? "Has" : "Doesn't have")} sessions";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Application))
                lblApplication.Visible = true;
                lblApplication.Text    = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.ApplicationVersion)
                                          ? $"Was created with {imageFormat.Info.Application} version {imageFormat.Info.ApplicationVersion}"
                                          : $"Was created with {imageFormat.Info.Application}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Creator))
                lblCreator.Visible = true;
                lblCreator.Text    = $"Created by: {imageFormat.Info.Creator}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.CreationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                lblCreationTime.Visible = true;
                lblCreationTime.Text    = $"Created on {imageFormat.Info.CreationTime}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.LastModificationTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                lblLastModificationTime.Visible = true;
                lblLastModificationTime.Text    = $"Last modified on {imageFormat.Info.LastModificationTime}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.Comments))
                grpComments.Visible = true;
                txtComments.Text    = imageFormat.Info.Comments;

            if (imageFormat.Info.MediaSequence != 0 && imageFormat.Info.LastMediaSequence != 0)
                lblMediaSequence.Visible = true;
                lblMediaSequence.Text    =
                    $"Media is number {imageFormat.Info.MediaSequence} on a set of {imageFormat.Info.LastMediaSequence} medias";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaTitle))
                lblMediaTitle.Visible = true;
                lblMediaTitle.Text    = $"Media title: {imageFormat.Info.MediaTitle}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaManufacturer))
                lblMediaManufacturer.Visible = true;
                lblMediaManufacturer.Text    = $"Media manufacturer: {imageFormat.Info.MediaManufacturer}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaModel))
                lblMediaModel.Visible = true;
                lblMediaModel.Text    = $"Media model: {imageFormat.Info.MediaModel}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaSerialNumber))
                lblMediaSerialNumber.Visible = true;
                lblMediaSerialNumber.Text    = $"Media serial number: {imageFormat.Info.MediaSerialNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaBarcode))
                lblMediaBarcode.Visible = true;
                lblMediaBarcode.Text    = $"Media barcode: {imageFormat.Info.MediaBarcode}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.MediaPartNumber))
                lblMediaPartNumber.Visible = true;
                lblMediaPartNumber.Text    = $"Media part number: {imageFormat.Info.MediaPartNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveManufacturer))
                lblDriveManufacturer.Visible = true;
                lblDriveManufacturer.Text    = $"Drive manufacturer: {imageFormat.Info.DriveManufacturer}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveModel))
                lblDriveModel.Visible = true;
                lblDriveModel.Text    = $"Drive model: {imageFormat.Info.DriveModel}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveSerialNumber))
                lblDriveSerialNumber.Visible = true;
                lblDriveSerialNumber.Text    = $"Drive serial number: {imageFormat.Info.DriveSerialNumber}";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageFormat.Info.DriveFirmwareRevision))
                lblDriveFirmwareRevision.Visible = true;
                lblDriveFirmwareRevision.Text    = $"Drive firmware info: {imageFormat.Info.DriveFirmwareRevision}";

            if (imageFormat.Info.Cylinders > 0 && imageFormat.Info.Heads > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.SectorsPerTrack > 0 &&
                imageFormat.Info.XmlMediaType != XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc &&
                (!(imageFormat is ITapeImage tapeImage) || !tapeImage.IsTape))
                lblMediaGeometry.Visible = true;
                lblMediaGeometry.Text    =
                    $"Media geometry: {imageFormat.Info.Cylinders} cylinders, {imageFormat.Info.Heads} heads, {imageFormat.Info.SectorsPerTrack} sectors per track";

            grpMediaInfo.Visible = lblMediaSequence.Visible || lblMediaTitle.Visible ||
                                   lblMediaManufacturer.Visible ||
                                   lblMediaModel.Visible || lblMediaSerialNumber.Visible ||
                                   lblMediaBarcode.Visible ||
            grpDriveInfo.Visible = lblDriveManufacturer.Visible || lblDriveModel.Visible ||
                                   lblDriveSerialNumber.Visible || lblDriveFirmwareRevision.Visible ||

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null && imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags.Count > 0)
                TreeGridItemCollection mediaTagList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeMediaTags.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Tag", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

                treeMediaTags.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeMediaTags.ShowHeader             = false;
                treeMediaTags.DataStore = mediaTagList;

                foreach (MediaTagType tag in imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags.OrderBy(t => t))
                    mediaTagList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { tag.ToString() }

                grpMediaTags.Visible = true;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags != null && imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags.Count > 0)
                TreeGridItemCollection sectorTagList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeSectorTags.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Tag", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)

                treeSectorTags.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeSectorTags.ShowHeader             = false;
                treeSectorTags.DataStore = sectorTagList;

                foreach (SectorTagType tag in imageFormat.Info.ReadableSectorTags.OrderBy(t => t))
                    sectorTagList.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { tag.ToString() }

                grpSectorTags.Visible = true;

            PeripheralDeviceTypes scsiDeviceType = PeripheralDeviceTypes.DirectAccess;

            byte[] scsiInquiryData          = null;
            Inquiry.SCSIInquiry?scsiInquiry = null;
            Modes.DecodedMode?  scsiMode    = null;
            byte[] scsiModeSense6           = null;
            byte[] scsiModeSense10          = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiInquiryData = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_INQUIRY);

                scsiDeviceType = (PeripheralDeviceTypes)(scsiInquiryData[0] & 0x1F);

                scsiInquiry = Inquiry.Decode(scsiInquiryData);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiModeSense6 = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_MODESENSE_6);
                scsiMode       = Modes.DecodeMode6(scsiModeSense6, scsiDeviceType);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scsiModeSense10 = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SCSI_MODESENSE_10);
                scsiMode        = Modes.DecodeMode10(scsiModeSense10, scsiDeviceType);

            tabScsiInfo tabScsiInfo = new tabScsiInfo();

            tabScsiInfo.LoadData(scsiInquiryData, scsiInquiry, null, scsiMode, scsiDeviceType, scsiModeSense6,
                                 scsiModeSense10, null);

            byte[] ataIdentify   = null;
            byte[] atapiIdentify = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ataIdentify = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.ATA_IDENTIFY);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                atapiIdentify = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.ATAPI_IDENTIFY);

            tabAtaInfo tabAtaInfo = new tabAtaInfo();

            tabAtaInfo.LoadData(ataIdentify, atapiIdentify, null);

            byte[]                toc                  = null;
            TOC.CDTOC?            decodedToc           = null;
            byte[]                fullToc              = null;
            FullTOC.CDFullTOC?    decodedFullToc       = null;
            byte[]                pma                  = null;
            byte[]                atip                 = null;
            ATIP.CDATIP?          decodedAtip          = null;
            byte[]                cdtext               = null;
            CDTextOnLeadIn.CDText?decodedCdText        = null;
            string                mediaCatalogueNumber = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                toc = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_TOC);

                if (toc.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(toc, 0));
                    if (dataLen + 2 != toc.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[toc.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(toc, 0, tmp, 2, toc.Length);
                        tmp[0] = (byte)((toc.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1] = (byte)(toc.Length & 0xFF);
                        toc    = tmp;

                    decodedToc = TOC.Decode(toc);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                fullToc = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_FullTOC);

                if (fullToc.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(fullToc, 0));
                    if (dataLen + 2 != fullToc.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[fullToc.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(fullToc, 0, tmp, 2, fullToc.Length);
                        tmp[0]  = (byte)((fullToc.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1]  = (byte)(fullToc.Length & 0xFF);
                        fullToc = tmp;

                    decodedFullToc = FullTOC.Decode(fullToc);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                pma = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_PMA);

                if (pma.Length > 0)
                    ushort dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(pma, 0));
                    if (dataLen + 2 != pma.Length)
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[pma.Length + 2];
                        Array.Copy(pma, 0, tmp, 2, pma.Length);
                        tmp[0] = (byte)((pma.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                        tmp[1] = (byte)(pma.Length & 0xFF);
                        pma    = tmp;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                atip = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_ATIP);

                uint dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(atip, 0));
                if (dataLen + 4 != atip.Length)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[atip.Length + 4];
                    Array.Copy(atip, 0, tmp, 4, atip.Length);
                    tmp[0] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
                    tmp[1] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
                    tmp[2] = (byte)((atip.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    tmp[3] = (byte)(atip.Length & 0xFF);
                    atip   = tmp;

                decodedAtip = ATIP.Decode(atip);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cdtext = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_TEXT);

                uint dataLen = Swapping.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(cdtext, 0));
                if (dataLen + 4 != cdtext.Length)
                    byte[] tmp = new byte[cdtext.Length + 4];
                    Array.Copy(cdtext, 0, tmp, 4, cdtext.Length);
                    tmp[0] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
                    tmp[1] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
                    tmp[2] = (byte)((cdtext.Length & 0xFF00) >> 8);
                    tmp[3] = (byte)(cdtext.Length & 0xFF);
                    cdtext = tmp;

                decodedCdText = CDTextOnLeadIn.Decode(cdtext);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                byte[] mcn = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.CD_MCN);

                mediaCatalogueNumber = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mcn);

            tabCompactDiscInfo tabCompactDiscInfo = new tabCompactDiscInfo();

            tabCompactDiscInfo.LoadData(toc, atip, null, null, fullToc, pma, cdtext, decodedToc, decodedAtip, null,
                                        decodedFullToc, decodedCdText, null, mediaCatalogueNumber, null);

            byte[] dvdPfi = null;
            byte[] dvdDmi = null;
            byte[] dvdCmi = null;
            byte[] hddvdCopyrightInformation = null;
            byte[] dvdBca = null;
            PFI.PhysicalFormatInformation?decodedPfi = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPfi     = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_PFI);
                decodedPfi = PFI.Decode(dvdPfi);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdDmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_DMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdCmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_CMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                hddvdCopyrightInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.HDDVD_CPI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdBca = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_BCA);

            tabDvdInfo tabDvdInfo = new tabDvdInfo();

            tabDvdInfo.LoadData(imageFormat.Info.MediaType, dvdPfi, dvdDmi, dvdCmi, hddvdCopyrightInformation, dvdBca,
                                null, decodedPfi);

            byte[] dvdRamDds                     = null;
            byte[] dvdRamCartridgeStatus         = null;
            byte[] dvdRamSpareArea               = null;
            byte[] lastBorderOutRmd              = null;
            byte[] dvdPreRecordedInfo            = null;
            byte[] dvdrMediaIdentifier           = null;
            byte[] dvdrPhysicalInformation       = null;
            byte[] hddvdrMediumStatus            = null;
            byte[] dvdrLayerCapacity             = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart         = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize        = null;
            byte[] dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba = null;
            byte[] dvdPlusAdip                   = null;
            byte[] dvdPlusDcb                    = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamDds = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_DDS);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamCartridgeStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_MediumStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdRamSpareArea = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDRAM_SpareArea);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                lastBorderOutRmd = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_RMD);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPreRecordedInfo = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_PreRecordedInfo);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrMediaIdentifier = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_MediaIdentifier);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrPhysicalInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDR_PFI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                hddvdrMediumStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.HDDVD_MediumStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrLayerCapacity = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_LayerCapacity);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_MiddleZoneAddress);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_JumpIntervalSize);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVDDL_ManualLayerJumpLBA);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPlusAdip = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DVD_ADIP);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                dvdPlusDcb = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.DCB);

            tabDvdWritableInfo tabDvdWritableInfo = new tabDvdWritableInfo();

            tabDvdWritableInfo.LoadData(imageFormat.Info.MediaType, dvdRamDds, dvdRamCartridgeStatus, dvdRamSpareArea,
                                        lastBorderOutRmd, dvdPreRecordedInfo, dvdrMediaIdentifier,
                                        dvdrPhysicalInformation, hddvdrMediumStatus, null, dvdrLayerCapacity,
                                        dvdrDlMiddleZoneStart, dvdrDlJumpIntervalSize, dvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba,
                                        null, dvdPlusAdip, dvdPlusDcb);

            byte[] blurayBurstCuttingArea = null;
            byte[] blurayCartridgeStatus  = null;
            byte[] blurayDds                  = null;
            byte[] blurayDiscInformation      = null;
            byte[] blurayPowResources         = null;
            byte[] bluraySpareAreaInformation = null;
            byte[] blurayTrackResources       = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayBurstCuttingArea = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_BCA);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayCartridgeStatus = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_CartridgeStatus);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayDds = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_DDS);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayDiscInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_DI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                blurayPowResources = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_POWResourcesInformation);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                bluraySpareAreaInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.BD_SpareArea);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                bluraySpareAreaInformation = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_TrackResourcesInformation);

            tabBlurayInfo tabBlurayInfo = new tabBlurayInfo();

            tabBlurayInfo.LoadData(blurayDiscInformation, blurayBurstCuttingArea, blurayDds, blurayCartridgeStatus,
                                   bluraySpareAreaInformation, blurayPowResources, blurayTrackResources, null, null);

            byte[]            xboxDmi                   = null;
            byte[]            xboxSecuritySector        = null;
            SS.SecuritySector?decodedXboxSecuritySector = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                xboxDmi = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.Xbox_DMI);

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                xboxSecuritySector        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.Xbox_SecuritySector);
                decodedXboxSecuritySector = SS.Decode(xboxSecuritySector);

            tabXboxInfo tabXboxInfo = new tabXboxInfo();

            tabXboxInfo.LoadData(null, xboxDmi, xboxSecuritySector, decodedXboxSecuritySector);

            byte[] pcmciaCis = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                pcmciaCis = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.PCMCIA_CIS);

            tabPcmciaInfo tabPcmciaInfo = new tabPcmciaInfo();


            DeviceType deviceType = DeviceType.Unknown;

            byte[] cid         = null;
            byte[] csd         = null;
            byte[] ocr         = null;
            byte[] extendedCsd = null;
            byte[] scr         = null;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cid        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_CID);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                csd        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_CSD);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ocr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_OCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                scr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.SD_SCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.SecureDigital;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                cid        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_CID);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                csd        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_CSD);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                ocr        = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_OCR);
                deviceType = DeviceType.MMC;

            if (imageFormat.Info.ReadableMediaTags != null &&
                extendedCsd = imageFormat.ReadDiskTag(MediaTagType.MMC_ExtendedCSD);
                deviceType  = DeviceType.MMC;

            tabSdMmcInfo tabSdMmcInfo = new tabSdMmcInfo();

            tabSdMmcInfo.LoadData(deviceType, cid, csd, ocr, extendedCsd, scr);

            if (imageFormat is IOpticalMediaImage opticalMediaImage)
                    if (opticalMediaImage.Sessions != null && opticalMediaImage.Sessions.Count > 0)
                        TreeGridItemCollection sessionList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "Session", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "First track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "Last track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Start", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)
                        treeSessions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "End", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(4)

                        treeSessions.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                        treeSessions.ShowHeader             = true;
                        treeSessions.DataStore = sessionList;

                        foreach (Session session in opticalMediaImage.Sessions)
                            sessionList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                                Values = new object[]
                                    session.SessionSequence, session.StartTrack,
                                    session.EndTrack, session.StartSector, session.EndSector

                        tabSessions.Visible = true;
                    // ignored

                    if (opticalMediaImage.Tracks != null && opticalMediaImage.Tracks.Count > 0)
                        TreeGridItemCollection tracksList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Type", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Bps", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Raw bps", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                            HeaderText = "Subchannel", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(4)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Pregap", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(5)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "Start", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(6)
                        treeTracks.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                            HeaderText = "End", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(7)

                        treeTracks.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                        treeTracks.ShowHeader             = true;
                        treeTracks.DataStore = tracksList;

                        foreach (Track track in opticalMediaImage.Tracks)
                            tracksList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                                Values = new object[]
                                    track.TrackSequence, track.TrackType,
                                    track.TrackBytesPerSector, track.TrackRawBytesPerSector,
                                    track.TrackSubchannelType, track.TrackPregap,
                                    track.TrackStartSector, track.TrackEndSector

                        tabTracks.Visible = true;
                    // ignored

            if (imageFormat.DumpHardware == null)

            TreeGridItemCollection dumpHardwareList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Manufacturer", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Model", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Serial", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Software", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Version", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(4)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                HeaderText = "Operating system", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(5)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "Start", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(6)
            treeDumpHardware.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                HeaderText = "End", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(7)

            treeDumpHardware.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
            treeDumpHardware.ShowHeader             = true;
            treeDumpHardware.DataStore = dumpHardwareList;

            foreach (DumpHardwareType dump in imageFormat.DumpHardware)
                foreach (ExtentType extent in dump.Extents)
                    dumpHardwareList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[]
                            dump.Manufacturer, dump.Model, dump.Serial, dump.Software.Name,
                            dump.Software.Version, dump.Software.OperatingSystem,
                            extent.Start, extent.End

            tabDumpHardware.Visible = true;
 private TreeGridItemCollection GetTree(Story story)
     TreeGridItemCollection data = new TreeGridItemCollection();
     foreach (Comment comment in story.Comments)
         TreeGridItem tgi = GetCommentTree(comment);
         if(tgi.Tag != "empty")
     return data;
 private TreeGridItemCollection GetTree(List<FullStory> stories)
     TreeGridItemCollection data = new TreeGridItemCollection();
     foreach (FullStory story in stories)
         TreeGridItem tgiParent = new TreeGridItem() { Values = new object[] { WebUtility.HtmlDecode(story.title) } };
         string all5 = string.Empty;
         foreach (string s in story.GetTopNWords(5))
             all5 += s + " ";
         tgiParent.Children.Add(new TreeGridItem() { Values = new object[] { WebUtility.HtmlDecode(all5) } });
         foreach (children child in story.children)
             TreeGridItem tgi = GetCommentTree(child);
             if (tgi.Tag != "empty")
     return data;
        void Finish()
            stkOptions.Visible  = false;
            btnClose.Visible    = true;
            stkProgress.Visible = false;
            stkResults.Visible  = true;

            if (chkSeparatedTracks.Checked == true)
                TreeGridItemCollection entropyList = new TreeGridItemCollection();

                treeTrackEntropy.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                treeTrackEntropy.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                    HeaderText = "Entropy", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                if (chkDuplicatedSectors.Checked == true)
                    treeTrackEntropy.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                        HeaderText = "Unique sectors", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)

                treeTrackEntropy.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                treeTrackEntropy.ShowHeader             = true;
                treeTrackEntropy.DataStore = entropyList;

                foreach (EntropyResults trackEntropy in tracksEntropy)
                    entropyList.Add(new TreeGridItem
                        Values = new object[]
                            trackEntropy.Track, trackEntropy.Entropy,
                            $"{trackEntropy.UniqueSectors} ({(double)trackEntropy.UniqueSectors / (double)trackEntropy.Sectors:P3})"

                grpTrackEntropy.Visible = true;

            if (chkWholeDisc.Checked != true)

            lblMediaEntropy.Text    = $"Entropy for disk is {entropy.Entropy:F4}.";
            lblMediaEntropy.Visible = true;

            if (entropy.UniqueSectors == null)

            lblMediaUniqueSectors.Text =
                $"Disk has {entropy.UniqueSectors} unique sectors ({(double)entropy.UniqueSectors / (double)entropy.Sectors:P3})";
            lblMediaUniqueSectors.Visible = true;
        void DoWork()
            IOpticalMediaImage opticalMediaImage = inputFormat as IOpticalMediaImage;
            bool formatHasTracks = false;

            if (opticalMediaImage != null)
                try { formatHasTracks = opticalMediaImage.Tracks?.Count > 0; }
                catch { formatHasTracks = false; }

            // Setup progress bars
            Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                stkProgress.Visible   = true;
                prgProgress.MaxValue  = 1;
                prgProgress2.MaxValue = (int)(inputFormat.Info.Sectors / SECTORS_TO_READ);

                if (formatHasTracks && chkChecksumTracks.Checked == true && opticalMediaImage != null)
                    prgProgress.MaxValue += opticalMediaImage.Tracks.Count;
                    prgProgress.MaxValue = 2;
                    prgProgress2.Visible = false;
                    lblProgress2.Visible = false;

            EnableChecksum enabledChecksums = new EnableChecksum();

            if (chkAdler32.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Adler32;
            if (chkCrc16.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Crc16;
            if (chkCrc32.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Crc32;
            if (chkCrc64.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Crc64;
            if (chkMd5.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Md5;
            if (chkSha1.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Sha1;
            if (chkSha256.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Sha256;
            if (chkSha384.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Sha384;
            if (chkSha512.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Sha512;
            if (chkSpamsum.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.SpamSum;
            if (chkFletcher16.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Fletcher16;
            if (chkFletcher32.Checked == true)
                enabledChecksums |= EnableChecksum.Fletcher32;

            Checksum mediaChecksum = null;

            TreeGridItemCollection trackHashes = new TreeGridItemCollection();
            TreeGridItemCollection mediaHashes = new TreeGridItemCollection();

            if (opticalMediaImage != null)
                    Checksum trackChecksum = null;

                    if (chkChecksumMedia.Checked == true)
                        mediaChecksum = new Checksum(enabledChecksums);

                    ulong previousTrackEnd = 0;

                    foreach (Track currentTrack in opticalMediaImage.Tracks)
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            lblProgress.Text =
                                $"Hashing track {currentTrack.TrackSequence} of {opticalMediaImage.Tracks.Count}";

                        if (currentTrack.TrackStartSector - previousTrackEnd != 0 && chkChecksumMedia.Checked == true)
                            for (ulong i = previousTrackEnd + 1; i < currentTrack.TrackStartSector; i++)
                                ulong sector = i;
                                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                    prgProgress2.Value = (int)(sector / SECTORS_TO_READ);
                                    lblProgress2.Text  = $"Hashing track-less sector {sector}";

                                byte[] hiddenSector = opticalMediaImage.ReadSector(i);


                        DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Checksum command",
                                                  "Track {0} starts at sector {1} and ends at sector {2}",
                                                  currentTrack.TrackSequence, currentTrack.TrackStartSector,

                        if (chkChecksumTracks.Checked == true)
                            trackChecksum = new Checksum(enabledChecksums);

                        ulong sectors     = currentTrack.TrackEndSector - currentTrack.TrackStartSector + 1;
                        ulong doneSectors = 0;

                        while (doneSectors < sectors)
                            if (cancel)
                                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                    btnClose.Visible = true;
                                    btnStart.Visible = false;
                                    btnStop.Visible  = false;

                            byte[] sector;

                            if (sectors - doneSectors >= SECTORS_TO_READ)
                                sector = opticalMediaImage.ReadSectors(doneSectors, SECTORS_TO_READ,

                                ulong doneSectorsToInvoke = doneSectors;
                                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                    prgProgress2.Value = (int)(doneSectorsToInvoke / SECTORS_TO_READ);
                                    lblProgress2.Text  =
                                        $"Hashings sectors {doneSectorsToInvoke} to {doneSectorsToInvoke + SECTORS_TO_READ} of track {currentTrack.TrackSequence}";

                                doneSectors += SECTORS_TO_READ;
                                sector = opticalMediaImage.ReadSectors(doneSectors, (uint)(sectors - doneSectors),

                                ulong doneSectorsToInvoke = doneSectors;
                                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                    prgProgress2.Value = (int)(doneSectorsToInvoke / SECTORS_TO_READ);
                                    lblProgress2.Text  =
                                        $"Hashings sectors {doneSectorsToInvoke} to {doneSectorsToInvoke + (sectors - doneSectorsToInvoke)} of track {currentTrack.TrackSequence}";

                                doneSectors += sectors - doneSectors;

                            if (chkChecksumMedia.Checked == true)

                            if (chkChecksumTracks.Checked == true)

                        if (chkChecksumTracks.Checked == true)
                            if (trackChecksum != null)
                                foreach (ChecksumType chk in trackChecksum.End())
                                    trackHashes.Add(new TreeGridItem
                                        Values = new object[]
                                            currentTrack.TrackSequence, chk.type, chk.Value

                        previousTrackEnd = currentTrack.TrackEndSector;

                    if (opticalMediaImage.Info.Sectors - previousTrackEnd != 0 && chkChecksumMedia.Checked == true)
                        for (ulong i = previousTrackEnd + 1; i < opticalMediaImage.Info.Sectors; i++)
                            ulong sector = i;
                            Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                                prgProgress2.Value = (int)(sector / SECTORS_TO_READ);
                                lblProgress2.Text  = $"Hashing track-less sector {sector}";

                            byte[] hiddenSector = opticalMediaImage.ReadSector(i);

                    if (chkChecksumMedia.Checked == true)
                        if (mediaChecksum != null)
                            foreach (ChecksumType chk in mediaChecksum.End())
                                mediaHashes.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                                    Values = new object[] { chk.type, chk.Value }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Could not get tracks because {0}", ex.Message);
                    DicConsole.WriteLine("Unable to get separate tracks, not checksumming them");
                Application.Instance.Invoke(() => { stkProgress1.Visible = false; });
                mediaChecksum = new Checksum(enabledChecksums);

                ulong doneSectors = 0;

                while (doneSectors < inputFormat.Info.Sectors)
                    if (cancel)
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            btnClose.Visible = true;
                            btnStart.Visible = false;
                            btnStop.Visible  = false;

                    byte[] sector;

                    if (inputFormat.Info.Sectors - doneSectors >= SECTORS_TO_READ)
                        sector = inputFormat.ReadSectors(doneSectors, SECTORS_TO_READ);

                        ulong doneSectorsToInvoke = doneSectors;
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            prgProgress2.Value = (int)(doneSectorsToInvoke / SECTORS_TO_READ);
                            lblProgress2.Text  =
                                $"Hashings sectors {doneSectorsToInvoke} to {doneSectorsToInvoke + SECTORS_TO_READ}";
                        doneSectors += SECTORS_TO_READ;
                        sector = inputFormat.ReadSectors(doneSectors, (uint)(inputFormat.Info.Sectors - doneSectors));
                        ulong doneSectorsToInvoke = doneSectors;
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            prgProgress2.Value = (int)(doneSectorsToInvoke / SECTORS_TO_READ);
                            lblProgress2.Text  =
                                $"Hashings sectors {doneSectorsToInvoke} to {doneSectorsToInvoke + (inputFormat.Info.Sectors - doneSectorsToInvoke)}";
                        doneSectors += inputFormat.Info.Sectors - doneSectors;


                foreach (ChecksumType chk in mediaChecksum.End())
                    mediaHashes.Add(new TreeGridItem {
                        Values = new object[] { chk.type, chk.Value }

            if (chkChecksumTracks.Checked == true)
                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                    grpTrackChecksums.Text    = "Track checksums:";
                    stkTrackChecksums.Visible = true;

                    treeTrackChecksums.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                        HeaderText = "Track", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                    treeTrackChecksums.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                        HeaderText = "Algorithm", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)
                    treeTrackChecksums.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                        HeaderText = "Hash", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2)

                    treeTrackChecksums.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                    treeTrackChecksums.ShowHeader             = true;
                    treeTrackChecksums.DataStore = trackHashes;

            if (chkChecksumMedia.Checked == true)
                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                    grpMediaChecksums.Text    = "Media checksums:";
                    stkMediaChecksums.Visible = true;

                    treeMediaChecksums.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
                        HeaderText = "Algorithm", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
                    treeMediaChecksums.Columns.Add(new GridColumn {
                        HeaderText = "Hash", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1)

                    treeMediaChecksums.AllowMultipleSelection = false;
                    treeMediaChecksums.ShowHeader             = true;
                    treeMediaChecksums.DataStore = mediaHashes;


            Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                stkOptions.Visible  = false;
                stkResults.Visible  = true;
                stkProgress.Visible = false;
                btnStart.Visible    = false;
                btnStop.Visible     = false;
                btnClose.Visible    = true;