Beispiel #1
        public override string PartOne(string input)
            // read input into grid, and traverse it
            var map = input.CreateCharGrid();

            return(TreeCount(map, (3, 1)).ToString());
Beispiel #2
        public static long Day3B()
            //Right 1, down 1.
            //Right 3, down 1. (This is the slope you already checked.)
            //Right 5, down 1.
            //Right 7, down 1.
            //Right 1, down 2.

            var treesA = new TreeCount(1);
            var treesB = new TreeCount(3);
            var treesC = new TreeCount(5);
            var treesD = new TreeCount(7);
            var treesE = new TreeCount(1);

            AOCInput input = new AOCInput().GetInput("Inputs/Day3A.json");

            int i         = 0;
            int mapLength = input.InputString[i].Length;

            while (i < input.InputString.Count)
                treesA.Count = CheckForTree(input.InputString[i][treesA.Idx], treesA.Count);
                treesA.Idx  += treesA.Slope;
                treesA.Idx   = WrapMap(treesA.Idx, mapLength);

                treesB.Count = CheckForTree(input.InputString[i][treesB.Idx], treesB.Count);
                treesB.Idx  += treesB.Slope;
                treesB.Idx   = WrapMap(treesB.Idx, mapLength);

                treesC.Count = CheckForTree(input.InputString[i][treesC.Idx], treesC.Count);
                treesC.Idx  += treesC.Slope;
                treesC.Idx   = WrapMap(treesC.Idx, mapLength);

                treesD.Count = CheckForTree(input.InputString[i][treesD.Idx], treesD.Count);
                treesD.Idx  += treesD.Slope;
                treesD.Idx   = WrapMap(treesD.Idx, mapLength);


            i = 0;
            while (i < input.InputString.Count)
                treesE.Count = CheckForTree(input.InputString[i][treesE.Idx], treesE.Count);
                treesE.Idx  += treesE.Slope;
                treesE.Idx   = WrapMap(treesE.Idx, mapLength);

                i += 2;

            Console.WriteLine($"A: {treesA.Count}, B: {treesB.Count}, C: {treesC.Count}, D: {treesD.Count}, E: {treesE.Count}");

            return(treesA.Count * treesB.Count * treesC.Count * treesD.Count * treesE.Count);
Beispiel #3
 public object PartTwo(string input) => TreeCount(input, (1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 1));
Beispiel #4
 public object PartOne(string input) => TreeCount(input, (1, 3));
Beispiel #5
 long PartTwo(string input) => TreeCount(input, (1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 1));
Beispiel #6
 long PartOne(string input) => TreeCount(input, (1, 3));