//Todo, cleanup and allow existing Rtp and Rtcp socket.

        /// <summary>
        /// Will create a <see cref="RtpClient"/> based on the given parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedMemory"></param>
        /// <param name="incomingEvents"></param>
        /// <param name="rtcpEnabled"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RtpClient FromSessionDescription(Sdp.SessionDescription sessionDescription, Common.MemorySegment sharedMemory = null, bool incomingEvents = true, bool rtcpEnabled = true, System.Net.Sockets.Socket existingSocket = null, int?rtpPort = null, int?rtcpPort = null, int remoteSsrc = 0, int minimumSequentialRtpPackets = 2, bool connect = true, System.Action <System.Net.Sockets.Socket> configure = null)
            if (Common.IDisposedExtensions.IsNullOrDisposed(sessionDescription))
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sessionDescription");

            Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine connectionLine = new Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine(sessionDescription.ConnectionLine);

            System.Net.IPAddress remoteIp = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(connectionLine.Host), localIp;

            System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface localInterface;

            //If the socket is NOT null and IS BOUND use the localIp of the same address family
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(existingSocket, null).Equals(false) && existingSocket.IsBound)
                //If the socket is IP based
                if (existingSocket.LocalEndPoint is System.Net.IPEndPoint)
                    //Take the localIp from the LocalEndPoint
                    localIp = (existingSocket.LocalEndPoint as System.Net.IPEndPoint).Address;
                    throw new System.NotSupportedException("Please create an issue for your use case.");
            else // There is no socket existing.
                //If the remote address is the broadcast address or the remote address is multicast
                if (System.Net.IPAddress.Broadcast.Equals(remoteIp) || IPAddressExtensions.IsMulticast(remoteIp))
                    //This interface should be the interface you plan on using for the Rtp communication
                    localIp = SocketExtensions.GetFirstMulticastIPAddress(remoteIp.AddressFamily, out localInterface);
                    //This interface should be the interface you plan on using for the Rtp communication
                    localIp = SocketExtensions.GetFirstUnicastIPAddress(remoteIp.AddressFamily, out localInterface);

            RtpClient client = new RtpClient(sharedMemory, incomingEvents);

            byte lastChannel = 0;

            //Todo, check for session level ssrc
            //if (remoteSsrc.Equals(0))
            //    //Sdp.SessionDescriptionLine ssrcLine = sessionDescription.SsrcGroupLine; // SsrcLine @ the session level could imply Group

            //For each MediaDescription in the SessionDescription
            foreach (Media.Sdp.MediaDescription md in sessionDescription.MediaDescriptions)
                //Make a RtpClient.TransportContext from the MediaDescription being parsed.
                TransportContext tc = TransportContext.FromMediaDescription(sessionDescription, lastChannel++, lastChannel++, md,
                                                                            rtcpEnabled, remoteSsrc, minimumSequentialRtpPackets,
                                                                            localIp, remoteIp, //The localIp and remoteIp
                                                                            rtpPort, rtcpPort, //The remote ports to receive data from
                                                                            connect, existingSocket, configure);

                //Try to add the context
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    TaggedExceptionExtensions.RaiseTaggedException(tc, "See Tag, Could not add the created TransportContext.", ex);

            //Return the participant