private TreapNode InsertNode(TreapNode node, TreapNode tree)
            //if treap is empty
            if (tree == null)

            int result = _comparer.Compare(node.Key, tree.Key);

            //"Plant" tree in the left node
            if (result < 0)
                tree.Left = InsertNode(node, tree.Left);

                //rebalance tree in order to get the lowest priority on top
                if (tree.Left.Priority < tree.Priority)
                    tree = tree.RotateRight();
            else if (result > 0)
                tree.Right = InsertNode(node, tree.Right);

                if (tree.Right.Priority < tree.Priority)
                    tree = tree.RotateLeft();
            else //key is found
                tree.Data.Value = node.Data.Value;
                _updateCount    = false;